vtk render window GetZbufferData method - vtk

As I understand it, if I create a vtk render window, then I can add different renderers to it and for each renderer renders from a different perspective. No to actually render the scene I use the vtk render window method render() to render all renderers in parallel. Now there is a vtk render window method called GetZbufferData which apparently returns an array containing the zbuffer. So my question is, to which renderer does this zbuffer correspond to?
Thanks for any clarification.

If you have all renderers in the same window, then they will share the same framebuffer, so also the same z-buffer. So a simple answer to your question is "to all of them". To get the individual z-values, it depends on what you are exactly doing with the renderers.
If you are doing some kind of a "tiled view", you want to assign different viewports (vtkRenderer::SetViewport(), like here) to each of the renderers. Then you can access the z data for a given "tile" (renderer) by passing appropriate x,y coordinates to the GetZBufferData function. For example, to get the whole part of the z buffer that belongs to renderer ren1 of vtkRenderWindow renWin:
double x1 = ren1->GetViewport()[0] * (renWin->GetSize()[0] - 1);
double y1 = ren1->GetViewport()[1] * (renWin->GetSize()[1] - 1);
double x2 = ren1->GetViewport()[2] * (renWin->GetSize()[0] - 1);
double y2 = ren1->GetViewport()[3] * (renWin->GetSize()[1] - 1);
float *ren1Z = renWin->GetZbufferData(
If you have the same viewport, it would be more complicated. You can have a renderwindow with multiple "layers", by setting vtkRenderWindow::SetNumberOfLayers(int) and then you can assign each renderer to a different layer (vtkRenderer::SetLayer(0-based layer index)). The window then renders from layer 0 to the last layer over each other. If you are interested in getting only one specific renderer's z-data, you should get it if you have it render in the last layer. However, I am not sure if the z-buffer is cleaned in between individual renderer's renders, I would actually bet on that it is not, so you might also get some inconsistent mess.

I would like to complement tomj answer:
Any of the vtkRenderWindow::GetZbufferData() methods query the framebuffer for Z-values, which is contained in the vtkRenderWindow, but there is a slight remark:
You need to set this in your renderers: vtkRenderer::PreserveDepthBufferOn(). This is because as the documentation says:
"By default, the depth buffer is reset for each renderer.
If this flag is true, this renderer will use the existing depth buffer for its rendering."
So, that bring us to the vtkRenderers. There is a layering of vtkRenderers, which tells which "chain" or "precedence order" to make the drawing. Check the method vtkRenderer::SetLayer().
So, you first need to set up your layered vtkRenderers, attach them to the vtkRenderWindow, and then set up correctly if you want to preserve some depth buffers or not.
Notice that if the z-buffer has not been set (first draw of the first vtkRenderer), it will return 1.0. I'm still figuring out why, but currently that is the situation.


How to force Godot to recalculate control nodes size/position?

Building UI in Godot 3.2.1. Of course I use anchors so UI elements are arranged within the screen automatically according to specified layout. I have UI scale system - nothing fancy - simply change font size (DynamicFont.size). If font size is large enough then some UI nodes may be pushed out of the screen. However, nodes don't return to normal sizes/positions with font size decreasing. The way to fix a mess is to resize game window which is not always an option and doesn't seem like a correct way to handle the issue. So how can I force Godot to recalculate control nodes size/position?
Changing the parent control's minimum size to Vector2(0, 0) after changing the font size might do the trick:
$Control.rect_min_size = Vector2(0, 0)
If it's already set to Vector2(0, 0), you may have to change it twice using call_deferred() for it to work.
In your scene tree, find the top level container that contains all of the elements that you want to recalculate. This would be the lowest common ancestor in the scene tree, in computer science terminology. Now, hide the container, by setting it's 'visible' property to false. Then, add a deferred call to change it's 'visible' property back to true.
var your_container = $".".find_node("your-container")
your_container.visible = false
your_container.call_deferred("set_visible", true)
This seems to cause Godot to recalculate the layout of 'your_container'.
It looks like only CanvasItem derived classes have a 'visible' property, so you would not be able to simply set the 'visible' property on a CanvasLayer, for example.
Fortunately, Containers and Controls both derive from CannvasItem, so this methodology should work fine if your lowest common ancestor node is either a Container or a Control or other CanvasItem derived class instance.
I got this working by emitting a signal from a parent element, which appears to force a refresh:
The problem child got refreshed, and unlike the visibility method, focus was retained.

