There are many threads reserved while golang application running - multithreading

The golang application is a tool that receives file by invoking a c library, saves it to disk and report the transfer state to monitor service with http protocol.
After a few transferring, I found there are about 70+ threads existed with a few goroutines.
I check the c and go source code, there are no thread or goroutine leak found.
I use "dlv" to debug the application, here is the stack of one of the such threads:
(dlv) bt
0 0x000000000046df03 in runtime.futex
at /home/vagrant/resource/go/src/runtime/sys_linux_amd64.s:388
1 0x0000000000437e92 in runtime.futexsleep
at /home/vagrant/resource/go/src/runtime/os_linux.go:45
2 0x000000000041e042 in runtime.notesleep
at /home/vagrant/resource/go/src/runtime/lock_futex.go:145
3 0x000000000044036d in runtime.stopm
at /home/vagrant/resource/go/src/runtime/proc.go:1594
4 0x0000000000441178 in runtime.findrunnable
at /home/vagrant/resource/go/src/runtime/proc.go:2021
5 0x0000000000441cec in runtime.schedule
at /home/vagrant/resource/go/src/runtime/proc.go:2120
6 0x0000000000442063 in runtime.park_m
at /home/vagrant/resource/go/src/runtime/proc.go:2183
7 0x0000000000469f1b in runtime.mcall
at /home/vagrant/resource/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:240
I don't know where these threads come from or may be threads pool of golang runtime?
Could any one look at this, thank you very much!

The problem
The golang application is a tool that receives file by invoking a c
library, saves it to disk and report the transfer state to monitor
service with http protocol.
After a few transferring, I found there are about 70+ threads existed
with a few goroutines.
The cause
Each call to C (via cgo, or syscall on Windows etc) is no really
different from performing an OS system call as long as the Go scheduler
is concerned.
What happens is this:
When a goroutine is being executed, it runs on an OS thread
(this is sort of obvious, I fathom).
When it performs a syscall or calls C, that goroutine blocks
(stops executing Go code).
The Go runtime scheduler watches after the goroutines which got blocked
and after at east a single "scheduler tick" (which currently — in
Go 1.8 and 1.9 — is 20 µs) passes, and the goroutine is still blocked,
and there are other runnable goroutines,
the scheduler creates another OS thread to make other goroutines
continue execution.
This behaviour might appear to be counter-intuitive at first
but without it, on, say, a two-CPU machine, you would need to just call
two syscalls (such as reading or writing a file) in parallel from
any two goroutines to block the rest of the active goroutines
from doing their work.
In other words, the scheduler tries to keep up with the Go's promise
of always having up to GOMAXPROCS goroutines running
if there are goroutines which want to run, and GOMAXPROCS
is set to the number of CPUs (cores) of the machine.
So, what happens is that if you have a reasonably high churn of C calls which complete slower than that single scheduler tick, you'll have growing pool
of allocated OS threads.
Note that this is not bad in itself: sure, you'll be allocating resources
(on a typical commodity OS each thread has some 8 MiB of stack allocated
plus some bookkeeping data structures internal to the OS) but they are
not wasted: these threads will get reused as soon as they will be needed.
Say, your next burst of such C calls will reuse the allocated threads.
The solution
Still, if you'd like to prevent that from happening, the common approach
is to reasonably serialize your C calls.
A typical approach to this is to have a single "worker" goroutine
which receives "tasks" — in the form of values of some type, usually
a custom type created by you — over a channel and sends the results of
their execution over another channel.
The input channel may be buffered — effectively turning it into a queue.
If you'd still want to parallelize that work, you can have a pool of
worker goroutines — all reading the single input channel and writing to
the single output channel.
But note that if those C calls spend most of their time doing disk I/O
and the files they read/write are located on the filesystem which
is backed by a single medium, you usually won't gain much with
parallelizing unless that medium is blazingly fast — such as SSD or
in-memory (RAM) disk.
So consider all the options and think through your design.


