Groovy: Get index of all occurences of sublist from arraylist - groovy

I am new to groovy and trying to find the indexes of all sublists in a list.
I am trying to use something like Collections.indexOfSubList like in java but it gives exception saying it applies on Lists and not ArrayLists.
So I am trying to define my own function. I am finding all the indices of all the elements in the smaller list existing in the longer list and then subtracting the indices of the result array. If it comes to 1 then I am considering that index to a sublist.
I know that I have the logic a little twisted. Can somebody guide with a better and efficient way of doing this.
Below is my code:
List list1 = [1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3]
List list2 = [1,2]
index1 = list1.findIndexValues {
it == list2[0];
index2 = list1.findIndexValues {
it == list2[1];
println index1
println index2
result = []
for (int i = 0; i < index1.size(); i++) {
println result

Edit: no longer uses Collections due to new issue re: Elastic Search.
The following code traverses along the source list, creating a sublist. It checks the sublist to see if it starts with the target list. See the asserts below (e.g. the indexes are 0-based):
def listStartsWithSubList = { source, target ->
def result = false
if (source.size() >= target.size()) {
result = true
target.eachWithIndex { item, index ->
result = result && (item == source[index])
def indexOfSubLists = { source, target ->
def results = []
source.eachWithIndex { item, index ->
def tmpList = source[index..source.size()-1]
if (listStartsWithSubList(tmpList, target)) {
results << index
assert [1] == indexOfSubLists([1,2,3], [2,3])
assert [2] == indexOfSubLists([1,2,3], [3])
assert [] == indexOfSubLists([1,2,3], [4])
assert [0,6] == indexOfSubLists([1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3], [1,2])


groovy map populate with default element

Is there more Groovish way of adding an element to map of lists and initialize default list if not exists?
Or in other words what would be a Groovish way to code the below:
def mylist = [1,2,3,4]
def mymap = [:]
for (num in mylist){
if (num % 2 == 0){
pairity = "even"
} else {
pairity = "odd"
if (mymap.containsKey(pairity)){
println("Adding to Even")
else {
println("adding to Odd")
mymap[pairity] = [num]
// adding to Odd
// adding to Odd
// Adding to Even
// Adding to Even
// [odd:[1, 3], even:[2, 4]]
You can use withDefault on a map to have automatically generate a value for a missing key on access.
[1,2,3,4].inject([:].withDefault{[]}){ m, i -> m[ i%2==0 ? 'odd' : 'even' ] << i; m }
// => [even:[1, 3], odd:[2, 4]]
You can simply groupby:
def mymap = mylist.groupBy { it % 2 == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd' }
That is effectively using the closure to partition the list on the condition.

