NetSuite SuiteScript How to bridge the 10MG limit? - netsuite

HI and thanks for any help. Is there a way to work with files larger than 10mg? I have to check for updates on items in a file that would be uploaded, but the file contains all items in the system and is approximately 20MG. This 10MG limit is killing me. I see streaming for file save and appending but not for file reading. So I am open to any suggestions. The provider in this instance doesn't offer the facility to chunk the files. thanks in advance for your help.

If you are using SS2 to process a file from the file cabinet then if you use file.lines.iterator() to process a file the size limit is 10MB per line.
I believe returning a file object from a map reduce script's getInputStage automatically parses the file into lines.
The 10MB file size limit comes into play if you try to create a file larger than 10MB.
If you are trying to read in a an external file via script then one approach that I've used is to proxy the call via an external service. e.g. query an AWS lambda function that checks for and saves the file to S3. Return the file path and size to your SuiteScript. The SuiteScript then asks for "pages" of the file that are less than 10MB and saves those. If you are uploading something like a .csv then the lambda function can send the header with each paged request.


Google Drive File Stream files creation date

I know it has been asked a few times already, but - not in this context I think and other questions have been asked few years ago already, so I'm hoping maybe something changed.
So my issue is - I am uploading files to the Google Drive using Google Drive File Stream. However, while the uploading goes smoothly, I have a problem with files creation date - it is always changed to the timestamp of the time the file got uploaded, not the actual, local file creation date. It is a serious problem, as I am going to use this to back-up huge amounts of data and preserve all the meta-data I can and the creation date is crucial. Is there a way to either upload it with the creation date intact, or to change it after the upload? From what I've seen this seems not to be possible, but I have to try and make it work. Any help and insight will be appreciated. I'm using the Drive File Stream with Python.
EDIT: I didn't make it clear enough - the issue here is that I don't want to use Google Drive API at all, but rather deal with this using only Google Drive File Stream interface if it's possible.
If you check the documentation for files.create You will find that acceptable metadata for file creation does include a createdTime
You should then just add this to the metadata you use when uploading the file. As you did not post your code I have grabbed the standard example from the documentation and added the created time as follows.
file_metadata = {'name': 'photo.jpg', 'createdTime': 'THETIME'}
media = MediaFileUpload('files/photo.jpg', mimetype='image/jpeg')
file = drive_service.files().create(body=file_metadata,
print 'File ID: %s' % file.get('id')
In the event that you want to update the ones you have already created you could use the following method.
If you check the documentation for file create you will find that the response is just a File resource
If you check file resource you will see that CreatedTime is write able.
You should run a file.update and reset the createdTime to the proper time.

Any way to import a saved search file over 10mb to File Cabinet using SuiteScript?

I use SuiteScript to execute Saved Searches and save CSV files to the File Cabinet. However, the saved files are limited to 10mb or the script fails. Is there any way to work around the 10mb limit? I'm able to upload a file through the UI over 10mb in size and the ability to do so using SuiteScript would be very useful.
Thanks for any insight.
Like #bknights answered, you can use the N/task module to have NetSuite create a CSV for you.
var searchTask = task.create({
taskType: task.TaskType.SEARCH
searchTask.savedSearchId = 51;
searchTask.filePath = 'ExportFolder/export.csv';;
var searchTaskId = searchTask.submit();
If for whatever reason you need more control over the output, you can create files larger than 10MB using N/file#File.appendLine() to set the contents of the file line by line.
Use a SS2.0 N/task method to schedule the script to be published to a file id or path.

Jmeter - How to read line by line of CSV data by multiple threads

I am using Jmeter with webdriver sampler. I have a file upload scenario with 10 threads in concurrent. Also there are 3 files to upload.
My scenario is - All the 10 threads first needs to read first line of CSV and upload that file, then all thread read second line and upload second line and next third line and upload third file. How its possible ? Please help
It is possible if you set "Sharing Mode" of the CSV Data Set Config to Current Thread
If you want the upload to happen at exactly the same moment consider adding Synchronizing Timer as a child of the request which performs the upload and set Number of Simultaneous Users to Group by to 10

CORB Batch process output Report Extraction issue

While running the CORB job, I am Extracting 100,000 URI's and loading the
data in one file at Linux server. The expectation is all the output records should be store in one file with 100k count. However The data was stored in multiple files with different counts. Can anyone help me out with root cause why the CORB process is creating multiple files in the output directory?
Please find the details of the CORB properties file that I configured in my local directory
Properties file :

Find data file in Zip file using microcontroller

I need a microcontroller to read a data file that's been stored in a Zip file (actually a custom OPC-based file format, but that's irrelevant). The data file has a known name, path, and size, and is guaranteed to be stored uncompressed. What is the simplest & fastest way to find the start of the file data within the Zip file without writing a complete Zip parser?
NOTE: I'm aware of the Zip comment section, but the data file in question is too big to fit in it.
I ended up writing a simple parser that finds the file data in question using the central directory.
