The string looks like this:
",w84,w41,w56,w170,w56,w41,w84,/,,w24,w40,w17,w40,w48,,/ ,,,w16,w16,w16,,,/,,,,,,,,/,,,,,,,,/,,,,,,,,/,,,b1,b1,b1,,,/ ,,b3,b130,b17,b130,b129,,/,b69,b146,b131,b170,b131,b146,b69,"
But it should look like this
[[Empty,Piece White 84,Piece White 41,Piece White 56,Piece White 170,Piece White 56,Piece White 41,Piece White 84,Empty],[Empty,Empty,Piece White 24,Piece White 40,Piece White 17,Piece White 40,Piece White 48,Empty,Empty],[Empty,Empty,Empty,Piece White 16,Piece White 16,Piece White 16,Empty,Empty,Empty],[Empty,Empty,Empty,Empty,Empty,Empty,Empty,Empty,Empty],[Empty,Empty,Empty,Empty,Empty,Empty,Empty,Empty,Empty],[Empty,Empty,Empty,Empty,Empty,Empty,Empty,Empty,Empty],[Empty,Empty,Empty,Piece Black 1,Piece Black 1,Piece Black 1,Empty,Empty,Empty],[Empty,Empty,Piece Black 3,Piece Black 130,Piece Black 17,Piece Black 130,Piece Black 129,Empty,Empty],[Empty,Piece Black 69,Piece Black 146,Piece Black 131,Piece Black 170,Piece Black 131,Piece Black 146,Piece Black 69,Empty]]
The list my code creates looks like this:
[["Empty,Piece White 84,Piece White 41,Piece White 56,Piece White 170,Piece White 56,Piece White 41,Piece White 84,Empty"],
["Empty,Empty,Piece White 24,Piece White 40,Piece White 17,Piece White 40,Piece White 48,Empty,Empty"],
["Empty,Empty,Empty,Piece White 16,Piece White 16,Piece White 16,Empty,Empty,Empty"],
data Player = Black | White deriving Show
data Cell = Piece Player Int | Empty deriving Show
data Pos = Pos { col :: Char, row :: Int } deriving Show
type Board = [[Cell]]
I have these data types.
I am almost done with this task all I need is to get rid of the quotation marks.
This is my code so far:
buildBoard x = rec(help3(wop(helper (replaceO x))))
wop (x:xs) = splitOn "/" (x:xs)
help3 (x:xs) = map (\x -> [x])(x:xs)
rec (x:xs) = map(\x -> [recH(x)])(x:xs)
recH (x:xs) = checkComma(x)
helper (x:y:xs)
|x == ',' && y == ',' = x:'E':'m':'p':'t':'y':helper(y:xs)
|otherwise = x:helper (y:xs)
helper [] = []
helper [x] = [x]
checkComma (x:xs) = if head (x:xs) == ',' then checkComma('E':'m':'p':'t':'y':',':xs) else if last (x:xs) == ',' then reverse(turnAr(reverse(x:xs))) else (x:xs)
turnAr (x:xs) = 'y':'t':'p':'m':'E':',':xs
replaceO [] = []
replaceO (x:xs) =
if x == 'w'
then 'P':'i':'e':'c':'e':' ':'W':'h':'i':'t':'e':' ': replaceO xs
else if x == 'b'
then 'P':'i':'e':'c':'e':' ':'B':'l':'a':'c':'k':' ': replaceO xs
else if x == 'E'
then 'E':'m':'p':'t':'y':' ': replaceO xs
else x : replaceO xs
Just getting rid of the quotation marks is not something you can easily do.
I think you'll have to make some significant changes to your code. I'd recommend doing the splitOn "/" first and then further splitOn "," which yields a list of lists of strings where each of the strings represents a cell.
Then you can pretty easily write a function parseCell :: String -> Cell to parse those inner cells. This function will be a bit like your replaceO function but it should also handle all empty cells and actually parsing the integers (you can use the read function for that).
My questions is if I put in a string containing such as Hello, today is a Nice Day!! How could I get rid of spaces and punctuation and also replacing the uppercase letters with lowercase?
I know how to delete them but not how to replace them.