Incomprehensible technical interview

This was a question asked in a recent programming interview.
Given a string "str" and pair of "N" swapping indices, generate a lexicographically largest string. Swapping indices can be reused any number times.
String = "abdc"
cdba, cbad, dbac,dbca
You should print only "dbca" which is lexicographically largest.
This might sound naive, but I completely fail to follow the question. Can someone please help me understand what the question means?
I think it's saying that, given the string mystring = "abdc", you are instructed to switch characters at the specified index pairs such that you produce the lexicographically "largest" string (i.e. such that if you lex-sorted all possible strings, it would end up at the last index). So you have two valid operations: (1) switch mystring[1] with mystring[4] ("abdc" --> "cbda"), and (2) switch mystring[3] with mystring[4] ("abdc" --> "abcd"). Also, you can multiply chain operations: either operation (1) followed by (2) ("abdc" --> "cbda" --> "cbad"), or vice versa ("abdc" --> "abcd" --> "dbca"), and so on and so forth ("abdc" --> "cbda" --> "cbad" --> "dbac").
Then you (reverse) lex-sort these and pop off the top index:
>>> allPermutations = ['abcd', 'cbad', 'abdc', 'cbda', 'dbca', 'dbac']
>>> lexSorted = sorted(allPermutations, reverse=True) # ['dbca', 'dbac', 'cbda', 'cbad', 'abdc', 'abcd']
>>> lexSorted.pop(0)
Based on the clarification by #ncemami I came up with this solution.
public static String swap(String str, Pair<Integer, Integer> p1, Pair<Integer, Integer> p2){
TreeSet<String> set = new TreeSet<>();
String s1 = swap(str, p1.getKey(), p1.getValue());
String s2 = swap(s1, p2.getKey(), p2.getValue());
String s3 = swap(str, p2.getKey(), p2.getValue());
String s4 = swap(s3, p1.getKey(), p1.getValue());
return set.last();
private static String swap(String str, int a, int b){
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(str);
char temp1 = str.charAt(a);
char temp2 = str.charAt(b);
sb.setCharAt(a, temp2);
sb.setCharAt(b, temp1);
return sb.toString();
Here my Java solution:
String swapLexOrder(String str, int[][] pairs) {
Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> neighbours = new HashMap<>();
for (int[] pair : pairs) {
// It contains all the positions that are reachable from the index present in the pairs
Set<Integer> reachablePositionsL = neighbours.get(pair[0]);
Set<Integer> temp = neighbours.get(pair[1]); // We use it just to merge the two sets if present
if (reachablePositionsL == null) {
reachablePositionsL = (temp == null ? new TreeSet<>() : temp);
} else if (temp != null) {
// Changing the reference so every addition to "reachablePositionsL" will reflect on both positions
for (Integer index: temp) {
neighbours.put(index, reachablePositionsL);
neighbours.put(pair[0], reachablePositionsL);
neighbours.put(pair[1], reachablePositionsL);
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(str);
for (Set<Integer> set : neighbours.values()) {
Iterator<Character> orderedCharacters =
.map(i -> str.charAt(i - 1))
set.forEach(i -> result.setCharAt(i - 1,;
return result.toString();
Here an article that explain my the problem.
String = "abcd"
co_ord = [(1,4),(3,4)]
def find_combinations(co_ord, String):
l1 = []
for tup_le in co_ord:
l1 = [x-1 for x in l1]
l1 = list(set(l1))
l2 = set(range(len(String)))-set(l1)
return l1,int(''.join(str(i) for i in l2))
def perm1(lst):
if len(lst) == 0:
return []
elif len(lst) == 1:
return [lst]
l = []
for i in range(len(lst)):
x = lst[i]
xs = lst[:i] + lst[i+1:]
for p in perm1(xs):
return l
lx, ly = find_combinations(co_ord, String)
final = perm1(lx)
temp = []
for i in final:
for j in i:
final_list = [ i[:ly] + String[ly] + i[ly:] for i in final_list]

What is the neatest way to remove all but the last item from a list in groovy?

I've been trying to find a neat way to remove all but the last element from a list in groovy, but all the things I've tried seem a bit overcomplicated. Is there a neater way?
FAILS: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
void removeAllButLastInPlace(list) {
if(list.size() > 1) {
def remove = list[0..-2]
remove.each { list.remove(it) }
FAILS: java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException: java.util.ArrayList$SubList
void removeAllButLastInPlace(list) {
if(list.size() > 1) {
def remove = list[0..-2].clone()
remove.each { list.remove(it) }
WORKS, but list construction seems unnecessary
void removeAllButLastInPlace(list) {
if(list.size() > 1) {
def remove = [] + list[0..-2]
remove.each { list.remove(it) }
WORKS, but seems a bit arcane
void removeAllButLastInPlace(list) {
(list.size() - 1).times { list.remove(0) }
WORKS, perhaps most 'correct'
void removeAllButLastInPlace(list) {
list.retainAll { list.lastIndexOf(it) == list.size() - 1 }
The code should fulfil the following tests:
list = []
assert list == []
list = ['a']
assert list == ['a']
list = ['a', 'b']
assert list == ['b']
list = ['a', 'b', 'c']
assert list == ['c']
Rather than mutating an existing list., why not return a new list?
Then you can simply do:
List removeAllButLast( List list ) {
list ? [list[-1]] : []
List removeAllButLastInPlace( List list ) {
list.drop( list.size() - 1 )
You could also use a loop (if you have to have a mutating method)
void removeAllButLastInPlace( List list ) {
while( list.size() > 1 ) list.remove( 0 )
void removeAllButLastInPlace( List list ) {
def index = 0
list.reverse(true).retainAll({index++ == 0})
I'd go for one of these. My criteria being a) modifying the list in place as stated in your requirement (not returning a new list) and b) succinctness.
I have however made both versions return a reference to the modified list just to simplify the println examples. You could make the return type 'void' if preferred and remove the last 'xs' line from each.
def xs1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
def xs2 = [9]
def xs3 = []
def keepOnlyLast1(xs) {
while(xs.size() > 1) xs.remove(0)
def keepOnlyLast2(xs) {
xs[0 ..< xs.size()-1] = []
println "Version 1"
println keepOnlyLast1([] + xs1)
println keepOnlyLast1([] + xs2)
println keepOnlyLast1([] + xs3)
println "Version 2"
println keepOnlyLast2([] + xs1)
println keepOnlyLast2([] + xs2)
println keepOnlyLast2([] + xs3)
/* Sanity check that these methods *really* modify the list. */
println "Sanity Check"
println xs1
println xs2
Aside: I would also go for a more functional style if at all possible (i.e. return a new list rather than modifying the existing one) except that that wasn't what you asked for. Here's an example anyway:
def lastAsList(xs) {
xs.isEmpty() ? [] : [xs[-1]]
println lastAsList([1, 2, 3])
println lastAsList([])

