VBA StrComp never returns 0 - string

I have a problem using the StrComp Function in VBA to compare two Strings.
Public Function upStrEQ(ByVal ps1 As String, ByVal ps2 As String) As Boolean
upStrEQ = False
If StrComp(ps1, ps2, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
upStrEQ = True
End If
If Len(ps1) = Len(ps2) Then
Debug.Print ps1 & vbNewLine & ps2 & vbNewLine & upStrEQ
End If
End Function
Debug output:
Technischer Name
Technischer Name
As you can see the two strings have the same length and equal text but upStrEQ is False and StrComp did not return 0.
Any help would be nice. Thanks.
Since one of the Strings being passed to the function is read from a cell before I made a sample document so you can reproduce my error: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6yh6d4h8zxz533a/strcompareTest.xlsm?dl=0

StrComp() works quite nice. The problem is with your input, probably you have a hidden space or a new line.
Test your code like this:
Public Function upStrEQ(ByVal ps1 As String, ByVal ps2 As String) As Boolean
If StrComp(ps1, ps2, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
upStrEQ = True
End If
If Len(ps1) = Len(ps2) Then
Debug.Print ps1 & vbNewLine & ps2 & vbNewLine & upStrEQ
End If
End Function
Public Sub TestMe()
Debug.Print upStrEQ("a", "a")
End Sub
Furthermore, the default value of a boolean function is false, thus you do not need to set it at the beginning.
In order to clean a bit your input, only to letters and numbers, you can use a custom RegEx function. Thus, something like this would always return letters and numbers:
Public Function removeInvisibleThings(s As String) As String
Dim regEx As Object
Dim inputMatches As Object
Dim regExString As String
Set regEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With regEx
.pattern = "[^a-zA-Z0-9]"
.IgnoreCase = True
.Global = True
Set inputMatches = .Execute(s)
If regEx.test(s) Then
removeInvisibleThings = .Replace(s, vbNullString)
removeInvisibleThings = s
End If
End With
End Function
Public Sub TestMe()
Debug.Print removeInvisibleThings("aa1 Abc 67 ( *^ 45 ")
Debug.Print removeInvisibleThings("aa1 ???!")
Debug.Print removeInvisibleThings(" aa1 Abc 1267 ( *^ 45 ")
End Sub
In your code, use it when you are passing the parameters ps1 and ps2 to the upStrEQ.


Returning the numbers in a string as a variable [duplicate]

I need to find numbers from a string. How does one find numbers from a string in VBA Excel?
Assuming you mean you want the non-numbers stripped out, you should be able to use something like:
Function onlyDigits(s As String) As String
' Variables needed (remember to use "option explicit"). '
Dim retval As String ' This is the return string. '
Dim i As Integer ' Counter for character position. '
' Initialise return string to empty '
retval = ""
' For every character in input string, copy digits to '
' return string. '
For i = 1 To Len(s)
If Mid(s, i, 1) >= "0" And Mid(s, i, 1) <= "9" Then
retval = retval + Mid(s, i, 1)
End If
' Then return the return string. '
onlyDigits = retval
End Function
Calling this with:
Dim myStr as String
myStr = onlyDigits ("3d1fgd4g1dg5d9gdg")
MsgBox (myStr)
will give you a dialog box containing:
and those first two lines show how you can store it into an arbitrary string variable, to do with as you wish.
Regular expressions are built to parse. While the syntax can take a while to pick up on this approach is very efficient, and is very flexible for handling more complex string extractions/replacements
Sub Tester()
MsgBox CleanString("3d1fgd4g1dg5d9gdg")
End Sub
Function CleanString(strIn As String) As String
Dim objRegex
Set objRegex = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With objRegex
.Global = True
.Pattern = "[^\d]+"
CleanString = .Replace(strIn, vbNullString)
End With
End Function
Expanding on brettdj's answer, in order to parse disjoint embedded digits into separate numbers:
Sub TestNumList()
Dim NumList As Variant 'Array
NumList = GetNums("34d1fgd43g1 dg5d999gdg2076")
Dim i As Integer
For i = LBound(NumList) To UBound(NumList)
MsgBox i + 1 & ": " & NumList(i)
Next i
End Sub
Function GetNums(ByVal strIn As String) As Variant 'Array of numeric strings
Dim RegExpObj As Object
Dim NumStr As String
Set RegExpObj = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With RegExpObj
.Global = True
.Pattern = "[^\d]+"
NumStr = .Replace(strIn, " ")
End With
GetNums = Split(Trim(NumStr), " ")
End Function
Use the built-in VBA function Val, if the numbers are at the front end of the string:
Dim str as String
Dim lng as Long
str = "1 149 xyz"
lng = Val(str)
lng = 1149
Val Function, on MSDN
I was looking for the answer of the same question but for a while I found my own solution and I wanted to share it for other people who will need those codes in the future. Here is another solution without function.