Particles generated behind sprite

I just started out with Phaser.
I have a simple sprite in the middle of the screen, and whenever I click the sprite, I emit a particle at the clicked x,y coordinates.
My problem is that the particles are generated behind the sprite. I have tried setting z on the sprite to 1 and the emitter to 1000 without luck.
What am I missing?
var emitter = game.add.emitter(game.world.centerX, game.world.centeryY);
var sprite = game.add.sprite(game.world.centerX, game.world.centerY, 'phaser');
sprite.scale.setTo(2, 2);
sprite.inputEnabled = true;
sprite.events.onInputDown.add(function(sender, pointer){
emitter.emitX = pointer.x;
emitter.emitY = pointer.y;
}, this);
My actual code is based on the Phaser-ES6-Boilerplate. Even though BdRs answer solves the issue in the sandbox code, I'm not able to utilize this in my real code.
I have uploaded both the code and a running example. Hopefully someone can tell me where I have screwed things up...
Separate Phaser items don't have a z-order, instead it just depends on the order you create and add them to game. Each new sprite or emitter or group etc. will be displayed on top of all previously added items.
So, simply changing your code to something like this should work.
// first the sprite
var sprite = game.add.sprite(game.world.centerX, game.world.centerY, 'phaser');
sprite.scale.setTo(2, 2);
// then the particles in front of sprite
var emitter = game.add.emitter(game.world.centerX, game.world.centeryY);
// then maybe text in front of particles and sprite
var mytest = game.add.bitmapText(10, 20, 'myfont', 'Level 1', 16);
// etc.
Btw sprites do have a .z value but that only used when it's part of a Phaser.Group, it will then be used as the display z-order but only within that group of sprites.
By default, phaser will not sort objects that get added to any group, it will just render them in the order that they get added. In your case, you can just add the emitter to the group after you add the sprite (the group in this case is the 'game' object).
Of course, having to add objects in the drawing order is not ideal, and if you need to have them sorted dynamically, not possible.
Another way is you can sort objects within a group using the 'sort' function, in which you give it the name of a parameter to sort by, and you sort whenever you need to (in some cases, in the Update callback).
Sorting every frame can be a performance hit though, especially if you have a lot of objects. Another way you could go about this is by adding groups, sorting those groups in draw order (think of them like layers), and then adding objects to those groups in any order. Any group that needs sorting within itself you can sort as well. This way, you can choose to have (for example) a background layer not needing to be sorted but everything added to that layer will be behind every other layer.
Good answers from everybody, but you are missing that every GameObject has a depth property which serves exactly the z-index purpose. This way you do not need to rely on the order of objects creation.
There is also an official
Hope this helps.

Change z-index of marker in openlayers

I've a layer with multiple markers with rather big icons, so they overlap. Via the list on the side of the map users can select a marker and the map will pan (and zoom) to it. But it will still be behind some other makers.
How do I get a individual makers z-index and set it? I would be useful to get the highest used z-index and just add one. (another solution is to add the total number of markers to the z-index)
The markers (or features) are in a myLib.features array. The console doesn't show any z-index type functions.
I can't find a appropriate example or api function for this.
I found this example: http://dev.openlayers.org/examples/ordering.html
I don't really understand it. Somehow the created feature takes the next z-index given by the layer via somekind of symbolizer. I have no idea how to work this static sort into a dynamic one.
Try this:
First of all, make sure you are using a OpenLayers.Layer.Vector layer, not a OpenLayers.Layer.Markers layer. Apparently the Markers layer is old news and all new development is done in the Vector layer. It has more features. (I wasted a pile of time with the Markers layer myself).
Then, each of your markers needs to be a OpenLayers.Feature.Vector object. The constructor takes three arguments, the third of which is called the style. The style is where you set your image attributes, the background shadow, the mouse-over text, and the z-index, which has the property name "graphicZIndex". I think that's what you're looking for.
Add your "markers" (which are Vector's) to your Vector layer with the addFeatures function. And just ignore the "options" argument.
I found that example page too, and I found it confusing too. It was setting all the markers' styles in the Vector layer's constructor (as default values to be used if the marker style was omitted) instead of the marker's constructor. I think it makes more sense to set the marker style in the marker constructor.
To change the style in real-time, take one of your OpenLayers.Feature.Vector markers, called "marker" and do this. And let's call the Vector Layer "layer".
marker.style.graphicZIndex = 13;

XNA SpriteBatches- making them draw offset?

Any suggestions for a good way to do this?
I want to be able to draw lots of 2D things in XNA- often in offset position. eg if something is in position (X,Y) then ideally I'd like to be able to pass it a modified SpriteBatch which, when Draw(X,Y) is called would take account of the offset and draw the thing at (X+OffsetX, Y+OffsetY).
I don't want to pass this offset to the children and have to deal with it separately in each child- that could screw up and would also screw up my interfaces!
Firstly I thought of having a Decorator to a SpriteBatch which if I call Decorator.Draw for something in position (X,Y) would route this to the original SpriteBatch as (X+offsetX, y+offsetY). But then I can't override the Draw methods in the SpriteBatch class, and even if I created my own "Decorator.DrawOffset", the Decorator seems to need "SpriteBatch.Begin()" called and stuff which seems to break... :(
I then thought of Extension Methods, but I think they'd need the offset passed to them as a variable each time draw() is called? Which still requires me to pass the offset down through the children...
Another option would be to draw the children to a RenderTarget (or whatever they are in XNA4) and then render this to the screen in an offset position... but that seems hideously inefficient?
Thanks for any comments!
you should use a Transformation Matrix.
Matrix Transform = Matrix.CreateTranslation(offsetX, offsetY, 0);
SpriteBatch.Begin(...,...,...., Transform);

Rendering order in JUNG graph visualisation

I'm using JUNG2 to draw some graphs.
This is the image I get:
I'd like to:
1) change the rendering order (labels should be the last objects to be drawn);
2) add a semi-transparent background to the labels.
3) change background color of the whole image.
Any idea on how to do this?
The JUNG2 documentation is not very extensive on these issues.
(1) To do this you'd have to hack the rendering code; I don't believe that we support this at the moment.
UPDATE: I took a closer look. Actually JUNG does support this without hacking the existing libraries; the easiest way is perhaps to subclass BasicRenderer and then override the render() method so that things happen in the order that you want. (I recommend that you render vertices after edges.) Once you do that, you create an instance of your custom Renderer, and call VisualizationViewer.setRenderer(customRenderer).
(2) The labels respect HTML code (i.e., surround your label with <html></html> and then put whatever tags you like in it).
(3) BasicVisualizationServer (and its subclasses, e.g. VisualizationViewer) inherit from JComponent, which defines setBackground(Color).
