Linux sed command to return truncated output [duplicate] - linux

I'm trying to parse JSON returned from a curl request, like so:
curl '' |
sed -e 's/[{}]/''/g' |
awk -v k="text" '{n=split($0,a,","); for (i=1; i<=n; i++) print a[i]}'
The above splits the JSON into fields, for example:
% ...
"text":"My status"
% ...
How do I print a specific field (denoted by the -v k=text)?

There are a number of tools specifically designed for the purpose of manipulating JSON from the command line, and will be a lot easier and more reliable than doing it with Awk, such as jq:
curl -s '' | jq -r '.name'
You can also do this with tools that are likely already installed on your system, like Python using the json module, and so avoid any extra dependencies, while still having the benefit of a proper JSON parser. The following assume you want to use UTF-8, which the original JSON should be encoded in and is what most modern terminals use as well:
Python 3:
curl -s '' | \
python3 -c "import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)['name'])"
Python 2:
curl -s '' | \
python2 -c "import sys, json; print json.load(sys.stdin)['name']"
Frequently Asked Questions
Why not a pure shell solution?
The standard POSIX/Single Unix Specification shell is a very limited language which doesn't contain facilities for representing sequences (list or arrays) or associative arrays (also known as hash tables, maps, dicts, or objects in some other languages). This makes representing the result of parsing JSON somewhat tricky in portable shell scripts. There are somewhat hacky ways to do it, but many of them can break if keys or values contain certain special characters.
Bash 4 and later, zsh, and ksh have support for arrays and associative arrays, but these shells are not universally available (macOS stopped updating Bash at Bash 3, due to a change from GPLv2 to GPLv3, while many Linux systems don't have zsh installed out of the box). It's possible that you could write a script that would work in either Bash 4 or zsh, one of which is available on most macOS, Linux, and BSD systems these days, but it would be tough to write a shebang line that worked for such a polyglot script.
Finally, writing a full fledged JSON parser in shell would be a significant enough dependency that you might as well just use an existing dependency like jq or Python instead. It's not going to be a one-liner, or even small five-line snippet, to do a good implementation.
Why not use awk, sed, or grep?
It is possible to use these tools to do some quick extraction from JSON with a known shape and formatted in a known way, such as one key per line. There are several examples of suggestions for this in other answers.
However, these tools are designed for line based or record based formats; they are not designed for recursive parsing of matched delimiters with possible escape characters.
So these quick and dirty solutions using awk/sed/grep are likely to be fragile, and break if some aspect of the input format changes, such as collapsing whitespace, or adding additional levels of nesting to the JSON objects, or an escaped quote within a string. A solution that is robust enough to handle all JSON input without breaking will also be fairly large and complex, and so not too much different than adding another dependency on jq or Python.
I have had to deal with large amounts of customer data being deleted due to poor input parsing in a shell script before, so I never recommend quick and dirty methods that may be fragile in this way. If you're doing some one-off processing, see the other answers for suggestions, but I still highly recommend just using an existing tested JSON parser.
Historical notes
This answer originally recommended jsawk, which should still work, but is a little more cumbersome to use than jq, and depends on a standalone JavaScript interpreter being installed which is less common than a Python interpreter, so the above answers are probably preferable:
curl -s '' | jsawk -a 'return'
This answer also originally used the Twitter API from the question, but that API no longer works, making it hard to copy the examples to test out, and the new Twitter API requires API keys, so I've switched to using the GitHub API which can be used easily without API keys. The first answer for the original question would be:
curl '' | jq -r '.text'

To quickly extract the values for a particular key, I personally like to use "grep -o", which only returns the regex's match. For example, to get the "text" field from tweets, something like:
grep -Po '"text":.*?[^\\]",' tweets.json
This regex is more robust than you might think; for example, it deals fine with strings having embedded commas and escaped quotes inside them. I think with a little more work you could make one that is actually guaranteed to extract the value, if it's atomic. (If it has nesting, then a regex can't do it of course.)
And to further clean (albeit keeping the string's original escaping) you can use something like: | perl -pe 's/"text"://; s/^"//; s/",$//'. (I did this for this analysis.)
To all the haters who insist you should use a real JSON parser -- yes, that is essential for correctness, but
To do a really quick analysis, like counting values to check on data cleaning bugs or get a general feel for the data, banging out something on the command line is faster. Opening an editor to write a script is distracting.
grep -o is orders of magnitude faster than the Python standard json library, at least when doing this for tweets (which are ~2 KB each). I'm not sure if this is just because json is slow (I should compare to yajl sometime); but in principle, a regex should be faster since it's finite state and much more optimizable, instead of a parser that has to support recursion, and in this case, spends lots of CPU building trees for structures you don't care about. (If someone wrote a finite state transducer that did proper (depth-limited) JSON parsing, that would be fantastic! In the meantime we have "grep -o".)
To write maintainable code, I always use a real parsing library. I haven't tried jsawk, but if it works well, that would address point #1.
One last, wackier, solution: I wrote a script that uses Python json and extracts the keys you want, into tab-separated columns; then I pipe through a wrapper around awk that allows named access to columns. In here: the json2tsv and tsvawk scripts. So for this example it would be:
json2tsv id text < tweets.json | tsvawk '{print "tweet " $id " is: " $text}'
This approach doesn't address #2, is more inefficient than a single Python script, and it's a little brittle: it forces normalization of newlines and tabs in string values, to play nice with awk's field/record-delimited view of the world. But it does let you stay on the command line, with more correctness than grep -o.

On the basis that some of the recommendations here (especially in the comments) suggested the use of Python, I was disappointed not to find an example.
So, here's a one-liner to get a single value from some JSON data. It assumes that you are piping the data in (from somewhere) and so should be useful in a scripting context.
echo '{"hostname":"test","domainname":""}' | python -c 'import json,sys;obj=json.load(sys.stdin);print obj["hostname"]'

Following martinr's and Boecko's lead:
curl -s '' | python -mjson.tool
That will give you an extremely grep-friendly output. Very convenient:
curl -s '' | python -mjson.tool | grep my_key

You could just download jq binary for your platform and run (chmod +x jq):
$ curl '' | ./jq -r '.name'
It extracts "name" attribute from the json object.
jq homepage says it is like sed for JSON data.

