NOICONS switch in Inno setup tool not working - inno-setup

I am have installed innosetup-5.5.9-unicode.exe on windows 8.
I wrote an application say demo
when I try to install
c:\demo-2.0-x86.exe /NOICONS <== It is getting installed with out any issue, but as per Inno tool documentation
Instructs Setup to initially check the Don't create a Start Menu folder check box on the Select Start Menu Folder wizard page.
But its still creates shortcuts and is visible in Start Menu Folder.
Do we have any workaround for this ? or need to write some extra code ?


Changing restart message on Inno Setup Prepare To Install page

I am building an installer in Inno Setup v6.2.1 with prerequisites, which include .NET, runtimes, and KB fixes (Windows 7 SP1). The goal is to do potentially several reboots depending on if the machine is missing KBs or .NET etc.
I am able to achieve what I want so far using PrepareToInstall and can change the text by returning the appropriate string. No problems... however I can't find a way of changing the.
Setup must restart your computer. After restarting your computer, run Setup again to complete the installation of xxxxx
Because I am creating a runonce entry, the installer will automatically run after reboot (which it does). The text "run Setup again" is not relevant in my situation and I want to change the text to say that the installer will continue once you restart.
I have tried to find where to change this text but with no success. I assume that PreparingMemo might be the candidate but no luck or not sure how to use it. Any help would be appreciated.
See Handling and customizing errors and messages in Inno Setup.
This particular message is defined by the PrepareToInstallNeedsRestart message.
You can change it in the [Messages] section:
PrepareToInstallNeedsRestart=Setup must restart your computer. After restarting your computer, the Setup will continue to complete the installation of [name].%n%nWould you like to restart now?
If you need to change the message text dynamically, assign WizardForm.PreparingLabel.Caption. E.g. from CurPageChanged(wpPreparing) event.

Visual Studio Code DDEV and auto reload on Linux

I'm using DDEV with Visual Studio Code and I tried to configure Live Server Extension to automatically auto reload page that I'm working on in Chrome when I hit save in VSC, but it doesn't seem to work with PHP.
Is there a way to configure this to work with DDEV?
I can't seam to find any info on this issue.
I've managed to do it another way, with guard and guard-liveguard on linux.
The workflow was:
guard installation
guard-livereload installation
Installation was not quite straightforward, but you can follow the instructions in Terminal and install what's missing if it tells you so.
Guard placed Guardfile inside of /home/user directory so I edited it to contain only this, regarding livereload pard:
guard 'livereload' do
Then I installed Liveguard Google Chrome Browser Extension from here:
Under settings I had to enable "Allow access to file URLs".
Also, you have to press liveguard extension icon in Chrome in order for it to track changes.
That's about it, now when I edit any of the file types entered in Guardfile (you can edit and add what you need, of course) it automatically reloads my Chrome window whit the edited page opened.

Orchard CMS: Where new theme structure and files get saved when installed from Gallery

I have a couple of general questions please. Just stepping into Orchard CMS. So apology if they look stupid!
Today I installed a theme called Metro from Theme Gallery. It is visible on theme selection page as well. But where the files and folder structure are got saved in Orchard CMS? I looked into Theme folder but it is not there. I want to see how the structure is placed so that I can create one myself
One more thing. Theme .png file shows a nice layout but when I activate it the layout comes up completely different. Why is this?
And finally, I installed my site using Orchard's web interface and it is running fine. But when I tried to run orchard > codegen theme CreditLine, it said Command codegen doesn't exist.
I then run Setup utility from command prompt (orchard >) and it displayed
A previous Orchard installation was detected in this database with this table prefix.
Which clearly says the setup I did through web interface was successful. But still I am not able to run codegen command or even help codegen. The latter command shows Command codegen doesn't exist!
Orchard version: v.
1) It should be installed under Themes/TheThemeName, or locally, under src/Orchard.Web/Themes/TheThemeName
2) It could be that you installed an old theme. Not sure because you don't give many details over what goes wrong.
3) You first have to enable the codegen module. Do this by starting up your Orchard, go to modules => Codegen => Enable. Or run in the orchard.exe: feature enable Orchard.CodeGeneration
After a lot of Googling and struggle I found a nice community here where I got my answer!
Orchard Repository on Github defaults to dev branch which I overlooked completely when cloned it for the first time! So I removed everything from my local and cloned the source again but from master branch this time.
No more compilation error or Command Line issue popped up. Orchard.CodeGeneration feature got enabled from CLI this time without a problem. Everything else seems to be working fine as well.
1. Removed source from my local which I cloned from dev branch initialy
2. Cloned Orchard from master branch
3. Opened solution in VS2015
4. Compiled, run and setup my first site
5. And finally ran feature enable Orchard.CodeGeneration from orchard command prompt.

