Add element to sublist of a list - haskell

I have the following code:
let numbers = [[1],[2],[3],[4]]
I want to append "3" to the sublist at index 2 of the list ([3]), like this:
(numbers !! 2) ++ [3]
to get this:
numbers = [[1],[2],[3,3],[4]]
But Im very confused :P Any idea?

other way is by take and drop
take 2 numbers ++[(numbers !! 2) ++ [3]]++drop 3 numbers
take the first 2 array --> [[1],[2]]
find the target array and [3] to it --> [[3]++[3]] returns [[3,3]]
drop 3 first array --> [[4]]
[[1],[2]] ++ [[3]++[3]] ++ [[4]] = [[1],[2],[3,3],[4]]

If writing the recursive update function is difficult for you, you can convert your list structure to a synthetic indexed array with zip
zip [0..] [[1],[2],[3],[4]]
and write your concat version based on the index as you do in other languages with indexed arrays
appendAt n a = map (\(i,x) -> if i==n then x++[a] else x) . zip [0..]
appendAt 2 3 numbers
wll give you the desired result.

As chi already commented, the best way to do such an update on part of a structure in modern Haskell is with lense combinators, specifically, ix:
Prelude Control.Lens> let numbers = [[1],[2],[3],[4]]
Prelude Control.Lens> numbers & ix 2 %~ (++[3])
(Don't be scared of lenses. The main lens package is huge and dependency-heavy, but most of its killer features, including ix, are also covered by the compatible and much smaller microlens package.)

As others have noted, in Haskell you don't normally modify a data structure in place. Instead, you break it apart, introduce your modification, and put it back together to create a new data structure that incorporates the change.
For making changes to a specific list element, I've found the splitAt function to be useful for breaking apart lists. For example, if you split your list at index 2, it produces the following pair of lists:
> splitAt 2 numbers
( [[1],[2]] , [[3],[4]] ) -- spaces added to make it clearer
Note that the element you want to change is the first element of the second list. You can use Haskell's pattern matching to process this pair conveniently:
> let (a, x:b) = splitAt 2 numbers
> a -- initial part of list
> x -- element to change
> b -- rest of list
> a ++ x : b -- put list back together unchanged
> a ++ (x ++ [3]) : b -- put list together w/ modification
If this was turned into a Haskell function, it would probably look like:
appendSublist :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
appendSublist idx y lst
= let (a, x:b) = splitAt idx lst
in a ++ (x ++ y) : b
which you'd use like this:
> appendSublist 2 [3] numbers
This basic pattern:
let (a, x:b) = splitAt idx lst in a ++ (...replacement for x...) : b
is worth memorizing, since it's pretty useful.
Eventually, you'll probably want to learn to use the lens library for this kind of thing. Lenses are more concise and more flexible (i.e., work for all sorts of things, not just specific list items), but there's a pretty big learning curve, as you can maybe guess from #leftaroundabout's answer.


How to create Haskell function that returns every third element from a list of ints