Using Node.js
If the system has Node.js installed, it's possible to use the -p print and -e evaluate script flags with JSON.parse to pull out any value that is needed.
A simple example using the JSON string { "foo": "bar" } and pulling out the value of "foo":
node -pe 'JSON.parse(process.argv[1]).foo' '{ "foo": "bar" }'
Because we have access to cat and other utilities, we can use this for files:
node -pe 'JSON.parse(process.argv[1]).foo' "$(cat foobar.json)"
Or any other format such as an URL that contains JSON:
node -pe 'JSON.parse(process.argv[1]).name' "$(curl -s"
Trevor Senior

Use Python's JSON support instead of using AWK!
Something like this:
curl -s | \
python -c "import json,sys;obj=json.load(sys.stdin);print(obj['name']);"
macOS v12.3 (Monterey) removed /usr/bin/python, so we must use /usr/bin/python3 for macOS v12.3 and later.
curl -s | \
python3 -c "import json,sys;obj=json.load(sys.stdin);print(obj['name']);"

You've asked how to shoot yourself in the foot and I'm here to provide the ammo:
curl -s '' | sed -e 's/[{}]/''/g' | awk -v RS=',"' -F: '/^text/ {print $2}'
You could use tr -d '{}' instead of sed. But leaving them out completely seems to have the desired effect as well.
If you want to strip off the outer quotes, pipe the result of the above through sed 's/\(^"\|"$\)//g'
I think others have sounded sufficient alarm. I'll be standing by with a cell phone to call an ambulance. Fire when ready.

Using Bash with Python
Create a Bash function in your .bashrc file:
function getJsonVal () {
python -c "import json,sys;sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(json.load(sys.stdin)$1))";
curl '' | getJsonVal "['text']"
My status
Here is the same function, but with error checking.
function getJsonVal() {
if [ \( $# -ne 1 \) -o \( -t 0 \) ]; then
cat <<EOF
Usage: getJsonVal 'key' < /tmp/
-- or --
cat /tmp/input | getJsonVal 'key'
python -c "import json,sys;sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(json.load(sys.stdin)$1))";
Where $# -ne 1 makes sure at least 1 input, and -t 0 make sure you are redirecting from a pipe.
The nice thing about this implementation is that you can access nested JSON values and get JSON content in return! =)
echo '{"foo": {"bar": "baz", "a": [1,2,3]}}' | getJsonVal "['foo']['a'][1]"
If you want to be really fancy, you could pretty print the data:
function getJsonVal () {
python -c "import json,sys;sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(json.load(sys.stdin)$1, sort_keys=True, indent=4))";
echo '{"foo": {"bar": "baz", "a": [1,2,3]}}' | getJsonVal "['foo']"
"a": [
"bar": "baz"

Update (2020)
My biggest issue with external tools (e.g., Python) was that you have to deal with package managers and dependencies to install them.
However, now that we have jq as a standalone, static tool that's easy to install cross-platform via GitHub Releases and Webi (, I'd recommend that:
Mac, Linux:
curl -sS | bash
Windows 10:
curl.exe -A MS | powershell
Cheat Sheet:
Original (2011)
TickTick is a JSON parser written in bash (less than 250 lines of code).
Here's the author's snippet from his article, Imagine a world where Bash supports JSON:
people = {
"Writers": [
"Rod Serling",
"Charles Beaumont",
"Richard Matheson"
"Cast": {
"Rod Serling": { "Episodes": 156 },
"Martin Landau": { "Episodes": 2 },
"William Shatner": { "Episodes": 2 }
function printDirectors() {
echo " The ``people.Directors.length()`` Directors are:"
for director in ``people.Directors.items()``; do
printf " - %s\n" ${!director}
`` people.Directors = [ "John Brahm", "Douglas Heyes" ] ``
newDirector="Lamont Johnson"
`` people.Directors.push($newDirector) ``
echo "Shifted: "``people.Directors.shift()``
echo "Popped: "``people.Directors.pop()``

This is using standard Unix tools available on most distributions. It also works well with backslashes (\) and quotes (").
Warning: This doesn't come close to the power of jq and will only work with very simple JSON objects. It's an attempt to answer to the original question and in situations where you can't install additional tools.
function parse_json()
echo $1 | \
sed -e 's/[{}]/''/g' | \
sed -e 's/", "/'\",\"'/g' | \
sed -e 's/" ,"/'\",\"'/g' | \
sed -e 's/" , "/'\",\"'/g' | \
sed -e 's/","/'\"---SEPERATOR---\"'/g' | \
awk -F=':' -v RS='---SEPERATOR---' "\$1~/\"$2\"/ {print}" | \
sed -e "s/\"$2\"://" | \
tr -d "\n\t" | \
sed -e 's/\\"/"/g' | \
sed -e 's/\\\\/\\/g' | \
sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//g' | \
sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//'
parse_json '{"username":"john, doe","email":""}' username
parse_json '{"username":"john doe","email":""}' email
--- outputs ---
john, doe

Parsing JSON with PHP CLI
It is arguably off-topic, but since precedence reigns, this question remains incomplete without a mention of our trusty and faithful PHP, am I right?
It is using the same example JSON, but let’s assign it to a variable to reduce obscurity.
export JSON='{"hostname":"test","domainname":""}'
Now for PHP goodness, it is using file_get_contents and the php://stdin stream wrapper.
echo $JSON | php -r 'echo json_decode(file_get_contents("php://stdin"))->hostname;'
Or as pointed out using fgets and the already opened stream at CLI constant STDIN.
echo $JSON | php -r 'echo json_decode(fgets(STDIN))->hostname;'

