appJar Internationalisation not working - python-3.x

I am trying to use appJar's internationalisation feature with English and Spanish. However, when I use the English config file, everything works fine, but when I use Spanish one, I get errors. When the file is encoded in ANSI, I get the following error:
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xa1 in position 0: invalid start byte
I have also tried to encode it in UTF-8, but again, I get an error:
configparser.MissingSectionHeaderError: File contains no section headers.
file: 'SPANISH.ini', line: 1
The English config file is exactly the same as the Spanish one - the only difference being the translation.
I would be grateful for any help and suggestions.

It turns out that the Spanish config file seemed to be corrupted - when I copied the contents over to a new file, it worked fine.


v SyntaxError: (unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes in position 2-3:

I have tried putting 'r' before my code, as well as changed the code with back slash/ front slash but don't seem to be able to upload my csv file into python. is there a particular reason for this error?
please help me fix this!!
Make sure to set also the encoding parameter to 'utf-8'. If the path to file is correct, bellow code should fix the issue:
pd.read_csv('C:/Users/payalsachdev/Desktop/cars.csv', encoding='utf-8')
If this still doesn't work you can go further and ignore malformed data and continue by setting encoding_errors to 'ignore':
pd.read_csv('C:/Users/payalsachdev/Desktop/cars.csv', encoding='utf-8', encoding_errors='ignore')
You can check more details here: pandas.read_csv, and also why 'utf-8' encoding is not always the default one: python 3 default encoding

Google Translate API returns non UTF8 characters

See in the end of this post for the solution
Good evening.
Im trying to play with the google translate v3 api.
And I arrive on a mystical encoding issue.
I do this :
def translate_text_langueTarget(texteToTranslate, langueTarget):
parent = client.location_path(project_id, location)
langueOrigin = detect_language(texteToTranslate)
if (langueOrigin == "en" and langueTarget == "en"):
response = client.translate_text(
translatedTexte = str(response.translations)[19:-3]
translatedTexte = "Sorry my friend, the translation is lost on the internet"
I call this with
stringToTrad = "prefer"
langTarget = "fr"
translateString = translate_text_langueTarget(stringToTrad, langTarget)
And I expecte to have "préféré" in answer
But I obtain :
I have try to look after this error with a bit of debug in my code, with :
I think it's a problem of encoding but i can't find a answer to my problem.
I work in python and my scrip is tag :
#! /usr/bin/env python3
# coding: utf-8
in the header
Do you have an idea ?
I use :
translatedTexte = codecs.escape_decode(translatedTexte)[0]
translatedTexte = translatedTexte.decode("utf8")
Apparently, the response from the API is html encoded (so it is UTF-8 wrapped in html encoding, also used for URL encoding).
The solution is simple.
import html
# Vinken rejoindra le conseil d'administration en novembre.
# Vinken rejoindra le conseil d'administration en novembre.
API of Google Translate gives you UTF-8 text.
You got c3 a9 (303 251 as octal numbers) which it is really é, as expected.
So your code take the correct UTF-8 file and it writes it as maybe wrong encoding.
This line is just a myth, not useful:
# coding: utf-8
If you want that your code interpret input and output as UTF-8, you should explicitly say so. With your code, I assume that (one problem) is that you use print (better to write into a file). On Windows, by default, terminals are not UTF-8, but old "Windows ANSI like and extended also know as Windows 1252" encoding.
So write into a file (with explicit UTF-8 encoding), or just change terminal settings, to have UTF-8 terminal. In addition, you may have escape sequences, on results. To me, it smell much, to have results written in octal way. Not a think of standard Python (and it will complain, about wrong encoding). You may need to parse the response, to translate escape sequences.

