Why does this easy function which computes the distance between 2 integer points in the plane not compile?
distance :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> Double
distance (x, y) (u, v) = sqrt ((x - u) ^ 2 + (y - v) ^ 2)
I get the error Couldn't match expected type ‘Double’ with actual type ‘Int’.
It is frustrating such an easy mathematical function consumes so much of my time. Any explanation why this goes wrong and the most elegant way to fix this is appreciated.
This is my solution to overcome the problem
distance :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> Double
distance (x, y) (u, v) =
let xd = fromIntegral x :: Double
yd = fromIntegral y :: Double
ud = fromIntegral u :: Double
vd = fromIntegral v :: Double
in sqrt ((xd - ud) ^ 2 + (yd - vd) ^ 2)
but there must be a more elegant way.
Most languages only do type inference (if any) “in direction of data flow”. E.g., you start with a value 2 in Java or Python, that'll be an int. You calculate something like 2 + 4, and the + operator infers from the integer arguments that the result is also int. In dynamic languages this is the only way that's possible at all (because the types are only an “associated property” of values). In static languages like C++, the inference-step is only done once at compile time, but it's still done largely “as if the types were associated properties of values”.
Not so in Haskell. Like other Hindley-Milner languages, it has a type system that works completely independent of any runtime data flow directions. It can still do forward-inference ((2::Int) + (4::Int) is unambiguously of type Int), but it's only a special case – types can just as well be inferred in the “reverse direction”, i.e. if you write (x + y) :: Int the compiler is able to infer that both x and y must have type Int as well.
This reverse-polymorphism enables many nice tricks – example:
Prelude Debug.SimpleReflect> 2 + 4 :: Expr
2 + 4
Prelude Debug.SimpleReflect> 7^3 :: Expr
7 * 7 * 7
...but it only works if the language never does implicit conversions, not even in “safe†, obvious cases” like Int -> Integer.
Usually, the type checker automatically infers the most sensible type. For your original implementation, the checker would infer the type
distance :: Floating a => (a, a) -> (a, a) -> a
and that – or perhaps the specialised version
distance :: (Double,Double) -> (Double,Double) -> Double
is a much more sensible type than your (Int, Int) -> ... attempt, because the Euclidean distance makes actually no sense on a discrete grid (you'd want something like a Taxcab distance there).
What you'd actually want is distance from the vector-space package. This is more general, works not only on 2-tuples but any suitable space.
†Int -> Double is actually not a safe conversion – try float(1000000000000000001) in Python! So even without Hindley-Milner, this is not really a very smart thing to do implicitly.
SOLVED: now I have this
distance :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> Double
distance (x, y) (u, v) = sqrt (fromIntegral ((x - u) ^ 2 + (y - v) ^ 2))
In Haskell, when we talk type declaration.
I've seen both -> and =>.
As an example: I can make my own type declaration.
addMe :: Int -> Int -> Int
addMe x y = x + y
And it works just fine.
But if we take a look at :t sqrt we get:
sqrt :: Floating a => a -> a
At what point do we use => and when do we use ->?
When do we use "fat arrow" and when do we use "thin arrow"?
-> is for explicit functions. I.e. when f is something that can be written in an expression of the form f x, the signature must have one of these arrows in it†. Specifically, the type of x (the argument) must appear to the left of a -> arrow.
It's best to not think of => as a function arrow at all, at least at first‡. It's an implication arrow in the logical sense: if a is a type with the property Floating a, then it follows that the signature of sqrt is a -> a.
For your addMe example, which is a function with two arguments, the signature must always have the form x -> y -> z. Possibly there can also be a q => in front of that; that doesn't influence the function-ishness, but may have some saying in what particular types are allowed. Generally, such constraints are not needed if the types are already fixed and concrete. Like, you could in principle impose a constraint on Int:
addMe :: Num Int => Int -> Int -> Int
addMe x y = x + y
...but that doesn't really accomplish anything, because everybody knows that the particular type Int is an instance of the Num class. Where you need such constraints is when the type is not fixed but a type variable (i.e. lowercase), i.e. if the function is polymorphic. You can't just write
addMe' :: a -> a -> a
addMe' x y = x + y
because that signature would suggest the function works for any type a whatsoever, but it can't work for all types (how would you add, for example, two strings? ok perhaps not the best example, but how would you multiply two strings?)
