BotFramework: Create Suggested Actions without text attribute - node.js

I'm creating a bot in DirectLine. I'm trying to use SuggestedActions to display a suggested action and I don't want to include the text attribute for that. When I try to run my code without the text attribute, I see a blank message being displayed. How can I avoid that?
My code
var msg = new builder.Message(session)
session, [
builder.CardAction.imBack(session, "disconnect", "Disconnect"),
The Output i'm getting:

Per my understanding, you want a button which is shown absoluted at bottom and always display to remind your agent that he can disconnect conversation any time.
However, per me testing and understanding, in my opinion, there 2 points that it's maybe not a good idea to achieve this feature:
SuggestedAction is based on Messasge in Bot framework. And basically Bot application is for conversation. So every message between user and bot renderred in different channels should always be contained in a textbox, shown like in your capture. We cannot bypass this feature.
Per your requirements, I think you want this button should be always display unless the agent click it. But I didn't find any feature like this in Bot framework, and you may need to send this meesage additionally beside every message from bot, which is not graceful and will raise unpredictable risk.
My suggestion is that you can create a triggerAction to handle global disconnect requests. Refer for more info.


Issues with attempting to enter intents

I'm having an issue when attempting to enter specific intents based on the value of a property.
I currently have a question that gets asked, which then fires off to the Microsoft Translator via a HTTP Request and from that, it fires off to the LUIS API with that text.
After that, I would like to enter an intent based on the top intent that the LUIS API Call brought back.
I have the Translator and The LUIS API bringing back values and I can output these using Send Responses:
However, when I attempt to call an intent based on the value of the property, I just get an Object Reference error:
Is what I'm trying to do possible and if so am I going about this entirely the wrong way causing more issues for myself?
Thanks In Advance
I'm trying to understand exactly what you are trying to achieve. Do I summarize it correctly as following?
You start a main dialog. In that dialog you take some user input.
You translate the input, and manually send the the translated text off to LUIS for intent recognition.
Based on the recognized intent, you want to start a specific sub dialog.
I don't believe you can just 'call an intent'. An intent is the result of a LUIS or Regex recognizer, which is processed automatically by Bot Framework. The recognizer is processed at every user input. There is no need to call LUIS yourself as a HTTP request. The recognizer (LUIS or RegEx) is configured on the main dialog properties in Bot Framework Composer:
Although in this case it looks like you are manually doing the LUIS intent recognition, because you want to do translation upfront. To achieve that scenario with the built-in recognizer, you would need a translation middleware. There is a short discussion going on here on Github about translation middleware for Bot Framework Composer, although the sample code is not ready yet.
While there is no code samples for the translation middleware yet, I believe what could already help you today is to start a subdialog based on the recognized intent, similar to what you already show in your screenshots.
Basically instead of "Send a response" at the end of your dialog, you would have something following like:
My sample here uses user input instead of the recognized intent. You would replace the user input with your intent variable instead. Based on the recognized intent, you would be able to spin up a specific dialog to handle that recognized intent.
The result would look something like:
About triggers, what you currently configured in your screenshot shows "no editor for null". I believe this might cause the "object reference" issue. Normally it should display a trigger phrase. For example, the below means:
If user inputs the text "triggerphrase"
And the dialog variable 'topintent' was previously set to 'test', then run this trigger.

Is there callback available for any RichResponse in Dialogflow

I have a dialogflow requirement to present user a payment link, on the click of which I must hang on 20 seconds (show some busy image or something) and then call on the next Intent.
So far I have been able to present a link using LinkOutSuggestion/BasicCard button. But I do not have idea that how I can make my program proceed further. I know there is a approach to have user input something like "Check Payment", but can we skip this altogether and just pass on to next intent post click of that LinkOutSuggestion or BasicCard Button?
The only way you could skip the part of the user having to input something in the chat is by using a Suggestion. These suggestions cannot be added to a card or open a link, but they do continue the conversation with the text that is used, so you could add a suggestion saying Check Payment.
The linkout suggestion or buttons on card do not support a click event or the possibility to continue the conversation.

