NPM test issue in VSTS - node.js

I have one private build agent in VSTS which I configured back in March this year, now I wanted to deploy a second one, but I'm having issue with NPM test task on the new build agent. It's using the same Agents package published by Microsoft, so I don't believe the issue should be there. I have install the same version of Node.js (6.10.1) and the same NPM version (5.10.10) on both agents, but the new one has issue where the task npm test executes in the build definition, but does not produce any result and neither is anything shown in the VSTS log files/console, it just hangs until timeout period is reached (80 minutes), or until I cancel it manually. When I run it locally on the agent it works perfectly fine, I also tried running it in the pipeline via the CMD task, not the NPM and it also works, so I know there is no issue with the server/connectivity/etc.
If someone experienced a similar issue, I would really welcome some insights into this problem, because as I've mentioned, same pipeline works on the first agent, so the configuration of the tasks, pipeline, code/folder structure cannot be the issue here.
Log file from the VSTS agent follows, manual cancel at the end after 7 minutes,
because normally it takes around 20 seconds (XXXXX is the path to project):
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO StepsRunner] Processing step: DisplayName='Execute React Unit Tests', ContinueOnError=False, Enabled=True
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO ExpressionManager] Evaluating: succeeded()
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO ExpressionManager] Expanded: True
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO ExpressionManager] Result: True
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO StepsRunner] Starting the step.
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO TaskManager] Loading task definition 'C:\VSTSAgent\_work\_tasks\Npm_fe47e961-9fa8-4106-8639-368c022d43ad\1.0.8\task.json'.
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO ExtensionManager] Getting extensions for interface: 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Agent.Worker.IJobExtension'
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO BuildJobExtension] Build JobExtension resolving path use source provide: XXXXX
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO BuildJobExtension] The Default Path Root of Build JobExtension is build.sourcesDirectory: C:\VSTSAgent\_work\7\s
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO BuildJobExtension] After prefix Default Path Root provide by JobExtension: C:\VSTSAgent\_work\7\s\XXXXX
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO BuildJobExtension] Return absolute path after prefix DefaultPathRoot: C:\VSTSAgent\_work\7\s\XXXXX
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO TaskRunner] Build JobExtension resolved a rooted path:: C:\VSTSAgent\_work\7\s\XXXXX
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO ExtensionManager] Getting extensions for interface: 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Agent.Worker.IJobExtension'
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO BuildJobExtension] Build JobExtension resolving path use source provide:
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO BuildJobExtension] The Default Path Root of Build JobExtension is build.sourcesDirectory: C:\VSTSAgent\_work\7\s
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO BuildJobExtension] After prefix Default Path Root provide by JobExtension: C:\VSTSAgent\_work\7\s
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO BuildJobExtension] Return absolute path after prefix DefaultPathRoot: C:\VSTSAgent\_work\7\s
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO TaskRunner] Build JobExtension resolved a rooted path:: C:\VSTSAgent\_work\7\s
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO NodeHandler] Inspect node_modules folder, make sure vsts-task-lib doesn't overwrite String.startsWith/endsWith.
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO NodeHandler] This task has already been scanned and corrected, no more operation needed.
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO HostContext] Well known directory 'Bin': 'C:\VSTSAgent\bin'
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO HostContext] Well known directory 'Root': 'C:\VSTSAgent'
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO HostContext] Well known directory 'Externals': 'C:\VSTSAgent\externals'
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO ProcessInvoker] Starting process:
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO ProcessInvoker] File name: 'C:\VSTSAgent\externals\node\bin\node.exe'
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO ProcessInvoker] Arguments: '"C:\VSTSAgent\_work\_tasks\Npm_fe47e961-9fa8-4106-8639-368c022d43ad\1.0.8\npm.js"'
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO ProcessInvoker] Working directory: 'C:\VSTSAgent\_work\7\s'
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO ProcessInvoker] Require exit code zero: 'True'
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO ProcessInvoker] Encoding web name: utf-8 ; code page: '65001'
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO ProcessInvoker] Force kill process on cancellation: 'False'
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO ProcessInvoker] Process started with process id 4124, waiting for process exit.
[2017-11-27 14:24:29Z INFO JobServerQueue] Try to append 1 batches web console lines, success rate: 1/1.
[2017-11-27 14:24:30Z INFO JobServerQueue] Try to upload 1 log files or attachments, success rate: 1/1.
[2017-11-27 14:24:32Z INFO JobServerQueue] Try to append 1 batches web console lines, success rate: 1/1.
[2017-11-27 14:24:33Z INFO JobServerQueue] Try to append 1 batches web console lines, success rate: 1/1.
[2017-11-27 14:24:34Z INFO JobServerQueue] Try to append 1 batches web console lines, success rate: 1/1.
[2017-11-27 14:24:34Z INFO JobServerQueue] Try to append 1 batches web console lines, success rate: 1/1.
[2017-11-27 14:31:34Z INFO Worker] Cancellation/Shutdown message received.