Hence you need the constraint
addMe' :: Num a => a -> a -> a
addMe' x y = x + y
This means, you don't care what exact type a is, but you do require it to be a numerical type. Anybody can use the function with their own type MyNumType, but they need to ensure that Num MyNumType is fulfilled: then it follows that addMe' can have signature MyNumType -> MyNumType -> MyNumType.
The way to ensure this is to either use a standard type which you know to be numerical, for instance addMe' 5.9 3.7 :: Double would work, or give an instance declaration for your custom type and the Num class. Only do the latter if you're sure it's a good idea; usually the standard num types are all you'll need.
†Note that the arrow may not be visible in the signature: it's possible to have a type synonym for a function type, for example when type IntEndofunc = Int -> Int, then f :: IntEndofunc; f x = x+x is ok. But you can think of the typedef as essentially just a syntactic wrapper; it's still the same type and does have the arrow in it.
‡It so happens that logical implication and function application can be seen as two aspects of the same mathematical concept. Furthermore, GHC actually implements class constraints as function arguments, so-called dictionaries. But all this happens behind the scenes, so if anything they're implicit functions. In standard Haskell, you will never see the LHS of a => type as the type of some actual argument the function is applied to.
The "thin arrow" is used for function types (t1 -> t2 being the type of a function that takes a value of type t1 and produces a value of type t2).
The "fat arrow" is used for type constraints. It separates the list of type constraints on a polymorphic function from the rest of the type. So given Floating a => a -> a, we have the function type a -> a, the type of a function that can take arguments of any type a and produces a result of that same type, with the added constraint Floating a, meaning that the function can in fact only be used with types that implement the Floating type class.
the -> is the constructor of functions and the => is used to constraints, a sort of "interface" in Haskell called typeclass.
A little example:
sum :: Int -> Int -> Int
sum x y = x + y
that function only allows Int types, but if you want a huge int or a small int, you probably want Integer, and how to tell it to use both?
sum2 :: Integral a => a -> a -> a
sum2 x y = x + y
now if you try to do:
sum2 3 1.5
it will give you an error
also, you may want to know if two data are equals, you want:
equals :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
equals x y = x == y
now if you do:
3 == 4
that's ok
but if you create:
data T = A | B
equals A B
it will give to you:
• No instance for (Eq T) arising from a use of ‘equals’
• In the expression: equals A B
In an equation for ‘it’: it = equals A B
if you want for that to work, you must just do:
data T = A | B deriving Eq
equals A B
I'm trying to work a problem where I need to calculate the "small" divisors of an integer. I'm just bruteforcing through all numbers up to the square root of the given number, so to get the divisors of 10 I'd write:
[k|k<-[1...floor(sqrt 10)],rem 10 k<1]
This seems to work well. But as soon as I plug this in a function
f n=[k|k<-[1...floor(sqrt n)],rem n k<1]
And actually call this function, I do get an error
f 10
No instance for (Floating t0) arising from a use of `it'
The type variable `t0' is ambiguous
Note: there are several potential instances:
instance Floating Double -- Defined in `GHC.Float'
instance Floating Float -- Defined in `GHC.Float'
In the first argument of `print', namely `it'
In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it
As far as I undrestand the actual print function that prints the result to the console is causing trouble, but I cannot find out what is wrong. It says the type is ambiguous, but the function can clearly only return a list of integers. Then again I checked the type, and it the (inferred) type of f is
f :: (Floating t, Integral t, RealFrac t) => t -> [t]
I can understand that fshould be able to accept any real numerical value, but can anyone explain why the return type should be anything else than Integral or int?
[k|k<-[1...floor(sqrt 10)],rem 10 k<1]
this works because the first 10 is not the same as the latter one - to see this, we need the type signature of your functions:
sqrt :: Floating a => a -> a
rem :: Integral a => a -> a -> a
so the first one means that it works for stuff that have a floating point representation - a.k.a. Float, Double ..., and the second one works for Int, Integer (bigint), Word8 (unsigned 8bit integers)...
so for the 10 in sqrt 10 the compiler says - ahh this is a floating point number, null problemo, and for the 10 in rem 10 k, ahh this is an integer like number, null problemo as well.
