In Blue prism button is not able to click while executing mode - blueprism

Hi I am new to blue prism
My question is:
I have button in my application after recording if i try to highlight it is working fine but while executing it is not able to click the button and i am not getting any error.

If you provide a screenshot of the attribute list in your application modeler, it might be easier to provide an accurate answer. However, for now, I can give you some pointers:
For most applications the following can be unticked:
any elements with a blank value
all 'Parent' attributes unless
required to make the element a unique match
the 'Visible' and 'Enabled' attributes usually have no impact if left ticked or unticked, so can often be unticked
With any attributes which may not be persistent and could be prone to changing — i.e. element count, application’s URL, etc.—, it is recommended to untick them or, if required in your process, use the wildcard match type to dynamically build the corresponding values which will allow easy identification.
To speed up finding the elements, it is recommended that the Match Index attribute be used when possible. This works by stopping Blue Prism from trawling through the application model for duplicate elements once one matching element is found.
It is also recommended to add a wait stage at the start of each action. This will handle system latency and provide a correct path for your process:
The above are some pointers that I have consolidated for your ease. However, all the help you need can be found on the Blue Prism portal itself : Blue Prism Documentation
Hope this helps.. Good luck!


Why can my HTML element can be identified in Application Modeller but not at runtime? (BluePrism)

I'm pretty new to Blue Prism, and trying to pick up the basics.
Playing around with the Blue Prism resources website (i.e., the introductory blogs), I can successfully spy all <div> elements whose class name includes blog-item via the regular expression .*blog\-item[^s].*, using a dynamic Match Index to parameterise which blog post is used:
My Application Modeller (see below) is able to pick this up when the Match Index is set to 3 or more when I highlight it:
At runtime, I'm able to use a Wait stage to check if the element with the n'th Match Index exists (using a Data Item [Result Index] which is incremented). Below are the properties for the Wait stage:
This works where [Result Index] equals 1 or 2...
But as soon as [Result Index] increments to 3 or more, the element cannot be found and the Wait stage timeout occurs, despite it being highlighted by the Application Modeller:
If anyone can allude to a reason why this might be occuring or help me debug why the Dynamic match isn't occuring, that'd be great as I'm stumped on this.
Answered in the Blue Prism community:
This is a bug introduced in version 6.7.
I have reported it and gotten the following reply:
"You can watch out for this fix within the release notes under reference BG-6464. Until then, it is recommended to continue using the workaround of selecting a different set of match attributes."

basic blue prism email login object

Trying to learn basic blue prism.
I have made an object to login to my gmail account.
It enters the page where mail id has to be entered. The email id gets entered and the next page appears where the password has to be entered. But in the writer tool it shows the following message : "Internal : Failed to perform step 1 in Write Stage 'Writer2' on page 'Initialise' - No elements match the supplied query terms"
I looked into all the most obvious bugs and I cant find anything wrong. Can someone please give any suggestions as to what the problem could be?
The specific error message you're getting indicates there's an issue with your spying of the element you're attempting a Write on.
Without knowing anything else about the way you've included/excluded certain attributes of the element you're attempting to write to, the only sound advice one could offer would be to open the Application Modeler and trial-and-error the "Match?" for each attribute until you're able to use the "Highlight" button and verify a single interface element is selected. (Usually in circumstances such as yours, the "Value" attribute of the element you've spied has its Match checkbox selected, but the value has changed since spying it, thus making it not a match.)
check if the data item you are storing the password in is of password type.
You can reset the password by going ahead with the "write" property and delete once and drag-drop again at the same place and click OK. reset the flowchart and run them again, you'll not get the error. I had faced the same issue earlier and got fixed.
It sometimes happens due to the slowness of your internet connection BP not able to read the data item info and directly moved to next steps, to fix it, you can use wait functionality and give the 8-10 sec of wait time.
Hope this helps.
stay blessed!
When spying a browser please make sure you are using HTML mode to capture the necessary Element (please note that BP only supports IE, so no Chrome or other browser!). Also, please remember that the browser page you are spying has to be launched from the Application Modeller in order to be "attached" by BP.
To cycle between modes, simply hit the Alt key after clicking "Identify" on the Application Modeller. After you have captured the correct area of the page where your password goes, uncheck all the attributes of the element that are blank and also the URL attribute (you should be left with 4 maybe 5 atributes left), then hit "Apply" and "OK". Click "Highlight" to make sure BP still finds the element of the page that you want. Then in your Process or Object canvas, use a "Write" stage and drop this element you just created in the Element field, and the password into the Value field (the value has to be between "" unless you are using a data item instead of typing it in). If you have done all this, the "Write" stage should most definitely enter the password into the password field. Good luck!

Is there a design pattern for validation?

Is there any adequate design pattern that should be used in order to do number of validations?
For example, let's say that I have an application containing a toolbar with icons, each representing a picture on my file system. I am dragging an icon on a document. Validations during the drag and drop operation could be:
check if the file exists in file system
check if the user has access rights to drag the icon
check that the document is open in order to drop the picture on it
and so on...
I thought of using the Chain of Responsibility or Decorator patterns.
Actually, what you're after, or rather what I'd suggest, is Continuation Passing Style. It's not so much a design pattern as a way of writing code where validation would be defined as a pipeline of methods that an object would go through. This pipeline would use an accumulator to collect all the validation problems encountered by the code.

is it possible to use smart image in multi-composite field?