Can not generate nodejs-server with openapi-generator

How can I generate nodejs-server with OAS 2.0 as input with openapi-generator?
openapi-generator runs on two versions 3.3.4 and 4.0.0.
The results of my execution are listed below.
■in 3.3.4
java -jar openapi-generator-cli-3.3.4.jar generate -i petstore.json -g nodejs-server -o stub
[main] WARN o.o.c.ignore.CodegenIgnoreProcessor - Output directory does not exist, or is inaccessible. No file (.openapi-generator-ignore) will be evaluated.
[main] WARN o.o.c.languages.NodeJSServerCodegen -
Currently, Node.js server doesn't work as its dependency doesn't support OpenAPI Spec3.
For further details, see
[main] INFO o.o.codegen.DefaultGenerator - Model Pets not generated since it's an alias to array (without property)
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not generate api file for 'Pets'
at org.openapitools.codegen.DefaultGenerator.generateApis(
at org.openapitools.codegen.DefaultGenerator.generate(
at org.openapitools.codegen.OpenAPIGenerator.main(
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: character to be escaped is missing
at java.util.regex.Matcher.appendReplacement(
at java.util.regex.Matcher.replaceAll(
at java.lang.String.replaceAll(
at org.openapitools.codegen.languages.NodeJSServerCodegen.apiFilename(
at org.openapitools.codegen.DefaultGenerator.generateApis(
... 3 more
■in 4.0.0
java -jar openapi-generator-cli-4.0.0.jar generate -i petstore.json -g nodejs-server -o stub
[main] WARN o.o.c.ignore.CodegenIgnoreProcessor - Output directory does not exist, or is inaccessible. No file (.openapi-generator-ignore) will be evaluated.
[main] INFO o.o.codegen.DefaultGenerator - OpenAPI Generator: nodejs-server (server)
[main] INFO o.o.codegen.DefaultGenerator - Generator 'nodejs-server' is considered stable.
[main] WARN o.o.c.languages.NodeJSServerCodegen -
Currently, Node.js server doesn't work as its dependency doesn't support OpenAPI Spec3.
For further details, see
[main] INFO o.o.codegen.DefaultGenerator - Model Pets not generated since it's an alias to array (without property) and `generateAliasAsModel` is set to false (default)
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not generate api file for 'Pets'
at org.openapitools.codegen.DefaultGenerator.generateApis(
at org.openapitools.codegen.DefaultGenerator.generate(
at org.openapitools.codegen.OpenAPIGenerator.main(
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: character to be escaped is missing
at java.util.regex.Matcher.appendReplacement(
at java.util.regex.Matcher.replaceAll(
at java.lang.String.replaceAll(
at org.openapitools.codegen.languages.NodeJSServerCodegen.apiFilename(
at org.openapitools.codegen.DefaultGenerator.generateApis(
... 3 more
The input OAS uses the following.
The execution environment is as follows.
・java 1.8.0_202
It works for me:
java -jar modules/openapi-generator-cli/target/openapi-generator-cli.jar generate -g nodejs-server -i -o /tmp/nodejs-server
[main] INFO o.o.codegen.DefaultGenerator - OpenAPI Generator: nodejs-server (server)
[main] INFO o.o.codegen.DefaultGenerator - Generator 'nodejs-server' is considered stable.
[main] WARN o.o.c.languages.NodeJSServerCodegen -
Currently, Node.js server doesn't work as its dependency doesn't support OpenAPI Spec3.
For further details, see
[main] INFO o.o.codegen.DefaultCodegen - Skipped overwriting as the file already exists in /tmp/java2//
[main] INFO o.o.codegen.DefaultGenerator - Model Pets not generated since it's an alias to array (without property) and `generateAliasAsModel` is set to false (default)
[main] INFO o.o.codegen.AbstractGenerator - writing file /tmp/java2/service/PetsService.js
[main] INFO o.o.codegen.AbstractGenerator - writing file /tmp/java2/controllers/Pets.js
[main] INFO o.o.codegen.AbstractGenerator - writing file /tmp/java2/utils/writer.js
[main] INFO o.o.codegen.AbstractGenerator - writing file /tmp/java2/api/openapi.yaml
[main] INFO o.o.codegen.AbstractGenerator - writing file /tmp/java2/index.js
[main] INFO o.o.codegen.AbstractGenerator - writing file /tmp/java2/package.json
[main] INFO o.o.codegen.AbstractGenerator - writing file /tmp/java2/.openapi-generator/VERSION
But as mentioned in the warning, the nodejs-server generator no longer works as expected as one of its dependencies does not support OpenAPI spec v3.
Please refer to for the latest development of creating a new NodeJS Express generator.
UPDATE (2019/09): we've added a new nodejs-express-server generator. Please refer to for more information.

