Can I have pagination, ordering, column selection and filtering in raw data table in a Tableau view? - pagination

When I click a bar in a bar chart or a slice in a pie chart I am able to see a table with the underlying raw data. This is very useful, but is it possible to achieve the following functionalities?
Pagination. I would like my users to be able to view all the data page by page in the browser rather than having to download a csv file.
Dynamic ordering. That is when you click a column to indicate that you would like to sort the rows by values in that column and you choose ascending or descending order.
Column selection. I would like to be able to either let users select what columns to display or at least define them upfront for raw data for a given chart.
Filtering. Can I dynamically add filters to columns as I browse the raw data?

You can't have any of that in raw data view, it is more of a developer view rather than a viz user view.
What you can do to get some of the functionality is to build a separate worksheet with data table and use actions to navigate there from your chart.


Add text in front of grouped values in pivot tables

I'm trying to create an Excel Pivottable that grabs data from an Access Query and then shows the values grouped by what I want. That part works fine enough, what I would like to know is if it is possible to add text infront of grouped values in a way that is smart? The purpose is to just be able to change which Access database it should grab data from and have a standardised view where no manual changes have to be made.
What I currently have:
What I would to have:
As far as I can see I can add it manually, but there might be new cases of Øxxx types.
I would add reference table with columns sufficient to join to your view and then "prefix text" column that would be appended in front of the existing (quantity in english?) column. Or you could add it to the pivot. This method let's you add/delete rows from the reference table as needed.
If you cannot alter the access side for some reason, then another way is select all the raw data to a sheet and then use VLOOKUP or some other formula to add the prefix. And then pivot this data sheet.

Show raw data from table in PowerBI

is it possible to view raw data data build table? For example example if I clicked one of this number is it possible to see all raw rows that was summarize in columns customer, finance, etc. I am looking for some view that is using in pivot tables in excel/google sheets. There are option that if you clicked in one cell there will be created new tab with filtered source data.
You can use the drillthrough feature to accomplish this. Basically, create a second page and create a table with all the data you want to see.

spotfire new table from file filtered

I am using spotfire client.
I have identified some records within a data table that I would like to send to a new data table. Is there some way to create a new table with marked or isolated data or using a data limiting expression on the source table? I have had to export my filtered data out and then import it back in but I am hoping there is a more direct way.
If you know the restrictions you need to set on your data to identify the records, you can create a second table based on the source data.
Go to the properties of the table / visualization, then go to the Data tab. You have to scroll all the way to the bottom. There you can edit the "Limit data using expression".
You could also create a detailed visualization if you want, but that is only useful if you can quickly identify the records.
Or insert a calculated column (e.g. case statement) and use this column to filter your data.

How to link table row content to source in Power View

I am currently able to use Power View to view, filter, and highlight my data. However I haven't figured out a way to link my table rows to the data source (i.e. tables in other tabs of the Excel spreadsheet).
so that if I double-click on a row, Excel will direct me to the appropriate table and show me the full content of that row (so that I can see data in the other columns that I wasn't showing in the Power View dashboard).
For example, I wouldn't put a "Description" column into the dashboard but I would want the user to be able to find and see the paragraph-long description for each item if he or she chooses to drill down.
See image
I want to be able to click on any of those five line items and go to that table with that table filtered for only that item.
Does any one know how to do this?
This is not something that's supported in Power View.

How do you group an Excel PivotChart by a column not selected in category?

Does anyone know if its possible to select one column in an Excel PivotChart (i.e. Name in my example) but sum the values by ID without displaying the ID column in the chart?
In the example below, we have two Johns. I want to view both of them in the chart like in chart two, but I don't want to display their ID fields in the chart.
Real case scenario is that I need to filter on top 10 file views by file name. And if we have a bunch of files named image1.jpg (because people don't properly name their files), we end up bucketing them all together and it looks like image1.jpg has way more views than it actually has; causing the chart to be skewed. I know it might be confusing to have two same data labels, but oh well. :) The user will just have to drill into one to see other details.
I did find a clean way of doing this using hierarchies in PowerPivot, but with a large dataset the performance is horrible.
Create a hierarchy in powerpivot with ID and Name. Use the hierarchy in the PivotChart category. Only ID field shows up initially. Expand entire field and the names show up. Hide level ID, and voila. You get all Names without ID column, but only to be used on smaller datasets.
easiest way to do this is created a calculated column in PowerPivot window where you will combine filename AND file id.
With that, it's very easy and still should be quite good from performance perspective. Better yet if you could prepare this column in your import file / on your server.
Result could then look like this:
From a data visualisation point of view it will be most confusing to have two data points with the same label and no means of differentiating them. So, having the ID in the X axis is actually helping the reader to make sense of the information.
From a technical point of view, you can create a chart that is based on the pivot table, but is not a pivot chart. Use the pivot table as the source for a regular chart and select only the Name as the X axis label.
If the pivot table dimensions may change when it is refreshed, you can use dynamic range names to ringfence the ranges required for the chart.
In the screenshot below, the label range chtLabels uses the formula
The range chtValues uses
When adding the range names to the chart source dialogues, they must be preceded with the sheet name or the file name.
