Android Virtual Device does not appear anyone in my tools menu, how do I get it to appear? - android-studio

I'm trying to run a simple reactive native tutorial, but I can't even get the AVD to load in Android studio. I've attached a screenshot of my settings
I'm 100% sure that I clicked on custom install and clicked on the AVD option.


How to make my emulator shows up outside of my android studio?

Recently, I updated my android studio to bumblebee version, and when I run my codes, I realized that my emulator are shown inside of my android studio instead of creating a new window for the emulator. you can see what I mean, here.
does anybody knows how to fix this? I already tried to change the settings but nothing is changed. should I reverse the update?
I had the same issue, to resolve it do the following:
In Android Studio: click on
Click on the Tools dropdown,
uncheck the "Launch in a tool Window" box
Settings with Launch in a tool window checkbox

"Unable to locate adb" using Android Studio on Windows 10 to develop Flutter apps

Android Studio upgraded to version 4.0.1, and now I get a "Unable to locate adb" message when trying to launch an Android emulator image from the AVD manager, in order to run/debug a Flutter app. I have tried all the obvious things, e.g. checked to see that there is an adb.exe image at .../AppDate/Local/Android/Sdk/platform-tools. I have even tried de-installing completely and did a clean install of everything from scratch. I have plenty of disk space, anti-virus has not quarantined it. Interesting, if I start a native Android app (e.g. "basic activity"), then the message goes away and the image starts OK
Android Studio - launch emulator AVD - "unable to locate adb"
Visit the above link to get solution in detailed way with pictures.
I had the same issue as you were facing, I have Researched the Whole Internet but found nothing useful. So, I somehow figured out the problem and fixed it, The problem is at
Whenever we create a new project due to some reason the Module SDK is not set up automatically. Thus the ADB manager was throwing an error 'Unable to locate AVD', which is not that fatal as the error/warning is not stopping us from launching /starting the emulator, but it is so annoying to see that pop-up box. So here is my simple and quick fix.
Click on the project folder, tap the dropdown icon just beside it.
Now Navigate to the path below.
Now Click on the file to open it.
Once it is open, At the Top you will notice a bar that says 'Module SDK is not defined',
Now right against it, you will also see a hyper-text named 'Setup SDK', Just Click on it.
That will open a Pop-up Box with the title 'Select project SDK'.
Now select the Android Platform API and then click OK. After that being done Restart your IDE.
Your Problem will be Solved. And you will also notice that Emulator Opens up way faster than before.
The Above Steps has to be performed with every new flutter project.
I have already answered to your question before to Read more and understand in detail with pictures just visit the link
Android Studio - launch emulator AVD - "unable to locate adb"

why LogCat and AVD Manager missing in Android Studio when flutter project is opened

In Android Studio 3.5.3 , the menu Tools->AVD Manager and View->Tools Windows->Logcat is not available when a newly(or existing) flutter project is opened.
I looked at , and
<module type="JAVA_MODULE" version="4">
is in the outer most iml file.
Please suggest how to find/enable it. For now I have to open an Android project to open these two menu items.
LogCat won't appear for a flutter project and does not seem to be available to enable in the current version of Android Studio. If you open an Android project in another window, THAT window will have LogCat which can be connected to the device you are trying to debug.
AVD Manager does not have a menu item in Flutter but is available from an icon in the toolbar. See picture.
It's also worth checking out DevTools, which opens up in the browser, as an additional (not LogCat) debugging resource. The button to this is found in the Run Window when you are running an app.
There two ways to find or unable it
1. Go to the View-> Tool Windows and you can choose whatever you want to put in Tool WindowBar
2. Go to the View-> And Tick or select on Tool Window Bars
After doing that you can see the logs for particular apps, And for AVD manager...
Go to the Tools-> AVD Manager

android studio emulator not selectable

I want to start coding with flutter, so i decided to download android studio.I created an avd called "Pixel 2 API 28" with android pie. When i want to select the pixel 2 as the avd device, the programme tells me that theres no avd, but on the right i can see the avd i created. When i put my cursor on it, it says "not applicable for the main.dart configuration". i have HAXM installed and Hyper-V is disabled, but i also tried it with both being active. I used the default code, which appears when you launch android studio.
Please help!!!
I somehow managed to select it now, but i get this error: Running multiple emulators with the same AVD is an experimental feature. Please use -read-only flag to enable this feature.
Try starting the emulator from avd and then check if the device is showing up there if not try running
flutter devices
If the device shows there you can try running
flutter run -d <your-device-name>
You can also check whether the android sdk is configured with flutter try running
flutter config --android-sdk /path/andriod/sdk
hope it helps
Close Android Studio and Run again as Administrator
This is Only the solution i got after working hard for 3 days.

Can't seem to find DDMS in Android Studio 2.1.2

Not sure what I'm doing wrong here.
My basic goal is that I'd like to be able to take screenshots of my Android tablet via Android Studio which is running on my Windows laptop.
I gather I need Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS) to do this, however I'm struggling to find it within Android Studio.
All the guides I've read so far mention that you simply click on the DDMS menu button in the toolbar. This seems to appear like a green android robot.
Well, I have the android robot and so I click on that. The tooltip for the button says 'Android Device Monitor', nothing to do with DDMS.
And then normally says 'Android Monitor is already running' and does nothing. But all I have on my screen is Logcat and Monitors tab. I can't see the same stuff that I usually see on DDMS screenshots.
Occasionally it will throw an error which appears in the log files (but too big to post here)
How can I fix this?
Ok, officially dumb.
The DDMS was opening up in the background of another monitor.
Carry on...