Where to check for the blank result for the 'Automation Services Job Builder' in Spotfire using Send Email option

I set up an automation service with 'Send Email' to attach couple of Visualization images to our users.
This report has a Prompt set up and when i normally open the report the data and Viz is displayed normally.
See the images attached to see the result i am getting.
I set another report an got the Viz image properly.
How should i check where the issue is since the report is opening fine but the blank image is there when i set up in Automation service.
I took the log from the Automation Services Log. It says that particular columns are missing but the same is available in the report and the report loads fine.Check the log below and let me know how to solve this issue:
2017-07-07 12:07:21,963 INFO [Web Service-6532,1] Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.WebService.Global: ##########################################
2017-07-07 12:07:21,994 INFO [Web Service-6532,1] Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.WebService.Global: Web Service Application starting
2017-07-07 12:07:21,994 INFO [Web Service-6532,1] Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.WebService.Global: Machine environment: Name=GBBWI138, OS Version=Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1, Is 64 bit OS=True, Processor count=8, .NET version=4.0.30319.36373.
2017-07-07 12:07:21,994 INFO [Web Service-6532,1] Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.WebService.Global: Process environment: Assembly version: 14.10.7525.5058, Runs as=NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE, Is 64 bit process=True.
2017-07-07 12:07:21,994 INFO [Web Service-6532,1] Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.WebService.Global: Web environment: Authentication mode=None, Impersonation enabled=False, Execution Timeout=00:10:00
2017-07-07 12:07:22,088 INFO [Web Service-6532,7] Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.WebService.JobExecutor: Launching asynchronous job (2).
2017-07-07 12:07:22,119 INFO [Web Service-6532,7] Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.WebService.JobExecutor: Asynchronous job 6722dfba-f649-430a-a1dc-a11504e89628 launched.
2017-07-07 12:07:22,525 INFO [6248,1] Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.Launcher.Program: *************
2017-07-07 12:07:22,572 INFO [6248,1] Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.Launcher.Program: Application Start
2017-07-07 12:07:22,572 INFO [6248,1] Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.Launcher.Program: Machine environment: Name=GBBWI138, OS Version=Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1, Is 64 bit OS=True, Processor count=8, .NET version=4.0.30319.36373.
2017-07-07 12:07:22,572 INFO [6248,1] Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.Launcher.Program: Process environment: Assembly version: 14.10.7525.5058, Runs as=NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE, Is 64 bit process=True.
2017-07-07 12:07:22,603 INFO [6248,1] Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.Launcher.Program: User environment: Impersonation identity=138, Proxy user=, Use certificate=False, Server=http://xxxcom.
2017-07-07 12:07:22,774 WARN [6248,1] Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.AddIn.AddInManager: Failed to load type 'Spotfire.Dxp.Data.ActiveSpaces.ActiveSpacesAddIn, Spotfire.Dxp.Data.ActiveSpaces' from currently loaded assemblies.
2017-07-07 12:07:22,790 WARN [6248,1] Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.AddIn.AddInManager: Failed to load type 'Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Adapters.SapBw.SapBwAdapterAddIn, Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Adapters.SapBw.AddIn' from currently loaded assemblies.
