How to set up Azure DNS zone for without affect - azure

I have a domainname and webapp currently which I need to do a set up for the domain to point to my webapp server.
I only need to point to to my Azure DNS zone and point to another email provider.
How can I do this?

I only need to point to to my Azure DNS zone and point to another email provider. How can I do
Azure DNS zone works like the domain name manager, we can delegate your domain name to Azure DNS zone, then we can add A record to map to your application.
About point tp another email provider, we can add mx record in your domain name management page.
Here A similar case about Azure DNS zone and custom domain name, please refer to it.


Azure DNS Zone - unable to find CDN endpoint in list when adding record

I've setup a static site with Azure WebsiteCDN with custom domain, which works correctly for
Now I'm trying to create an alias record set in DNS Zones (to point to apex domain) however the list is always empty:
Any ideas why it doesn't show up?
Mapping your apex or root domain to your CDN endpoint basically requires CNAME flattening or DNS chasing. There are other DNS providers as well that support CNAME flattening or DNS chasing, however, Azure CDN recommends using Azure DNS for its customers for hosting their domains.
Refer :
If you are using a different provider than Azure DNS, then you would need to contact the DNS provider and check if they support CNAME flattening or if there is any way to achieve this on their end.
If it is not supported with your DNS provider, then you could delegate your domain to Azure DNS and manage your DNS records in Azure DNS and here you will be able to create an Alias record which will help you onboard your apex domain to Azure CDN.
Please refer :
While selecting the CDN resource in alias record set, make sure you have selected the subscription in which the CDN endpoint is deployed.
Important Note : Pointing a zone apex to CDN endpoints for Azure CDN from Akamai is currently not supported.
Refer :

Binding custom domain for Azure Virtual Machine?

I want to bind my custom domain to my Azure VM.
The DNS name of my networking is, for example, (here I use xxx to replace my real DNS name label)
I have followed the answer from this link:
Azure VM has a default FQDN that you only could change the DNS label. If you want to add your own custom domain for that Azure VM, you could add a CNAME type DNS record like CNAME or A type record like A your Azure VM public IP address in your DNS domain provider.
But when I click my custom domain, it directs me to the following weblink. This is the same link when I click my public IP from AZURE. How can I make my custom domain directs to my
Thanks for your help.
To allow the website on your Azure VM to be accessed with a custom domain, you can add A or CNAME records in your DNS provider to map the public IP address or FQDN of Azure VM.
For example, you want to access, you can add CNAME record www in the zone.
It usually takes a few hours to wait for DNS propagation worldwide. You can verify it via this website
Let me know if you have any concerns.

Adding MX record for Network Solutions email to Azure App Domain

I need to add an MX record into the app domain name purchased thru Azure portal.
The default form to add a record set adds the .domainname after the mx record name.
The problem is that Network solutions says the MX record name must be (So in the portal it becomes which is not what I need)
How can I add a record set in my DNS zone for that domain that doesn't end in the domain name?
Per the answer below I changed the settings to the following
When you purchase a domain in the app service domain page, you actually have a new domain provider because App Service Domains use GoDaddy for domain registration and Azure DNS to host the domains.
If I am understanding it correctly, you would like to have an email delivered on your app domain name through Network Solutions but keep your domain through Azure. If so, you could refer to this Mailbox Setup and configuration to change/edit your MX and CNAME records in the Azure DNS zone.
Try to change the MX record to inbound.[domain name] if your domain name was, your Mail Server record would look like Also, you could change the other two CNAME records mail and SMTP.
For example,

How to change the DNS Zone nameserver in Azure?

How do I change the nameserver in a Microsoft Azure DNS Zone to be something else? I'd like to use Cloudflare for my nameservers instead of the default Azure ones.
As far as I know, you can not change Microsoft azure DNS name server. Azure DNS is a hosting service for DNS domains that provides name resolution by using Microsoft Azure infrastructure. But Azure DNS supports co-hosting domains with other DNS services.
To set up co-hosting, modify the NS records for the domain to point to the name servers of both providers. Read here.
For example, you can add name servers from Cloudflare in the additional name servers in the NS record on the Azure portal.
The Name Server (NS) update are done on the domain registrar side. In 'Azure DNS', Microsoft just manages the domain they are not the registrar.
If you want Cloud Flare to manage your domain the NS record needs to be change on the domain registrar side.
If you bought an Azure App Service Domain, you get a DNS Zone (mine didn't work properly, and that's how I got to my solution). You also get a second resource from the domain itself (the App Service Domain resource). If you there click on the tab Advanced Management portal you will be redirected to a different site. From there you can go to the DNS tab at the top, select Manage Zones and fill in the domain you want to control.
From there, scroll down, and you'll see something like this.
As you can see, there are two nameservers. Those nameservers point to Azures DNS system. But here, you can actually change the nameservers.

How to create custom wildcard domain in azure

I'm having an issue with setting a custom wildcard domain on an Azure Website.
The azure website is
And my custom domain is
I have done following steps : --
Step A:- Login into the
Step B:- Then created zone with the following steps.
In this I filled all required information and select resource group as use existing. Because I have existing resource group. And click on create button.
C) After click on create button of above image it will show following image.
D) After that I crated record set. Please refer following image. I filled all information that required.
Name = *
Type = CNAME
TTL = 1
TTL unit = Hours
Alias = my existing domain
E) after that I created custom domain.
When I am going to create custom domain it show following error.
And my custom domain is
We can’t add subdomain to, because we are not the owner of
Step B:- Then created zone with the following steps.
Until now, Azure doesn’t provide domain register service. Azure DNS Zone is used to host the DNS records for a particular domain. Azure DNS Service will answers DNS queries for records in the zone. It works as a name server. The prerequisites to use Azure DNS Zone is that you must be the owner of the domain. Please check the following note from Azure DNS Zone official document.
You do not have to own a domain name to create a DNS zone with that domain name in Azure DNS. However, you do need to own the domain to configure the Azure DNS name servers as the correct name servers for the domain name with the domain name registrar.
After you create a DNS Zone, to let the DNS record works, you also need to delegate your domain to Azure DNS by adding name server record in your domain register portal. Though you can add DNS record for in your DNS zone as you mentioned in your post. But it won’t work until you have the right to configure the name server record in your domain register portal.