Dim control As Boolean
Dim controlval As String
Dim resultval As String
Dim i as Integer
controlval = "A1B2C3D4"
For i = 1 To Len(controlval)
control = IsNumeric(Mid(controlval, i, 1))
If control = True Then resultval = resultval & Mid(controlval, i, 1)
Next i
resultval = 1234
This a variant of brettdj's & pstraton post.
This will return a true Value and not give you the #NUM! error. And \D is shorthand for anything but digits. The rest is much like the others only with this minor fix.
Function StripChar(Txt As String) As Variant
With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
.Global = True
.Pattern = "\D"
StripChar = Val(.Replace(Txt, " "))
End With
End Function
This is based on another answer, but is just reformated:
Assuming you mean you want the non-numbers stripped out, you should be able to use something like:
' Skips all characters in the input string except digits
Function GetDigits(ByVal s As String) As String
Dim char As String
Dim i As Integer
GetDigits = ""
For i = 1 To Len(s)
char = Mid(s, i, 1)
If char >= "0" And char <= "9" Then
GetDigits = GetDigits + char
End If
Next i
End Function
Calling this with:
Dim myStr as String
myStr = GetDigits("3d1fgd4g1dg5d9gdg")
Call MsgBox(myStr)
will give you a dialog box containing:
and those first two lines show how you can store it into an arbitrary string variable, to do with as you wish.
Alternative via Byte Array
If you assign a string to a Byte array you typically get the number equivalents of each character in pairs of the array elements. Use a loop for numeric check via the Like operator and return the joined array as string:
Function Nums(s$)
Dim by() As Byte, i&, ii&
by = s: ReDim tmp(UBound(by)) ' assign string to byte array; prepare temp array
For i = 0 To UBound(by) - 1 Step 2 ' check num value in byte array (0, 2, 4 ... n-1)
If Chr(by(i)) Like "#" Then tmp(ii) = Chr(by(i)): ii = ii + 1
Next i
Nums = Trim(Join(tmp, vbNullString)) ' return string with numbers only
End Function
Example call
Sub testByteApproach()
Dim s$: s = "a12bx99y /\:3,14159" ' [1] define original string
Debug.Print s & " => " & Nums(s) ' [2] display original string and result
End Sub
would display the original string and the result string in the immediate window:
a12bx99y /\:3,14159 => 1299314159
Based on #brettdj's answer using a VBScript regex ojbect with two modifications:
The function handles variants and returns a variant. That is, to take care of a null case; and
Uses explicit object creation, with a reference to the "Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5" library
Function GetDigitsInVariant(inputVariant As Variant) As Variant
' Returns:
' Only the digits found in a varaint.
' Examples:
' GetDigitsInVariant(Null) => Null
' GetDigitsInVariant("") => ""
' GetDigitsInVariant(2021-/05-May/-18, Tue) => 20210518
' GetDigitsInVariant(2021-05-18) => 20210518
' Notes:
' If the inputVariant is null, null will be returned.
' If the inputVariant is "", "" will be returned.
' Usage:
' VBA IDE Menu > Tools > References ...
' > "Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5" > [OK]
' With an explicit object reference to RegExp we can get intellisense
' and review the object heirarchy with the object browser
' (VBA IDE Menu > View > Object Browser).