I want to create a function that returns every third int from a list of ints without using any predefined functions. For example, everyThird [1,2,3,4,5] --> [1,4]
everyThird:: [a] -> [a]
Could I just continue to iterate over the list using tail and appending to a new list every third call? I am new to Haskell and very confused with all of this
One other way of doing this is to handle three different base cases, in all of which we're at the end of the list and the list is less than three elements long, and one recursive case, where the list is at least three elements long:
everyThird :: [a] -> [a]
everyThird [] = []
everyThird [x] = [x]
everyThird [x, _] = [x]
everyThird (x:_:_:xs) = x:everyThird xs
You want to do exactly what you said: iterate over the list and include the element only on each third call. However, there's a problem. Haskell is a funny language where the idea of "changing" a variable doesn't make sense, so the usual approach of "have a counter variable i which tells us whether we're on the third element or not" won't work in the usual way. Instead, we'll create a recursive helper function to maintain the count for us.
everyThird :: [Int] -> [Int]
everyThird xs = helper 0 xs
where helper _ [] = []
helper 0 (x : xs) = x : helper 2 xs
helper n (_ : xs) = helper (n - 1) xs
We have three cases in the helper.
If the list is empty, stop and return the empty list.
If the counter is at 0 (that is, if we're on the third element), make a list starting with the current element and ending with the rest of the computation.
If the counter is not at zero, count down and continue iteration.
Because of the way pattern matching works, it will try these three statements in order.
Notice how we use an additional argument to be the counter variable since we can't mutate the variable like we would in an imperative language. Also, notice how we construct the list recursively; we never "append" to an existing list because that would imply that we're mutating the list. We simply build the list up from scratch and end up with the correct result on the first go round.
Haskell doesn't have classical iteration (i.e. no loops), at least not without monads, but you can use similar logic as you would in a for loop by zipping your list with indexes [0..] and applying appropriate functions from Data.List.
E.g. What you need to do is filter every third element:
everyThirdWithIndexes list = filter (\x -> snd x `mod` 3 == 0) $ zip list [0..]
Of course you have to get rid of the indexes, there are two elegant ways you can do this:
everyThird list = map (fst) . everyThirdWithIndexes list
-- or:
everyThird list = fst . unzip . everyThirdWithIndexes list
If you're not familiar with filter and map, you can define a simple recursion that builds a list from every first element of a list, drops the next two and then adds another from a new function call:
everyThird [] = [] -- both in case if the list is empty and the end case
everyThird (x:xs) = x : everyThird (drop 2 xs)
EDIT: If you have any questions about these solutions (e.g. some syntax that you are not familiar with), feel free to ask in the comments. :)
One classic approach:
everyThird xs = [x | (1,x) <- zip (cycle [1..3]) xs]
You can also use chunksOf from Data.List.Split to seperate the lists into chunks of 3, then just map the first element of each:
import Data.List.Split
everyThird :: [a] -> [a]
everyThird xs = map head $ chunksOf 3 xs
Which works as follows:
*Main> everyThird [1,2,3,4,5]
Note: You may need to run cabal install split to use chunksOf.

