How to rename multiple files while keeping extension based on provided txt file? - linux

I have a folder with many files that look like:
I would like to rename the files based on a text file keeping the _R1.fastq but changing the A# to a specific samples name (example):
A1_R1.fastq KUG_R1.fastq
A2_R1.fastq AUG_R1.fastq
A3_R1.fastq TRY_R1.fastq
I'd also like an output directory which contains all my newly names .fastq files.
I tried this to no avail (only a few were renamed):
ls *.fastq| paste -d' ' - $PATH/txt | xargs -n2 mv
Thank you.


Using regex and cp: cannot stat

I am trying to copy files over from an old file structure where data are stored in folders with improper names to a new (better) structure, but as there are 671 participants I need to copy, I want to use regex in order to streamline it (each participant has files saved in the same format). However, I keep getting a cp: cannot stat error message saying that no file/directory exists. I had assumed this meant that I had missed a / or put "" in the wrong location but I cannot see anything in the code that would suggest it.
My code is as follows (which I add a lot of comments so other collaborators can understand):
# This code below copies the initial .nii file.
# These data are copied into my Trial Participant folders.
# Create a variable called parent_folder1 that describes initial mask directory e.g. folders for each participant which contains the files.
# The original folders are named according to ClinicalID_scandate_randomdigits e.g. folder 1234567890_20000101_987654.
# The destination folders are named according to TrialIDNumber e.g. LBC100001.
# The .nii files are saved under TrialIDNumber_1_ICV.nii.gz e.g. LBC1000001_1_ICV.nii.gz.
# These files need copied over from their directories into the Trial Participant folders, using the for loop function.
# The * symbol is used as a wildcard.
for i in $(ls -1d "${parent_folder1}"/*_20*); do
lbc=$(ls ${i}/finalMasks/*ICV* | sed 's/^.*\///'); lbc=${lbc:0:9}
cp "${parent_folder1}/${i}"/finalMasks/*_1_ICV.nii.gz /this/path/is/the/destination/path/${lbc}/
# This code uses regular expression to find the initial ICV file.
# ls asks for a list, -1 makes each new folder on a new line, d is for directory.
# *_20* refers to the name of the folders. The * covers the ClinicalID, _20* refers to the scan date and random digits.
# I have no idea what the | sed 's/^.*\///' does, but I think it strips the path.
# lbc=${lbc:0:9} is used to keep the ID numbers.
# cp copies the files that are named under TrialIDNumber(replaced by *)_1_ICV.nii.gz to the destination under the respective folder.
So after a bit of fooling around, I changed the code a lot (took out sed as it confuses me), and came up with this that worked. Thanks to those who commented!
# Create a variable called parent_folder1 that describes initial mask directory.
# Iterate over directories in parent_folder1
for i in $(ls -1d "${parent_folder1}"/*_20*); do
# Extract the base name of the file in the finalMasks directory
lbc=$(basename $(ls "${i}"/finalMasks/*ICV*))
# Extract the LBC number from the file name
# Copy the file to the specific folder
cp "${i}"/finalMasks/${lbc}_1_ICV.nii.gz /destination/path/here/${lbc}/

Recursively appending names of all files in a directory with exif specific png meta data field (aesthetic_score) with linux / EXIFtool

I am trying to rename all files located in a directory (recursively) with a specific meta data field appended to the end of the png file name.
the meta data field name is "aesthetic_score" with a value range from 1.0-9.0
when I type:
exiftool -Aesthetic_score -G1 -s testn.png
the result is:
[PNG] Aesthetic_score : 7.0
This is how I would like to append the png files recursively within a directory.
Note i would like to swap out the word aesthetic with the word chad in the append, and not all files will have this data field:
input file:
filename001.png (metadata aesthetic_score:7.0)
I tried to use Digikam and JExifToolGui-2.01, without success.
I am trying to perform this task in the cmd line, although other solutions are welcome. Thank you for your help.
So, this might work for you, I can't really test it; note that you would need to get rid of the echo before the mv for it to actually do something (rename rather than just show what it would do).
while read name
newname=$(exiftool -G1 -s "$name"|awk '$2~/FileName/{name=$4}; $2~/Aesthetic_score/{basename=gensub(/^(.+)\....$/,"\\1","1",name);ext=gensub(/^.*\.(...)$/,"\\1","1",name);gsub(/\./,"",$4);print basename"."$4"."ext}')
echo mv "$name" "$newname"
done <<<$( find -iname \*.png )
Basically the find at the very end finds all the pngs.
The while loop takes every name find throws it, and passes each file through exiftool (using your specs) and parses the output using awk, which then outputs the new name, which gets captured in the shell variable by the same name.
And finally the mv (without the echo) renames the files.

How to link a selected set of files from one directory to another in Linux?

Say for example, in the source directory I have the following files:
Now I need to link only the items 1,2 and 5 only (listed above). Most importantly I need to link all the 3 files together (i.e. link all the 3 files at the same time).
I know how to link 1 file at a time (ln -s sourceDirectory/fileName targetDirectory/), but not multiple files at once.
I found ways to do this when the file name prefixes has some pattern (for example, link all the files where the names start with letter "f"), but in my case, I do not have any such pattern. My file names are different.
Try this:
for file in a.txt b.txt c.txt
ln -s /sourcedir/"${file}" /targetdir/
Since you only have a list, you have to iterate through the list.

Bash script to search multiple files with a string mentioned in a different file, then copy those files into a new directory

I have multiple files recorded per date. At the end of every day, I need to run a script to grep those files which contain particular numbers mentioned in a different file, then copy all those files (CSV records) which contain matching UID records to another file location.
Working Dir = /var/output
Search file name = /var/output/UID.txt
##Cat UID.txt
filenames = CSV_name_date.csv
Each filename is unique, and in a day I get roughly around 5000 files.
I'm using this code,
grep -f uid.txt -e stringpattern -l | xargs cp -t /var/output2/
I need to run a search on a particular date, the script should ask you which date you want to run and run the search on files of those dates only.

How to move and number files?

I working with linux, bash.
I have one directory with 100 folders in it, each one named different.
In each of these 100 folders, there is a file called first.bars (so I have 100 files named first.bars). Although all named first.bars, the files are actually slightly different.
I want to get all these files moved to one new folder and rename/number these files so that I know which file comes from which folder. So the first first.bars file must be renamed to 001.bars, the second to 002.bars.. etc.
I have tried the following:
ls -d * >> /home/directorywiththe100folders/list.txt
cat list.txt | while read line;
do cd $line;
mv first.bars /home/newfolder
This does not work because I can't have 100 files, named the same, in one folder. So I only need to know how to rename them. The renaming must be connected to the cat list.txt, because the first line is the folder containing the first file wich is moved and renamed. That file will be called 001.bars.
Try doing this :
$ rename 's/^.*?\./sprintf("%03d.", $c++)/e' *.bar
If you want more information about this command, see this recent response I gave earlier : How do I rename multiple files beginning with a Unix timestamp - imapsync issue
If the rename command is not available,
for d in /home/directorywiththe100folders/*/; do
newfile=$(printf "/home/newfolder/%d.bars" $(( c++ )) )
mv "$d/first.bars" "$newfile"