2017-07-07 12:07:22,790 WARN [6248,1] Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.AddIn.AddInManager: Failed to load type 'Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Adapters.Essbase.EssbaseAdapterAddIn, Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Adapters.Essbase.AddIn' from currently loaded assemblies.
2017-07-07 12:07:22,790 WARN [6248,1] Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.AddIn.AddInManager: Failed to load type 'Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Adapters.Composite.CompositeAddIn, Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Adapters.Composite.AddIn' from currently loaded assemblies.
2017-07-07 12:07:22,806 WARN [6248,1] Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.AddIn.AddInManager: Failed to load type 'Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Adapters.MySql.MySqlAddIn, Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Adapters.MySql.AddIn' from currently loaded assemblies.
2017-07-07 12:07:22,806 WARN [6248,1] Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.AddIn.AddInManager: Failed to load type 'Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Adapters.Netezza.NetezzaAddIn, Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Adapters.Netezza.AddIn' from currently loaded assemblies.
2017-07-07 12:07:22,806 WARN [6248,1] Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.AddIn.AddInManager: Failed to load type 'Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Adapters.PostgreSql.PostgreSqlAdapterAddIn, Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Adapters.PostgreSql.AddIn' from currently loaded assemblies.
2017-07-07 12:07:23,008 INFO [6248,1] Spotfire.Dxp.Services.ManifestReader: Downloading the manifest from '' took 155.999 milliseconds
2017-07-07 12:07:23,040 INFO [6248,1] Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.CoreApplication: Logging in
2017-07-07 12:07:26,581 INFO [6248,1] Spotfire.Dxp.Application.AnalysisApplication: CurrentUICulture is en-US, server specifies en-US.
2017-07-07 12:07:26,612 INFO [6248,1] Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.ASAutomationWorker.ASAutomationWorker: Parsing arguments
2017-07-07 12:07:26,659 INFO [6248,1] Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.ASAutomationWorker.ASAutomationWorker: Job launched
2017-07-07 12:07:26,674 INFO [6248,1] Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.ASAutomationWorker.ASAutomationWorker: Job File: 'F:\appl\tibco\Automation Services\6.5.0\Temp\6722dfba-f649-430a-a1dc-a11504e89628_job.xml' Status File: 'F:\appl\tibco\Automation Services\6.5.0\Temp\6722dfba-f649-430a-a1dc-a11504e89628_status.txt'
2017-07-07 12:07:26,674 INFO [6248,1] Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.ASAutomationWorker.ASAutomationWorker: Loading job file.
2017-07-07 12:07:26,862 INFO [6248,1] Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.ASAutomationWorker.ASAutomationWorker: Executing task 1 of 2: Open Analysis from Library
2017-07-07 12:07:45,191 WARN [6248,1] Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.ApplicationModel.NotificationService: Linked Data Report
There are some inconsistencies and some data might not be shown accurately.
Linked data table 'Basic IL - BW_OB08_VW24':
Some columns matched, but not all.
Missing columns: Avg(NXP Standard Cost USD Real) for, Min(NXP Standard Cost USD) for
Linked data table 'Basic IL - BW_OB08_VW24':
The following columns are no longer valid: costs in USD
2017-07-07 12:07:46,705 INFO [6248,1] Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.ASAutomationWorker.ASAutomationWorker: Executing task 2 of 2: Send Email
2017-07-07 12:07:48,077 INFO [6248,11] Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.ASAutomationWorker.ASAutomationWorker: Job finished successfully
2017-07-07 12:07:49,029 INFO [6248,1] Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.Launcher.Program: Application End
Is this valid
there seem to be issue with the new column data ,they might have data which is not numerical(integer) column start getting real data