Long working of program that count Ints

I want to write program that takes array of Ints and length and returns array that consist in position i all elements, that equals i, for example
[0,0,0,1,3,5,3,2,2,4,4,4] 6 -> [[0,0,0],[1],[2,2],[3,3],[4,4,4],[5]]
[0,0,4] 7 -> [[0,0],[],[],[],[4],[],[]]
[] 3 -> [[],[],[]]
[2,2] 3 -> [[],[],[2,2]]
So, that's my solution
import Data.List
import Data.Function
f :: [Int] -> Int -> [[Int]]
f ls len = g 0 ls' [] where
ls' = group . sort $ ls
g :: Int -> [[Int]] -> [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
g val [] accum
| len == val = accum
| otherwise = g (val+1) [] (accum ++ [[]])
g val (x:xs) accum
| len == val = accum
| val == head x = g (val+1) xs (accum ++ [x])
| otherwise = g (val+1) (x:xs) (accum ++ [[]])
But query f [] 1000000 works really long, why?
I see we're accumulating over some data structure. I think foldMap. I ask "Which Monoid"? It's some kind of lists of accumulations. Like this
newtype Bunch x = Bunch {bunch :: [x]}
instance Semigroup x => Monoid (Bunch x) where
mempty = Bunch []
mappend (Bunch xss) (Bunch yss) = Bunch (glom xss yss) where
glom [] yss = yss
glom xss [] = xss
glom (xs : xss) (ys : yss) = (xs <> ys) : glom xss yss
Our underlying elements have some associative operator <>, and we can thus apply that operator pointwise to a pair of lists, just like zipWith does, except that when we run out of one of the lists, we don't truncate, rather we just take the other. Note that Bunch is a name I'm introducing for purposes of this answer, but it's not that unusual a thing to want. I'm sure I've used it before and will again.
If we can translate
0 -> Bunch [[0]] -- single 0 in place 0
1 -> Bunch [[],[1]] -- single 1 in place 1
2 -> Bunch [[],[],[2]] -- single 2 in place 2
3 -> Bunch [[],[],[],[3]] -- single 3 in place 3
and foldMap across the input, then we'll get the right number of each in each place. There should be no need for an upper bound on the numbers in the input to get a sensible output, as long as you are willing to interpret [] as "the rest is silence". Otherwise, like Procrustes, you can pad or chop to the length you need.
Note, by the way, that when mappend's first argument comes from our translation, we do a bunch of ([]++) operations, a.k.a. ids, then a single ([i]++), a.k.a. (i:), so if foldMap is right-nested (which it is for lists), then we will always be doing cheap operations at the left end of our lists.
Now, as the question works with lists, we might want to introduce the Bunch structure only when it's useful. That's what Control.Newtype is for. We just need to tell it about Bunch.
instance Newtype (Bunch x) [x] where
pack = Bunch
unpack = bunch
And then it's
groupInts :: [Int] -> [[Int]]
groupInts = ala' Bunch foldMap (basis !!) where
basis = ala' Bunch foldMap id [iterate ([]:) [], [[[i]] | i <- [0..]]]
What? Well, without going to town on what ala' is in general, its impact here is as follows:
ala' Bunch foldMap f = bunch . foldMap (Bunch . f)
meaning that, although f is a function to lists, we accumulate as if f were a function to Bunches: the role of ala' is to insert the correct pack and unpack operations to make that just happen.
We need (basis !!) :: Int -> [[Int]] to be our translation. Hence basis :: [[[Int]]] is the list of images of our translation, computed on demand at most once each (i.e., the translation, memoized).
For this basis, observe that we need these two infinite lists
[ [] [ [[0]]
, [[]] , [[1]]
, [[],[]] , [[2]]
, [[],[],[]] , [[3]]
... ...
combined Bunchwise. As both lists have the same length (infinity), I could also have written
basis = zipWith (++) (iterate ([]:) []) [[[i]] | i <- [0..]]
but I thought it was worth observing that this also is an example of Bunch structure.
Of course, it's very nice when something like accumArray hands you exactly the sort of accumulation you need, neatly packaging a bunch of grungy behind-the-scenes mutation. But the general recipe for an accumulation is to think "What's the Monoid?" and "What do I do with each element?". That's what foldMap asks you.
The (++) operator copies the left-hand list. For this reason, adding to the beginning of a list is quite fast, but adding to the end of a list is very slow.
In summary, avoid adding things to the end of a list. Try to always add to the beginning instead. One simple way to do that is to build the list backwards, and then reverse it at the end. A more devious trick is to use "difference lists" (Google it). Another possibility is to use Data.Sequence rather than a list.
The first thing that should be noted is the most obvious way to implement this is use a data structure that allows random access, an array is an obviously choice. Note that you need to add the elements to the array multiple times and somehow "join them".
accumArray is perfect for this.
So we get:
f l i = elems $ accumArray (\l e -> e:l) [] (0,i-1) (map (\e -> (e,e)) l)
And we're good to go (see full code here).
This approach does involve converting the final array back into a list, but that step is very likely faster than say sorting the list, which often involves scanning the list at least a few times for a list of decent size.
Whenever you use ++ you have to recreate the entire list, since lists are immutable.
A simple solution would be to use :, but that builds a reversed list. However that can be fixed using reverse, which results in only building two lists (instead of 1 million in your case).
Your concept of glomming things onto an accumulator is a very useful one, and both MathematicalOrchid and Guvante show how you can use that concept reasonably efficiently. But in this case, there is a simpler approach that is likely also faster. You started with
group . sort $ ls
and this was a very good place to start! You get a list that's almost the one you want, except that you need to fill in some blanks. How can we figure those out? The simplest way, though probably not quite the most efficient, is to work with a list of all the numbers you want to count up to: [0 .. len-1].
So we start with
f ls len = g [0 .. len-1] (group . sort $ ls)
How do we define g? By pattern matching!
f ls len = g [0 .. len-1] (group . sort $ ls)
-- We may or may not have some lists left,
-- but we counted as high as we decided we
-- would
g [] _ = []
-- We have no lists left, so the rest of the
-- numbers are not represented
g ns [] = map (const []) ns
-- This shouldn't be possible, because group
-- doesn't make empty lists.
g _ ([]:_) = error "group isn't working!"
-- Finally, we have some work to do!
g (n:ns) xls#(xl#(x:_):xls')
| n == x = xl : g ns xls'
| otherwise = [] : g ns xls
That was nice, but making the list of numbers isn't free, so you might be wondering how you can optimize it. One method I invite you to try is using your original technique of keeping a separate counter, but following this same sort of structure.

