I am just trying to open a db through:
let LevelUP = require('levelup');
let LevelDown = require('leveldown');
let path = require('os').homedir() + '/keys.db';
let db = LevelUP(LevelDown(path));
... and getting an error. The Error object traces as...
message: "IO error: /Users/myname/db/base.db/LOCK: No such file or directory"
OS: MacOS Sierra
As per discussion at GitHub, leveldown library doesn't recursively create the folders down the DB file, so you need to create them by your self before running the code. Also, make sure the user which is running the script has the permissions to do so.
I want to retrieve metadata from a converted video using FFmpeg web assembly package.
I tried to extract a metadata.txt file to my current directory but nothing was return from my command
in my index.js file:
const { createFFmpeg, fetchFile } = require('#ffmpeg/ffmpeg')
const ffmpeg = createFFmpeg({ log: true })
await ffmpeg.load()
await ffmpeg.run('-i', "myvideo.avi'", '-f', 'ffmetadata', 'metadata.txt')
I got error :
Output file is empty, nothing was encoded.
Is this kind of command available on this wasm package? Found nothing relevant on their documentation and I want to avoid the global FFmpeg installation
Wasm doesn't read from the file system. You need to copy files into wasm virtual file system for it to be able to reference files.
I'm using NReco.PdfGenerator.LT to create a PDF document from a HTML page. This works fine on windows if I just point it at the wkhtmltopdf.exe executable, but this does not have the same effect on Linux.
HtmlToPdfConverter cvt = new HtmlToPdfConverter();
cvt.PdfToolPath = GetPdfToolPath();
// Windows: <current-dir>\wkhtmltopdf\win32\bin
// Linux: <current-dir>/wkhtmltopdf/linux/bin
cvt.WkHtmlToPdfExeName = GetPdfToolName();
// Windows: wkhtmltopdf.exe
// Linux: wkhtmltopdf
I just get this error:
Cannot generate PDF: Permission denied
Possible reasons of this error:
linux user who starts .net core program has no permissions to run "wkhtmltopdf". Also ensure that "wkhtmltopdf" file is marked as "executable" (x).
sometimes temp folder returned by Path.GetTempPath() is not accessible; another location for temp files may be specified with HtmlToPdfConverter.TempFilesPath property
I am following the ArangoDB documentation, and I'm currently following the section ArangoDB Shell Configuration; here, they describe an .arangosh.rc file that is sourced from your home directory, placing custom code into the arango shell's global scope. Following the documentation to a T, I've made an .arangosh.rc file in my home directory ~/.arangosh.rc and added the example function
timed = function (cb) {
var internal = require("internal");
var start = internal.time();
internal.print("execution took: ", internal.time() - start);
I've tried exiting and restarting the arango shell as well as completely restarting my terminal session but I can't get arangosh to source the rc file. When I try invoking timed() I get a
ReferenceError: timed is not defined
As far as I can see the condition for sourcing ~/.arangosh.rc changed somewhere in 2.6, but this looks like an error to me. I have reverted that change in the 2.7, 2.8 and devel branches, so the file will get sourced there now. The fix will be contained in the next official releases.
If you want to apply it before that, the commit id for 2.7 is 8e85a2fbb67c8c50c75cf93aefb7365e1e9fd7d1
It also looks like that in 2.7 any "globals" in the rc file need to be attached to the global object. For example,
timed = function (cb) { ... };
should become
global.timed = function (cb) { ... };
I have also updated the docs to reflect this change.
I'm building a package for Github's Atom editor and Im running into a challenge trying to get a child process to execute with node js. I'm pretty sure that the problem is that the environment that Atom runs in, doesn't include the path to the mrt script. So when I run this from within my package:
exec = require("child_process").exec
child = undefined
child = exec("/usr/local/bin/mrt add iron-router", { cwd: path },(error, stdout, stderr) -
console.log "stdout: " + stdout
console.log "stderr: " + stderr
console.log "exec error: " + error if error isnt null
in the console, I get:
Atom has a web inspector built right into it and you can actually see the Paths that atom has included. So when I go to Atom's console and type: process.env.PATH it shows the paths: /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin. So I somehow need to make atom aware of that mrt script's path. Anyone know how I might go about doing that?
I also reached out on on Atom's discussion forum yesterday, but have yet to come up with a solution.
I should also note that the normal command for excuting the mrt package installer is mrt add package-name but as advised on Atom's discussion forum, I've been using the full path.
Edit 2:
I've creating symlinks to node in my /usr/bin directory, and it's working now. Now I'm trying to get node to create the symlinks for me using fs.symlink but that doesn't seem to be working.
To sum it up, the problem is that Atom uses PATH from where it is launched. Consequently, the path to node and the path to mrt where not included in Atom's path. The solution came to me when someone on the Atom Discussion forum pointed out Atom's Class BufferedNodeProcess.
At the time of Answer there is a slight bug with that class so I was not able to use it - the Github team works fast, I wouldn't be surprised if it was fixed within the next couple days. I was, however, able use some of the code to get Atom's environments. Also, I ended up using node's spawn method instead of execute since that's what BufferedNodeProcess uses. Plus you can read each individual line of the stdout.
options =
cwd: atom.project.getPath()
options.env = Object.create(process.env) unless options.env?
node = (if process.platform is "darwin" then path.resolve(process.resourcesPath, "..", "Frameworks", "Atom Helper.app", "Contents", "MacOS", "Atom Helper") else process.execPath)
mrt = spawn(node, [
], options )
mrt.stdout.on "data", (data) ->
console.log "stdout: " + data
mrt.stderr.on "data", (data) ->
console.log "stderr: " + data
mrt.on "close", (code) ->
console.log "child process exited with code " + code
I have an uglify function that creates a file lib-0.1.4-min.js and then symlinks that to lib-production-min.js. 0.1.4 is the current version.
due to synchronization of this directory, sometimes the lib-production-min.js is a broken link.
when I run the compile function, fs.existsSync( "lib-production-min.js" ) returns false. when I try to create the symlink later, node errs out with file already exists.
var version = 'lib-0.1.4-min.j';
var prod = 'lib-production-min.js';
// if production exists, get rid of it
if( fs.existsSync(prod) ) fs.unlinkSync( prod ); // not exists - not deleted
// link version to production
fs.symlinkSync( version, prod ); // ERROR: file already exists
how do I check if this deadlink is in the directory?
will normal fs.unlinkSync( "lib-production-min.js" ) delete it?
fs.lstat() or fs.lstatSync() might help you. They are supposed to bring the information about the link itself, not following it.
Use fs.readlinkSync(symlinkPath) to get the file pointed by the symlink, and then use fs.existsSync with that path.
The problem is that the link file exists, is the destination of the link the one that is missing.