logic apps designer can't select Twilio - Get Message - azure

I am a total newbie to Azure Logic Apps and Twilio.
I am trying to follow the instructions to create a connection to Twilio.
However I can't click the any of the Twilio icons:
I am logged into Twilio on another browser tab.
I have tried Edge and Chrome.
If I press F12, I can see there are numerous errors in the console tab:
How do I go about troubleshooting my problem?

Maybe you are trying to put Twilio actions as first step of your Logic App.
Twilio connector hasn't triggers, then you need as the first step of your Logic App a trigger, as a HTTP Request and then add a Twilio action:
Then you need to fill the Twilio action with the Account Id and the Access Token provided by Twilio. The Connection Name is whatever you want.


Is there a webhook for Whatsapp Business API for new order creation?

So, I need to create a webhook that would notify when anyone places an order on my whatsapp business number.
Now, in the meta app developer settings, I could not find any webhook for order placed notification. I did try message webhook and it's working but I don't know how I setup the webhook for place order.
Here is the screenshot of the available webhooks:
Here is my glitch server link:

How to register whatsapp webhook

I need to do an integration with twilio where the application serves multiple accounts. With that I have the need to receive the whatsapp integrations in different URL for each user of the application.
I would like to register these URLs in a simple way, without my user having to access the twilio panel.
How can I register a whatsapp WebHook using HTTP APIs or nodejs SDK?
I searched the documentations and even debugged the nodejs SDK and couldn't find a way to do that.
What’s integration allows you toconfigure one URL per number. How about setting that URL to your backend which then breaks out the behavior based on the from number.

How to do Dialogflow Integrations with facebook messenger?

I follow the instruction provided by diaglogflow as the below, however, it did not work.
The "Get Started" button do pop up for my page's messenger, but click on it or say words in the default welcome message (I did set the intent as Facebook welcome) doesn't trigger any response.
Do I miss any setting?
Pic.1 Get started do appear but no response:
Steps provided by diaglogflow:
Get your Facebook Page Access Token and insert it in the field below.
Create your own Verify Token (can be any string).
Click 'START' below.
4.Use the Callback URL and Verify Token to create an event in the Facebook Messenger Webhook Setup.
Pic.2 Integration setting in dialogflow(left) and messenger setting in Facebook(right):
Pic. 3 Default welcome intent in diaglogflow and it's response(I had clicked the save button):
Pic4. Messenger set up for Webhook version
It seems you've configured the webhook for your app. Make sure you've subscribed your app to a Facebook Page.
Click 'Add or Remove Pages' and select the pages you want to
subscribe your app to. Your webhook will receive events for each
selected page when people chat with it through Messenger.
In the 'Access Tokens' section there will be a Generate Token button
for each authorized Page. Make sure to save the access token, it's
needed to send messages using the Send API.
For each authorizedPage, the 'Webhooks' section will contain the fields the
app can subscribe to. Click on "Add Subscriptions" to select desired fields.
At a minimum, we recommend you choose messages and messaging_postbacks to get started.
Don't forget to choose message_postbacks. If still you face the issue re-configure the webhook. In addition test your messenger response from dialogflow from right side try it --> hi/hello --> and click default response change it to messenger if you can see the expected message from response tab that means you are missing something from page integration. I am attaching a snapshot of checking messenger response from dialogflow:
official documentation
To add Tasnuva's answer, the subscription button is in the field of:
"messenger setting--> webhooks--> add/remove page right side button."
I was once confused by the add/remove page at the access page token field.
Click the button in the red square to edit it:

Whats App chatbot with twilio function to login into 3rd party web application

Need guidance to develop whatsApp chatbot to login into a 3rd party application using twilio functions.
Whenever a user sends whatsApp message to twilio number I want to login into 3rd party web application and query necessary data and respond back to the user with query response. Since the web application doesn't have any REST API implementation I cannot use axios or any 2FA authentication to log in. Authentication should be done by through browser. Currently, I don't have a clue to how to login dynamically.
Tried to do with puppetter.js, cypress.js, nightwatch.js, but no luck.
This is an web application where LCO's can login and activate/de-active/payment for their customer STB boxes. They don't have any 2FA, service based architecture. All can be done by login into their web application only.
Through puppeteer/nightwatch/cypress i tried opening browser window dynamically to login into the system. I have a standalone cypress spec to open the browser and login dynamically. All these steps i want to do with help of twilio functions.
Below is the flowchart.
Customer Send whatsapp message to twilio number
- STB ACTIVATE 6983784934
- Twilio function to open url in background
- Login with credentials
- Search STB
- Activate STB by clicking activate button in screen
- Take screenshot of the updated status
- Send screenshot with success message to End user

Can anyone post an example for event notification using docusign java-client sdk?

I want to implement event notification webhook method into my app. I am using docusign-java-client SDK for docusign, but I am unable to find any example using SDK. Can anyone provide some example to achieve this?
I'm sorry to report that we (DocuSign) don't yet have a Java recipe for this. We do have a Python example. Java is on the list of things to do. Perhaps someone else can provide an example in the meantime.
Here is a general description:
First, set up your webhook subscription. You can have an envelope-specific webhook subscription by including the eventNotification fields in your envelope create request.
Or you can set up a more general subscription by using the "Connect" feature. You can setup Connect subscriptions either via the DocuSign web tool, or programmatically.
As part of the subscription you provide your url for the incoming XML notification messages.
To handle them, you write a small web app using whatever web app framework is easiest for you and your stack. Your web server will receive the incoming https calls from DocuSign.
You can see what the incoming XML messages look like by using the beta Recipe Framework. Run it on Heroku. Use the embedded signing recipe and click the button to see the Webhook / Connect messages. You can then see the sorts of messages that you will receive.
Your incoming message web server will simply parse the XML messages and then handle them accordingly.
Thanks for using the webhook system. Please ask more questions here if you have any issues.