List to tuple in Haskell

let's say i have a list like this:
["Questions", "that", "may", "already", "have", "your", "correct", "answer"]
and want to have this:
can this be done ? or is it a bad Haskell practice ?
For a simple method (that fails for a odd number of elements) you can use
combine :: [a] -> [(a, a)]
combine (x1:x2:xs) = (x1,x2):combine xs
combine (_:_) = error "Odd number of elements"
combine [] = []
Live demo
Or you could use some complex method like in an other answer that I don't really want to understand.
More generic:
map2 :: (a -> a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map2 f (x1:x2:xs) = (f x1 x2) : map2 f xs
map2 _ (_:_) = error "Odd number of elements"
map2 _ [] = []
Here is one way to do it, with the help of a helper function that lets you drop every second element from your target list, and then just use zip. This may not have your desired behavior when the list is of odd length since that's not yet defined in the question.
-- This is just from ghci
let my_list = ["Questions", "that", "may", "already", "have", "your", "correct", "answer"]
let dropEvery [] _ = []
let dropEvery list count = (take (count-1) list) ++ dropEvery (drop count list) count
zip (dropEvery my_list 2) $ dropEvery (tail my_list) 2
The helper function is taken from question #6 from 99 Questions., where there are many other implementations of the same idea, probably many with better recursion optimization properties.
To understand dropEvery, it's good to remember what take and drop each do. take k some_list takes the first k entries of some_list. Meanwhile drop k some_list drops the first k entries.
If we want to drop every Nth element, it means we want to keep each run of (N-1) elements, then drop one, then do the same thing again until we are done.
The first part of dropEvery does this: it takes the first count-1 entries, which it will then concatenate to whatever it gets from the rest of the list.
After that, it says drop count (forget about the N-1 you kept, and also the 1 (in the Nth spot) that you had wanted to drop all along) -- and after these are dropped, you can just recursively apply the same logic to whatever is leftover.
Using ++ in this manner can be quite expensive in Haskell, so from a performance point of view this is not so great, but it was one of the shorter implementations available at that 99 questions page.
Here's a function to do it all in one shot, which is maybe a bit more readable:
byTwos :: [a] -> [(a,a)]
byTwos [] = []
byTwos xs = zip firsts seconds
where enumerated = zip xs [1..]
firsts = [fst x | x <- enumerated, odd $ snd x]
seconds = [fst x | x <- enumerated, even $ snd x]
In this case, I started out by saying this problem will be easy to solve with zip if I just already had the list of odd-indexed elements and the list of even-indexed elements. So let me just write that down, and then worry about getting them in some where clause.
In the where clause, I say first zip xs [1..] which will make [("Questions", 1), ("that", 2), ...] and so on.
Side note: recall that fst takes the first element of a tuple, and snd takes the second element.
Then firsts says take the first element of all these values if the second element is odd -- these will serve as "firsts" in the final output tuples from zip.
seconds says do the same thing, but only if the second element is even -- these will serve as "seconds" in the final output tuples from zip.
In case the list has odd length, firsts will be one element longer than seconds and so the final zip means that the final element of the list will simply be dropped, and the result will be the same as though you called the function on the front of the list (all but final element).
A simple pattern matching could do the trick :
f [] = []
f (x:y:xs) = (x,y):f(xs)
It means that an empty list gives an empty list, and that a list of a least two elements returns you a list with a couple of these two elements and then application of the same reasoning with what follows...
Using chunk from Data.List.Split you can get the desired result of pairing every two consecutive items in a list, namely for the given list named by xs,
import Data.List.Split
map (\ys -> (ys!!0, ys!!1)) $ chunk 2 xs
This solution assumes the given list has an even number of items.