Windows 10 cannot associate file to clickonce application

I have a clickonce application which works fine on windows 7.
When it's being installed on a windows 10 machine, it seems that the specific file for our application cannot be properly associated to the clickonce application.
If I click right on the file, and choose "open with", I can see in the list "ClickOnce Application Deployment Support Library". But if I choose this option, I get a message saying "this application cannot be executed on your PC". If I decide to choose directly the .exe file of the clickonce application (C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Apps...), it will not work properly (version & update detection).
I am able to install my application and I am able to run it properly from the start menu. The only thing not working is the file association. I have tried to uninstall, and reinstall, but it doesn't change anything.
Edit :
I have installed the application on another windows 10 machine, and everything works fine (including the file assocation "automatically when installed & when specifiying it manually"). So I think the problem is not "generic" for all windows 10 machines.
I was able to reproduce montueron's issue. After turning on logging ( and setting the logging location (, I was able to determine that the file association was being skipped: File association for ".tiff" skipped, since another application is using it.
Here is what I did to solve my problem on Windows 10. My goal is to associate my ClickOnce program, "Tif2PDF", with .TIF and .TIFF image files.
Create a unique file association in the ClickOnce Publish settings in Visual Studio 2017. I am not using .TIF at this time, we just want to create the appropriate registry entry under HKCU\Software\Classes\Tif2PDF which will get removed in the un-install process.
Properties->Publish->Options->File Associations.
In the Tif2PDF program startup process, we need to add registry settings when it is installed - only run when it is updated:
if ( System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationDeployment.IsNetworkDeployed
&& ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment.IsFirstRun )
These two entries tell windows to use the HKCU\Software\Classes\Tif2PDF entry for TIF and TIFF file types.
Tell Windows this is a registered application. This value points to the key created in step 2.
At this point, you should see an option in Windows Explorer under "open with" called "ClickOnce Application Deployment Support Library". It will work at this point, but let's add a label and icon.
Create key and values below.
string iconSourcePath == Path.Combine(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath, #"Resources\Tif2PDF.ico");
You program will need to handle command line arguments a little differently
//Get the normal command lines arguments in case the EXE is called directly
List<string> argList = new List<string>(Environment.GetCommandLineArgs());
argList.RemoveAt(0); //Remove the application.EXE entry
// this is how arguments are passed from windows explorer to clickonce installed apps when files are associated in explorer
if (AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ActivationArguments?.ActivationData != null )
argList.AddRange( AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ActivationArguments.ActivationData);
We should try to cleanup these registry settings when we un-install the program by following thedracle's post Custom action on uninstall (clickonce) - in .NET
I just created a test application as Administrator (Windows Forms Application) using Visual Studio 2015 (< 5 minutes)
1) Under Properties/Publish/Options/File Associations added an entry:
Extension: .abcd
Description: test
ProgID: 2
Icon: An icon file
2) Under Properties/Publish I pressed Publish Now and ran Setup
3) Created a text file, renamed it to test.abcd
It is working as expected under Windows 10, so you could create a test application / verify that it's working and see what the differences are compared to your existing application.. 32/64 bit, framework, signing etc.

Inno Setup: is it a script based deployment program?

I am using Inno Setup for the first time. When I start the program I am presented with a blank script page. Is scripting the only way you can create a setup package? Is there anything else?
Yes, Inno Setup is script-based (thank God -- this really makes things a lot easier if you ask me). But there is a "wizard" that lets you create a new setup by a simple step-by-step approach in a simple GUI. Simply choose "Create a new script file using the Script Wizard" in the "Welcome" dialog box that appears when you start the Inno Setup Compiler.
If you have disabled the Welcome dialog box, use File/New instead to start the wizard.
I was just informed about the new InnoIDE.
Inno Setup is script based. If you want a GUI Builder then you may check the site "Third-Party Files" on Inno Setups Homepage.
The easiest way to start is with one of the example scripts included with the install.
Just change the product name in the sample and you are set for 90% of basic installs