But when you bundle them up in a function - you are saying n has to be a floating point and an integral number, the compiler knows no such thing and - complains.
So what do we do to fix that (and a side note ranges in haskell are indicated by .. not ...!). So let us start by taking a concrete solution and generalize it.
f :: Int -> [Int]
f n = [k|k <- [1..n'],rem n k < 1]
where n' = floor $ sqrt $ fromIntegral n
the neccessary part was converting the Int to a floating point number. But if you are putting that in a library all your users need to stick with using Int which is okay, but far from ideal - so how do we generalize (as promised)? We use GHCi to do that for us, using a lazy language we ourselves tend to be lazy as well.
We start by commenting out the type-signature
-- f :: Int -> [Int]
f n = [k|k <- [1..n'],rem n k < 1]
where n' = floor $ sqrt $ fromIntegral n
$> ghci MyLib.hs
MyLib > :type f
f :: Integral a => a -> [a]
then we can take this and put it into the library and if someone worked with Word8 or Integer that would work as well.
Another solution would be to use rem (floor n) k < 1 and have
f :: Floating a, Integral b => a -> [b]
as the type, but that would be kind of awkward.
The way to have ad-hoc polymorphism (function overloading) in Haskell is through type classes (see answers to this, this and this question, among others).
But I'm struggling to define an overloaded mult (product) function for the following cases:
mult: [Double] -> Double -> [Double]
mult: Double -> [Double] -> [Double]
mult: [Double] -> [Double] -> [Double]
(At least, case 1 [Double]*Double and case 3 [Double]*[Double] would be necessary).
As always, statements like "I'm trying (with no success) this" are not quite as useful as you would like: it's good that you included your code, but if you are getting an error message from the compiler, tell us what it is! They're very instructive, and are printed for a reason.
I just tried what you wrote, and this is in fact the error message you are (probably) getting:
*Multiplication> mul 1 [2]
Non type-variable argument
in the constraint: Multipliable ta [t] tc
(Use FlexibleContexts to permit this)
When checking that ‘it’ has the inferred type
it :: forall ta tc t. (Num ta, Num t, Multipliable ta [t] tc) => tc
Now, you could try just turning on FlexibleContexts, but that doesn't seem to solve the problem. But, as is often the case when the compiler is telling you it's having trouble inferring types, you should try adding some explicit types and see if that helps:
*Multiplication> mul (1::Double) [2 :: Double]
Basically, the compiler can't be sure which overload of mul you want: 1 and 2 are polymorphic and could be any numeric type, and while there is only one suitable overload for mul now, the compiler doesn't make such an inference unless it can prove no other overload could ever exist in this context. Fully specifying the argument types is enough to resolve the problem.
An alternative approach to this particular problem is to use a typeclass for each argument, to convert it into the canonical type [Double], rather than a typeclass for the arguments as a whole. This is a more specific solution than general ad hoc polymorphism, and not all problems will fit, but for something like treating a single number like a list of numbers it should be fine:
module Multiplication where
import Control.Monad (liftM2)
class AsDoubles a where
doubles :: a -> [Double]
instance AsDoubles Double where
doubles = return
instance AsDoubles [Double] where
doubles = id
mult :: (AsDoubles a, AsDoubles b) => a -> b -> [Double]
mult x y = liftM2 (*) (doubles x) (doubles y)
*Multiplication> mult [(1 :: Double)..5] [(1 :: Double)..3]
[1.0,2.0,3.0, -- whitespace added for readability
I've managed to do it this way. Certainly not very nice.
I think anyone should consider the comments and critics by leftaroundaobut to the question, that I quote below for convenience and relevance.
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, FlexibleInstances #-}
class Multipliable ta tb tc | ta tb -> tc where
mul :: ta -> tb -> tc
instance Multipliable [Double] Double [Double] where
mul p k = map (*k) p --mul p k = map (\a -> k * a) p
instance Multipliable Double [Double] [Double] where
mul k p = map (*k) p --mul p k = map (\a -> k * a) p
instance Multipliable [Double] [Double] [Double] where
mul p q = p -- dummy implementation
r = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0] :: [Double]
r1 = (mul :: [Double] -> Double -> [Double]) r 2.0
r2 = (mul :: Double -> [Double] -> [Double]) 2.0 r
r3 = (mul :: [Double] -> [Double] -> [Double]) r1 r2
main = do
print r1
print r2
print r3
Why do you want this anyway? Just because Matlab allows multiplying
anything you throw at it doesn't mean this is a good idea. Check out
vector-space for properly dealing with
multidimensional-multiplications. Alternatively, if you don't care so
much for mathematical elegance, you can use hmatrix (which is in fact
a lot like Matlab/Octave in Haskell), or linear.
