How to share Azure Function logs with 3rd party - azure

I have some Azure Functions that I share to my partner companies who then run the Azure Functions in their own Azure subscriptions.
Occasionally the partners run into issues and reach out to me for help. I have to instruct them to manually pull the Azure Function logs and send to me via email.
Is there anyway they can grant me permission to pull the logs from their Azure Subscription?

It depends on where you have the logs.
Either way, they can grant you RBAC permission to their resource in their subscription. Generally, they have read only access options available. All resources have the same experience for modifying RBAC (but they do differ on which policies they support). It's pretty straightforward, but this doc has more information:
If you're using our default Storage logs, do yourself a favor and turn on App Insights because it's great. Then, if you still want to use Storage, you can get RBAC access or a SAS token and grab those logs from the Storage Account associated with the Function App. (Name should be in the AzureWebJobsDashboard setting). If you get a SAS token, you can use the Storage Explorer by choosing the SAS URI option when you connect.
If you're using App Insights, good job, you've made the right decision. You can get RBAC access to the App Insights resource and use all their great UI experience/etc. You can also get an API Key and make direct API calls against it, in the case that RBAC wouldn't work. (I would try to get RBAC access, but if that's not possible, here's a link to App Insights REST API docs:
Short answer, use RBAC to get granted limited permissions (and App Insights because it's great)


Can I log into Azure Portal using Service Account Certificate?

Stuff in Azure are secured with Service Accounts. In order for me to see stuff I need to download the Service Account certificate and then log in via the Azure CLI using the extracted certificate and the Service Account Application Id. So now I can see everything the Service Account can see, great. But it is a pain in the neck and slow. So my question: Can I use the same certificate and credentials to log into the Azure Portal website so I can browse around using the web browser instead?
Using a Service Principal for interactive logins to the Azure Portal is not possible - which is by design. In order to be able to see the same resources as the Service Principal through the Azure Portal, you would require a user account that holds the Azure RBAC Reader role against those resources that are in scope of the Service Principal role assignments.
As you mentioned performance being an issue with using the Service Principal login, you could try Azure Resource Graph queries. These are supported by Azure CLI, Azure PowerShell as well as all the major Azure SDK's. Obviously, this won't bring you the visual experience like the Azure Portal but might resolve the performance piece maybe.
However, requesting/creating a user account that has the corresponding RBAC roles assigned would be the only way to allow you to see the resources through the Azure Portal.

Programmatically create a service SAS token for Storage Account in Azure

From the Azure portal I would like to programmatically and periodically create a service SAS token. Once a token has been created it should expire in one week and a new token also valid for one week will be created and so on. I was reading this article but I am not very sure about where that code should run, in a Azure VM? I can't give internet access to the VM
The code from the article can be run from any compute service.
If that is the sole purpose of the compute resource, I would pick Logic Apps to have everything managed for you; it may have a connector to do it or you can embed some JavaScript.
Should that not be sufficient, I would use an Azure Function.
You can also use a VM if that is more suitable and restrict/block its internet access.
If you need to restrict internet access, you must be sure your blob storage is reachable, your options are:
Open whichever firewall/NSG to that storage account
Using service endpoints, service endpoint policies
Project a Private Link endpoint into the VNET from the storage

How do you set up app with permissions to Azure Compute API

I am creating an API client for Azure Compute. I want the ability to start/stop/restart my Azure virtual machines.
In the past when I've created apps using the Graph API, I created a new app registration and then gave the app permissions for the actions I wanted under 'Microsoft Graph API' permissions list.
However, I cannot find Azure Compute listed in the available Microsoft APIs. I'm confused as to what I need to do in order to get API permissions for Azure compute as opposed to some of the other APIs.
I've spent the morning searching for tutorials or example implementations to look through, but combinations of Azure/Compute/API/permissions/etc... don't seem to ever come up with the results that I'm looking for.
Has anyone done something like this? Is it possible to use application permissions for Azure compute or is it entirely separate? Will it require a service account instead?
However, I cannot find Azure Compute listed in the available Microsoft
APIs. I'm confused as to what I need to do in order to get API
permissions for Azure compute as opposed to some of the other APIs.
The API you're looking for is Azure Service Management.
Once you add this delegated permission, you will be able to perform operations on your Virtual Machines provided your Service Principal is assigned an appropriate role (Virtual Machine Contributor, for example) in an Azure Subscription.
You can assign the App an RBAC role as though it were a user that you were giving permission to restart VMs. For example, you could go to the resource group that contains the VM, then go to Access Control (IAM) -> Add Role Assignment -> Add the app registration to the Contributor role.

Access Time Series Insights Gen2 from Azure App Service

Access to Time Series Insights is handled by acquiring an access token for a Application in Azure Active Directory which is being given access to time series insights according to the documentation.
In a scenario where my application is running in Azure App Service, is it possible to skip the step of creating a application in AD and use the Managed Identity of App Service to access Time Series Insights this way? How can i obtain the Access Token in this scenario?
yes you can absolutely do that. In that case, you'd follow the Azure AD guidance on how to acquire tokens for resources as an MSI. Please see the documentation here. The resource would be and one of the optional properties is required. Note that you'd also have to first grant the MSI either the reader or contributor role for your TSI environment.

Is there any instace profile available in Azure like in AWS

An instance profile is a container for an IAM role that you can use to pass role information to an EC2 instance when the instance starts.
A mechanism very similar to AWS instance profiles is Managed Service Identity (MSI) for Azure, which was announced in September 2017, though at the time of this writing, it is still in preview. I didn't try it out yet, but it does work the same way as instance profiles on AWS do, by automatically authenticating the VM to a meta-data service and allowing you to query for additional credentials without having to hardcode it into your code or image.
Azure also supports IAM.
Microsoft Azure identity and access management solutions help IT protect access to applications and
resources across the corporate data center and into the cloud. This enables additional levels of validation,
such as multifactor authentication and conditional access policies. Monitoring suspicious activity through
advanced security reporting, auditing and alerting helps mitigate potential security issues.
More detailed information please refer to this link.
You do have the ability to create Signed Access Signatures for all three Windows Azure Storage services (BLOBs, Queues and Tables) as well as for Windows Azure Service Bus Brokered Messages (Queues, Topics & Subscriptions). I have a similar question with you, maybe you could check.
I found Azure is not support instance profile like aws.
If bind a role to instance on aws, aws system will generate a temporary api access token and write to metadata server.
Aws sdk will auto fetch access token from metadata server, so a service that uses aws sdk does not need to configure sdk's access token.
But Azure's IAM and SAS(shared access signature) and metadata server, is not support mechanism like above.