Dim regex As VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp
Set regex = New VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp
Dim result As Variant
result = Null
If IsNull(inputVariant) Then
result = Null
With regex
.Global = True
.Pattern = "[^\d]+"
result = .Replace(inputVariant, vbNullString)
End With
End If
GetDigitsInVariant = result
End Function
Private Sub TestGetDigitsInVariant()
Dim dateVariants As Variant
dateVariants = Array(Null, "", "2021-/05-May/-18, Tue", _
"2021-05-18", "18/05/2021", "3434 ..,sdf,sfd 444")
Dim dateVariant As Variant
For Each dateVariant In dateVariants
Debug.Print dateVariant & ": ", , GetDigitsInVariant(dateVariant)
Next dateVariant
End Sub
Public Function ExtractChars(strRef$) As String
'Extract characters from a string according to a range of charactors e.g'+.-1234567890'
Dim strA$, e%, strExt$, strCnd$: strExt = "": strCnd = "+.-1234567890"
For e = 1 To Len(strRef): strA = Mid(strRef, e, 1)
If InStr(1, strCnd, strA) > 0 Then strExt = strExt & strA
Next e: ExtractChars = strExt
End Function
In the immediate debug dialog:
? ExtractChars("a-5d31.78K")

Retrieve alpha characters from alphanumeric string

How can I split up AB2468123 with excel-vba
I tried something along these lines:
myStr = "AB2468123"
split(myStr, "1" OR "2" OR "3"......."9")
I want to get only alphabet (letters) only.
How about this to retrieve only letters from an input string:
Function GetLettersOnly(str As String) As String
Dim i As Long, letters As String, letter As String
letters = vbNullString
For i = 1 To Len(str)
letter = VBA.Mid$(str, i, 1)
If Asc(LCase(letter)) >= 97 And Asc(LCase(letter)) <= 122 Then
letters = letters + letter
End If
GetLettersOnly = letters
End Function
Sub Test()
Debug.Print GetLettersOnly("abc123") // prints "abc"
Debug.Print GetLettersOnly("ABC123") // prints "ABC"
Debug.Print GetLettersOnly("123") // prints nothing
Debug.Print GetLettersOnly("abc123def") // prints "abcdef"
End Sub
Edit: for completeness (and Chris Neilsen) here is the Regex way:
Function GetLettersOnly(str As String) As String
Dim result As String, objRegEx As Object, match As Object
Set objRegEx = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
objRegEx.Pattern = "[a-zA-Z]+"
objRegEx.Global = True
objRegEx.IgnoreCase = True
If objRegEx.test(str) Then
Set match = objRegEx.Execute(str)
GetLettersOnly = match(0)
End If
End Function
Sub test()
Debug.Print GetLettersOnly("abc123") //prints "abc"
End Sub
Simpler single shot RegExp
Sub TestIt()
MsgBox CleanStr("AB2468123")
End Sub
Function CleanStr(strIn As String) As String
Dim objRegex As Object
Set objRegex = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With objRegex
.Pattern = "[^a-zA-Z]+"
.Global = True
CleanStr = .Replace(strIn, vbNullString)
End With
End Function
This is what i have found out that works the best. It may be somewhat basic, but it does the job :)
Function Split_String(Optional test As String = "ABC111111") As Variant
For i = 1 To Len(test)
letter = Mid(test, i, 1)
If IsNumeric(letter) = True Then
justletters = Left(test, i - 1)
justnumbers = Right(test, Len(test) - (i - 1))
Exit For
End If
'MsgBox (justnumbers)
'MsgBox (justletters)
'just comment away the answer you want to have :)
'Split_String = justnumbers
'Split_String = justletters
End Function
Possibly the fastest way is to parse a Byte String:
Function alpha(txt As String) As String
Dim b, bytes() As Byte: bytes = txt
For Each b In bytes
If Chr(b) Like "[A-Za-z]" Then alpha = alpha & Chr(b)
Next b
End Function
More information here.

how to check if a string contains only numeric numbers in vba

I want to parse out the year info from a string like this one
$8995 Apr 18 2008 Honda Civic Hybrid $8995 (Orem) pic map cars & trucks - by owner
Since I retrieve this string online, sometimes the year element is not at the same place. The way I do it is to split the string by space using split function, then check if each node of the array contains only numeric digits.
However when i use the function IsNumeric, it also returns "$8995" node as true as well.
