Instagram API calls limit - instagram

Dear Instagram developers team,
Our team is currently in the design phase of a connector to Instagram API for our application.
We bumped into a few questions related to the Instagram API limits.
Would you consider the following scenario as a bad practice?
use all 60 per hour calls for an endpoint until connector receives a 429 response code form the Instagram API
when the first 429 response is received the connector stops calling the Instagram API for 5 minutes, then try again
If the response was successful, continue from step #1, if not - increase 'sleeping time' by 5 minutes each attempt until the call is
successful and then continue from step #1
How many calls that return 429 code our connector can make in an hour
so its behavior would not be considered spammy? Can we make lets say
20 such calls in a row? The question raised because of the very last
sentence on the limits page.
You may also receive responses with an HTTP response code of 400 (Bad Request) if we detect spammy behavior by a person using your
app. These errors are unrelated to rate limiting.
Per hour limit means that at the beginning of an hour the entire limit is
reset or it means that once an API call is made, the available limit will be increased by one after one hour? The second scenario means that if I made 30 calls in one minute and then another 30 after half an hour, when one hour plus one minute passes from the first call only 30 calls will be available.
Is there a way to increase limits for POST or DELETE calls?
Thank you


how long can a logic apps webhook wait?

we are evaluating logic apps for long running workflows
our process is as follows
once we receive a request (http request trigger), we call another service with the webhook action sending a callback url, now the process might take any where between 10 to 15 days to complete.
can the logic app wait for 10 to 15 days ?
what happens if the callback does not happen ?
Thanks -Nen
A single HTTP request from Logic Apps will time out after 2 minutes. The default run time limit for all synchronous actions in multi-tenant Logic App is 2 minutes.
can the logic app wait for 10 to 15 days --> no
what happens if the callback does not happen ? --> Action
check below links -
Limits and configuration information for Azure Logic Apps
There are two points that need to be made when answering your question.
Firstly, the standard amount of time that a HTTP trigger can run for is two minutes (, but, that's when the request/response architecture is synchronous based. If you want to fire it in an asynchronous way (like you do) then you need to provide a Response to the calling application prior to the two minute timeout. Like thus ..
Secondly, You can see from the above image that a delay has been running for 11 minutes at the time of posting this answer which is more than the 2 minutes restriction if the response wasn't provided back.
I suspect (and would need to confirm but it would take me 10 days) that a webhook will perform for your full 10 to 15 days given there is absolutely no evidence to show it doesn't (i.e. the documentation does not explicitly state it). I believe it will stick to the 90 day period as per the full length of any multi-tenant Logic App implementation.

Allow DialogFlow's response time for web-service-fulfillment to be greater than 5 seconds

According to Dialogflow Docs
The response must occur within 10 seconds for Google Assistant applications or 5 seconds for all other applications, otherwise, the request will time out.
Is there any way we can increase this without going for an API WebClient approach?
I am using the dialogflow web demo as web client and need to make a call to node service to fetch data from a cloud dB.
The following limitations apply to your response:
The response must occur within 10 seconds for Google Assistant
applications or 5 seconds for all other applications, otherwise the
request will time out.
The response must be less than or equal to 64 KiB in size.
How ever there will be,
Webhook call failed. Error: DEADLINE_EXCEEDED
So you must complate your task within 5 second. and if you are not able to fetch data within 5 second then there is something wrong with your infrastructure.

Is there any method to increase the request time out for a rest api call in Azure Logic App?

I'm creating a Recurrence Azure Logic App for calling a rest API one after another in the interval of 30 minutes. The scenario is, once I call the primary API, after the response comes as 200 (status code) then only the next API should be called. But the issue I'm facing is my primary API is taking about 3 mins 40 seconds to fetch the data. So every time the request fails as by default the request timeout is 2 minutes.
Please suggest a way to create this logic app.
As of now, you don't have any option in the Logic App HTTP action to configure the timeout duration, so it is probably not possible at the moment.
May be you should consider using Durable Function with the Function Chaining Pattern.

What is the correct client reaction to a HTTP 429 when the client is multi-threaded?