If someone just wants to extract values from simple JSON objects without the need for nested structures, it is possible to use regular expressions without even leaving Bash.
Here is a function I defined using bash regular expressions based on the JSON standard:
function json_extract() {
local key=$1
local json=$2
local string_regex='"([^"\]|\\.)*"'
local number_regex='-?(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.[0-9]+)?([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?'
local value_regex="${string_regex}|${number_regex}|true|false|null"
local pair_regex="\"${key}\"[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*(${value_regex})"
if [[ ${json} =~ ${pair_regex} ]]; then
echo $(sed 's/^"\|"$//g' <<< "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}")
return 1
Caveats: objects and arrays are not supported as values, but all other value types defined in the standard are supported. Also, a pair will be matched no matter how deep in the JSON document it is as long as it has exactly the same key name.
Using the OP's example:
$ json_extract text "$(curl '')"
My status
$ json_extract friends_count "$(curl '')"

Unfortunately the top voted answer that uses grep returns the full match that didn't work in my scenario, but if you know the JSON format will remain constant you can use lookbehind and lookahead to extract just the desired values.
# echo '{"TotalPages":33,"FooBar":"he\"llo","anotherValue":100}' | grep -Po '(?<="FooBar":")(.*?)(?=",)'
# echo '{"TotalPages":33,"FooBar":"he\"llo","anotherValue":100}' | grep -Po '(?<="TotalPages":)(.*?)(?=,)'
# echo '{"TotalPages":33,"FooBar":"he\"llo","anotherValue":100}' | grep -Po '(?<="anotherValue":)(.*?)(?=})'

Version which uses Ruby and
< file.json ruby -e "require 'rubygems'; require 'json'; puts JSON.pretty_generate(JSON[]);"
Or more concisely:
< file.json ruby -r rubygems -r json -e "puts JSON.pretty_generate(JSON[]);"

This is yet another Bash and Python hybrid answer. I posted this answer, because I wanted to process more complex JSON output, but, reducing the complexity of my bash application. I want to crack open the following JSON object from in Bash:
"owningSystemUrl": "",
"authInfo": {
"tokenServicesUrl": "",
"isTokenBasedSecurity": true
In the following example, I created my own implementation of jq and unquote leveraging Python. You'll note that once we import the Python object from json to a Python dictionary we can use Python syntax to navigate the dictionary. To navigate the above, the syntax is:
data[ "authInfo" ]
data[ "authInfo" ][ "tokenServicesUrl" ]
By using magic in Bash, we omit data and only supply the Python text to the right of data, i.e.
jq '[ "authInfo" ]'
jq '[ "authInfo" ][ "tokenServicesUrl" ]'
Note, with no parameters, jq acts as a JSON prettifier. With parameters, we can use Python syntax to extract anything we want from the dictionary including navigating subdictionaries and array elements.
Here are the Bash Python hybrid functions:
#!/bin/bash -xe
jq_py() {
cat <<EOF
import json, sys
data = json.load( sys.stdin )
print( json.dumps( data$1, indent = 4 ) )
jq() {
python -c "$( jq_py "$1" )"
unquote_py() {
cat <<EOF
import json,sys
print( json.load( sys.stdin ) )
unquote() {
python -c "$( unquote_py )"
Here's a sample usage of the Bash Python functions:
curl | tee arcgis.json
# {"owningSystemUrl":"","authInfo":{"tokenServicesUrl":"","isTokenBasedSecurity":true}}
cat arcgis.json | jq
# {
# "owningSystemUrl": "",
# "authInfo": {
# "tokenServicesUrl": "",
# "isTokenBasedSecurity": true
# }
# }
cat arcgis.json | jq '[ "authInfo" ]'
# {
# "tokenServicesUrl": "",
# "isTokenBasedSecurity": true
# }
cat arcgis.json | jq '[ "authInfo" ][ "tokenServicesUrl" ]'
# ""
cat arcgis.json | jq '[ "authInfo" ][ "tokenServicesUrl" ]' | unquote

There is an easier way to get a property from a JSON string. Using a package.json file as an example, try this:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
my_val="$(json=$(<package.json) node -pe "JSON.parse(process.env.json)['version']")"
We're using process.env, because this gets the file's contents into Node.js as a string without any risk of malicious contents escaping their quoting and being parsed as code.

Now that PowerShell is cross platform, I thought I'd throw its way out there, since I find it to be fairly intuitive and extremely simple.
curl -s '' | ConvertFrom-Json
ConvertFrom-Json converts the JSON into a PowerShell custom object, so you can easily work with the properties from that point forward. If you only wanted the 'id' property for example, you'd just do this:
curl -s '' | ConvertFrom-Json | select -ExpandProperty id
If you wanted to invoke the whole thing from within Bash, then you'd have to call it like this:
powershell 'curl -s "" | ConvertFrom-Json'
Of course, there's a pure PowerShell way to do it without curl, which would be:
Invoke-WebRequest '' | select -ExpandProperty Content | ConvertFrom-Json
Finally, there's also ConvertTo-Json which converts a custom object to JSON just as easily. Here's an example:
(New-Object PsObject -Property #{ Name = "Tester"; SomeList = #('one','two','three')}) | ConvertTo-Json
Which would produce nice JSON like this:
"Name": "Tester",
"SomeList": [
Admittedly, using a Windows shell on Unix is somewhat sacrilegious, but PowerShell is really good at some things, and parsing JSON and XML are a couple of them. This is the GitHub page for the cross platform version: PowerShell

