Allow aa-exec temp user to gain access to a folder - linux

I am currently working on a bash script which has a user that is created for the job it is running. The user does not exist outside of the script. I am trying to test my code coverage while leaving the user intact.
exec aa-exec -p test-user -- coverage run --source=/test/server ./
The problem is that the test-user does not have access to the code coverage folder. After running chmod -R 777 /usr/local/bin/coverage I still get /usr/bin/python: can't open file '/usr/local/bin/coverage': [Errno 13] Permission denied. I have also tried to temporarily elevate the user inside the bash script using sudo, but because the user only exists inside the file, the sudoers file throws an exception.
I am currently out of ideas since the permissions for this user have to remain restricted ideally. Any suggestions?

Have you checked, that the user has access to each of the directories above?
I.e. the user needs to have 'x' and 'r' rights to each of these directories:


Cannot create file on ubuntu bash shell in my window machine

when I was try to use touch command on my ubuntu bash shell and in my Desktop folder /mnt/c/Users/Public/Desktop$ it give me this touch: cannot touch 'test.txt': Permission denied error.
You may not have access to the /mnt/c/Users/Public/Desktop directory as default
ls -ld /c/mnt/Users/Public/Desktop
to see whether you have write permissions as default. If you don't run:
sudo chmod +w /mnt/c/Users/Public/Desktop
This will then allow you write permissions to the directory and allow you to create files.
NOTE - Please ensure that the initial bash executable is run as administrator at Windows level

How to give permissions for specific commands in linux

I am new to linux. I have a file which consists of a lot of mkdir commands and some rm commands. But as I have installed this new in my VB, each time I run the .sh file, it says "Permission Denied for creating directory" and fails.
So is there any way that I grant directory privileges to all users.
Can anyone help me with this
Add "sudo" in the beginning of the directory creation command i.e
sudo mkdir dir_name
The issue might be with the directory in which the mkdir command is being run.
Use the command ll or ls -l to check the directory permissions.
If your directory doesn't have write privilege for the current user, you can run
chmod -R u+w /path/to/directory
This might require you to use sudo if permission is denied.
If you want to enable it for all users, run
chmod -R ugo+w /path/to/directory
Alternatively, a quick fix would be to run the file as root
sudo /path/to/
However, this approach is not advised unless you always run it as root

Linux Sudo users disable change directory to /

We are using sudo users with limited commands to execute and assigned default home directory /home/sudouser but if that particular sudo user is running command cd \ its changing the directory to the main root directory /. This behaviour is totally insecure for us.
We need it such that if the sudo user is entering cd / or cd it changes directory to their home directory /home/sudouser
Please let us know how we can implement this?
Don't ever try to restrict a sudo user to only a directory or a command, a sudo user can by definition do what he wants.
In your case, having a script that assigns the home directory is I think a better idea. To solve the trouble of permissions look for the suid bit in permissions:
For example: create a sh file that has the following permissions: "-rwsr--r--" that is owned by root and as a group that can be accessed by the user whom you want to use the script.
Then in the file you create a simple script to execute the command to change default directory with let's say two parameters (username and directory)

File read permissions for 'others' not working

I'm trying to give read permissions to lighttpd access logfiles to normal users which are on the same system.
The permissions are currently:
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 211K Feb 28 11:27 /var/log/lighttpd/access.log
So, if I understood correctly others have read permissions. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work. If I try to read this file with an user account I get:
/var/log/lighttpd/access.log: Permission denied
I already tried to add the user to the group www-data which didn't work as well.
Any hints what I'm doing wrong here?
To access a file, the system needs the execute permission on all the directories containing the file.
In this case it was necessary to issue the chmod o+x /var/log/lighthttps command (after making sure that the user belongs to the "other" part of the permission set).
The "execute" permission for a directory allows you to enter it. The "read" permission for the directory allows you to see the names of the files inside. The interesting thing is that you can give the x permission alone, what means that anyone can access the files inside, but he needs to know its names.
You might not have execute permission for the lighthttpd so the directory does not give the permission to access its containing file.
Use the command to set the execute permission to that directory.
chmod +x /var/log/lighthttpd

ant Permission Denied problem

After extracting and saving the ant files into an opt/ directory and setting the path variable
to $ANT_HOME/bin
I ran the following command on a CentOS 5
ant -version
and I am getting the following error
-bash:/path/opt/apache-ant-1.8.2/bin/ant: Permission denied
Is there some permission I am supposed to set or some typical source of this problem?
If you own the file, try
chmod u+x /path/opt/apache-ant-1.8.2/bin/ant
If someone else owns it, either sudo or become root then
chmod 755 /path/opt/apache-ant-1.8.2/bin/ant
You need to have execute permissions on the file; the first gives execute permissions to the owner only and is probably preferable if you own the file and are the only one that uses it. The second requires root privileges and gives execute and read permission to everyone, plus write permission to the owner.
You can view the current permissions and ownership of the file by running ls -l /path/opt/apache-ant-1.8.2/bin/ant.