Presto unable to create injector with localfile connector

I am using presto-server-0.149 on macOS 10.11. Just for testing purpose, I run a single node and everything is okay. When I add etc/catalog/ with:
I get the following error:
2016-07-04T12:02:45.435-0700 INFO main io.airlift.bootstrap.LifeCycleManager Life cycle starting...
2016-07-04T12:02:45.435-0700 INFO main io.airlift.bootstrap.LifeCycleManager Life cycle startup complete. System ready.
2016-07-04T12:02:45.436-0700 INFO main com.facebook.presto.metadata.CatalogManager -- Added catalog jmx using connector jmx --
2016-07-04T12:02:45.436-0700 INFO main com.facebook.presto.metadata.CatalogManager -- Loading catalog etc/catalog/ --
2016-07-04T12:02:45.797-0700 INFO main Bootstrap PROPERTY DEFAULT RUNTIME DESCRIPTION
2016-07-04T12:02:45.797-0700 INFO main Bootstrap presto-logs.http-request-log.pattern null null If log location is a directory this glob is used to match the file names in the directory
2016-07-04T12:02:45.797-0700 INFO main Bootstrap presto-logs.http-request-log.location var/log/http-request.log var/log/http-request.log Directory or file where http request logs are written
2016-07-04T12:02:45.797-0700 INFO main Bootstrap
2016-07-04T12:02:45.797-0700 WARN main Bootstrap UNUSED PROPERTIES
2016-07-04T12:02:45.797-0700 WARN main Bootstrap presto-logs.http-request-log-location=/var/log/apache2/access_log
2016-07-04T12:02:45.797-0700 WARN main Bootstrap
2016-07-04T12:02:45.989-0700 ERROR main com.facebook.presto.server.PrestoServer Unable to create injector, see the following errors:
1) Configuration property 'presto-logs.http-request-log-location=/var/log/apache2/access_log' was not used
at io.airlift.bootstrap.Bootstrap.lambda$initialize$2(
1 error Unable to create injector, see the following errors:
1) Configuration property 'presto-logs.http-request-log-location=/var/log/apache2/access_log' was not used
at io.airlift.bootstrap.Bootstrap.lambda$initialize$2(
1 error
at io.airlift.bootstrap.Bootstrap.initialize(
at com.facebook.presto.localfile.LocalFileConnectorFactory.create(
at com.facebook.presto.connector.ConnectorManager.createConnector(
at com.facebook.presto.connector.ConnectorManager.addCatalogConnector(
at com.facebook.presto.connector.ConnectorManager.createConnection(
at com.facebook.presto.connector.ConnectorManager.createConnection(
at com.facebook.presto.metadata.CatalogManager.loadCatalog(
at com.facebook.presto.metadata.CatalogManager.loadCatalogs(
at com.facebook.presto.server.PrestoServer.main(
Based on Dain Sundstrom's answer below, I was able to fix my problem. It turned out that the fb documentation for Local File Connector is incorrect. And since I needed to get something to feed Presto to test the localfile connector, I changed the config filepath to Presto's own request log:
You have a typo in the configuration property. It should be:
Also, this connector can only process the http log format created by Presto itself, so you would need to reconfigure your Apache2 server to output the same format.

Removing Standard Output Messages from Console Window

I'm using vstest to execute tests on local.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TestWindow\vstest.console.exe\" "C:\Debug\Solution.dll /Tests:VerifyTest1,VerifyTest2 /Logger:trx"
And over console i receive output something like this -
Passed VerifyTest1
Failed VerifyTest2
Standard Output Messages:
TestContext Messages:
1/29/2016 21:50:00 - START - START : [VerifyTest2]
1/29/2016 21:50:00 - INFO - Operating System - Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise
1/29/2016 21:50:00 - INFO - Test Environment - Test1
1/29/2016 21:50:00 - INFO - Test Environment - Test1
1/29/2016 21:50:00 - INFO - File updated
1/29/2016 21:50:02 - INFO - Login Complete! via UI API's
1/29/2016 21:50:03 - INFO - eb481527-49f6-49bc-a9ca-9ccf4e10d12a submitted successfully.
1/29/2016 21:50:11 - PASS - Return created through UI
1/29/2016 21:50:11 - INFO - Checking Process launched or NOT
1/29/2016 21:50:11 - INFO - Process: My.CommonUIFramework.Shell is launched
1/29/2016 21:50:11 - INFO - Terminating the Process: My.CommonUIFramework.Shell
1/29/2016 21:50:11 - INFO - Checking Process launched or NOT
1/29/2016 21:50:11 - INFO - Process: My.Xion.DataMigration.UI is NOT launched
1/29/2016 21:50:12 - INFO - Launched the Application : My.CommonUIFramework.Shell
1/29/2016 21:50:12 - INFO - Checking Process launched or NOT
Now, i don't want the debug trace with all the info when a test fails on Console. I just want passed or failed result on Console. Is there a way to do that. I know that i can see the result on trx file but i just wanted to know is there a way to suppress the debug trace or Standard Output Messages on Console.
You May Want to Disable your trace Logs. You can do it thru multiple channels. Try as mentioned in here based on ur VSTS & .Net version.
0 is the setting for disabling traces.
Using MSTest instead of VSTest solved the purpose of my problem.