What is a good way to check if a string contains only numbers, no "$", no ".", not anything else?
Or in my situation, is there a better way to retrieve the year information?
This can be accomplished as a single line of code, using the Like operator
Function StringIsDigits(ByVal s As String) As Boolean
StringIsDigits = Len(s) And (s Like String(Len(s), "#"))
End Function
Will it be the case that all the strings with "years" will have substrings that look like dates? If that is the case, you could just cycle through the string looking for the first group of three that looks like a date, extracting the year from that:
Option Explicit
Function FindYear(S As String) As Long
Dim SS As Variant
Dim sDate As String
Dim I As Long, J As Long
SS = Split(S, " ")
For I = 0 To UBound(SS) - 2
sDate = ""
For J = 0 To 2
sDate = " " & sDate & " " & SS(I + J)
Next J
sDate = Trim(sDate)
If IsDate(sDate) Then
FindYear = Year(sDate)
Exit Function
End If
Next I
End Function
WIthout using Regular Expressions or some very complicated logic, it's going to be difficult to be perfect.
This code will return the pure numeric substrings, but in the case of your example it will return "18" and "2008". You could obviously try to add some more logic to disallow "18" (but allow "13" or "09", etc., but like I said that starts getting complicated. I am happy to help with that, but not knowing exactly what you want, I think it's best to leave that up to you for now.
Const str$ = "$8995 Apr 18 2008 Honda Civic Hybrid $8995 (Orem) pic map cars & trucks - by owner"
Option Explicit
Sub FindNumericValues()
Dim var() As String
Dim numbers As Variant
var = Split(str, " ")
numbers = GetNumerics(var)
MsgBox Join(numbers, ",")
End Sub
Function GetNumerics(words() As String) As Variant
Dim tmp() As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim n As Integer
Dim word As Variant
Dim bNumeric As Boolean
For Each word In words
n = 0
bNumeric = True
Do While n < Len(word)
n = n + 1
If Not IsNumeric(Mid(word, n, 1)) Then
bNumeric = False
Exit Do
End If
If bNumeric Then
ReDim Preserve tmp(i)
tmp(i) = word
i = i + 1
End If
GetNumerics = tmp
End Function
You could parse the year out using RegEx:
Public Function GetYear(someText As String) As Integer
With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
.Global = False
.MultiLine = False
.IgnoreCase = True
.Pattern = " [\d]{4} "
If .Test(testString) Then
GetYear = CInt(.Execute(testString)(0))
GetYear = 9999
End If
End With
End Function
Example code:
Public Const testString As String = "$8995 Apr 18 2008 Honda Civic Hybrid $8995 (Orem) pic map cars & trucks - by owner "
Public Function GetYear(someText As String) As Integer
With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
.Global = False
.MultiLine = False
.IgnoreCase = True
.Pattern = " [\d]{4} "
If .Test(testString) Then
GetYear = CInt(.Execute(testString)(0))
GetYear = 9999
End If
End With
End Function
Sub Foo()
Debug.Print GetYear(testString) '// "2008"
End Sub

How to find numbers from a string?

I need to find numbers from a string. How does one find numbers from a string in VBA Excel?
Assuming you mean you want the non-numbers stripped out, you should be able to use something like:
Function onlyDigits(s As String) As String
' Variables needed (remember to use "option explicit"). '
Dim retval As String ' This is the return string. '
Dim i As Integer ' Counter for character position. '
' Initialise return string to empty '
retval = ""
' For every character in input string, copy digits to '
' return string. '
For i = 1 To Len(s)
If Mid(s, i, 1) >= "0" And Mid(s, i, 1) <= "9" Then
retval = retval + Mid(s, i, 1)
End If
' Then return the return string. '
onlyDigits = retval
End Function
Calling this with:
Dim myStr as String
myStr = onlyDigits ("3d1fgd4g1dg5d9gdg")
MsgBox (myStr)
will give you a dialog box containing:
and those first two lines show how you can store it into an arbitrary string variable, to do with as you wish.