I can not use any of the answers here. Neither jq, shell arrays, declare, grep -P, lookbehind, lookahead, Python, Perl, Ruby, or even Bash, is available.
The remaining answers simply do not work well. JavaScript sounded familiar, but the tin says Nescaffe - so it is a no go, too :) Even if available, for my simple needs - they would be overkill and slow.
Yet, it is extremely important for me to get many variables from the JSON formatted reply of my modem. I am doing it in Bourne shell (sh) with a very trimmed down BusyBox at my routers! There aren't any problems using AWK alone: just set delimiters and read the data. For a single variable, that is all!
awk 'BEGIN { FS="\""; RS="," }; { if ($2 == "login") {print $4} }' test.json
Remember I don't have any arrays? I had to assign within the AWK parsed data to the 11 variables which I need in a shell script. Wherever I looked, that was said to be an impossible mission. No problem with that, either.
My solution is simple. This code will:
parse .json file from the question (actually, I have borrowed a working data sample from the most upvoted answer) and picked out the quoted data, plus
create shell variables from within the awk assigning free named shell variable names.
eval $( curl -s '' |
awk ' BEGIN { FS="""; RS="," };
if ($2 == "login") { print "Login=""$4""" }
if ($2 == "name") { print "Name=""$4""" }
if ($2 == "updated_at") { print "Updated=""$4""" }
}' )
echo "$Login, $Name, $Updated"
There aren't any problems with blanks within. In my use, the same command parses a long single line output. As eval is used, this solution is suited for trusted data only.
It is simple to adapt it to pickup unquoted data. For a huge number of variables, a marginal speed gain can be achieved using else if. Lack of arrays obviously means: no multiple records without extra fiddling. But where arrays are available, adapting this solution is a simple task.
#maikel's sed answer almost works (but I can not comment on it). For my nicely formatted data - it works. Not so much with the example used here (missing quotes throw it off). It is complicated and difficult to modify. Plus, I do not like having to make 11 calls to extract 11 variables. Why? I timed 100 loops extracting 9 variables: the sed function took 48.99 seconds and my solution took 0.91 second! Not fair? Doing just a single extraction of 9 variables: 0.51 vs. 0.02 second.

Someone who also has XML files, might want to look at my Xidel. It is a command-line interface, dependency-free JSONiq processor. (I.e., it also supports XQuery for XML or JSON processing.)
The example in the question would be:
xidel -e 'json("")("name")'
Or with my own, nonstandard extension syntax:
xidel -e 'json("").name'

You can try something like this -
curl -s '' |
awk -F=":" -v RS="," '$1~/"text"/ {print}'

One interesting tool that hasn't be covered in the existing answers is using gron written in Go which has a tagline that says Make JSON greppable! which is exactly what it does.
So essentially gron breaks down your JSON into discrete assignments see the absolute 'path' to it. The primary advantage of it over other tools like jq would be to allow searching for the value without knowing how nested the record to search is present at, without breaking the original JSON structure
e.g., I want to search for the 'twitter_username' field from the following link, I just do
% gron '' | fgrep 'twitter_username'
json.twitter_username = "unlambda";
% gron '' | fgrep 'twitter_username' | gron -u
"twitter_username": "unlambda"
As simple as that. Note how the gron -u (short for ungron) reconstructs the JSON back from the search path. The need for fgrep is just to filter your search to the paths needed and not let the search expression be evaluated as a regex, but as a fixed string (which is essentially grep -F)
Another example to search for a string to see where in the nested structure the record is under
% echo '{"foo":{"bar":{"zoo":{"moo":"fine"}}}}' | gron | fgrep "fine" = "fine";
It also supports streaming JSON with its -s command line flag, where you can continuously gron the input stream for a matching record. Also gron has zero runtime dependencies. You can download a binary for Linux, Mac, Windows or FreeBSD and run it.
More usage examples and trips can be found at the official Github page - Advanced Usage
As for why you one can use gron over other JSON parsing tools, see from author's note from the project page.
Why shouldn't I just use jq?
jq is awesome, and a lot more powerful than gron, but with that power comes complexity. gron aims to make it easier to use the tools you already know, like grep and sed.

You can use jshon:
curl '' | jshon -e text

Here's one way you can do it with AWK:
curl -sL '' | awk -F"," -v k="text" '{
if ( $i ~ k ){
print $i

Here is a good reference. In this case:
curl '' | sed -e 's/[{}]/''/g' | awk -v k="text" '{n=split($0,a,","); for (i=1; i<=n; i++) { where = match(a[i], /\"text\"/); if(where) {print a[i]} } }'

Parsing JSON is painful in a shell script. With a more appropriate language, create a tool that extracts JSON attributes in a way consistent with shell scripting conventions. You can use your new tool to solve the immediate shell scripting problem and then add it to your kit for future situations.
For example, consider a tool jsonlookup such that if I say jsonlookup access token id it will return the attribute id defined within the attribute token defined within the attribute access from standard input, which is presumably JSON data. If the attribute doesn't exist, the tool returns nothing (exit status 1). If the parsing fails, exit status 2 and a message to standard error. If the lookup succeeds, the tool prints the attribute's value.
Having created a Unix tool for the precise purpose of extracting JSON values you can easily use it in shell scripts:
access_token=$(curl <some horrible crap> | jsonlookup access token id)
Any language will do for the implementation of jsonlookup. Here is a fairly concise Python version:
import sys
import json
try: rep = json.loads(
sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + ": unable to parse JSON from stdin\n")
for key in sys.argv[1:]:
if key not in rep:
rep = rep[key]
print rep

A two-liner which uses Python. It works particularly well if you're writing a single .sh file and you don't want to depend on another .py file. It also leverages the usage of pipe |. echo "{\"field\": \"value\"}" can be replaced by anything printing a JSON file to standard output.
echo "{\"field\": \"value\"}" | python -c 'import sys, json

If you have the PHP interpreter installed:
php -r 'var_export(json_decode(`curl`, 1));'
For example:
We have a resource that provides JSON content with countries' ISO codes: and we can easily see it in a shell with curl:
But it looks not very convenient, and not readable. Better parse the JSON content and see a readable structure:
php -r 'var_export(json_decode(`curl`, 1));'
This code will print something like:
array (
'BD' => 'BGD',
'BE' => 'BEL',
'BF' => 'BFA',
'BG' => 'BGR',
'BA' => 'BIH',
'BB' => 'BRB',
'WF' => 'WLF',
'BL' => 'BLM',
If you have nested arrays this output will looks much better...