I think it's a bad idea in general, and really unnecessary in Haskell because you can just write map (*x) ys or zipWith (*) xs ys
to make you intent explicit. This of course doesn't work for
polymorphic code that's supposed to handle both scalars and vectors –
however, writing such code to just deal with scalars or lists of any
length is rather asking for trouble. It's awkward to specify which
list needs to have a length matching which other list and what length
the result will be etc.. This is where vector-space or linear shine,
because they check dimensions at compile time.
I have the following Haskell code:
-- Problem 69
import ProjectEuler
phi :: Integer -> Integer
phi n = n * product [p - 1 | p <- primeDivisors n] `div` product [p | p <- primeDivisors n]
-- primeDivisors n is a list of the prime divisors of n
maxRatio :: (Int, Int, Double) -> (Int, Int, Double) -> (Int, Int, Double)
maxRatio t1#(_, _, x) t2#(_, _, y)
| x > y = t1
| otherwise = t2
main = print (foldl
(0, 0, 0.0)
[(n, phi n, ratio) | n <- [2..max], let ratio = fromIntegral n / (fromIntegral (phi n))]
where max = 1000
which gives the following error:
Couldn't match expected type `Int' with actual type `Integer'
In the expression: n
In the expression: (n, phi n, ratio)
In the third argument of `foldl', namely
`[(n, phi n, ratio) |
n <- [2 .. max],
let ratio = fromIntegral n / (fromIntegral (phi n))]'
I suspect that in the triple (0, 0, 0.0) the 0's are type Int. Is 0 always type Int or is ghci deducing the type as Int in this case? If the later, how do I force it to be type Integer instead? Or is there something else that causes this error?
Haskell can generally infer the type of numeric literals such as 0 as whatever appropriate type you need them to be. This is because it knows what functions you pass them to; if I have a function phi :: Integer -> Integer, and I call phi 0, Haskell knows that that particular 0 must have been an Integer. It's also fine if I call a function pho :: Int -> Int with pho 0; that particular 0 is inferred to be an Int.
However Int and Integer are different types, and there's no way one particular 0 can be passed to both phi and pho.
Your issue is simply that the tuples that maxRatio deals with are typed (by you) (Int, Int, Double), but that one such tuple is constructed as (n, phi n, ratio). Since phi takes and returns Integer, the n in that expression has to be an Integer. But then that doesn't work for maxRatio, so you get the error.
Depending on which type you actually wanted (Int or Integer), all you need to do is change the type signature of phi or maxRatio so that they're working with the same kind of number. Haskell will decide that your literally written 0s are whatever numeric type is necessary to make that work, provided there is one that can make it work!
Note that the error messaged specifically told you that it was n in (n, phi n, ratio) that was expected to be an Int and was actually an Integer. The (0, 0, 0.0) tuple is never mentioned. Often type errors originate somewhere other than where the compiler points you (since all the compiler can do is spot that different chains of inference produce inconsistent requirements on the type of something, with no way to know which part of the whole process is "wrong"), but in this case it did pretty well.
Haskell gets a (fairly justified) bad rep for inscrutable error messages, but it can help a lot to start from what the compiler is telling you is the problem and try to figure out why the facts it's complaining about arise from your code. This will be painful at first, but you'll quickly develop a basic literacy in Haskell's error messages (at least the more straightforward ones) that will help you spot these kinds of errors really quickly, which makes the compiler a very powerful error-detection system for you.
n is being inferred as Int due to the type of maxRatio, while the type of phi says it should be Integer. The simplest fix is to change the type of maxRatio to use Integer or even just a since it doesn't touch those values.
It's being inferred, so you can just change the type signature of maxRatio. Still, if you ever need to change an explicit Int to an Integer, use toInteger :: (Integral a) => a -> Integer
Your type signatures are inconsistent - replace Int with Integer throughout.