Regular expressions are built to parse. While the syntax can take a while to pick up on this approach is very efficient, and is very flexible for handling more complex string extractions/replacements
Sub Tester()
MsgBox CleanString("3d1fgd4g1dg5d9gdg")
End Sub
Function CleanString(strIn As String) As String
Dim objRegex
Set objRegex = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With objRegex
.Global = True
.Pattern = "[^\d]+"
CleanString = .Replace(strIn, vbNullString)
End With
End Function
Expanding on brettdj's answer, in order to parse disjoint embedded digits into separate numbers:
Sub TestNumList()
Dim NumList As Variant 'Array
NumList = GetNums("34d1fgd43g1 dg5d999gdg2076")
Dim i As Integer
For i = LBound(NumList) To UBound(NumList)
MsgBox i + 1 & ": " & NumList(i)
Next i
End Sub
Function GetNums(ByVal strIn As String) As Variant 'Array of numeric strings
Dim RegExpObj As Object
Dim NumStr As String
Set RegExpObj = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With RegExpObj
.Global = True
.Pattern = "[^\d]+"
NumStr = .Replace(strIn, " ")
End With
GetNums = Split(Trim(NumStr), " ")
End Function
Use the built-in VBA function Val, if the numbers are at the front end of the string:
Dim str as String
Dim lng as Long
str = "1 149 xyz"
lng = Val(str)
lng = 1149
Val Function, on MSDN
I was looking for the answer of the same question but for a while I found my own solution and I wanted to share it for other people who will need those codes in the future. Here is another solution without function.
Dim control As Boolean
Dim controlval As String
Dim resultval As String
Dim i as Integer
controlval = "A1B2C3D4"
For i = 1 To Len(controlval)
control = IsNumeric(Mid(controlval, i, 1))
If control = True Then resultval = resultval & Mid(controlval, i, 1)
Next i
resultval = 1234
This a variant of brettdj's & pstraton post.
This will return a true Value and not give you the #NUM! error. And \D is shorthand for anything but digits. The rest is much like the others only with this minor fix.
Function StripChar(Txt As String) As Variant
With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
.Global = True
.Pattern = "\D"
StripChar = Val(.Replace(Txt, " "))
End With
End Function
This is based on another answer, but is just reformated:
Assuming you mean you want the non-numbers stripped out, you should be able to use something like:
' Skips all characters in the input string except digits
Function GetDigits(ByVal s As String) As String
Dim char As String
Dim i As Integer
GetDigits = ""
For i = 1 To Len(s)
char = Mid(s, i, 1)
If char >= "0" And char <= "9" Then
GetDigits = GetDigits + char
End If
Next i
End Function
Calling this with:
Dim myStr as String
myStr = GetDigits("3d1fgd4g1dg5d9gdg")
Call MsgBox(myStr)
will give you a dialog box containing:
and those first two lines show how you can store it into an arbitrary string variable, to do with as you wish.
Alternative via Byte Array
If you assign a string to a Byte array you typically get the number equivalents of each character in pairs of the array elements. Use a loop for numeric check via the Like operator and return the joined array as string:
Function Nums(s$)
Dim by() As Byte, i&, ii&
by = s: ReDim tmp(UBound(by)) ' assign string to byte array; prepare temp array
For i = 0 To UBound(by) - 1 Step 2 ' check num value in byte array (0, 2, 4 ... n-1)
If Chr(by(i)) Like "#" Then tmp(ii) = Chr(by(i)): ii = ii + 1
Next i
Nums = Trim(Join(tmp, vbNullString)) ' return string with numbers only
End Function
Example call
Sub testByteApproach()
Dim s$: s = "a12bx99y /\:3,14159" ' [1] define original string
Debug.Print s & " => " & Nums(s) ' [2] display original string and result
End Sub
would display the original string and the result string in the immediate window:
a12bx99y /\:3,14159 => 1299314159
Based on #brettdj's answer using a VBScript regex ojbect with two modifications:
The function handles variants and returns a variant. That is, to take care of a null case; and
Uses explicit object creation, with a reference to the "Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5" library
Function GetDigitsInVariant(inputVariant As Variant) As Variant
' Returns:
' Only the digits found in a varaint.
' Examples:
' GetDigitsInVariant(Null) => Null
' GetDigitsInVariant("") => ""
' GetDigitsInVariant(2021-/05-May/-18, Tue) => 20210518
' GetDigitsInVariant(2021-05-18) => 20210518
' Notes:
' If the inputVariant is null, null will be returned.
