ssh on edge-node for azure HDInsight - azure

I tried deploying a HDInsight cluster with an edge node.
I used for deployment.
After deployment is complete I tried ssh using following command:
[myclustertest is the name of the cluster].
It gives following error:
ssh: Could not resolve hostname Name or service not known
Do I need to add something to the azuredeploy.json to enable ssh access?
Looking at the I thought that
is enabled by default for external access.

Problem was in the ssh command.
I used the ssh command supplied from azure portal hoping that it would work seamlessly. I had to remove :22 from the command to make it work.
Modified command looks like this:


Transferring files from my Local windows pc to my Linux VM

SO i am new to tech, and as previous posts suggests i am working with OCI. Currently i run a linux 8 VM on OCI. My goal is to run terraform scrips on the vm, and have the resources created in OCI.
Current problem:
The tf files i will be writing will be done so on my local windows 10 machine. The files will be saved in a local directory. I need a way of transferring these local files to a directory in my linux machine, in order to execute them!
Is anybody good with OCI is there capability for a sftp transfer using winscp?? I'm just not sure where to start. Anybody with good advice please aid me!
It depends of your OCI network configuration.
If your OCI compute VM is in a public subnet and you have an internet gateway, then you can use ssh to connect to it (using putty for instance). That means you can also use scp which lets move copy files over ssh. As you mentioned, WinSCP let's you connect to your OCI compute VM by using ssh and scp or sFTP. After installing it you can create a new connection using the public ip of your OCI compute VM and the private key.
My personal preference is to use MobaXterm to connect to ssh to
my OCI compute VMs. Once connected to a remote host using ssh, the
left pane directly displays a file browser for the remote host.
Drag-and-dropping a file there would initiate an sFTP transfer
Please also note that scp is obsolete since 2019. SFTP or rsync could be used instead. Using MobaXterm, it can be done by opening a new terminal tab (which is local to your Windows machine) and type the rsync command you wish for instance rsync -v -P -e 'ssh -i "D:/my_folder/oci_api_key.pem"' /cygdrive/d/my_folder/*.tf opc#<oci_vm_ip>:/home/opc/my_folder
-v is increasing verbosity, to display more information. -P displays partial progress for each file transferred. -e lets you specify which command to use to run rsync. in this case I use ssh and pass the private key. More option are available and you can check them by typing man rsync.
If your OCI compute VM is in a private subnet, you would need to set up a bastion VM in a public subnet to first access the bastion and then the VM. Here is a blog post about how to achieve that using putty and WinSCP :

jenkins.plugins.publish_over.BapPublisherException: Failed to connect and initialize SSH connection Message [Auth fail]

I am learning to use Jenkins to deploy a .Net 5.0 application on an AWS EC2 server. This is the first time I am using Linux server and Jenkins for .Net (I'm am a life long Windows guy), and I am facing an error while trying to publish my artifacts over SSH to Web Server.
My setup:
Jenkins server is an AWS EC2 Linux AMI server.
Web Server is also an AWS EC2 LInux AMI server.
My Jenkins is correctly installed and working. I am able to build and run unit test cases without any issues.
For Deploy, I am using 'Publish Over SSH' plugin, and I have followed all steps to configure this plugin as mentioned here
However, when try to 'Test Configuration', I get the below error,
Failed to connect or change directory
jenkins.plugins.publish_over.BapPublisherException: Failed to connect and initialize SSH connection. Message: [Failed to connect session for config [WebServer]. Message [Auth fail]]
I did a ping test from Jenkins server to Web Server, and it is a success.
I'm using the .pem key in the 'Key' section of 'Publish over SSH'. This key is the same key I use to SSH into the web server.
The below link suggests many different solutions, but none is working in my case.
Jenkins Publish over ssh authentification failed with private key
I was looking at the below link which describes the same problem,
Jenkins publish over SSH failed to change to remote directory
However in my case I have kept 'Remote Directory' as empty. I don't know if I have to specify any directory here. Anyways, I tried creating a new directory under the home directory of user ec2-user as '/home/ec2-user/publish' and then used this path as Remote Directory, but it still didn't work.
Screenshot of my settings in Jenkins:
I would appreciate if anyone can point me to the right direction or highlight any mistake I'm doing with my configuration.
In my case following steps solved the problem.
Solution is based on Ubuntu 22.04
add two line in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PubkeyAuthentication yes
PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-rsa
restart sshd service
sudo service sshd restart
you might consider the following:
a. From the screenshot you’ve provided, it seems that you have checked the Use password authentication, or use different key option which will require you to add your key and password (inputs from these fields will be used in connecting to your server via SSH connection). If you use the same SSH key and passphrase/password on all of your servers, you can uncheck/untick that box and just use the config you have specified above.
b. You might also check if port 22 of your web server allows inbound traffic from the security group where your Jenkins server/EC2 instance is running. See reference here.
c. Also, make sure that the remote directory you have specified is existing otherwise the connection may fail.
Here's the sample config