I tried using smart image in multi composite field. In that the images are getting persisted, the remaining fields in the multi composite fields are not getting persisted. when i edited the dialog for the first time the values are getting stored on the node. when i edit the dialog next time it is showing me empty fields for the fields other than smart image.
This won't work. SmartImage and SmartFile have some restrictions to them. And there are two different versions: SmartImage and SmartFile vs. Html5SmartImage and Html5SmartFile. Depending on your actual Version of CQ it is even only possible to have the smartimage as a separate tab without any other fields. On top of that the behaviour for the different browser and versions together with the configuration of your SmartImage have different outcomes in JCR. This is even true for AEM 5.6.1 and the Html5 versions of the the xtype.
I can't post the full solution (as the code is not mine) but give some pointers how you could achieve your requirement:
Write your own Widget that replaces the multifield xtype. The author called it genericmultifield and what it does is to open an additional configurable dialog for each item. In this dialog you have the full controll again. It stores each item as a separate node below your resource from where you open your main dialog.
Though you need good ExtJs knowledge to achieve this and considering AEM 6, with a complete new Touch UI I am not sure if it is wise to do so. I didn't have time to check out AEM6, but maybe they already have something like this in their new UI.

Enable/disable editing of a form field from code

I'm not a Notes programmer, however, for my sins, have been working on some Notes features for an in-house project recently. I need to enable/disable editing of a field depending on circumstances. It seems to me to be a fairly standard feature, I need, but I can't find any information on how to do this anywhere.
In form setup (and other field's onchange) code, something like the following:
if some requirement = true then
textField.enable = true
textField.enable = false
end if
I've seen other places where there's a workaround of conditionally hiding paragraphs based on some code, having 2 paragraphs with opposite hiding conditions, one with an editable field, the other with a computed field. However, I don't know enough about Notes to see how this is implemented (I can see it done on other forms, but there seem to be some 'magic' steps within Notes which I either can't see or don't get).
The reply from Kerr seems to be what I'm looking for, but I still can't find out where the InputEnabled property is located. Should have said in the initial question, I'm using Notes 7.0.3.
In fairness, it doesn't matter what the circumstances are for when to enable/disable the field, it's just some boolean condition that is set, in my case only on form loading so I don't even have to worry about this changing dynamically while the form is displayed.
I've got a few issues with Notes, my largest bugbear being that it's so tied so tightly to the Designer UI, which is utter shite. I can do this sort of thing programmatically in most GUI languages (C#, Java, Delphi, even VB), but I need to open property boxes in Notes and set them correctly.
This would be OK as an optional method, but forcing you to go this way means you can only work as well as the IDE lets you in this case, and the IDE here seems to actively work against you. You can't open multiple functions/scripts, you can't swap from one script to another without going back to the menus on the left, you can't easily search the codebase for occurrences of variables/fields (and believe me, this is a major failing for me because either Notes or the internal codebase in my case seems to make a lot of use of global variables!), you can only work with fields through the property boxes that get displayed, you can't edit code in Designer while debugging through the main Notes client.
While the Java side of the coding is better than LotusScript, it's still fairly crappy (why can't you debug INTO Java code?? Why do you need to re-import JAR files for each Java class, does each class have a different CLASSPATH???). Possibly this was improved in Notes 8, I hear it's based on Eclipse. Does anyone know whether this is true or not?
It would help to hear more specifics about the 'circumstances', but the most common way to handle this is to use a hide when formula on the field you want to enable/disable.
Technically you are not enabling or disabling the field, just hiding it, but usually that works just as well.
Since there are few events to work with in Notes, developers commonly use the document refresh as the 'event' to cause the field to hide or show.
Let's assume you have two fields called TriggerField and Subject. Say also you want to disable the Subject based on a value in the TriggerField. The easiest way to do so is to set the TriggerField as a Dialog List type and check the "Refresh fields on keyword change" option. This means when the value of the dialog list changes, the entire document will get refreshed.
Then in your hide when formula for the Subject field, you specify your criteria for when to show or hide that field. Anytime field values change, followed by a refresh of the document (i.e. form), that hide when formula will be re-evaluated.
There are other ways, depending on your circumstances, to solve this problem. If you want to let the user refresh the form themselves, put a button on the form that calls the #Command([ViewRefreshFields]) command. You can add any other formulas to that button before the refresh command if you want to make other changes to the form at the same time.
Another option is to make a certain field display-only. Then create a button that runs LotusScript to allow users to change that display-only field. In the script you can propmt the user for a value, set the display-only field, and then call for a document refresh.
In ND7 and up if you want to just disable the field for input, write an appropriate formula in the InputEnabled section of the field you want to disable.
So I have two fields one called Trigger, a checkbox with the value "On" and another Subject that is a text field. When Trigger is checked I want the value Subject to be enabled.
I simply put the following formula in the Input Enabled element of the field Subject:
Trigger = "On"
I also want this to be recalculated whenever the value of Trigger changes so I select the "Refresh fields on keyword change" option on the Trigger field.
If you're stuck in an older version you need to to hide paragraphs appropriately.