Haskell List Comprehension creating function

I am new to Haskell and am trying to learn the basics. I am having a hard time understanding how to manipulate the contents of a list.
Assume I have the following list and I would like to create a function to subtract 1 from every element in the list, where I can simply pass x to the function, how would this be done?
Prelude>let x = 1:2:3:4:5:[]
Something like:
(You can write 1:2:3:4:5:[] more simply as [1,2,3,4,5] or even [1..5].)
You'd like to use list comprehensions, so here it is:
subtractOne xs = [ x-1 | x <- xs ]
Here I'm using xs to stand for the list I'm subtracting one from.
The first thing to notice is x <- xs which you can read as "x is taken from xs". This means we're going to take each of the numbers in xs in turn, and each time we'll call the number x.
x-1 is the value we're calculating and returning for each x.
For more examples, here's one that adds one to each element [x+1|x<-xs] or squares each element [x*x|x<-xs].
More than one list
Let's take list comprehension a little further, to write a function that finds the squares then the cubes of the numbers we give it, so
> squaresAndCubes [1..5]
We need
squaresAndCubes xs = [x^p | p <- [2,3], x <- xs]
This means we take the powers p to be 2 then 3, and for each power we take all the xs from xs, and calculate x to the power p (x^p).
What happens if we do that the other way around?
squaresAndCubesTogether xs = = [x^p | x <- xs, p <- [2,3]]
We get
> squaresAndCubesTogether [1..5]
Which takes each x and then gives you the two powers of it straight after each other.
Conclusion - the order of the <- bits tells you the order of the output.
What if we wanted to only allow some answers?
Which numbers between 2 and 100 can be written as x^y?
> [x^y|x<-[2..100],y<-[2..100],x^y<100]
Here we allowed all x and all y as long as x^y<100.
Since we're doing exactly the same to each element, I'd write this in practice using map:
takeOne xs = map (subtract 1) xs
or shorter as
takeOne = map (subtract 1)
(I have to call it subtract 1 because - 1 would be parsed as negative 1.)
You can do this with the map function:
subtractOne = map (subtract 1)
The alternative solution with List Comprehensions is a little more verbose:
subtractOne xs = [ x - 1 | x <- xs ]
You may also want to add type annotations for clarity.
You can do this quite easily with the map function, but I suspect you want to roll something yourself as a learning exercise. One way to do this in Haskell is to use recursion. This means you need to break the function into two cases. The first case is usually the base case for the simplest kind of input. For a list, this is an empty list []. The result of subtracting one from all the elements of the empty list is clearly an empty list. In Haskell:
subtractOne [] = []
Now we need to consider the slightly more complex recursive case. For any list other than an empty list, we can look at the head and tail of the input list. We will subtract one from the head and then apply subtractOne to the rest of the list. Then we need to concatenate the results together to form a new list. In code, this looks like this:
subtractOne (x:xs) = (x - 1) : subtractOne xs
As I mentioned earlier, you can also do this with map. In fact, it is only one line and the preferred Haskellism. On the other hand, I think it is a very good idea to write your own functions which use explicit recursion in order to understand how it works. Eventually, you may even want to write your own map function for further practice.
map (subtract 1) x will work.
subtractOne = map (subtract 1)
The map function allows you to apply a function to each element of a list.