Here is what I'm trying to do:
isPrime :: Int -> Bool
isPrime x = all (\y -> x `mod` y /= 0) [3, 5..floor(sqrt x)]
(I know I'm not checking for division by two--please ignore that.)
Here's what I get:
No instance for (Floating Int)
arising from a use of `sqrt'
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Floating Int)
In the first argument of `floor', namely `(sqrt x)'
In the expression: floor (sqrt x)
In the second argument of `all', namely `[3, 5 .. floor (sqrt x)]'
I've spent literally hours trying everything I can think of to make this list using some variant of sqrt, including nonsense like
intSqrt :: Int -> Int
intSqrt x = floor (sqrt (x + 0.0))
It seems that (sqrt 500) works fine but (sqrt x) insists on x being a Floating (why?), and there is no function I can find to convert an Int to a real (why?).
I don't want a method to test primality, I want to understand how to fix this. Why is this so hard?
Unlike most other languages, Haskell distinguishes strictly between integral and floating-point types, and will not convert one to the other implicitly. See here for how to do the conversion explicitly. There's even a sqrt example :-)
The underlying reason for this is that the combination of implicit conversions and Haskel's (rather complex but very cool) class system would make type reconstruction very difficult -- probably it would stretch it beyond the point where it can be done by machines at all. The language designers felt that getting type classes for arithmetic was worth the cost of having to specify conversions explicitly.
Your issue is that, although you've tried to fix it in a variety of ways, you haven't tried to do something x, which is exactly where your problem lies. Let's look at the type of sqrt:
Prelude> :t sqrt
sqrt :: (Floating a) => a -> a
On the other hand, x is an Int, and if we ask GHCi for information about Floating, it tells us:
Prelude> :info Floating
class (Fractional a) => Floating a where
pi :: a
acosh :: a -> a
-- Defined in GHC.Float
instance Floating Float -- Defined in GHC.Float
instance Floating Double -- Defined in GHC.Float
So the only types which are Floating are Floats and Doubles. We need a way to convert an Int to a Double, much as floor :: (RealFrac a, Integral b) => a -> b goes the other direction. Whenever you have a type question like this, you can ask Hoogle, a Haskell search engine which searches types. Unfortunately, if you search for Int -> Double, you get lousy results. But what if we relax what we're looking for? If we search for Integer -> Double, we find that there's a function fromInteger :: Num a => Integer -> a, which is almost exactly what you want. And if we relax our type all the way to (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b, you find that there is a function fromIntegral :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b.
Thus, to compute the square root of an integer, use floor . sqrt $ fromIntegral x, or use
isqrt :: Integral i => i -> i
isqrt = floor . sqrt . fromIntegral
You were thinking about the problem in the right direction for the output of sqrt; it returned a floating-point number, but you wanted an integer. In Haskell, however, there's no notion of subtyping or implicit casts, so you need to alter the input to sqrt as well.
To address some of your other concerns:
intSqrt :: Int -> Int
intSqrt x = floor (sqrt (x + 0.0))
You call this "nonsense", so it's clear you don't expect it to work, but why doesn't it? Well, the problem is that (+) has type Num a => a -> a -> a—you can only add two things of the same type. This is generally good, since it means you can't add a complex number to a 5×5 real matrix; however, since 0.0 must be an instance of Fractional, you won't be able to add it to x :: Int.
It seems that (sqrt 500) works fine…
This works because the type of 500 isn't what you expect. Let's ask our trusty companion GHCi:
Prelude> :t 500
500 :: (Num t) => t
In fact, all integer literals have this type; they can be any sort of number, which works because the Num class contains the function fromInteger :: Integer -> a. So when you wrote sqrt 500, GHC realized that 500 needed to satisfy 500 :: (Num t, Floating t) => t (and it will implicitly pick Double for numeric types like that thank to the defaulting rules). Similarly, the 0.0 above has type Fractional t => t, thanks to Fractional's fromRational :: Rational -> a function.
… but (sqrt x) insists on x being a Floating …
See above, where we look at the type of sqrt.
… and there is no function I can find to convert an Int to a real ….
Well, you have one now: fromIntegral. I don't know why you couldn't find it; apparently Hoogle gives much worse results than I was expecting, thanks to the generic type of the function.
Why is this so hard?
I hope it isn't anymore, now that you have fromIntegral.