Stack Overflow error while finding common elements between two lists

I have this code:
def input1 = ['a','b','e','r','t']
input2 = ['v','n','m','y']
ans = []
def common(def element,def i) {
if (element == input2[i]) {
ans << element
} else {
for (i=0;i<input1.size();i++) {
which is generating Stack Overflow error. Why is this happening?
I'm trying to create my own way of finding common element between two lists.
You never check if i is greater than the length of input2, and in Groovy, getting beyond the length of a List returns null
So on the first element, it will keep looping round
if (element == input2[i]) {
for ever-increasing values of i, calling the common function every time, as it never matches a
Guessing at what you are trying to do, this can all be re-written as:
def input1 = ['a','b','e','r','t']
def input2 = ['v','n','m','y']
def ans = input1.intersect( input2 )
But it's hard to be sure what you want, and you dont explicitly say.
One method of deep recursion that avoids Stack Overflows is to use Groovy's trampoline method.
def common
common = { Object element, Collection list ->
if( list.size() == 0 ) { // element not found. Return null
else if( list.head() == element ) { // element found. Return it
else {
common.trampoline( element, list.tail() ) // Trampoline down the list and check again
common = common.trampoline()
def elements = ['a','b','e','v','r','t'].collect { // For each element in this list
common( it, ['v','n','m','y'] ) // Find if it's in our other list
}.findAll() // And remove the nulls
assert elements == [ 'v' ]
But I'd still use intersect in this case, the above is just to show one of Groovy's ways you can avoid too-deep recursion...
The problem is that your code doesn't stop when reaches the end of array input2. If element is not in input2 then it will keep making recursive calls common(element,++i) forever which results in stack overflow error.

How does Groovy handle closure scope and recursion?

I have a recursive Python function that builds a tree, and I'm trying to translate it into Groovy.
Here's the Python version...
def get_tree(vertices):
results = []
if type(vertices) != list:
vertices = [vertices]
for vertex in vertices:
children = get_children(vertex)
if children:
child_tree = get_tree(children)
return results
Here's the output of get_tree(1)...
[1, [2, 3, 4, [5, 3]]]
And here's my attempt to translate this into a Groovy closure...
_tree = { vertices ->
results = []
vertices.each() {
results << it
children = it."$direction"().toList()
if (children) {
child_tree = _tree(children)
results << child_tree
But this doesn't work -- this is what it returns...
gremlin> g.v(1).outTree()
==>[v[5], v[3], (this Collection), (this Collection)]
What are those "this Collection"s about?
I have only a cursory understanding of Groovy, and I suspect it's something to do with how Groovy handles recursion and closure scope.
Please enlighten me :)
The solution was to add def to results = []:
_tree = { vertices ->
def results = []
vertices.each() {
results << it
children = it."$direction"().toList()
if (children) {
child_tree = _tree(children)
results << child_tree