The HTTP status code 429 tells the client making the request to back off and retry the request after a period specified in the response's Retry-After header.
In a single-threaded client, it is obvious that the thread getting the 429 should wait as told and then retry. But the RFC explicitly states that
this specification does not define how the origin server identifies
the user, nor how it counts requests.
Consequently, in a multi-threaded client, the conservative approach would stop all threads from sending requests until the Retry-After point in time. But:
Many threads may already be past the point where they can note the information from the one rejected thread and will send at least one more request.
The global synchronization between the threads can be a pain to implement and get right
If the setup runs not only several threads but several clients, potentially on different machines, backing off all of them on one 429 becomes non-trivial.
Does anyone have specific data from the field how servers of cloud providers actually handle this? Will they get immediately aggravated if I don't globally hold back all threads. Microsoft's advice is
Wait the number of seconds specified in the Retry-After field.
Retry the request.
If the request fails again with a 429 error code, you are still being throttled. Continue to use the recommended Retry-After delay and retry the request until it succeeds.
It twice says 'the request' not 'any requests' or 'all requests', but this is legal-type interpretation I am not confident about.
To be sure this is not an opinion question, let me phrase it as fact-based as possible:
Are there more detailed specifications for cloud APIs (Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Twitter) then the example above that allow me to make an informed decision whether global back-off is necessary or whether it suffices to back-off with the specific request that got the 429?
Servers knows that its tuff to sync or expect programmers to do this. So doubt if there is a penalty unless they get an ocean of requests that do not back off at all after 429.
Each thread should wait, but each would, after being told individually.
A good system would know what its rate is and be within that. One way to impolement this is having a sleepFor variable between requests. Exact prod value can be arrived at by trial and error, and would be the sleep time minus the previous request time.
So if one requests ends, and say it took x milliseconds. Now if the sleep time is
0 or less, move immediately to next request
if 1 or more than find out sleepTime - x, if this is less than 1, go to next immediately, else sleep for so many milliseconds and then move to next request.
Another way would be to have a timeCountStrarted at request 1; count for every 5 minutes or so. After every request, check if the actual request count of current thread is more than that. If yes current thread sleeps till 5 minutes is up before moving to next. Here 5 can be configured as the timePeriod. If after a request the count is not more than set figure but time elapsed since timeCountStrarted is more than 5 minutes; then set timeCountStrarted to current time and the count of requests to 0.
What we do is keep these configuration values in a data base but cache them at run time.
Also have a page to invalidate the caches so if we like we can update the data base from an admin page, then invalidate the caches and thus the clients would pick up the new information on the run. This helps to configure the correct value to stay within API limits and get enough jobs done.

What are the Docusign API resource/rate limits? Are they active only in production?

I found this document explaining what the resource/rate limits are for the docusign API. However I didn't get any errors related to resource limits during development and testing. Are these only active in production environment? Is there a way to test these limits during development to make sure the application will work correctly in production? Is this document valid/up to date?
Update (I just also want to expand my question here too)
So there is only ONE TYPE of limit? 1000 calls per hour and that's it? Or do I also need to wait 15 minutes between requests to the same URL?
If the second type of limitation exists (multiple calls to the same URL in an interval of 15 minutes) does it apply only to GET requests? So I can still create/update envelopes multiple times in 15 minutes?
Also if the second type of limit exists can I test it in the sandbox environment somehow?
The limits are also active in the sandbox system.
Not all API methods are metered (yet).
To test, just do a lot of calls and you'll see that the limits are applied. Eg do 1,000 status calls in an hour. Or create 1,000 envelopes and you'll be throttled.
Re: only one type of limit?
Correct. Calls per hour is the only hard limit at this time. If 1,000 calls per hour is not enough for your application in general, or not enough for a specific user of your application, then there's a process for increasing the limit.
Re: 15 minute per status call per envelope.
This is the polling limit. An application is not well behaved if it polls DocuSign more than once every 15 minutes per envelope. In other words, you can poll for status on envelope A once per 15 minutes and also poll once every 15 minutes about envelope B.
The polling limit is monitored during your application's test as part of the Go Live process. It is also soft-monitored once the app is in production. In the future, the monitoring of polling for production apps will become more automated.
If you have a lot of envelopes that you're polling on then you might also run into the 1,000 calls per hour limit.
But there's no need to run into issues with polling: don't poll! Instead set up a webhook via DocuSign Connect or eventNotification and we'll call you.
Re: limits for creating/updating an envelope and other methods
Only the (default) 1,000 calls per hour affects non-polling methods.
Eg, asking for the status of an envelope's recipients, field values, general status, etc, over and over again is polling. Creating /updating envelopes can be done as often as you want (up to the default of 1,000 per hour).
If you want to create more than 1,000 envelopes per hour, we'll be happy to accommodate you. (And many of our larger customers do exactly that.)
The main issue that we're concerned with is unnecessary polling.
There can be other unnecessary calls which we'd also prefer to not have. For example, the OAuth:getUser call is only needed once per user login. It shouldn't be repeated more often than that since the information doesn't change.
