I Cant Run Opencv Project in other machines - linux

I have a project whit opencv on my machine that is running ok, it works and does what it should do. In my machine I installed the opencv libraries. The problem is that when I want to run the program on another Linux machine I get this error:
Error while loading shared libraries: libopencv_core.so.3.1
My question is, exist some way to compile the proyect and work in any machine with linux? whitout reinstall opencv libraries in those machine
How should I configure eclipse for packge all project?


How do I compile a QT project to Linux using VS2022?

I created the QT desktop application with VS2022. But I want to test the program inside Linux, how should I do it?
I installed QT in Ubuntu on WSL2, and compiled the qt project using qtcreator without problems. But after I connect to Ubuntu using SSH with VS2022, I am unable to compile.
Thanks for all the help!

Can't load FOT toolbox on Scilab 6.1.0

I recently installed the Scilab 6.1.0 on my Ubuntu 18.04 virtual machine on my windows pc. I am able to use the editor but cannot seem to load the Fossee Optimisation Toolbox. It installs successfully but shows the following error when restarting and trying to load the toolbox. I have already tried reinstalling Scilab and ubuntu. Can someone tell me how to resolve this?
atomsLoad: An error occurred while loading 'FOT-0.4':
exec: error on line #61: "link: The shared archive was not loaded: libquadmath.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"1
FOT is built using gfortran, and the missing library is one of its libraries. Scilab uses also gfortran and is including the corresponding libraries. But there is likely a version number mismatch, i.e. FOT has been built with a more recent version of gfortran. Installing a system wide gfortran with sudo apt-get install gfortran will probably install the version you need.

NodeJS - OpenCV error :- libopencv_calib3d.so.2.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I'm trying to install OpenCV in NodeJS, but I'm getting error.
Even though I have installed OpenCV on my Linux machine (Linux Mint Cinnamon).
libopencv_calib3d.so.2.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I had a similar issue on my Linux Machine (Arch Linux). Installing opencv2 (er downgrading to opencv2) worked for me.

Clone compiled cmake build to identical hardware

I have successfully compiled opencv 3.1 on a raspberry pi. Developing with the library works perfectly fine. Now I wanted to set up another, identical raspberry with opencv and to save the compilation time, my idea was to copy the binaries to the second raspberry.
So I copied the opencv directories including the build folder and tried to run sudo make install. Instead of using the already compiled files, compilation using cmake starts over again.
How can I convince the second raspberry's build environent that there is no need to recompile everything? On my original raspberry, I can run sudo make install on the exactly same files without recompilation. Installed dev-libraries are the same on both systems. Is this a cmake, make or a opencv specific problem?
I also tried to copy all .so and .h files from /usr/... directories, but then I run into further problems when other cmake projects try to locate the opencv package.
Build directory is not intended to be copied into other place or on another machine.
For deliver program to other machine you should use installed files, or, more generally, a package.
CMake is shipped with CPack, which can build the program from sources and create package contained all its deliverables.
You may create .deb package on the first Raspberry PI machine:
cpack -G DEB <source-dir>
and install it on the second machine using dpkg.
There are also "archive" packages like .tgz or .zip. Full list of CPack generators is described in wiki.

Why are my AIR apps packaged on linux being corrupt when used on the mac?

I have a need to generate my air app online on my linux webserver. I create a signature and package the app up with adt and then download it to my desktop mac and try and install it, it says the package is corrupt and to get another copy. But when I compile it on the mac (using the exact same commands to adt) it installs and runs fine.
Why is packaging using the linux SDK creating corrupt .air files ?
It seems the adt binary doesn't work 100% in Linux.