Also to get rid of the punctuation.
Sorry I don't know how to mess around with strings, only numbers.
testList xs = [if x = [,|.|?|!] then " " | x<-xs]
import Data.Char
If you want convert the punctuation to space and the characters from upper case to lower case:
testList xs = [if x `elem` ",.?!" then ' ' else toLower x | x<-xs]
Example: testList "TeST,LiST!" == "test list "
If you want to delete the punctuation and convert the characters from upper case to lower case:
testList2 xs = [toLower x | x<-xs, not (x `elem` ",.?!")]
Example: testList2 "Te..S,!t LiS?T" == "test list"
If you don't want or can not import Data.Char, this is an implementation of toLower:
toLower' :: Char -> Char
toLower' char
| isNotUppercase = char -- no change required
| otherwise = toEnum (codeChar + diffLowerUpperChar) -- char lowered
codeChar = fromEnum char -- each character has a numeric code
code_A = 65
code_Z = 90
code_a = 97
isNotUppercase = codeChar < code_A || codeChar > code_Z
diffLowerUpperChar = code_a - code_A
I've been without writing a code in Haskell for a long time, but the following should remove the invalid characters (replace them by a space) and also convert the characters from Uppercase to Lowercase:
import Data.Char
replace invalid xs = [if elem x invalid then ' ' else toLower x | x <- xs]
Another way of doing the same:
repl invalid [] = []
repl invalid (x:xs) | elem x invalid = ' ' : repl invalid xs
| otherwise = toLower x : repl invalid xs
You can call the replace (or repl) function like this:
replace ",.?!" "Hello, today is a Nice Day!!"
The above code will return:
"hello today is a nice day "
Edit: I'm using the toLower function from Data.Char in Haskell, but if you want to write it by yourself, check here on Stack Overflow. That question has been asked before.
You will find the functions you need in Data.Char:
import Data.Char
process str = [toLower c | c <- str , isAlpha c]
Though personally, I think the function compositional approach is clearer:
process = map toLower . filter isAlpha
To get rid of the punctuation you can use a filter like this one
[x | x<-[1..10], x `mod` 2 == 0]
The "if" you are using won't filter. Putting an if in the "map" part of a list comprehension will only seve to choose between two options but you can't filter them out there.
As for converting things to lowercase, its the same trick as you can already pull off in numbers:
[x*2 | x <- [1..10]]
Here's a version without importing modules, using fromEnum and toEnum to choose which characters to allow:
testList xs =
filter (\x -> elem (fromEnum x) ([97..122] ++ [32] ++ [48..57])) $ map toLower' xs
where toLower' x = if elem (fromEnum x) [65..90]
then toEnum (fromEnum x + 32)::Char
else x
*Main> testList "Hello, today is a Nice Day!!"
"hello today is a nice day"
For a module-less replace function, something like this might work:
myReplace toReplace xs = map myReplace' xs where
myReplace' x
| elem (fromEnum x) [65..90] = toEnum (fromEnum x + 32)::Char
| elem x toReplace = ' '
| otherwise = x
*Main> myReplace "!," "Hello, today is a Nice Day!! 123"
"hello today is a nice day 123"
Using Applicative Style
A textual quote from book "Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!":
Using the applicative style on lists is often a good replacement for
list comprehensions. In the second chapter, we wanted to see all the
possible products of [2,5,10] and [8,10,11], so we did this:
[ x*y | x <- [2,5,10], y <- [8,10,11]]
We're just drawing from two lists and applying a function between
every combination of elements. This can be done in the applicative
style as well:
(*) <$> [2,5,10] <*> [8,10,11]
This seems clearer to me, because it's easier to see that we're just
calling * between two non-deterministic computations. If we wanted all
possible products of those two lists that are more than 50, we'd just
filter (>50) $ (*) <$> [2,5,10] <*> [8,10,11]
-- [55,80,100,110]
Functors, Applicative Functors and Monoids
The following two functions behave differently when given an empty string:
guardMatch l#(x:xs)
| x == '-' = "negative " ++ xs
| otherwise = l
patternMatch ('-':xs) = "negative " ++ xs
patternMatch l = l
Here my output:
*Main> guardMatch ""
"*** Exception: matching.hs:(1,1)-(3,20): Non-exhaustive patterns in function guardMatch
*Main> patternMatch ""
Question: why does not the 'otherwise' close catch the empty string?