Do Rust threads run at the same time in parallel? Documentation sounds like it does not [duplicate]

I want to know if a program can run two threads at the same time (that is basically what it is used for correct?). But if I were to do a system call in one function where it runs on thread A, and have some other tasks running in another function where it runs on thread B, would they both be able to run at the same time or would my second function wait until the system call finishes?
Add-on to my original question: Now would this process still be an uninterruptable process while the system call is going on? I am talking about using any system call on UNIX/LINUX.
Multi-threading and parallel processing are two completely different topics, each worthy of its own conversation, but for the sake of introduction...
When you launch an executable, it is running in a thread within a process. When you launch another thread, call it thread 2, you now have 2 separately running execution chains (threads) within the same process. On a single core microprocessor (uP), it is possible to run multiple threads, but not in parallel. Although conceptually the threads are often said to run at the same time, they are actually running consecutively in time slices allocated and controlled by the operating system. These slices are interleaved with each other. So, the execution steps of thread 1 do not actually happen at the same time as the execution steps of thread 2. These behaviors generally extend to as many threads as you create, i.e. packets of execution chains all working within the same process and sharing time slices doled out by the operating system.
So, in your system call example, it really depends on what the system call is as to whether or not it would finish before allowing the execution steps of the other thread to proceed. Several factors play into what will happen: Is it a blocking call? Does one thread have more priority than the other. What is the duration of the time slices?
Links relevant to threading in C:
SO Example
Parallel Processing:
When multi-threaded program execution occurs on a multiple core system (multiple uP, or multiple multi-core uP) threads can run concurrently, or in parallel as different threads may be split off to separate cores to share the workload. This is one example of parallel processing.
Again, conceptually, parallel processing and threading are thought to be similar in that they allow things to be done simultaneously. But that is concept only, they are really very different, in both target application and technique. Where threading is useful as a way to identify and split out an entire task within a process (eg, a TCP/IP server may launch a worker thread when a new connection is requested, then connects, and maintains that connection as long as it remains), parallel processing is typically used to send smaller components of the same task (eg. a complex set of computations that can be performed independently in separate locations) off to separate resources (cores, or uPs) to be completed simultaneously. This is where multiple core processors really make a difference. But parallel processing also takes advantage of multiple systems, popular in areas such as genetics and MMORPG gaming.
Links relevant to parallel processing in C:
More OpenMP (examples)
Gribble Labs - Introduction to OpenMP
CUDA Tookit from NVIDIA
Additional reading on the general topic of threading and architecture:
This summary of threading and architecture barely scratches the surface. There are many parts to the the topic. Books to address them would fill a small library, and there are thousands of links. Not surprisingly within the broader topic some concepts do not seem to follow reason. For example, it is not a given that simply having more cores will result in faster multi-threaded programs.
Yes, they would, at least potentially, run "at the same time", that's exactly what threads are for; of course there are many details, for example:
If both threads run system calls that e.g. write to the same file descriptor they might temporarily block each other.
If thread synchronisation primitives like mutexes are used then the parallel execution will be blocked.
You need a processor with at least two cores in order to have two threads truly run at the same time.
It's a very large and very complex subject.
If your computer has only a single CPU, you should know, how it can execute more than one thread at the same time.
In single-processor systems, only a single thread of execution occurs at a given instant. because Single-processor systems support logical concurrency, not physical concurrency.
On multiprocessor systems, several threads do, in fact, execute at the same time, and physical concurrency is achieved.
The important feature of multithreaded programs is that they support logical concurrency, not whether physical concurrency is actually achieved.
The basics are simple, but the details get complex real quickly.
You can break a program into multiple threads (if it makes sense to do so), and each thread will run "at its own pace", such that if one must wait for, eg, some file I/O that doesn't slow down the others.
On a single processor multiple threads are accommodated by "time slicing" the processor somehow -- either on a simple clock basis or by letting one thread run until it must wait (eg, for I/O) and then "switching" to the next thread. There is a whole art/science to doing this for maximum efficiency.
On a multi-processor (such as most modern PCs which have from 2 to 8 "cores") each thread is assigned to a separate processor, and if there are not enough processors then they are shared as in the single processor case.
The whole area of assuring "atomicity" of operations by a single thread, and assuring that threads don't somehow interfere with each other is incredibly complex. In general a there is a "kernel" or "nucleus" category of system call that will not be interrupted by another thread, but thats only a small subset of all system calls, and you have to consult the OS documentation to know which category a particular system call falls into.
They will run at the same time, for one thread is independent from another, even if you perform a system call.
It's pretty easy to test it though, you can create one thread that prints something to the console output and perform a system call at another thread, that you know will take some reasonable amount of time. You will notice that the messages will continue to be printed by the other thread.
Yes, A program can run two threads at the same time.
it is called Multi threading.
would they both be able to run at the same time or would my second function wait until the system call finishes?
They both are able to run at the same time.
if you want, you can make thread B wait until Thread A completes or reverse
Two thread can run concurrently only if it is running on multiple core processor system, but if it has only one core processor then two threads can not run concurrently. So only one thread run at a time and if it finishes its job then the next thread which is on queue take the time.