There is also a very simple, but powerful, JSON CLI processing tool, fx.
Use an anonymous function:
echo '{"key": "value"}' | fx "x => x.key"
If you don't pass anonymous function parameter → ..., code will be automatically transformed into an anonymous function. And you can get access to JSON by this keyword:
$ echo '[1,2,3]' | fx " => x * 2)"
[2, 4, 6]
Or just use dot syntax too:
echo '{"items": {"one": 1}}' | fx
You can pass any number of anonymous functions for reducing JSON:
echo '{"items": ["one", "two"]}' | fx "this.items" "this[1]"
You can update existing JSON using spread operator:
echo '{"count": 0}' | fx "{...this, count: 1}"
{"count": 1}
Just plain JavaScript. There isn't any need to learn new syntax.
Later version of fx has an interactive mode! -

I needed something in Bash that was short and would run without dependencies beyond vanilla Linux LSB and Mac OS for both Python 2.7 & 3 and handle errors, e.g. would report JSON parse errors and missing property errors without spewing Python exceptions:
json-extract () {
if [[ "$1" == "" || "$1" == "-h" || "$1" == "-?" || "$1" == "--help" ]] ; then
echo 'Extract top level property value from json document'
echo ' Usage: json-extract <property> [ <file-path> ]'
echo ' Example 1: json-extract status /tmp/response.json'
echo ' Example 2: echo $JSON_STRING | json-extract status'
echo ' Status codes: 0 - success, 1 - json parse error, 2 - property missing'
python -c $'import sys, json;\ntry: obj = json.load(open(sys.argv[2])); \nexcept: sys.exit(1)\ntry: print(obj[sys.argv[1]])\nexcept: sys.exit(2)' "$1" "${2:-/dev/stdin}"


parsing ethtool command output using sed and awk

I am working on a shell script to parse the advertised mode and supported mode from the ethtool command and match them against an expected value. The idea is both expected and supported modes should have a common value to pass the condition.
# ethtool eth5
Settings for eth1:
Supported ports: [ Backplane ]
Supported link modes: 1000baseKX/Full
Supported pause frame use: Symmetric
Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
Supported FEC modes: None BaseR RS
Advertised link modes: 1000baseKX/Full
I have currently used the below for the same.
# get the mode using the shell command and parse the value needed
mode_supported=`ethtool ${eth_device} | sed -ne '/Supported link modes:/,/:/p' |\
sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//' | grep "$link_mode_expected"`
mode_advertised=`ethtool ${eth_device} | sed -ne '/Advertised link modes:/,/:/p' |\
sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//' | grep "$link_mode_expected"`
if [ "$mode_supported" != "$link_mode_expected" ] ||\
( [ "$mode_supported" != "$mode_advertised" ] ) ; then
#some action
The above code is giving the correct result that is 15000baseKR/Full for both mode_advertised and mode_supported and I am doing the logic as above but I am looking for help with below
how to avoid two ethtool commands, can we add the output to a buffer and grep from that buffer?
what is the awk equivalent of the same and if awk is faster in execution?
Is there any better approach than the above?
Awk will indeed be the answer to all your questions here.
if ethtool "$eth_device" |
awk -v lme="$link_mode_expected" '
s && /:/ { s=0 }
/Supported link modes:/ { s=1 }
s && ($NF + 0 == lme) { sgood++ }
a && /:/ { a=0 }
/Advertised link modes:/ { a=1 }
a && ($NF + 0 == lme) { agood++ }
END { exit 1-(agood && sgood) }'
# some action
Demo, with some debug prints:
Having Awk perform the comparison and set its exit status for if to examine is slightly clunky on the Awk side, but makes the script very easy and natural to use from the surrounding shell script.
Like sed, Awk processes one line (or, more specifically, one record) per iteration. In this script, the simple variables s and a reflect whether the current input line is inside a region which enumerates the supported or advertised modes, respectively. If we are in such a region, we check if the last field on the line ($NF) evaluates numerically (+ 0) to the number in lme. Awk conveniently ignores any nonnumeric tail on the value in this scenario. At the end, we set the exit status to 0 for success (both the values were found) or 1 otherwise, in accordance with the shell's conventions (zero exit code means success, anything else is a failure).
As an alternative approach, you could try to figure out a record separator (RS) to split on, instead of newline. Splitting on a colon might be good, as then you can examine the entire region in one go (but then you lose the simple and elegant feature that NF contains the index of the field you want to examine, so it might not be simpler at all in the end).
You could also opt to simply have Awk extract and print the values, and then do the comparison in the shell; but having the shell parse the output from Awk which you just spent so much time parsing is stilted and unattractive.
This script isn't entirely trivial, but you should find that learning enough Awk to write simpler scripts is quite pleasant and quick, and very well worth your time. You can get pretty far already on a budget of 30 minutes to an hour.
Ad-hoc output formats which require custom parsers are a constant source of frustration and friction. Increasingly, modern tools have options to produce output in properly machine-readable standard formats like JSON, YAML, or XML. Alas, ethtool unfortunately does not seem to have any such facility.