actions_intent_CANCEL not working as expected

I am trying to follow this great article on Medium written by Jessica Dene. When users say a global cancel command such as "quit", I want my action to respond with a "goodbye" message. I have tried to follow the instructions provided by Jessica as illustrated below:
Add the actions_intent_CANCEL event to my end intent
Know More - no - no is my end intent. As you can see below, when I try to add "actions_intent_CANCEL" under Events, I can't see it as a suggestion in the drop down
But given that actions_intent_CANCEL does exist according to docs, I added it
I saved the intent and tried in the web simulator, I see the below error
Any idea why I am getting this error?
Typing actions_intent_CANCEL in directly was completely appropriate. Most of the ones in the dropdown are for Welcome-like intents rather that in-conversation events that can occur. You have the right action name.
It sounds like you're handling it mostly correctly. The only additional thing you need to do is to explicitly close the conversation.
If you are using a webhook for fulfillment, how you do this depends on the library you're using (assuming you're using a library).
If you're using the actions-on-google library you would use the conv.close() function:
conv.close(`Okay, let's try this again later.`);
With the dialogflow-fulfillment library, it would be agent.end():
agent.end(`Okay, let's try this again later.`);
If you're using multivocal, you can either set the environment setting ShouldClose to true, or set it to true in a Response.
Response: {
"Action.multivocal.welcome": [
Template: {
Text: "Hello world."
ShouldClose: true
If you are using JSON, you can set to false.
Finally, if you are not using a webhook for fulfillment, but are just using the Responses section of Dialogflow, you would turn "Set this intent as end of conversation" on.
Yes, the actions_intent_CANCEL is removed from the docs and also from the dropdown list of events in Dialogflow.
So for exiting the conversation, you can try the following:--
(1) make an entity entry having all quotes for exiting the conversation e.g:-- bye, goodbye, bbye, talk to you later.
(2) make an intent having examples of the users leaving the conversation e.g:- I have some work, bye for now.
(3) And select the end conversation tap at the bottom of the intent so that conversation ends with the sample response.
(4) Also make a suggestion example for BYE/CANCEL with all the intents for better conversation flow
Using the above steps, you can mimic the actions_intent_CANCEL event

Parameter value filling with quick responses in messenger

I have created a bot using Dialogflow ( and integrated it with Facebook messenger. I want to get the parameter values from user: like city, date (today, tomorrow) by using the quick reply feature of messenger, where user is presented with select-box like options, and can tap on one of the options. The required parameter receives the user-tapped value, saving the user from typing it manually.
I cannot find anywhere in documentation any way to fill up parameter values (slots) using quick replies. There is an option to give quick replies in response section, but the response section is called on fulfilment, and if I take user input in response, then I have to create another follow up intent to process the user-response further, because the current intent gets fulfilled after response.
If I add quick replies in the response section, then I have to create multiple levels of follow-up intents. Ex: I take city input in one intent, and give two options to user (like New York, Delhi). Then I have to create two follow up intents, each for handling one reply (New York and Delhi), and then for each follow up intent, I will have to create more follow up intents to get more parameter inputs. Below is the flow diagram of this case. --->
This can get pretty complex when more levels are added! Amazon Lex has this feature of filling slots using quick replies. Can't I just fill up parameter values directly using the quick replies like Lex?
You don't have to go this far. There is a simple way of using entities & prompts in The workflow can be: Weather(intent)->quick reply(New york/Delhi)->City(intent) use entities here->quick reply(Today/Tomorrow)->Use different intents here for today & tomorrow as you will have different responses. You don't need to create different intents unless you have different responses. User says can have different parameters for which you can define different prompts as well. This will again reduce your complexity of creating follow-up intents. Let me know if you need more explanation on this.

Prompt for Text Without Routing

What I'd like to incorporate into my bot is a way to prompt the user for essentially free-form, natural language text and then save it.
I thought this would be simple enough using:
builder.Prompts.text(session, prompt);
But it appears the UniversalBot is attempting to interpret and route based on the text supplied by the user.
I do have LUIS wired into the bot as the recognizer and it's clear that's what is coming into play here because it's resolving to one of my defined intents. Or at least it's saying it recognizes that intent but it doesn't actually take the user to that dialog.
Is there some way to achieve what I'm after? Essentially disabling the recognizer while receiving the response to a prompt?
I'm coding in Node.
You can disable the LuisRecognizer by using .onEnabled(). You can find an example here on it in action. You'll need a condition to to enable and disable the LuisRecognizer, which could be checking the dialogStack, or setting a property inside of session.conversationData.
Alternatively, if you're okay with triggering the None intent, you can use .onFilter(). This will allow you to change the recognized intent to the None intent. Your condition here would be checking to make sure the dialogStack is empty. You can find an example for onFilter() here.