Running two threads at the same time

I want to know if a program can run two threads at the same time (that is basically what it is used for correct?). But if I were to do a system call in one function where it runs on thread A, and have some other tasks running in another function where it runs on thread B, would they both be able to run at the same time or would my second function wait until the system call finishes?
Add-on to my original question: Now would this process still be an uninterruptable process while the system call is going on? I am talking about using any system call on UNIX/LINUX.
Multi-threading and parallel processing are two completely different topics, each worthy of its own conversation, but for the sake of introduction...
When you launch an executable, it is running in a thread within a process. When you launch another thread, call it thread 2, you now have 2 separately running execution chains (threads) within the same process. On a single core microprocessor (uP), it is possible to run multiple threads, but not in parallel. Although conceptually the threads are often said to run at the same time, they are actually running consecutively in time slices allocated and controlled by the operating system. These slices are interleaved with each other. So, the execution steps of thread 1 do not actually happen at the same time as the execution steps of thread 2. These behaviors generally extend to as many threads as you create, i.e. packets of execution chains all working within the same process and sharing time slices doled out by the operating system.
So, in your system call example, it really depends on what the system call is as to whether or not it would finish before allowing the execution steps of the other thread to proceed. Several factors play into what will happen: Is it a blocking call? Does one thread have more priority than the other. What is the duration of the time slices?
Links relevant to threading in C:
SO Example
Parallel Processing:
When multi-threaded program execution occurs on a multiple core system (multiple uP, or multiple multi-core uP) threads can run concurrently, or in parallel as different threads may be split off to separate cores to share the workload. This is one example of parallel processing.
Again, conceptually, parallel processing and threading are thought to be similar in that they allow things to be done simultaneously. But that is concept only, they are really very different, in both target application and technique. Where threading is useful as a way to identify and split out an entire task within a process (eg, a TCP/IP server may launch a worker thread when a new connection is requested, then connects, and maintains that connection as long as it remains), parallel processing is typically used to send smaller components of the same task (eg. a complex set of computations that can be performed independently in separate locations) off to separate resources (cores, or uPs) to be completed simultaneously. This is where multiple core processors really make a difference. But parallel processing also takes advantage of multiple systems, popular in areas such as genetics and MMORPG gaming.
Links relevant to parallel processing in C:
More OpenMP (examples)
Gribble Labs - Introduction to OpenMP
CUDA Tookit from NVIDIA
Additional reading on the general topic of threading and architecture:
This summary of threading and architecture barely scratches the surface. There are many parts to the the topic. Books to address them would fill a small library, and there are thousands of links. Not surprisingly within the broader topic some concepts do not seem to follow reason. For example, it is not a given that simply having more cores will result in faster multi-threaded programs.
Yes, they would, at least potentially, run "at the same time", that's exactly what threads are for; of course there are many details, for example:
If both threads run system calls that e.g. write to the same file descriptor they might temporarily block each other.
If thread synchronisation primitives like mutexes are used then the parallel execution will be blocked.
You need a processor with at least two cores in order to have two threads truly run at the same time.
It's a very large and very complex subject.
If your computer has only a single CPU, you should know, how it can execute more than one thread at the same time.
In single-processor systems, only a single thread of execution occurs at a given instant. because Single-processor systems support logical concurrency, not physical concurrency.
On multiprocessor systems, several threads do, in fact, execute at the same time, and physical concurrency is achieved.
The important feature of multithreaded programs is that they support logical concurrency, not whether physical concurrency is actually achieved.
The basics are simple, but the details get complex real quickly.
You can break a program into multiple threads (if it makes sense to do so), and each thread will run "at its own pace", such that if one must wait for, eg, some file I/O that doesn't slow down the others.
On a single processor multiple threads are accommodated by "time slicing" the processor somehow -- either on a simple clock basis or by letting one thread run until it must wait (eg, for I/O) and then "switching" to the next thread. There is a whole art/science to doing this for maximum efficiency.
On a multi-processor (such as most modern PCs which have from 2 to 8 "cores") each thread is assigned to a separate processor, and if there are not enough processors then they are shared as in the single processor case.
The whole area of assuring "atomicity" of operations by a single thread, and assuring that threads don't somehow interfere with each other is incredibly complex. In general a there is a "kernel" or "nucleus" category of system call that will not be interrupted by another thread, but thats only a small subset of all system calls, and you have to consult the OS documentation to know which category a particular system call falls into.
They will run at the same time, for one thread is independent from another, even if you perform a system call.
It's pretty easy to test it though, you can create one thread that prints something to the console output and perform a system call at another thread, that you know will take some reasonable amount of time. You will notice that the messages will continue to be printed by the other thread.
Yes, A program can run two threads at the same time.
it is called Multi threading.
would they both be able to run at the same time or would my second function wait until the system call finishes?
They both are able to run at the same time.
if you want, you can make thread B wait until Thread A completes or reverse
Two thread can run concurrently only if it is running on multiple core processor system, but if it has only one core processor then two threads can not run concurrently. So only one thread run at a time and if it finishes its job then the next thread which is on queue take the time.

