Remove duplicates from list of lists in Haskell [closed] - haskell

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Given the list of lists duplicates = [[1,1,1],[2],[1,1,1]]
How to remove the duplicates so that the result is [[2]]?

Like this:
Data.MultiSet> [a | (a, 1) <- toOccurList (fromList [[1,1,1],[2],[1,1,1]])]


Hello everybody, I would like to make jigzaw puzzle game with pixi.js [closed]

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Closed 9 days ago.
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Here is a drag and drop feature, which is I would like to implement in my game.
What I have to do for this.
Now, I just finished drag function with pixi-viewport.

When implementing bind, why name the second parameter k? [closed]

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Closed 10 months ago.
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instance Monad M where
m >>= k = ...
Also is there a name for functions which are used as this second argument to bind?
Answered in the comments
I'd guess that k stands for something like "kontinue with the kontinuation k

How to split a number in a filename in Linux? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have this file name:
I would like to extract the final 7 numbers and put space like this
extr=2019 353;
In bash script:
extr="${fname:${#fname}-11:4} ${fname:${#fname}-7:3}"

How to pass an argument to calculator? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am trying to speed up my calculator. How would i got about that?
You can't use fib as the name of the function that gets the nth Fibonacci number and the name of the generating list.
This should work:
fibList = 0:1:zipWith (+) fibList (tail fibList)
fib n = fibList !! n

groovy - collate maps in list of maps [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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What is the simplest way to combine several maps in list elements into one map. For instance: list1 -> list2
def list1 = [[a:'apple'],[b:'orange'],[c:'pear'],[a:'watermelon'],[b:'banana'],[c:'grape'],[a:'lychee'],[b:'guava'],[c:'starfruit']]
def list2 = [[a:'apple', b:'orange', c:'pear'],[a:'watermelon', b:'banana', c:'grape'],[a:'lychee', b:'guava', c:'starfruit']]
Try this:
