Conda keeps trying to install all optional dependencies? - python-3.x

When installing Theano anaconda automatically tries to install pygpu despite this being an optional dependency. I have deleted the .theanorc file from my windows user directory.
Also when running my application Theano tries to load from the GPU. It's like it remembers somehow?
conda install theano
Fetching package metadata .............
Solving package specifications: .
Package plan for installation in environment
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:
libgpuarray: 0.6.9-vc14_0
pygpu: 0.6.9-py36_0
theano: 0.9.0-py36_0
Proceed ([y]/n)?
As you can see I've only specified to install theano yet conda wants to install everything including optional dependancies.

Your assumption that pygpu is optional is dependent on the package manager you are using.
Regular Python (pip)
If you are using a direct Python install (obtained using brew or Python site) then you would be using pip to install theano. This basically comes from
If you download the file and unzip it. Open, you will see below lines
install_requires=['numpy>=1.9.1', 'scipy>=0.14', 'six>=1.9.0'],
So they are set as the dependencies for this package. Which means when you install theano you will also get numpy, scipy and six.
Anaconda Python (conda)
Now coming to Anaconda python. Anaconda doesn't use a package format that PyPI or pip uses. It uses its own format. In case of Anaconda you should be using conda to install the packages you need and not pip.
Conda has channels which is nothing but a repository which has some packages available. You can install a package from any channel using below
conda install -c <channel-name> <package-name>
The default channel is conda-forge. If you look at the theano package over there
And download and extract it. There will be a info/recipe/meta.yml file. You will notice below content in the same
- ca-certificates 2017.7.27.1 0
- certifi 2017.7.27.1 py36_0
- ncurses 5.9 10
- openssl 1.0.2l 0
- python 3.6.2 0
- readline 6.2 0
- setuptools 36.3.0 py36_0
- sqlite 3.13.0 1
- tk 8.5.19 2
- xz 5.2.3 0
- zlib 1.2.11 0
- python
- setuptools
- six >=1.9.0
- numpy >=1.9.1
- scipy >=0.14
- pygpu >=0.6.5,<0.7
Which specifies that if you want to run this package then pygpu is also on of its dependencies. So conda downloads pygpu as a dependency which you though was optional (which is probably true if you were using regular python and pip)

Usually, 'Optional Dependency' is an oxymoron. Something optional is not a dependency, a dependency is a software package another piece of software depends on to function for features.
One may get by without a dependency if the dependency does not interact with the package except for one atomized feature which is not being used. As a beginner I would suggest you not take this path.
I am not super familiar with Theano, but Theano can use the system's GPU to speed up its computations, and it seems to me pygpu and gpulibarray are what enable this functionality. Which means it is not optional.
I believe pygpu is 'optional' if you do not wish to use the GPU for speeding up computation (only done if the GPU is powerful enough to be useful for this).
The --no-deps command above allows you to install a package without its dependencies but that is rarely wise, unless one really knows what they are doing. As a beginner I would not recommend you go down this path yet. Conda was designed specifically to ensure scientific packages are easily managed with all necessary stuff installed without any fuss or muss. pip is a general python package manager, but is not built specifically for scientific packages.
If you wish to install theano without installing its dependencies, then you have one of three options:
use conda install theano --no-deps.
Install it using pip instead of conda, using pip install theano. This will install theano, numpy, scipy and six but not pygpu and libgpuarray.
Create a custom conda build file for Theano. Documentation is at:
Original Answer:
You probably know this already but, use this command instead:
conda install theano --no-deps
This does not install dependencies of the package. If you already have the essential dependencies installed, as it would seem, this should work out for you.
libgpuarray is a dependency of pygpu. With this command switch neither will be installed.
Can you share the .yaml file that you edited?


how does conda check packages for compatibility?

In my environments created with anaconda, the same packages installed with conda are not compatible when I try to install with pip.
Is there a difference how pip and conda handle dependencies?
Here an example of requirements.txt
# Python version 3.9.13
conda allows you to create the environment, pip reports incompatibility between django and djangorestframework.
Conda checks, if all packages that will end up in the environment are compatible with each other and tries to find the optimal solution - considering all package versions.
Pip is less strict and only checks, if the new package is compatible with the existing ones. It doesn't change versions of the previously installed packeages.
Pip installs packages from from, while conda installs from The packages are not exactly the same, since the Anaconda staff authors new packages and tries to increase their compatibility with the older ones.
However, sometimes you are not interested in 100% compatibility but just want to use the latest features. Then pip is good enough because your unit tests will tell you if something goes wrong. with dependecies installed by conda (not pip)

I am working on an existing Python 3 code-base that provides a so the code is installed as a Python library. I am trying to get this internal library installed with its own dependencies (the usual data science ones e.g. pandas, pyodbc, sqlalchemy etc).
I would like to have this internal library to deal with these dependencies and assume that if that library is installed, then all the transitive dependencies are assumed to be installed. I also would like to have the Anaconda (conda) version of the package rather than the pip version.
I started with a requirements.txt, but moved quickly to this field in
However when I run the installation process:
either with python install --record installed_files.txt
or with pip install .
I see that there is some gcc / C++ compilation going on that shows logs about Python wheels (I don't completely understand the implications of Python eggs and Python wheels, but AFAIK if conda is available then I should go with the conda version rather than eggs/wheels because then I don't have to take care of the C++ code underneath the Python code).
I really would prefer having conda to install these C++ blobs wrapped in some Python code as a libraries e.g. pandas.
is it possible at all to have conda driving the installation process described in so I am not dealing with gcc?
how can I make sure that other Python code depending on this internal library (installed via is using the same (transitive) dependencies defined in that
Regardless the installation method, how can I make sure that the dependencies for e.g. pandas are installed as well? Sometimes I see that numpy as a dependency of pandas is not installed when running, but I would like to avoid doing this manually (e.g. with some requirements.txt file).
pip doesn't know about conda, so you cannot build a pip-installable package that pulls in its dependencies from conda channels.
conda doesn't care about, it uses a different format for recording dependencies.
To install your code with conda, you should create a conda package, and specify your dependencies in a meta.yaml file. Refer to the documentation of "conda build" for details.

Not able to install scipy, matplotlob and scikit-learn using pip 1.5.6

Trying to install
pip install numpy
pip install scipy
pip install matplotlib
pip install scikit-learn
It failed with scipy, matplotlib and scikit-learn.
(from because it is not compatible with this Python
My python version is 3.4 and pip version is 1.5.6
please help me install those above package
With pip 1.5.6 it will try to compile those projects from source which requires a lot of system dependencies (especially for scipy, you need gfortran and an optimized BLAS/LAPACK implementation).
I assume you are using the system provided version of pip under Linux. I would recommend to either use the latest version of pip (8.1 or later) in an a virtualenv (to avoid replacing the files of the system installed version of pip). Then you should be able to install manylinux wheels which do not require the compilation step.
Alternatively you can install miniconda and install those packages with the conda command line instead of pip.
Forget shitty pip, which is flawed beyond repair (static linking etc.)
Download IPython with the Anaconda Suite....
It brings most of the needed modules for scientific computing (as it is a crappy task if you have to download stuff to site-packages and run python install 3781 times..)
I wrote several programs using matplotlib, scipy, numpy etc with it..
Moreover it sports module package manager (comparable to Synaptic on Ubuntu..) if you are to lazy for the above mentioned task (and you are..).
Greets Dr. Cobra

Installing requirements

I'm new in python and anaconda . I have some cods and I need a lots of requirements for run , how can I install that packages? The requirements includes Python 3.3 or later numexpr numpy 1.9 or later pandas 0.15.2 or later scikit-learn 0.16 scipy 0.15 or later six C/C++ compiler ipython (optional) seaborn (optional) Tnx
It's a good practice to first create a virtual environment using the virtualenv command, and then activate it with source <environment_path>/bin/activate.
After loading the virtual environment, you should be able to use pip install -r requirements.txt to install the requirements listed in the file.
Anaconda comes with its own package manager conda. You should probably use that to install extra packages.
With the possible exception of a C/C++ compiler (although it includes cython, which needs a compiler IIRC), all packages that you need come with anaconda. You'l find a list of included packages here.

Pip, packages and Python3

i'm trying to install pydot in python3 and i came up with some questions:
The packages referenced by pip3.3 are the same referenced by pip2.7 or there is a different repository for the packages ?
How does all the packaging/distribution work in python ?
What should i do for installing pydot through pip ?
Actually the creator say that python3 is not supported, but pydot is listed in pip3.3
A fork of pydot ( working on Python3 exists, why it is not listed in pip?
Can I install pydot through pip?
Almost all package/program distribution in python is done with distutils. This is very good documented in the python documentation.
To your specific problem: pip usually searches the PyPI for the package and then downloads a distribution of that package. Most often this is a source-package and needs to be byte-compiled. If that succeeds the package is most probably compatible to the python version you're using, if it's not you will most probably get SyntaxErrors or something like that.
As i know PyPI has no other, ultimate-sure version classifiers.
So the most sure way to tell if the package is compatible, is to try to install it and then try if it works.
