chanaging an IF and Weekday formula into a vba - excel

I need help to change the following function into VBA code. This will be part of a larger code.

There are probably more than 5 ways to do what you want, depending on what exactly do you need. One of these ways is to build a simple custom formula like this:
Public Function changingIfAndWeekday() As Variant
If Weekday(Range("B12")) = 7 Then
changingIfAndWeekday = Range("I12")
changingIfAndWeekday = ""
End If
End Function

You could also do it like so (if you want the result on cell C12):
Sheet1.range("C12").value = "=IF(Weekday(Sheet1.range("B12").value = 7),Sheet1.range("I12").value,"")
You could also do it like so (if you want the result on a variable):
Variable = "=IF(Weekday(Sheet1.range("B12").value = 7),Sheet1.range("I12").value,"")


Use String text as Code in Visual Basic for Excel

For various reasons, I need to concatenate a text of the form [NAME].Value by changing the value of NAME to an inputbox entry.
Something like this:
Sub example()
data_in = InputBox("Give me something: ")
mystring1 = "[" & data_in & "].Value"
a = Evaluate(mystring1) 'I know this is wrong, but I don't know how to do so.
End Sub
I know it can be done in other ways, and the example in which I want to use this code is not exactly this one, and while it can be done in several ways here, in the original code it can only be done this way.
I want, based on the input in the imputbox, to concatenate the string in whatever way, and subsequently cast that string as code to store the value in another variable, to be used later in the code.
I am not able to get VBA to read the string text as code. I have seen that there is a way that consists of creating a macro from this first macro, execute it, and then delete the recently created macro. The problem with this solution is that doing that I can't save the variable when returning to the initial macro (I don't want to use global variables).
Surely there must be a way?
Thank you very much.
EDIT: The code above returns Error 2015
In order to use a string as if it was code, you can use the evaluate function (exists in most languages)
The official documentation mentions this example:
[a1].Value = 25
Evaluate("A1").Value = 25
trigVariable = [SIN(45)]
trigVariable = Evaluate("SIN(45)")
Set firstCellInSheet = Workbooks("BOOK1.XLS").Sheets(4).[A1]
Set firstCellInSheet = _
I have figured out the easiest way to do it, sorry for posting the question so soon.
Thanks to #Andreas for the solution. I'll write it here in case than could be useful to someone.
Sub example()
data_in = InputBox("Give me something: ")
a = Range(data_in).Value
Debug.Print a
End Sub
In the end the simplest thing is the last thing you try...

VBA #VALUE!" error while using a Function

Still one hair remaining... not for long
This :
Function Around(Compare As String)
Around = (Range(Compare).Value = Range(Compare).Offset(-1, 0).Value) Or (Range(Compare).Value = Range(Compare).Offset(1, 0).Value)
End Function
generates a #VALUE! in the cell that calls it
I cannot figure out why
Any clues ?
I think #Value error while accessing user defined function in VBA does not apply here.
I'm guessing you're typing the formula in like =Around(E8), when you need to type it in as =Around("E8") since Compare is a String:
If you want to type it without quotation marks, then you need to declare Compare as a Range and change some syntax:
Function Around(Compare As Range)
Around = (Compare.Value = Compare.Offset(-1, 0).Value) Or (Compare.Value = Compare.Offset(1, 0).Value)
End Function

(Excel) Pick formula criteria/logical etc from another cell(reference)

Im writing an If+Or function and would like to use several cell references for the different Logicals in the function, instead of writing each logical statements in the original if+or function. Any ideas of how to solve this? Hope im not too unclear here..
As example: instead of writing =If(or(A1=A2,A3=A4),A1,0) I would like to write out all different logical values in a list of cells, and the just write the original if+or formula like this: =IF(OR(B1),A1,0) where B1 contains the text "A1=A2,A3=A4"
Thanks for any help on this!
You can use the INDIRECT function.
For example, if the value in cell A6 is 10, INDIRECT("A6") = 10.
So basically you can write INDIRECT("A6")=INDIRECT("A7") instead of the A1=A2 condition in your IF formula.
If you want to have "A1=A2" in one cell, you can use LEFT and RIGHT.
Here is an example:
PS: this solution is for Google Sheets so the solution might differ a little if you're using Excel but that should work for Excel too.
You CANNOT Have It All
Instead of using =IF(OR(B1),A1,0) you have to use
e.g. =IFOR(B1,A1) (I prefer "" instead of 0, sorry)
or =IFOR(B1,A1,0) if you (prefer 0 instead of ""),
or change the ElseValue in the declaration to 0,
then you can use =IFOR(B1,A1) to get 0.
Function IFOR(IfOrCell As Range, ThenCell As Range, _
Optional ElseValue As Variant = "", _
Optional SplitDelimiter As String = ",") As Variant
Dim arrIfOr As Variant
Dim iIfOr As Integer
Dim blnIfOr As Boolean
'The Array: The Split
If InStr(IfOrCell.Value2, SplitDelimiter) = 0 Then Exit Function
arrIfOr = Split(IfOrCell.Value2, SplitDelimiter)
'An Additional Split Introducing the Boolean
For iIfOr = LBound(arrIfOr) To UBound(arrIfOr)
If InStr(arrIfOr(iIfOr), "=") <> 0 Then
If Range(Split(arrIfOr(iIfOr), "=")(0)).Value2 _
= Range(Split(arrIfOr(iIfOr), "=")(1)).Value2 Then
blnIfOr = True
Exit For
End If
End If
If blnIfOr = True Then
IFOR = ThenCell.Value2
IFOR = ElseValue
End If
End Function

How to write excel formula with Nix library? vb .net

I tried to create a file with decimal numbers on cells (F1:F4), but when i am going to insert a formula to the cell, it's show it like a string.
s1("F5").Formula = "=SUMME(F1:F4)"
s1("F5").Value = s1("F5").Formula
i tried:
s1("F5").Formula = "=SUMME(F1:F4)"
s1("F5").Formatting.HiddenFormula = False
s1("F5").Value = s1("F5").Formula
i tried:
s1("F5").Formula = "=SUMME(F1:F4)"
The result its the same, on cell F5, =SUMME(F1:F4)
always on string format.
Note : s1 = Sheet1
Try this:
s1.Cells("F5").Formula = "=SUM(F1:F4)"
You didn't set the range of the sheet. Also changed the SUMME to SUM, unless you have a User Defined Function (UDF) which is called SUMME or you are using Excel in a language where Summe = Sum.
After looking into the library you are using, I would try the following:
s1["F5"].Value = "=SUMME(F1:F4)";
I found the solution. With that library, it's not possible.
I used another library just to make the formula. Nix library it's good to add data to the cells.

Excel VBA - Execute string as code

I am trying to execute the following string as code using Evaluate but get Error 2029. Anyone know why?
Help much appreciated.
Calculation = "Format(""21/08/2012"", ""MMM"")"
Value = Evaluate(Calculation)
Try instead
Calculation = "TEXT(""21/08/2012"", ""MMM"")"
EVALUATE converts formulas to results, and FORMAT is a VBA function. The formula equivalent is TEXT.
You can also skip the evaluate and use the FORMAT function on the date directly.
You can use most worksheet functions in VBA directly with Application.WorksheetFunction. - for example - try this out:
Sub DateExample()
Dim StringTest As String
StringTest = Application.WorksheetFunction.Text("12/08/2012", "MMM")
Cells(1, 1).Value = StringTest
End Sub
Good Luck