How to use functions in bash? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Compute base64 encoded hash from a given hash?
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have a file which has hashes of the files against their filename.
For example,
fb7e0a4408e46fd5573ffb9e73aec021a9dcf426235c0ccfc37d2f5e09a68a23 /path/to/some/file
237e0a4408e46fe3573f239e73aec021a9dcf426235c023fc37d2f5e09a68a12 /path/to/another/file
... and so on...
I need the hash converted to base64 encoded format.
So I used combination of a bash function and awk.
Here is what I wrote,
base64Encode() {
$1 | openssl base64 -A
awk ' { t = base64Encode $1; print t } ' file.txt
But it does not seem to work. I'm using hashdeep to generate the hash-list file and hashdeep does not support base64 encoded output. That is why I'm using openssl.
Any help or tips regarding this would be great!
The given answers work but I'm having some other issue it seems.
Usually cat filename | openssl dgst -sha256 | openssl base64 -A gives a base64 encoded output for filename file which is absoutely correct,
and output from hashdeep matched output from cat filename | openssl dgst -sha256.
So, I thought of piping the output obtained from above step to openssl base64 -A for base64 output. But, still I get different values from actual result.
Although this might be suited for a separate question perhaps, but still I would appreciate any support on this.
Awk only:
$ awk '{ c="echo " $1 "|openssl base64 -A"
c | getline r
print r }' file
For the tight one-liner version see #123's comment below.
... and #EdMorton's super-tight (read: super-proof) version.
Because you especially asking for how to use functions, I divided the problem to several small functions. It is a good practice in all (bigger) bash programs.
The basic rule is: functions behaves like any other commands:
you can redirect their input/output
you can call them with arguments
and like.
The best functions are like common unix executables, e.g. reads from stdin and prints to stdout. This allows you use them in pipelines too.
So, now the rewrite:
# function for create base64 - reads from stdin, writes to stdout
base64Encode() {
openssl base64 -A
# function for dealing with your file
# e.g. reads lines "hash path" and prints "base64 path"
convert_hashes() {
while read -r hash path; do
b64=$(base64Encode <<< "$hash")
echo "$b64 $path"
#the "main" program
convert_hashes < your_file.txt
ZmI3ZTBhNDQwOGU0NmZkNTU3M2ZmYjllNzNhZWMwMjFhOWRjZjQyNjIzNWMwY2NmYzM3ZDJmNWUwOWE2OGEyMwo= /path/to/some/file
MjM3ZTBhNDQwOGU0NmZlMzU3M2YyMzllNzNhZWMwMjFhOWRjZjQyNjIzNWMwMjNmYzM3ZDJmNWUwOWE2OGExMgo= /path/to/another/file
Yes, i know, i want only the base64 without the attached path. Ot course, you can modify the above convert_hashes and remove the path from the output, e.g. instead of the echo "$b64 $path" you could use the echo "$b64" and the output will be just the b64 string only - but youre loosing information in the function - which string belongs to which path - imho, not the best practice.
Therefore, you can leave the function as-is, and use another tool, for getting the first column - and only when needed - e.g. in the "main" program. This way you have designed a function for later more universal way.
convert_hashes < your_file.txt | cut -d ' ' -f1
Now imagine, that you extending the script, and want not use files, but the input is coming from another program: Let simulate this with the following get_data function (of course, in the real app it will do something other, not just cat:
get_data() {
cat <<EOF
fb7e0a4408e46fd5573ffb9e73aec021a9dcf426235c0ccfc37d2f5e09a68a23 /path/to/some/file
237e0a4408e46fe3573f239e73aec021a9dcf426235c023fc37d2f5e09a68a12 /path/to/another/file
now you can use the all above as:
get_data | convert_hashes
the output will be the same as above.
of course, you can do something with the output too, let say
get_data | convert_hashes | grep another/file | cut -d ' ' -f1
Of course, if you have such "modular" structure, you can easily replace any parts, without need touch the other parts, let say going to replace the openssl with the base64 command.
base64Encode() {
And everything will continue work, without any other changes. Of course, in real app is (probably) pointless to have function which calls only one program - but I especially doing this because you asked about the functions.
Otherwise, the above could be done in simple:
while read -r hash path; do
openssl base64 -A <<<"$hash"
#or echo $(openssl base64 -A <<<"$hash")
#or printf "%s\n" $(openssl base64 -A <<<"$hash")
done < your_file.txt
or even
cut -d ' ' -f1 base | xargs -I% -n1 bash -c 'echo $(openssl base64 -A <<<"%")'
You need the echo or print because the openssl doesn't prints newlines by default. Output:
Ps: to be honest, i do not understand why do you need base64 encode some already encoded hash - but YMMV. :)

How to get list of commands used in a shell script?