The otherwise is within the scope of the pattern l#(x:xs), which can only match a non-empty string. It might help to see what this (effectively) translates to internally:
guardMatch l = case l of
(x :xs) -> if x == '-' then "negative " ++ xs else l
patternMatch l = case l of
('-':xs) -> "negative " ++ xs
_ -> l
(Actually, I think the if is translated to a case + guard instead of the other way around.)
A guard is always evaluated after the pattern. This is - the guard is tried iff the pattern succeeds. In your case, the pattern (x:xs) excludes the empty string, so the guards are not even tried, as the pattern fails.
The other two answers are totally right of course, but here's another way to think about it: What if you had written this?
guardMatch l#(x:xs)
| x == '-' = "negative " ++ xs
| otherwise = [x]
What would you expect guardMatch "" to be?
I'm a newbie in Haskell and I'd like some opinions about improving this script. This is a code generator and requires a command line argument to generate the sql script.
./GenCode "people name:string age:integer"
import Data.List
import System.Environment (getArgs)
create_table :: String -> String
create_table str = "CREATE TABLE " ++ h (words str)
where h (x:xs) = let cab = x
final = xs
in x ++ "( " ++ create_fields xs ++ ")"
create_fields (x:xs) = takeWhile (/=':') x ++ type x ++ sig
where sig | length xs > 0 = "," ++ create_fields xs
| otherwise = " " ++ create_fields xs
create_fields [] = ""
type x | isInfixOf "string" x = " CHARACTER VARYING"
| isInfixOf "integer" x = " INTEGER"
| isInfixOf "date" x = " DATE"
| isInfixOf "serial" x = " SERIAL"
| otherwise = ""
main = mainWith
where mainWith = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
[] -> putStrLn $ "You need one argument"
(x:xs) -> putStrLn $ (create_table x)
I think you understand how to write functional code already. Here are some small style notes:
Haskell usually uses camelCase, not under_score_separation
In create_table, cabo and final are not used.
Usually a list-recursive function like create_fields puts the empty list case first.
I would not make create_fields recursive anyway. The comma-joining code is quite complicated and should be separated from the typing code. Instead do something like Data.List.intercalate "," (map create_field xs). Then create_field x can just be takeWhile (/=':') x ++ type x
Especially if there are a lot of types to be translated, you might put them into a map
Like so:
types = Data.Map.fromList [("string", "CHARACTER VARYING")
,("integer", "INTEGER")
-- etc
Then type can be Data.Maybe.fromMaybe "" (Data.Map.lookup x types)
Code can appear in any order, so it's nice to have main up front. (This is personal preference though)
You don't need mainWith.
Just say
main = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
[] -> ...
You don't need the dollar for the calls to putStrLn. In the first call, the argument wouldn't require parentheses anyway, and in the second, you supply the parentheses. Alternatively, you could keep the second dollar and drop the parentheses.
Don't use length xs > 0 (in sig); it needlessly counts the length of xs when all you really wanted to know is whether it's empty. Use null xs to check for a non-empty list:
where sig | null xs = ... -- Empty case
| otherwise = ... -- Non-empty case
or add an argument to sig and pattern match:
where sig (y:ys) = ...
sig [] = ...
Although Nathan Sanders' advice to replace the whole recursive thing with intercalate is excellent and makes this a moot point.
You're also identifying the type by passing the whole "var:type" string into type, so it is testing
"string" `isInfixOf` "name:string"
You could use break or span instead of takeWhile to separate the name and type earlier:
create_fields (x:xs) = xname ++ type xtype ++ sig
(xname, _:xtype) = break (==':') x
sig = ...
and then type can compare for string equality, or look up values using a Map.
A quick explanation of that use of break:
break (==':') "name:string" == ("name", ":string")
Then when binding
(xname, _:xtype) to ("name", ":string"),
xname -> "name"
_ -> ':' (discarded)
xtype -> "string"