How to handle ACTIVATION_FAILED - docusignapi

I am creating an embedded signing experience within our web app, so have turned off the sending of emails by DocuSign. Our app will send any emails required itself.
The DocuSign envelope has a single recipient with an access code defined.
I use the createRecipient envelope view in order to get the DocuSign URL at which the recipient can sign the document.
When accessing this URL, the recipient is prompted to enter their access code. If instead of entering the access code, they click the I NEVER RECEIVED AN ACCESS CODE button, they get taken to the return URL with the event parameter set to XXX.
This is all working as I would expect.
However, if I then try to call the createRecipient function again for the envelope, I get an error response from the API:
"message": "The token for a recipient that has failed activation cannot be generated."
If I login to the DocuSign site and look at the envelope, it shows an error message:
Authentication Failed: Resend to give recipient another chance to pass authentication, or correct to remove or change authentication details.
The envelope appears to be in a locked state.
I can click RESEND in the DocuSign site, or do a PUT request to the envelope via the API with ?resend_envelope=true and this results in the envelope "unlocking" and allows the call to the createRecipient envelope view to succeed.
However, this results in an email being sent by DocuSign to the user, which I don't want.
Can anyone advise how to unlock an envelope/recipient in an ACTIVATION_FAILED state without sending emails?

I tried the same flow and it works fine for me and I am not getting an email when clicking RESEND in the DocuSign site, or do a PUT request to the envelope via the API with ?resend_envelope=true. Please find the below steps which I took to replicate the issue:
Created an envelope with recipient with clientUserId as not null
Generated RecipientView Url using clientUserId
User was presented with AccessCode, then I clicked "Never
Received an Access Code"
Again tried to created RecipientView Url using clientUserId and
Then I tried below call
PUT /restapi/v2/accounts/<accountId>/envelopes/<envelopeId>?resend_envelope=true
with blank body as
Instead of Put call, I even tried using Resend button from Webconsole and it also worked fine without triggering any email.
I did not receive any email
Now again tried to created RecipientView Url using clientUserId,
this time I could generate the URL and on opening that URL, I
could again get a screen to enter the Access Code


Getting an embed url for an already created docusign envelope

In docusign is it possible to create a signing request via the web interface and then retrieve the sigining URL via the API
at the moment, I update the Envelope using the API to attach a clientUserID as this is lacking when created via the web interface.
Then I retrieve the signing view url however, there is no signing tab when navigating to that url. The only action I have is to close.
I have tested using the API and the envelope contains signing tabs so I'm not sure what the issue would be.
Any help would be much appreciated!
When you send a DocuSign envelope if you assign one or more tabs to your recipient it becomes what's known as a Free Form signing experience, where the recipient decides where to sign the document.
On the other hand if you specify one or more tabs for the recipient then it's a Guided Signing experience. In guided signing the recipient can only sign and take actions at the tabs the sender has specified.
It sounds like you are successfully creating the envelope and signing URL but that there are no tabs configured for the signer. If that's the case you should confirm your code is identifying the recipient correctly by specifying the name, email, recipientId, and clientUserId values.
I would also check that the tabs are being set in your request body correctly for the given recipient. First get the recipient information for the envelope using the EnvelopeRecipients: list API to ensure the data is what you expect, then generate the signing URL using the corresponding data.

Resend Envelope using Docusign not working- user not receiving the email

I am trying to re-send the envelope to Recipient through docusign API, but user is never receiving the email
The post is successful, i get a success message but user never receives a email.
There is no correction required. Its a reminder email, i know in the account there is a setting to send the reminder, but i am using nintex "send docusign document" activity to send the email to the user initially. So the default docusign reminder is not working and i using the api to send reminder.Any help???
Use the "resend_envelope=true" query string parameter.
Answer already provided here.

Regarding Docusign envelope API

I am getting the below response using Docusign envelope API
""envelopeId"": ""0aac02c3-ccdc-4bfe-88af-eefa2438d696"",
""uri"": ""/envelopes/0aac02c3-ccdc-4bfe-88af-eefa2438d696"",
""statusDateTime"": ""2016-10-14T10:39:02.4900000Z"",
""status"": ""created""
I am unable to open the envelope, even though I have logged into the Docusign site in the web. Let me know the URL to open the envelope. The response doesn't give the exact URL.
Created status means you will find it in your draft folder and that it has not been sent. If you want a POST sender view then you will need to make the correct call and use the URL returned by DocuSign to access the view and send the envelope.

Docusign : How to send confirmation email with link to embedded signer

I am using the DocuSign API in an embedded manner. I create an envelope and add signers, the first signer always being set as embedded. This allows me to retrieve a URL that is then embedded in an iframe.
However, I also wish, to trigger an email (as soon as the envelope has been created, NOT upon completion) that gets sent to the primary recipient/signer as if they were a nonembedded signer.
I tried adding the signer twice, with the same role, to the recipients, but that didn't work. No email was sent.
Is there a way to accomplish this?
I believe there is a setting to enable this but that it needs to be enabled by someone on DocuSign's side, like your account manager. If you do not have an account manager yet please respond to the auto-generated emails that were sent out to you once you created your account, you should have 3 of them.
The account settings available are only for Completion emails. However, the REST API also supports an embeddedRecipientStartURL parameter on the signer object that triggers a normal DocuSign email. The value of this parameter is the URL that should be included in the email. This means you can link back to your own application and request the recipient view as normal.
Check here for more detail: Signer embeddedRecipientStartURL. Note: if you set this to a value of "SIGN_AT_DOCUSIGN" then DocuSign will provide its own URL and take care of signing. The trade-off is that you won't be able to initiate any bespoke authentication you are doing in your own application.

How can I get to redirect the recipient view after sending using c#?

I need to redirect to the recipient view after sending the document. I am able to get to the send view. I am able to get to the recipient view. But I am unable to make them work together.
Do I understand correctly that you're using embedded/captive Sending to allow the Sender to create/send the Envelope from within your application, and then want to immediately (upon sending of the envelope) open the Envelope for the Sender to Sign (i.e., Sender is also first signer)?
If that correctly describes what you're trying to achieve, the key to achieving it is using the returnUrl property for both the "POST Sender View" operation (when retrieving the URL that will launch the Embedded Sending view) and for the "POST Recipient View" operation (when retreiving the URL that launches the signing view).
Submit "POST Sender View" API request, specifying returnUrl = "" -- this is where DocuSign will redirect to once the embedded Envelope Sending process is complete.
Code logic in your App's return page ( to examine the value of the event parameter that DocuSign appends to the URL to specify the outcome of the Sending session. (See page 172 of the REST API Guide [] for a list of possible values of the event parameter.)
If the value of the event parameter is "send" this means that the Envelope was sent successfully. If so, you can immediately issue a "POST Recipient View" request to get the URL that can be used to launch the sender's (i.e., first signer's) signing session. When you receive the response, you can immediately redirect the browser to the URL specified in the response, to launch the Sender's signing session.
Doing things as outlined here should present a seamless user experience for the user -- they finish sending the Envelope, and then their Envelope is immediately thereafter presented for signing within the browser.
Note -- You'll specify the returnUrl property in the "POST Recipient View" request as well, to tell DocuSign where to redirect once the Signing Session is complete. And, just like I described earlier -- your returnUrl page should examine the value of the event parameter to determine the outcome of the embedded signing session, so that it can respond appropriately. See page 170 of the REST API guide for a list of possible values for the event parameter when using embedded/captive signing.