How to run multiple ssh sessions from a remote server

I have deployed a topology of VMs in a VNET on Azure. There is one jumpbox which has access to all these machines and is part of VNET. There are some 25 machines which this jumpbox provides access to.
I want to be able to simultaneously run commands and scripts on all the VMs through this jumpbox.
I installed cssh and it shows following error:
Can't find DISPLAY -- guessing unix:0' at /usr/share/perl5/App/ line 1981.
Can't connect to display unix:0': No such file or directory at /usr/share/perl5/X11/ line 2264.
See this answer here:
In essence:
Setup Public Key authentication between the jumpbox and your servers.
for host in $(cat hosts.txt); do ssh "$host" "$command" > "output.$host" ; done
pssh is probably the better tool for this job:
cssh should also work, just don't do X11 stuff with it or make sure you have X11 forwarding enabled. Actually, i'm lying, i have no idea if it works without xterm.

VMAccessForLinux fails to provision on Azure RM VM

I've tried absolutely everything I can think of to do a SSH reset of my user on my Linux VM (Hortonworks Sandbox to be precise).
The VMAccessForLinux will not install, it simply states that it fails to provision:
I've tried adding it as 1.*,1.1, 1.2 and now 1.4 as per
I can't access my SSH, and I can't do any of the Azure reset commands, either using Azure CLI or Azure PS.
The VM is a RM vm.
How can I resolve this?
In PS I get errors like:
I'm beyond tearing my hair out.
And before anyone suggest that I use the portal, this is what I'm offered there (thanks Azure):
I can't say if this is a universal fix, but I managed to resolve this issue, by using the following in the Azure CLI:
$ azure vm reset-access -n {VMNAME} -g {GROUPNAME} \
-u {SSH_USER} -p {SSH_PASS} -E 1.4 -vv --json
It did NOT work for my original user on the box though; I created ANOTHER user, and from there I did a password reset with a sudo on the box, then I could SSH into the box from that user.
Firstly, can you go through the instructions here if you've not already. The VM extension has changed recently and that is the latest doc to go through:
Glad to see you resolved it by creating a new user with reset-access.
If azure vm reset-access should fail, the next step would have been to download this tool which can allow you to inspect the VHD when not logged onto the VM: - and inspect Waagent log is /var/log/waagent.log (You can see extension updates here) and
extension.log in /var/log/azure/.

How do I remove default ssh host from ssh configuration?

I used to connect to Amazon web services using ssh command and application.pem key. Now when I try to connect to other platforms such as Github my ssh client looks for same application.pem key and tries to connect to AWS. How do I connect to Github or change the default host and key configuration.I am using a Ubuntu 13.10 system and following is my ssh output.
pranav#pranav-SVF15318SNW:~/.ssh$ ssh
Warning: Identity file application.pem not accessible: No such file or directory.
You need the identity file to login to the box. Use the command:
ssh -i (identity_file) username#hostname"
This worked for me. Write just the filename (without any slashes), unlike Amazon EC2 tutorial which asks you to enter:
ssh -i /path/key_pair.pem ec2-user#public_dns_name
and also check the permission
