Customize Generic Inquiry and Dashboard page - acumatica

I want to customize the Inquiry page and dashboard so that they would reload automatically in certain time, say 5 minutes interval. I was thinking if I could add custom javascript where I could set timeout for the period. How do I do that?
Thank you.

if this is for a basic dashboard purpose I would look at a browser extension to automatically refresh a page.
For example:


Azure devops widget based on json

I am creating a custom widget and having some stastics which is coming from jason data. i am able to create widget and fine. Now i want to automate this process so that as soon as jason file arrives in folder it refreshes the graph in widget. Is there any way to do it.
Is there any way to do it.
As far as I know , the Dashboards widget uses the load and reload function to load the widgets.
You can add conditions according to your needs, and then use the load or reload method in the return function to refresh the widget.
Here is an example, you could refer to it.
In addition,the dashboard also has automatic refresh function.
You could select the Automatically refresh the dashboard every 5 minutes option in Dashboards settings. Then the widgets will refresh every 5 minutes.
Hope this helps.

Background Page Doesn't Show as Active User

I added Google Analytics to a Chrome Extension. It is reporting events correctly as well as recording popup page views. When the extension is reloaded it correctly records a view of background.html which I explicitly call.
Problem: Despite the extension having a persistent background.html page, "Active Users" in the Real-Time section of GA shows 0. I would like to be able to see the # of concurrent users of the extension at a given time. Is there a way to do it?
Possible Solution? - When I open the popup it displays an active user for some number of minutes before dropping back down to zero. Do I need to create a heartbeat function of some kind that pings GA every X minutes to keep a user active. It seems a big "chatty" to do that.
Is there a better solution?

Method to autoupdate Chrome Extension badge

I'm building a Chrome extension that makes the badge show a number returned from an API. I have the code working fine, but I have it listening for DOMContentLoaded, so it only updates when the user opens up the extension.
I would like the extension to check the API every time the browser loads a page. I do not need to change anything in the page, I just want to use it for timing.
I'm not sure what I should be using, should I be using background pages, event pages, or something else? What would be the best way to go about this?
Thanks in advance!
The api you want for “every time the browser loads a page” is chrome.tabs.onUpdated. You’d have:
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function(tabId,changeInfo,tab) {
An easy approach for development is to use a background page, get it working, and then figure out what changes you need to convert it to an event page. With this stub however, nothing is stopping you from making it an event page.

Gmail API: Triggering in-webpage refresh

I'd like to trigger the in-webpage refresh button programmatically for the purpose of applying labels to emails without making the user manually refresh the page or make some other page action in order to see the labels. Is this possible to do? All of the documentation I am finding is surrounding refresh tokens, which is obviously something different.
Thank you for your time.
There's no way to do that from the Gmail REST API (i.e. trigger refresh action in web browser viewing the gmail page). If you're running as a browser extension on the other hand, then sure.

Can Chrome Extension’s new options_ui trigger a page action?

I’ve been placing a page action on the options page of my Chrome extension. options.js calls chrome.runtime.connect({"name":"someName"}), and background.js has
chrome.runtime.onConnect.addListener(function(port) {;
Unfortunately, in the new options_ui with the recommended default (and someday mandatory) "open_in_tab":false, the Sender's tab won't be set. Is there a way to get the tab id in order to show the page action?
I could use tabs.query to get the chrome://extensions/ tab, but that requires the tabs permission, which I currently don’t need. Active tab seems like it would work, but it doesn’t provide the tab id and isn’t enabled by opening an option dialog (source).
(Why do I want the page action on my options page? The extension works with a website that is only available ~7-10 weeks per year. I’d like my users to be able to interact with the extension the rest of the time, so that they can get used to the process. But I don’t want to adjust the displayed extension permissions just to do so. I can accomplish this by having the options page pretend to be the website in question.)