Haskell: Minimum sum of list

So, I'm new here, and I would like to ask 2 questions about some code:
Duplicate each element in list by n times. For example, duplicate [1,2,3] should give [1,2,2,3,3,3]
duplicate1 xs = x*x ++ duplicate1 xs
What is wrong in here?
Take positive numbers from list and find the minimum positive subtraction. For example, [-2,-1,0,1,3] should give 1 because (1-0) is the lowest difference above 0.
For your first part, there are a few issues: you forgot the pattern in the first argument, you are trying to square the first element rather than replicate it, and there is no second case to end your recursion (it will crash). To help, here is a type signature:
replicate :: Int -> a -> [a]
For your second part, if it has been covered in your course, you could try a list comprehension to get all differences of the numbers, and then you can apply the minimum function. If you don't know list comprehensions, you can do something similar with concatMap.
Don't forget that you can check functions on (Hoogle) or similar search engines.
Tell me if you need a more thorough answer.
To your first question:
Use pattern matching. You can write something like duplicate (x:xs). This will deconstruct the first cell of the parameter list. If the list is empty, the next pattern is tried:
duplicate (x:xs) = ... -- list is not empty
duplicate [] = ... -- list is empty
the function replicate n x creates a list, that contains n items x. For instance replicate 3 'a' yields `['a','a','a'].
Use recursion. To understand, how recursion works, it is important to understand the concept of recursion first ;)
dupe :: [Int] -> [Int]
dupe l = concat [replicate i i | i<-l]
Theres a few problems with yours, one being that you are squaring each term, not creating a new list. In addition, your pattern matching is off and you would create am infinite recursion. Note how you recurse on the exact same list as was input. I think you mean something along the lines of duplicate1 (x:xs) = (replicate x x) ++ duplicate1 xs and that would be fine, so long as you write a proper base case as well.
This is pretty straight forward from your problem description, but probably not too efficient. First filters out negatives, thewn checks out all subtractions with non-negative results. Answer is the minumum of these
p2 l = let l2 = filter (\x -> x >= 0) l
in minimum [i-j | i<-l2, j<-l2, i >= j]
Problem here is that it will allow a number to be checkeed against itself, whichwiull lend to answers of always zero. Any ideas? I'd like to leave it to you, commenter has a point abou t spoon-feeding.
1) You can use the fact that list is a monad:
dup = (=<<) (\x -> replicate x x)
Or in do-notation:
dup xs = do x <- xs; replicate x x; return x
2) For getting only the positive numbers from a list, you can use filter:
filter (>= 0) [1,-1,0,-5,3]
-- [1,0,3]
To get all possible "pairings" you can use either monads or applicative functors:
import Control.Applicative
(,) <$> [1,2,3] <*> [1,2,3]
Of course instead of creating pairs you can generate directly differences when replacing (,) by (-). Now you need to filter again, discarding all zero or negative differences. Then you only need to find the minimum of the list, but I think you can guess the name of that function.
Here, this should do the trick:
dup [] = []
dup (x:xs) = (replicate x x) ++ (dup xs)
We define dup recursively: for empty list it is just an empty list, for a non empty list, it is a list in which the first x elements are equal to x (the head of the initial list), and the rest is the list generated by recursively applying the dup function. It is easy to prove the correctness of this solution by induction (do it as an exercise).
Now, lets analyze your initial solution:
duplicate1 xs = x*x ++ duplicate1 xs
The first mistake: you did not define the list pattern properly. According to your definition, the function has just one argument - xs. To achieve the desired effect, you should use the correct pattern for matching the list's head and tail (x:xs, see my previous example). Read up on pattern matching.
But that's not all. Second mistake: x*x is actually x squared, not a list of two values. Which brings us to the third mistake: ++ expects both of its operands to be lists of values of the same type. While in your code, you're trying to apply ++ to two values of types Int and [Int].
As for the second task, the solution has already been given.