how the other core call is realized

the program is in the memory and first prosesor executes
it, then there is a call to a function which is said to
be executed on the other core - how the first core sends
the call adres to the other core ? Is there some communication
mechanism between the cores other than the shared ram for both?
OK, it's like this. Threads cannot be called, only signaled, and function are not, in general, tied to threads - several threads on several cores may be executing the same function/code.
That said, there is certainly an inter-processor driver that can communicate between cores. This is essential to allow threads to be allocated to cores and also to allow the OS to stop threads when a process terminates.
When inter-core comms is required, the producer thread stores data in shared memory and signals the other core by asserting a hardware-interrupt, so forcing the 'target' core to enter the OS and handle the signaled data.
Essentially, none of this is even remotely trivial and, if you wish to know more/have your brain bent out of shape, look at the scheduler/dispatcher code for linux or sign your life away with M$.

Is the timeslice given to a thread that is waiting on I/O "wasted"?

I'm currently analyzing the pros and cons of writing a server using a threaded model or event driven model. I already know the many cons of the threaded model (does not scale well due to context switching overhead, virtual memory limitations, etc.) but I came upon another one in my analysis and would like to verify that my understanding of threads is correct.
If I have 5 threads, 1 which is doing work (not being blocked), 4 which are being blocked waiting for I/O (for example waiting on data from a socket), isn't the CPU time given to those 4 threads essentially wasted since no work is actually being done (assuming no data arrives)? The timeslice given to those 4 blocked threads is taking away time from the 1 thread actually doing work, correct?
In this case I'm explicitly saying that the socket is a blocking one.
No. Although it actually depends on the type of OS, type of I/O (polled/DMA) and device driver architecture, most device I/O is performed using DMA + interrupts. In such cases a thread is put into a sleep state until an interrupt is triggered for such I/O operations and scheduler does not visit those threads until their pending I/O is complete. Only polling I/O can cause consumption of CPU, such as PIO mode for hard disks.
Threads don't need to use their entire timeslice. I don't know the specifics, but if blocked threads even get time, they certainly don't use it all.
Obviously, these details vary platform-to-platform-to-environment-to-etc.

Many threads or as few threads as possible?