I have a shell script of more than 1000 lines, i would like to check if all the commands used in the script are installed in my Linux operating system.
Is there any tool to get the list of Linux commands used in the shell script?
Or how can i write a small script which can do this for me?
The script runs successfully on the Ubuntu machine, it is invoked as a part of C++ application. we need to run the same on a device where a Linux with limited capability runs. I have identified manually, few commands which the script runs and not present on Device OS. before we try installing these commands i would like to check all other commands and install all at once.
Thanks in advance
I already tried this in the past and got to the conclusion that is very difficult to provide a solution which would work for all scripts. The reason is that each script with complex commands has a different approach in using the shells features.
In case of a simple linear script, it might be as easy as using debug mode.
For example: bash -x 2>&1 | grep ^+ | awk '{print $2}' | sort -u
In case the script has some decisions, then you might use the same approach an consider that for the "else" cases the commands would still be the same just with different arguments or would be something trivial (echo + exit).
In case of a complex script, I attempted to write a script that would just look for commands in the same place I would do it myself. The challenge is to create expressions that would help identify all used possibilities, I would say this is doable for about 80-90% of the script and the output should only be used as reference since it will contain invalid data (~20%).
Here is an example script that would parse itself using a very simple approach (separate commands on different lines, 1st word will be the command):
# 1. Eliminate all quoted text
# 2. Eliminate all comments
# 3. Replace all delimiters between commands with new lines ( ; | && || )
# 4. extract the command from 1st column and print it once
cat $0 \
| sed -e 's/\"/./g' -e "s/'[^']*'//g" -e 's/"[^"]*"//g' \
| sed -e "s/^[[:space:]]*#.*$//" -e "s/\([^\\]\)#[^\"']*$/\1/" \
| sed -e "s/&&/;/g" -e "s/||/;/g" | tr ";|" "\n\n" \
| awk '{print $1}' | sort -u
the output is:
There are many more cases to consider (command substitutions, aliases etc.), 1, 2 and 3 are just beginning, but they would still cover 80% of most complex scripts.
The regular expressions used would need to be adjusted or extended to increase precision and special cases.
In conclusion if you really need something like this, then you can write a script as above, but don't trust the output until you verify it yourself.
Add export PATH='' to the second line of your script.
Execute 2>&1 > /dev/null | grep 'No such file or directory' | awk '{print $4;}' | grep -v '/' | sort | uniq | sed 's/.$//'.
If you have a fedora/redhat based system, bash has been patched with the --rpm-requires flag
--rpm-requires: Produce the list of files that are required for the shell script to run. This implies -n and is subject to the same limitations as compile time error checking checking; Command substitutions, Conditional expressions and eval builtin are not parsed so some dependencies may be missed.
So when you run the following:
$ bash --rpm-requires
There are some limitations here:
command and process substitutions and conditional expressions are not picked up. So the following are ignored:
command1 && command2 || command3
commands as strings are not picked up. So the following line will be ignored
commands that contain shell variables are not listed. This generally makes sense since
some might be the result of some script logic, but even the following is ignored
This point can however be bypassed by using envsubst and running it as
$ bash --rpm-requires <(<script envsubst)
However, if you use shellcheck, you most likely quoted this and it will still be ignored due to point 2
So if you want to use check if your scripts are all there, you can do something like:
while IFS='' read -r app; do
[ "${app%%(*}" == "executable" ] || continue
app="${app#*(}"; app="${app%)}";
if [ "$(type -t "${app}")" != "builtin" ] && \
! [ -x "$(command -v "${app}")" ]
echo "${app}: missing application"
done < <(bash --rpm-requires <(<"$0" envsubst) )
If your script contains files that are sourced that might contain various functions and other important definitions, you might want to do something like
bash --rpm-requires <(cat source1 source2 ... <(< envsubst))
Based #czvtools’ answer, I added some extra checks to filter out bad values:
if test "$argv[1]" = ""
echo "Give path to command to be tested"
exit 1
set commands (cat $argv \
| sed -e 's/\"/./g' -e "s/'[^']*'//g" -e 's/"[^"]*"//g' \
| sed -e "s/^[[:space:]]*#.*\$//" -e "s/\([^\\]\)#[^\"']*\$/\1/" \
| sed -e "s/&&/;/g" -e "s/||/;/g" | tr ";|" "\n\n" \
| awk '{print $1}' | sort -u)
for command in $commands
if command -q -- $command
set -a resolved (realpath (which $command))
set resolved (string join0 $resolved | sort -z -u | string split0)
for command in $resolved
echo $command

How to grep string and show previous word in a Linux file

i have a file with a lot of IPs and each IP have an ID, like this:
Below this Ips and after these Ips the file have more information, its a output to an API call..
I need, grep a IP and then the command shows the id, just the number. Like this:
EDIT: More information, the ip will be different every time, i need to pass the IP by argument. I cant parse the IP to the syntax X/X/X/X...
any ideas?
Since your current requirement is get the IDs from your broke json file, re-formatting my earlier answer.
Though I do NOT recommend this solution to get the ID, a hacky way to do this would be to use grep in PCRE mode. The way I have done the logic is to get the IP string and get the characters before it. I am not sure how to extract the digit from id alone which returns me
So using process-substitution to get the value before the first , as below.
IFS="," read -r id _< <(grep -Po ".{0,4}\"ip\":\"\"" file); printf "%s\n" "$id"
IFS="," read -r id _< <(grep -Po ".{0,4}\"ip\":\"\"" file); printf "%s\n" "$id"
Just add the IP you need as part of the grep string.
The below logic applies only to the your initial inputs.
Using multi-character de-limiters ; and , in awk, we can do something like:-
awk -F'[:,]' '/10\.38\.6\.27/{print $2}' file
A better way would be to use the match syntax equivalent to the awk // regex feature to use the variables of your choice. Provide the input IP you want in the following format.
awk -F'[:,]' -v var="$input" '{ if ( match( $0, var )) {print $2};}' file
A more robust way to avoid matching incorrect lines would be to use " also as delimiter and do a direct match with the IP as suggested by hek2mgl.
awk -F'[:,"]' -v var="$input" '$9==var{print $4}' file
If you want to look up a single IP, use this:
jq ".collection|.[]|select(.ip==\"\").id" data.json
If you must set IP in an argument, then write a one-liner bash script like this:
jq ".collection|.[]|select(.ip==\"$2\").id" "$1"
And call it like this:
./script data.json
grep -Po ':\K\d+(?=,"ip":"xx\.xx\.xx\.xx")' file
awk -F, '/10\.38\.6\.25/ {gsub("\"","");split($1,a,":") ;print a[2]}' ip
awk -F, -v ipin="" '$0 ~ ipin {gsub("\"","");split($1,a,":") ;print a[2]}' ip
$ awk -F, -v grep="" '$2 ~ "\"" grep "\"" && sub(/^.*:/,"",$1) {print $1}' foo
Grep, SED, and AWK are inappropriate tools for JSON parsing. You whether need a tool specially designed for working with JSON data (e.g. jq), or write a script in a language that supports JSON parsing in one way, or another (examples: PHP, Perl, JavaScript).
One of the easiest ways is to use the jq tool (as mentioned in the comments to the question), e.g.:
jq '.collection[] | if .ip == "" then .id else empty end' < file.json
Alternatively, you can write a simple tool in PHP, for example. PHP has a built-in JSON support.
$ip = trim($argv[1]);
$json = file_get_contents('file.json');
$json = json_decode($json, true);
foreach ($json['collection'] as $e) {
if ($e['ip'] == $ip)
echo $e['id'], PHP_EOL;
(sanity checks are skipped for the sake of simplicity)
php ip-ids.php ''
If you have Node installed, the following script can be used as a universal solution. You can pass any IP as the first argument, and the script will output a list of corresponding IDs.
var fs = require('fs');
var ip = process.argv[2];
var json = fs.readFileSync('file.json', 'utf-8');
json = JSON.parse(json);
for (var i = 0; i < json.collection.length; i++) {
if (json.collection[i]['ip'] === ip)
node ip-ids.js ''
or, if the executable permissions are set (chmod +x ip-ids.js):
./ip-ids.js ''
Note, I have skipped sanity checks in the script for the sake of simplicity.
Now you can see that it is pretty easy to use jq. Scripting solutions are slightly more verbose, but not too difficult as well. Both approaches are flexible. You don't have to rely on positions of sub-strings in the JSON string, or to resort to hacks that you will most likely forget after a couple of weeks. The script solutions are reliable and readable (and thus easily maintainable), as opposed to tricky AWK/GREP/SED expressions.
Original answer
This is the original answer for the case of a file in the following format (I didn't know that the input is in JSON format). Still, this solution seems to work even with the partial JSON you currently pasted into the question.
Perl version:
perl -ne '/"id":(\d+).*"ip":"10\.38\.6\.27"/ and print "$1\n"' file
You example is not valid JSON. In order to get valid JSON you have to add curly braces. This is done by the sed in the following example.
$ sed 's/^/{/;s/$/}/' <<EOF | jq -s 'map(select(.ip == "")) | map(.id) | .[]'
> "id":340,"ip":""
> "id":341,"ip":""
> "id":345,"ip":""
> "id":346,"ip":""
Normally jq reads just one object. With the option -s jq reads all objects, because you have a list input. The first map iterates over the list and selects only those objects with the matching attribute ip. This is the same as a grep. The second map takes just the id attribute from the result and the final .[] the the opposite to the -s option.
If you can make your json pretty and then do cat file, below command might help
cat /tmp/file|grep -B 1 "ipaddress"|grep -w id|tr ' ' '\0'|cut -d: -f2|cut -d, -f1