Encoding issues related to Python and foreign languages

Here's a problem I am facing with encoding and decoding texts.
I am trying to write a code that finds a 'string' or a 'byte' in a file, and return the path of the file.
Currently, since the files I am opening have encoding of 'windows-1252' or 'cp-1252', so I have been trying to:
1. encode my string into a byte corresponding to the encoding of the file
2. match the file and get the path of that file
I have a file, say 'f', that has the encoding of 'windows-1252' or 'cp-1252'. It includes a text that is in Chinese: '[跑Online農場]'
with open(os.path.join(root, filename), mode='rb') as f:
text =
print(encoding(text)) # encoding() is a separate function that I wrote that returns the encoding of the file
b'\x00StaticText\x00\x00\x12\x00[\xb6]Online\xb9A\xb3\xf5]\x00\x01\x00\x ...
As you may see, the 'binary' texts for [跑Online農場] is [\xb6]Online\xb9A\xb3\xf5]
However, the funny thing is that if I literally convert the string into bytes, I get:
enter_text = '[跑Online農場]'
print(bytes(enter_text, 'cp1252'))
UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\u8dd1' in position 1: character maps to <undefined>
On the other hand, opening the file using
with open(os.path.join(root, filename), mode='r', encoding='cp-1252') as f ...
I get:
StaticText [¶]Online¹A³õ] €?‹ Œ î...
which I am not sure how I would 'translate' '[跑Online農場]' into '[¶]Online¹A³õ]'. Answer to this may also solve the problem
What should I do to correctly 'encode' the Chinese/Foreign characters so that it matches the 'rb' bytes that the Python returns?
Thank you!
Your encoding function is wrong: the codec of the file is probably CP950, but certainly not CP1252.
Note: guessing the encoding of a given byte string is always approximate.
There's no safe way of determining the encoding for sure.
If you have a byte string like
and you know it must translate (be decoded) into
then what you can is trial and error with a few codecs.
I did this with the list of codecs supported by Python, searching for codecs for Chinese.
When using CP-1252 (the Windows version of Latin-1), as you did, you get mojibake:
>>> b'[\xb6]Online\xb9A\xb3\xf5]'.decode('cp1252')
When using CP-950 (the Windows codepage for Traditional Chinese), you get the expected output:
>>> b'[\xb6]Online\xb9A\xb3\xf5]'.decode('cp950')
So: use CP-950 for reading the file.

Python 3 character encoding issue

i am selecting values from a MySQL // Maria DB that contains latin1 charset with latin1_swedish_ci collation. There are possible characters from different European language as Spanish ñ, German ä or Norwegian ø.
I get the data with
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding: utf-8
sql.execute("SELECT name FROM myTab")
for row in sql
There is an error message:
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character '\xf1'
Okay I have changed my print to
and the result looks like this:
i looked at this Working with utf-8 encoding in Python source but i have declard the header. Also decode('utf8').encode('cp1250') does not help
okay the encoding issue has been solved finaly. Coldspeed gave a important hind with loacle. therefore all kudos for him! Unfortunately it was not that easy.
I found a workaround that fix the problem.
import sys
sys.stdout = open(sys.stdout.fileno(), mode='w', encoding='utf8', buffering=1)
The solution is from Jack O'Connor. posted in this answer:
Python3 tries to automatically decode this string based on your locale settings. If your locale doesn't match up with the encoding on the string, you get garbled text, or it doesn't work at all. You can forcibly try encoding it with your locale and then decoding to cp1252 (it seems this is the encoding on the string).

Python 3.1 server-side can't output Unicode string to client

I'm using a free web host but choosing not to work with any Python framework, and am stuck trying to print Chinese characters saved in the source file (using emacs to save file encoded in utf-8) to the resulting HTML page. I thought Unicode "just works" in Python 3.1 so I am baffled. I found three solutions that aren't working. I might just be missing a detail or two.
The host is Alwaysdata, and it has been straightforward to use, so I have little clue about details of how they put together the parts. All I do is upload or edit (with ssh) Python files to a www folder, change permissions, point a browser to the right URL, and it works.
My first attempt, which works on local IDLE (and also the server's Python command line interactive shell, which makes me even more confused why it won't work when it's passed to a browser)
mystr = "世界好"
print("Content-Type: text/html\n\n")
print("""<!DOCTYPE html>
<html><head><meta charset="utf-8"></head>
The error is:
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-3:
ordinal not in range(128)
Then I tried
resulting in no error, but the following undesired output to the browser:
Third, the following lines were added but got an error:
import sys
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'setdefaultencoding'
Finally, replacing print with f.write:
import codecs
f =, "w", "utf-8")
mystr = "你好世界"
TypeError: invalid file: <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>'
How do I get the output to work? Do I need to use a framework for a quick fix?
It sounds like you are using CGI, which is a stupid API as it's using stdout, made for output to humans, to output to your browser. This is the basic source of your problems.
You need to encode it in UTF-8, and then write to sys.stdout.buffer instead of sys.stdout.
And after that, get yourself a webframework. Really, you'll be a lot happier.