As a side project I'm currently writing a server for an age-old game I used to play. I'm trying to make the server as loosely coupled as possible, but I am wondering what would be a good design decision for multithreading. Currently I have the following sequence of actions:
Startup (creates) ->
Server (listens for clients, creates) ->
Client (listens for commands and sends period data)
I'm assuming an average of 100 clients, as that was the max at any given time for the game. What would be the right decision as for threading of the whole thing? My current setup is as follows:
1 thread on the server which listens for new connections, on new connection create a client object and start listening again.
Client object has one thread, listening for incoming commands and sending periodic data. This is done using a non-blocking socket, so it simply checks if there's data available, deals with that and then sends messages it has queued. Login is done before the send-receive cycle is started.
One thread (for now) for the game itself, as I consider that to be separate from the whole client-server part, architecturally speaking.
This would result in a total of 102 threads. I am even considering giving the client 2 threads, one for sending and one for receiving. If I do that, I can use blocking I/O on the receiver thread, which means that thread will be mostly idle in an average situation.
My main concern is that by using this many threads I'll be hogging resources. I'm not worried about race conditions or deadlocks, as that's something I'll have to deal with anyway.
My design is setup in such a way that I could use a single thread for all client communications, no matter if it's 1 or 100. I've separated the communications logic from the client object itself, so I could implement it without having to rewrite a lot of code.
The main question is: is it wrong to use over 200 threads in an application? Does it have advantages? I'm thinking about running this on a multi-core machine, would it take a lot of advantage of multiple cores like this?
Out of all these threads, most of them will be blocked usually. I don't expect connections to be over 5 per minute. Commands from the client will come in infrequently, I'd say 20 per minute on average.
Going by the answers I get here (the context switching was the performance hit I was thinking about, but I didn't know that until you pointed it out, thanks!) I think I'll go for the approach with one listener, one receiver, one sender, and some miscellaneous stuff ;-)
use an event stream/queue and a thread pool to maintain the balance; this will adapt better to other machines which may have more or less cores
in general, many more active threads than you have cores will waste time context-switching
if your game consists of a lot of short actions, a circular/recycling event queue will give better performance than a fixed number of threads
To answer the question simply, it is entirely wrong to use 200 threads on today's hardware.
Each thread takes up 1 MB of memory, so you're taking up 200MB of page file before you even start doing anything useful.
By all means break your operations up into little pieces that can be safely run on any thread, but put those operations on queues and have a fixed, limited number of worker threads servicing those queues.
Update: Does wasting 200MB matter? On a 32-bit machine, it's 10% of the entire theoretical address space for a process - no further questions. On a 64-bit machine, it sounds like a drop in the ocean of what could be theoretically available, but in practice it's still a very big chunk (or rather, a large number of pretty big chunks) of storage being pointlessly reserved by the application, and which then has to be managed by the OS. It has the effect of surrounding each client's valuable information with lots of worthless padding, which destroys locality, defeating the OS and CPU's attempts to keep frequently accessed stuff in the fastest layers of cache.
In any case, the memory wastage is just one part of the insanity. Unless you have 200 cores (and an OS capable of utilizing) then you don't really have 200 parallel threads. You have (say) 8 cores, each frantically switching between 25 threads. Naively you might think that as a result of this, each thread experiences the equivalent of running on a core that is 25 times slower. But it's actually much worse than that - the OS spends more time taking one thread off a core and putting another one on it ("context switching") than it does actually allowing your code to run.
Just look at how any well-known successful design tackles this kind of problem. The CLR's thread pool (even if you're not using it) serves as a fine example. It starts off assuming just one thread per core will be sufficient. It allows more to be created, but only to ensure that badly designed parallel algorithms will eventually complete. It refuses to create more than 2 threads per second, so it effectively punishes thread-greedy algorithms by slowing them down.