convert bash `ls` output to json array

Is it possible to use a bash script to format the output of the ls to a json array? To be valid json, all names of the dirs and files need to be wrapped in double quotes, seperated by a comma, and the entire thing needs to be wrapped in square brackets. I.e. convert:
jeroen#jeroen-ubuntu:~/Desktop$ ls
foo.txt bar baz
[ "foo.txt", "bar", "baz" ]
edit: I strongly prefer something that works across all my Linux servers; hence rather not depend on python, but have a pure bash solution.
If you know that no filename contains newlines, use jq:
ls | jq -R -s -c 'split("\n")[:-1]'
Short explanation of the flags to jq:
-R treats the input as string instead of JSON
-s joins all lines into an array
-c creates a compact output
[:-1] removes the last empty string in the output array
This requires version 1.4 or later of jq. Try this if it doesn't work for you:
ls | jq -R '[.]' | jq -s -c 'add'
Yes, but the corner cases and Unicode handling will drive you up the wall. Better to delegate to a scripting language that supports it natively.
$ ls
あ a "a" à a b 私
$ python -c 'import os, json; print json.dumps(os.listdir("."))'
["\u00e0", "\"a\"", "\u79c1", "a b", "\u3042", "a"]
Hello you can do that with sed and awk:
ls | awk ' BEGIN { ORS = ""; print "["; } { print "\/\#"$0"\/\#"; } END { print "]"; }' | sed "s^\"^\\\\\"^g;s^\/\#\/\#^\", \"^g;s^\/\#^\"^g"
EDIT: updated to solve the problem with " and spaces. I use /# as replacement pattern for ", since / is not a valid character for filename.
Use perl as the encoder; it's guaranteed to be non-buggy, is everywhere, and with pipes, it's still reasonably clean:
ls | perl -e 'use JSON; #in=grep(s/\n$//, <>); print encode_json(\#in)."\n";'
Most of the Linux machine already has python. all you have to do is:
python -c 'import os, json; print json.dumps(os.listdir("/yourdirectory"))'
This is for . directory , you can add any path.
Here's a bash line
echo '[' ; ls --format=commas|sed -e 's/^/\"/'|sed -e 's/,$/\",/'|sed -e 's/\([^,]\)$/\1\"\]/'|sed -e 's/, /\", \"/g'
Won't properly deal with ", \ or some commas in the name of the file. Also, if ls puts newlines between filenames, so will this.
I was also searching for a way to output a Linux folder / file tree to some JSON or XML file. Why not use this simple terminal command:
$ tree --dirsfirst --noreport -n -X -i -s -D -f -o my.xml
so, just the linux tree command, and config your own parameters. Here -X gives XML output! For me, that's OK, and i guess there's some script to convert XML to JSON ..
NOTE: I think this covers the same question.
Personnaly, I would code script that would run the command ls, send the output to a file of you choice while parsing the output to make format it to a valid JSON format.
I'm sure that a simple Bash file will do the work.
Bash ouput
Can't you use a python script like this?
myOutput = subprocess.check_output["ls"]
output = ["+str(e)+" for e in myOutput]
return output
I didn't check if it works, but you can find the specification here
Should be pretty easy.
$ cat ls2json.bash
echo -n '['
for FILE in $(ls | sed -e 's/"/\\"/g')
echo -n \"${FILE}\",
echo -en \\b']'
then run:
$ ./ls2json.bash > json.out
but python would be even easier
import os
directory = '/some/dir'
ls = os.listdir(directory)
dirstring = str(ls)
print dirstring.replace("'",'"')
Here's an elegant one-liner solution that doesn't rely on jq:
echo '[ "'"$(echo "$list" | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/", "/g')"'" ]'
$list here is a newline-separated string.
Using gnu column (i.e. doesn't work on OSX)
ls -ldG * --time-style=long-iso | column -t -n "$PWD" -N mod,links,user,size,date,time,name -J
Output :
"/home/pouet": [
{"mod":"-rwxr-xr-x", "links":"1", "user":"pouet", "size":"21978", "date":"2022-08-12", "time":"11:47", "name":"file1"},
{"mod":"-rw-r--r--", "links":"1", "user":"pouet", "size":"2634", "date":"2022-06-20", "time":"11:14", "name":"file2"}
Don't use bash, use a scripting language. Untested perl example:
use JSON;
my #ls_output = `ls`; ## probably better to use a perl module to do this, like DirHandle
print encode_json( #ls_output );