' If the inputVariant is "", "" will be returned.
' Usage:
' VBA IDE Menu > Tools > References ...
' > "Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5" > [OK]
' With an explicit object reference to RegExp we can get intellisense
' and review the object heirarchy with the object browser
' (VBA IDE Menu > View > Object Browser).
Dim regex As VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp
Set regex = New VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp
Dim result As Variant
result = Null
If IsNull(inputVariant) Then
result = Null
With regex
.Global = True
.Pattern = "[^\d]+"
result = .Replace(inputVariant, vbNullString)
End With
End If
GetDigitsInVariant = result
End Function
Private Sub TestGetDigitsInVariant()
Dim dateVariants As Variant
dateVariants = Array(Null, "", "2021-/05-May/-18, Tue", _
"2021-05-18", "18/05/2021", "3434 ..,sdf,sfd 444")
Dim dateVariant As Variant
For Each dateVariant In dateVariants
Debug.Print dateVariant & ": ", , GetDigitsInVariant(dateVariant)
Next dateVariant
End Sub
Public Function ExtractChars(strRef$) As String
'Extract characters from a string according to a range of charactors e.g'+.-1234567890'
Dim strA$, e%, strExt$, strCnd$: strExt = "": strCnd = "+.-1234567890"
For e = 1 To Len(strRef): strA = Mid(strRef, e, 1)
If InStr(1, strCnd, strA) > 0 Then strExt = strExt & strA
Next e: ExtractChars = strExt
End Function
In the immediate debug dialog:
? ExtractChars("a-5d31.78K")

Convert string to int if string is a number

I need to convert a string, obtained from excel, in VBA to an interger. To do so I'm using CInt() which works well. However there is a chance that the string could be something other than a number, in this case I need to set the integer to 0. Currently I have:
If oXLSheet2.Cells(4, 6).Value <> "example string" Then
currentLoad = CInt(oXLSheet2.Cells(4, 6).Value)
currentLoad = 0
End If
The problem is that I cannot predict all possible non numeric strings which could be in this cell. Is there a way I can tell it to convert if it's an integer and set to 0 if not?
Use IsNumeric. It returns true if it's a number or false otherwise.
Public Sub NumTest()
On Error GoTo MyErrorHandler
Dim myVar As Variant
myVar = 11.2 'Or whatever
Dim finalNumber As Integer
If IsNumeric(myVar) Then
finalNumber = CInt(myVar)
finalNumber = 0
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "NumTest" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Err = " & Err.Number & _
vbCrLf & "Description: " & Err.Description
End Sub
Cast to long or cast to int, be aware of the following.
These functions are one of the view functions in Excel VBA that are depending on the system regional settings. So if you use a comma in your double like in some countries in Europe, you will experience an error in the US.
E.g., in european excel-version 0,5 will perform well with CDbl(), but in US-version it will result in 5.
So I recommend to use the following alternative:
Public Function CastLong(var As Variant)
' replace , by .
var = Replace(var, ",", ".")
Dim l As Long
On Error Resume Next
l = Round(Val(var))
' if error occurs, l will be 0
CastLong = l
End Function
' similar function for cast-int, you can add minimum and maximum value if you like
' to prevent that value is too high or too low.
Public Function CastInt(var As Variant)
' replace , by .
var = Replace(var, ",", ".")
Dim i As Integer
On Error Resume Next
i = Round(Val(var))
' if error occurs, i will be 0
CastInt = i
End Function
Of course you can also think of cases where people use commas and dots, e.g., three-thousand as 3,000.00. If you require functionality for these kind of cases, then you have to check for another solution.
Try this:
currentLoad = ConvertToLongInteger(oXLSheet2.Cells(4, 6).Value)
with this function:
Function ConvertToLongInteger(ByVal stValue As String) As Long
On Error GoTo ConversionFailureHandler
ConvertToLongInteger = CLng(stValue) 'TRY to convert to an Integer value
Exit Function 'If we reach this point, then we succeeded so exit
'IF we've reached this point, then we did not succeed in conversion
'If the error is type-mismatch, clear the error and return numeric 0 from the function
'Otherwise, disable the error handler, and re-run the code to allow the system to
'display the error
If Err.Number = 13 Then 'error # 13 is Type mismatch
ConvertToLongInteger = 0
Exit Function
On Error GoTo 0
End If
End Function
I chose Long (Integer) instead of simply Integer because the min/max size of an Integer in VBA is crummy (min: -32768, max:+32767). It's common to have an integer outside of that range in spreadsheet operations.
