how can i stop phaser sprite after reaching moveToPointer location? - phaser-framework

What i am trying to accomplish is to have a user click on the canvas and the sprite(player) will move to that location and STOP once it reaches that location.
Currently i have the player can click and it will continue in that path which is the default function.
update: function() {
this.player.rotation =;
if ( {
// move on the direction of input, this.playerSpeed);
Maybe its simpler than i think but i cant seem to find a solution.
point in the right direction would be useful :)

I think you look for something like this:
Using Tweens (something very interesting about Phaser)
Arcade Physics (which is an example similar to yours)


get_node crashing game when node is deleted

First of all, I'm new to programming in general so I'm kind of assuming there's a simple answer to this question, I just couldn't seem to find it anywhere.
I'm making a simple platformer game with enemies that move toward the player. I used this code in the enemy's script underneath the physics process to get the player position:
player_position = get_parent().get_node("Player").get_position
However, upon the player being queue_freed when health reaches 0, the game crashes immediately and I get a null error due to there being no Player node. How can I work around this?
You could just set $Player.visibility to false instead of freeing, or you could check if the player exists first using get_parent().has_node("Player")
When you destroy the player, the physics process function is still trying to get the player node, even though it doesn't exist. So, as Lucas said, you could replace:
player_position = get_parent().get_node("Player").get_position
with something like...
if get_parent().has_node("Player"):
player_position = get_parent().get_node("Player").get_position
(Before setting player_position, it will check if the player node even exists)
I think you could use weakref (documentation here).
If you declare a weak reference:
var player_ref: WeakRef = null
and store that reference:
func store_player_node():
var player_ref = weakref(get_parent().get_node("Player"))
Then you can access that reference later:
if player_ref.get_ref():
player_position = player_ref.get_ref().get_position
Weakref has advantage over using get_parent().get_node("Player"). Let's imagine the following scenario:
Player dies and its node is removed from the parent node's children.
New node is created with name Player and added to the scene tree at the same place as the dead Player.
get_parent().get_node("Player") will return a node and the code will not crash. However, it will be a new Player node, not the old one, and I think this is usually undesired.
I hope this helps!

Grab an image from willOutputSampleBuffer or related?

So, Brad Larson is awesome. I'm using his GPUImage library since he optimized the CGContextCreateImage for video output to instead render straight into OpenGL. Then he rewrote it to be even more amazing, and half the questions are outdated. The other half have the new callbacks, Like this question, but for the life of me, I can't get the video frames callback to not be nil. (the CMSampleBuffer to CIImage functions)
I know I have to "tag the next frame" to be kept in memory, thanks to his blog. I also know I process it (but GPUImageVideo also does that), then I grab from the framebuffer. Still nill.
The capture command that's supposed to auto-filter it into a CGImage, from the CGImagePicture's processImageUpToFilter function seems to be what I want, and I've seen it mentioned, but I am lost as to how to hook up the output to its frameBuffer.
Or should I use GPUImageRawDataOutput, and how to hook up? I've been copying and pasting, editing, experimenting, but unsure if it's just the fact I don't know openGL enough to hook up the right stuff or?
Any help is appreciated. I wouldn't ask, since so many related questions are up here, but I use them and still get nil on the output.
Here is my current try:
func willOutputSampleBuffer(sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer!) {
//Next line seems like a waste, as this func is called in GPUImageVideoCamera already.
if let image = gpuImageVideoCamera.imageFromCurrentFramebuffer()
//it's nil
It seems to use the filter instead, and useNextFrame should be AFTER processing to not go super-slow.
Inside of willOutputSampleBuffer, this is it.
if let image = transformFilter.imageFromCurrentFramebuffer()
// image not nil now.
transformFilter.useNextFrameForImageCapture(); //enusre this comes after
This has given us stunning speeds that beat Google's p2p library. Brad, thanks, everyone should support your efforts.

Phaser.js - how do I take an object out of a group?

I'm playing around with phasers invaders example game.
When the object is shot, instead of killing it I'm changing the sprite and moving it to the bottom of the screen. However, it can now be shot again. I don't want it to be shootable a 2nd time. I'm thinking that because the gamephysics are on the group 'aliens', there are probably two options.
a) Either I can take the single shot alien out of the group 'aliens' and hope that stops it from being shot a 2nd time.
b) Or there's some way of saying ' alien just shot = now protected from being shot again' , I tried the following to no avail.
alien.physicsBodyType = null;
This is my collision handler right now
function collisionHandler (bullet, alien) {
// When a bullet hits an alien we kill them both
// move alien to bottom
var tween2 = game.add.tween(alien).to( { y: 300 }, 1000, Phaser.Easing.Linear.EaseIn, true);
tween2.onComplete.add(doNext, this);
So, basically the changed sprite can still be shot at, I need to make it so it cannot be shot at.
I tried this.;
It changed the position of the sprite and it was still shootable. Hmmm...
Is there a way to take collision off the single shot alien?
Ok, I figured out my answer, just deactivate the body of the sprite, you don't need to take it out of the group.
sprite.body.enable = false;
Where 'sprite' is the name of your actual sprite. Tested and works.

Custom Joystick Behavior Linux - Adding Mod Keys

I don't have much experience with this type of stuff so I wanted to get some feedback on what I should be looking into.
Here is the situation: I have a joystick (Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X) that has about 12 buttons. What I would like to do is be able to hold 1 of the buttons and use it as a mod key so that I could double the number of buttons I have (I would effectively have 22 buttons).
Now what is the best way to go about this? I am currently running Ubuntu 13.10. I believe the device is picked up by the usbhid driver. Now should I be trying to write a custom driver that would yield this behavior or is there a better/less complicated way of going about this - i.e. intercepting the events and modifying them on the fly - or something else I don't even know is possible.
Anyways hope I was clear. Just trying to figure out the best course of action here.
Thanks in advance.
I would just try to use the existing Linux joystick API
then is user space you can get all the joystick events, and process them as you see fit. Specifically you can get button press events and use logic as follows:
void handle_button_y_press()
if (button_X_pressed)

iPhone help with animations CGAffineTransform resetting?

Hi I am totally confused with CGAffineTransform animations. All I want to do is move a sprite from a position on the right to a position on the left. When it has stopped I want to "reset" it i.e. move it back to where it started. If the app exits (with multitasking) I want to reset the position again on start and repeat the animation.
This is what I am using to make the animation..
[UIImageView animateWithDuration:1.5
options:(UIViewAnimationOptionAllowUserInteraction |
ufo.transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate(ufo.transform, -270, 100);
completion:^(BOOL finished){
NSLog(#"ufo finished");
[self ufoAnimationDidStop];
As I understand it the CGAffineTransforms just visually makes the sprite look like it's moved but doesn't actually move it. Therefore when I try and "reset" the position using = CGPointMake(355, 70);
it doesn't do anything.
I do have something working, if I call
ufo.transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate(ufo.transform, 270, -100);
it resets. The problem is if I exit the app half way through the animation then when it restarts it doesn't necessarily start from the beginning and it doesn't go the the right place, it basically goes crazy!
Is there a way to just remove any transforms applied to it? I'm considering just using a timer but this seems silly when this method should work. I;ve been struggling with this for some time so any help would be much appreciated.
Applying a transform to a view doesn't actually change the center or the bounds of the view; it just changes the way the view is shown on the screen. You want to set your transform back to CGAffineTransformIdentity to ensure that it looks like "normal." You can set it to that before you start your animation and set it to what you want it to animate to.