I write in .NET and I'm not sure if the way I code is due to .NET limitations and their API design or if this is a standard way of doing things, but this is how I've done this kind of thing in the past:
A queue object that will be used for processing incoming data. This should be sync locked between the queuing thread and worker thread to avoid race conditions.
A worker thread for processing data in the queue. The thread that queues up the data queue uses semaphore to notify this thread to process items in the queue. This thread will start itself before any of the other threads and contain a continuous loop that can run until it receives a shut down request. The first instruction in the loop is a flag to pause/continue/terminate processing. The flag will be initially set to pause so that the thread sits in an idle state (instead of looping continuously) while there is no processing to be done. The queuing thread will change the flag when there are items in the queue to be processed. This thread will then process a single item in the queue on each iteration of the loop. When the queue is empty it will set the flag back to pause so that on the next iteration of the loop it will wait until the queuing process notifies it that there is more work to be done.
One connection listener thread which listens for incoming connection requests and passes these off to...
A connection processing thread that creates the connection/session. Having a separate thread from your connection listener thread means that you're reducing the potential for missed connection requests due to reduced resources while that thread is processing requests.
An incoming data listener thread that listens for incoming data on the current connection. All data is passed off to a queuing thread to be queued up for processing. Your listener threads should do as little as possible outside of basic listening and passing the data off for processing.
A queuing thread that queues up the data in the right order so everything can be processed correctly, this thread raises the semaphore to the processing queue to let it know there's data to be processed. Having this thread separate from the incoming data listener means that you're less likely to miss incoming data.
Some session object which is passed between methods so that each user's session is self contained throughout the threading model.
This keeps threads down to as simple but as robust a model as I've figured out. I would love to find a simpler model than this, but I've found that if I try and reduce the threading model any further, that I start missing data on the network stream or miss connection requests.
It also assists with TDD (Test Driven Development) such that each thread is processing a single task and is much easier to code tests for. Having hundreds of threads can quickly become a resource allocation nightmare, while having a single thread becomes a maintenance nightmare.
It's far simpler to keep one thread per logical task the same way you would have one method per task in a TDD environment and you can logically separate what each should be doing. It's easier to spot potential problems and far easier to fix them.
What's your platform? If Windows then I'd suggest looking at async operations and thread pools (or I/O Completion Ports directly if you're working at the Win32 API level in C/C++).
The idea is that you have a small number of threads that deal with your I/O and this makes your system capable of scaling to large numbers of concurrent connections because there's no relationship between the number of connections and the number of threads used by the process that is serving them. As expected, .Net insulates you from the details and Win32 doesn't.
The challenge of using async I/O and this style of server is that the processing of client requests becomes a state machine on the server and the data arriving triggers changes of state. Sometimes this takes some getting used to but once you do it's really rather marvellous;)
I've got some free code that demonstrates various server designs in C++ using IOCP here.
If you're using unix or need to be cross platform and you're in C++ then you might want to look at boost ASIO which provides async I/O functionality.
I think the question you should be asking is not if 200 as a general thread number is good or bad, but rather how many of those threads are going to be active.
If only several of them are active at any given moment, while all the others are sleeping or waiting or whatnot, then you're fine. Sleeping threads, in this context, cost you nothing.
However if all of those 200 threads are active, you're going to have your CPU wasting so much time doing thread context switches between all those ~200 threads.