The above code can be modified to handle conversion from string to-Integers, to-Currency (using CCur() ), to-Decimal (using CDec() ), to-Double (using CDbl() ), etc. Just replace the conversion function itself (CLng). Change the function return type, and rename all occurrences of the function variable to make everything consistent.
Just use Val():
currentLoad = Int(Val([f4]))
Now currentLoad has a integer value, zero if [f4] is not numeric.
To put it on one line:
currentLoad = IIf(IsNumeric(oXLSheet2.Cells(4, 6).Value), CInt(oXLSheet2.Cells(4, 6).Value), 0)
Here are a three functions that might be useful. First checks the string for a proper numeric format, second and third function converts a string to Long or Double.
Function IsValidNumericEntry(MyString As String) As Boolean
'This function checks the string entry to make sure that valid digits are in the string.
'It checks to make sure the + and - are the first character if entered and no duplicates.
'Valid charcters are 0 - 9, + - and the .
Dim ValidEntry As Boolean
Dim CharCode As Integer
Dim ValidDigit As Boolean
Dim ValidPlus As Boolean
Dim ValidMinus As Boolean
Dim ValidDecimal As Boolean
Dim ErrMsg As String
ValidDigit = False
ValidPlus = False
ValidMinus = False
ValidDecimal = False
ValidEntry = True
For x = 1 To Len(MyString)
CharCode = Asc(Mid(MyString, x, 1))
Select Case CharCode
Case 48 To 57 ' Digits 0 - 9
ValidDigit = True
Case 43 ' Plus sign
If ValidPlus Then 'One has already been detected and this is a duplicate
ErrMsg = "Invalid entry....too many plus signs!"
ValidEntry = False
Exit For
ElseIf x = 1 Then 'if in the first positon it is valide
ValidPlus = True
Else 'Not in first position and it is invalid
ErrMsg = "Invalide entry....Plus sign not in the correct position! "
ValidEntry = False
Exit For
End If
Case 45 ' Minus sign
If ValidMinus Then 'One has already been detected and this is a duplicate
ErrMsg = "Invalide entry....too many minus signs! "
ValidEntry = False
Exit For
ElseIf x = 1 Then 'if in the first position it is valid
ValidMinus = True
Else 'Not in first position and it is invalid
ErrMsg = "Invalide entry....Minus sign not in the correct position! "
ValidEntry = False
Exit For
End If
Case 46 ' Period
If ValidDecimal Then 'One has already been detected and this is a duplicate
ErrMsg = "Invalide entry....too many decimals!"
ValidEntry = False
Exit For
ValidDecimal = True
End If
Case Else
ErrMsg = "Invalid numerical entry....Only digits 0-9 and the . + - characters are valid!"
ValidEntry = False
Exit For
End Select
If ValidEntry And ValidDigit Then
IsValidNumericEntry = True
If ValidDigit = False Then
ErrMsg = "Text string contains an invalid numeric format." & vbCrLf _
& "Use only one of the following formats!" & vbCrLf _
& "(+dd.dd -dd.dd +dd -dd dd.d or dd)! "
End If
MsgBox (ErrMsg & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "You Entered: " & MyString)
IsValidNumericEntry = False
End If
End Function
Function ConvertToLong(stringVal As String) As Long
'Assumes the user has verified the string contains a valide numeric entry.
'User should call the function IsValidNumericEntry first especially after any user input
'to verify that the user has entered a proper number.
ConvertToLong = CLng(stringVal)
End Function
Function ConvertToDouble(stringVal As String) As Double
'Assumes the user has verified the string contains a valide numeric entry.
'User should call the function IsValidNumericEntry first especially after any user input
'to verify that the user has entered a proper number.
ConvertToDouble = CDbl(stringVal)
End Function
