What is the perfect way to get response from docusign api webhook response in php? - webhooks

I have set a web hook URL for docusign API. when any update from document signer come, i will get update about envelop. but how can i get the response? What is the format. Can someone show me a example?

In order to receive and process webhook notifications from DocuSign Connect, you'll need to create an application to "listen" for (and process) the notifications. DocuSign provides sample applications like this in a variety of languages -- you can use this link to find those samples on GitHub: https://github.com/docusign?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=connect.
For example, here's the webhook sample in PHP: https://github.com/docusign/recipe-010-webhook-php.

You will get response from DocuSign in an XML format, You can find more details at https://www.docusign.com/blog/dsdev-adding-webhooks-application/,
https://www.docusign.com/supportdocs/ndse-admin-guide/Content/connect-technical-details.htm and Guide is available at https://www.docusign.com/supportdocs/pdf/connect-guide.pdf


how to get the signed document and response after signing in Docusign

So i am using docusign and testing the api with a simple index.php type project and i have successfully sent the document to the email provided in the
$signerEmail = 'test#test.com' using docusign api-client
now after it have signed the document and finish it by clicking at the finish button in docusign window. I want to retrieve the response and document on which it have given its information.
how can i achieve this and right now i am having difficulty to find it in the documentation.
There are 2 ways to do that, synchronously and asynchronously.
Or in other words, if you know the document is already complete, you can run the code, or you can use a webhook with notifications from DocuSign letting you know that the envelope is complete.
Regardless, the API to retrieve a document is this:
GET /v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/envelopes/{envelopeId}/documents/{documentId}
or you can use it from the PHP SDK as well.
Hope this helps.
A full code example (in PHP as well) can be found here - https://developers.docusign.com/esign-rest-api/code-examples/code-example-download-envelope-documents

Audit Events language

I'am using Docusign API.
Is there a way to change the language when calling the API for audit events of an enveloppe ?
Audit events are all the events that has happened in the enveloppe history.
I'am calling this url
I can't find a parameter to set the language of the response.
Even if an enveloppe have been generated in another language, the result will be in english.
The account calling the API is also set to the correct language.
The goal here is to build an history page of an enveloppe in a third party application.
On Docusign pages this content (show history of an envelope) is translated but using the API, i can't find a correct answer.
I have receive an anwser from Docusign technical team :
API responses are english only.

Docusign Embedded Signing using template

I need steps/procedure for recipient to sign via nodejs application using template.Currently i am using the docusign node sdk.I would like to embed the signing into the application (Embedded Signing) through the API rather than opening DocuSign in another window.
I'd suggest you take a look at the DocuSign Recipes. The Recipes include node.js code samples for "send a signing request with a template (via email)" and also for "signing from within your app" -- between these two examples, you should be able to get code to accomplish your objective. If you're unable to get it working using those examples, then edit your post above to include your code and ask for feedback. (You're more likely to get help here on SO if you post your code and say "this is what I've tried..." than if you just expect someone to provide you the complete solution.)

Bulk sending using DocuSign REST API V2

For bulk sending I followed the steps mentioned in DocuSign user guide (Reference: https://support.docusign.com/guides/cdse-user-guide-advanced-sending-using-the-bulk-recipient-feature). However I would like to implement the same using REST API. Please suggest how to go about it. Any reference link would really be helpful.
In my application I am using REST API V2.
After using POST /accounts/[accountnumber]/envelopes to create a draft envelope, use the PUT /accounts/[accountnumber]/envelopes/[envelopeID]/recipients/[recipientID]/bulk_recipients to upload your csv file.
Or more specifically, you don't send the file, you send the contents. You Content-Type for the PUT is text/csv. The body of the put would be the csv contents just like you'd be viewing them in notepad.
After the put, use the envelopes POST again to change the status to "sent" and it's done.
The response from the final call provides a bulk send batch ID that can be used for checking status.
Information on utilizing bulk send with the DocuSign REST API can be found here.

In docusign can i request status for a list of envelope ID

I am exploring docusign API.
I am trying to understand if the following is possible with status API
Is it possible to request the status for a set of Envelope Ids. I have seen the documentation for requesting status for ONE envelope id.
Thanks for reading
Yes you can easily request statuses for a set of envelopes through the DocuSign API. I recommend going through the DocuSign Developer Center which introduces tools such as the API Explorer and the API Walkthroughs in the Getting Started section.
Take a look at the 5th (middle) walkthrough here, titled Get Status of Envelopes -
The walkthrough shows you the api call in 6 languages (PHP, Java, Javascript, C#, Python, Objective-C) for getting status of a set of envelopes. Using URL params you can filter by status and date.
The API call you need to make is:
Optional URL params
from_date (url encoded)
status (filter by real-time envelope status)
As mentioned the from_date needs to be URL encoded. For instance, to filter all envelopes that are sent, delivered, or completed since March 1, 2014, you would append the following to the URL:
Yes DocuSign allows retrieving statuses for multiple envelopes.
However, I actually found the above documentation to be inaccurate and missing some info. The HTTP method should be GET and the parameter should be named envelope_ids.
So that would give you an example query of:
GET /accounts/{accountId}/envelopes/status?envelope_ids=abc,def
The response contains the standard DocuSign pagination fields, but they don't seem to be processed if included in the request. There is no mention in the docs as the maximum number of envelopes that can be retrieved at a time.