Rexster refuses to start with extension but does not display errors

I have a small Rexster/Titan cluster using Cassandra. A Rexster extension is used to query the graph. I did some benchmarking and did start and stop Rexster/Titan many times. But now I run into a strange issue: Rexster refuses to start but does not display any error message.
I tried to figure out what is causing this and reduced the cluster to a single node
If I remove my extension Rexster manages to start up.
# console output
Forking Cassandra...
Running `nodetool statusthrift`..... OK
(returned exit status 0 and printed string "running").
Forking Titan + Rexster...
Connecting to Titan + Rexster ( OK
(connected to
Run to connect.
but when I place my extension uber JAR in the ext folder Rexster refuses to start.
# console output
Forking Cassandra...
Running `nodetool statusthrift`..... OK
(returned exit status 0 and printed string "running").
Forking Titan + Rexster...
Connecting to Titan + Rexster (
timeout exceeded (60 seconds): could not connect to
See /var/lib/titan/bin/../log/rexstitan.log for Rexster log output.
If I now check rexstitan.log, as suggested by the console output, I can not find any error message.
# rexstitan.log
0 [main] INFO com.tinkerpop.rexster.Application - .:Welcome to Rexster:.
73 [main] INFO com.tinkerpop.rexster.server.RexsterProperties -
Using [/var/lib/titan/rexhome/../conf/rexster-cassandra-cluster.xml]
as configuration source.
78 [main] INFO com.tinkerpop.rexster.Application - Rexster is watching
[/var/lib/titan/rexhome/../conf/rexster-cassandra-cluster.xml] for change.
244 [main] INFO -
Registering mbean:,
252 [main] INFO -
537 [main] INFO -
Registering mbean:,
538 [main] INFO -
1951 [main] INFO com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.configuration.GraphDatabaseConfiguration -
Set cluster.partition=false from store features
1971 [main] INFO com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.configuration.GraphDatabaseConfiguration -
Set default timestamp provider MICRO
2019 [main] INFO com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.configuration.GraphDatabaseConfiguration -
Generated unique-instance-id=7f0000012902-node1
2045 [main] INFO -
Registering mbean:,
2046 [main] INFO -
2053 [main] INFO -
Registering mbean:,
2054 [main] INFO -
2228 [main] INFO com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.Backend -
Initiated backend operations thread pool of size 4
6619 [main] INFO com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.log.kcvs.KCVSLog -
Loaded unidentified ReadMarker start time Timepoint[1423479705116000 μs]
into com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.log.kcvs.KCVSLog$MessagePuller#212f3ff1
6625 [main] INFO com.tinkerpop.rexster.RexsterApplicationGraph -
Graph [graph] - configured with allowable namespace [*:*]
The only entry that looks strange to me is the one concerning the log:
6619 [main] INFO com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.log.kcvs.KCVSLog -
Loaded unidentified ReadMarker start time Timepoint[1423479705116000 μs]
into com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.log.kcvs.KCVSLog$MessagePuller#212f3ff1
My exception uses the logger for debugging. You can see the instantiation an usage on github:
Though Rexster failed to start there is a process with the PID displayed in the console but curl fails to connect to Rexster:
$ curl
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 8182: Connection refused
Why doesn't Rexster throw an exception? How can I debug this situation?
I removed any log messages in my code. I removed all exceptions that may be thrown during startup. Still Rexster refuses to start with my extension and the only hint in the log files is the unidentified read marker. I have to clue what prevents Rexster from starting.
The log message is nothing to worry about.
After rebuilding the application in another project step-by-step Rexster is now able to start with the extension. During this rebuild I noticed two situations, that can cause the behaviour described:
Missing dependency
If your project depends on a second project you might use Maven to inject it as a dependency. However, if you use
mvn clean package
to build the extension's JAR file it does not contain this dependency by default. You need to use a Maven plugin (e.g. maven-shade-plugin) to create a shaded JAR that contains all the dependencies your extension needs. Set the dependency scope to provided for all Titan/Rexster/Blueprints related dependencies. Use the shaded uber-JAR to deploy the extension to Rexster.
However, this was not new to me and should not have caused the problem in my case. There might be more situations that cause this problem or maybe there was a problem with Maven that messed up the shaded JAR. Feel free to browse the commit on github to catch this voodoo.
Missing extension
Another cause of this behaviour is a missing extension.
If you specify an extension in the com.tinkerpop.rexster.extension.RexsterExtension resource file, that is not present on startup, Rexster does neither log nor throw an exception, but refuses to start.
