Azure: Provisioning of virtual machine fails. - azure

I am trying to provision Azure Virtual Machines to the same availability set one after the other. I see this error when trying to a provision in Australia East.
Provisioning failed. Allocation failed. Please try reducing the VM size or
number of VMs, retry later, or try deploying to a different Availability Set
or different Azure location.. AllocationFailed

This error means you are try to adding a big size VM to the Availability set, the VM size bigger than other VMs, that host does not support this VM size.
We should stop all the VMs in the availability set. Then add this new VM to it, then start the other VMs.
Here a blog about add VM to Azure availability set, please refer to it.
Please try to create new VM and at the same time to create Availability set, like this:


Azure VM auto scale based on alert

The scenario is as follows:
In company premise, there is a network that consists few machines.
The company has an Azure subscription.
To monitor the company's Network/Machines via Azure
If the company resource goes beyond a threshold limit then trigger alerts. Example, network bandwidth consumption, machine CPU/Memory usage, etc.
When such alerts occur then spin up new virtual machines or VM scale sets in Azure to handle the load.
The purpose is if the machines in on-prem goes above threshold limit then automatically provision VMs in Azure, as there are only few on-prem machines.
Please guide how to implement these use cases?
your question is a little confusing. You mention machines on premises and using Azure to monitor them. You can monitor on premises VMs using Azure but then you mention provisioning new Azure VMs via Scale Sets.
I'm not 100% where your workload is but assuming it is in Azure then if you are using VM Scale Sets it's very easy to scale in and out based on resource utilisation.
This can be configured as described here:

is there any way to run aks in azure dev/test labs?

I am looking a way to run aks or k8s cluster in dev/test labs but I couldn't find an official way. I guess Azure has allow using production services in Dev/Test Lab however they haven't published yet a document to achieve this. I need rich memory VMs such as 128/256 gb though AKS doesn't support that vm on cluster. And AutoShutdown option will be cost saving for these VMs. So I have to build this in dev/test lab. Any suggestion would be helpful. Thanks!
AKS is a managed service and you can't run it on you own VMs or the ones from Dev/Test Labs. Why are you saying that you can't use 128/256GB RAM VMs? When selecting your VMs size in the portal, make sure to select the Memory Optimized family.
If I understand correctly, your goal is to save money running these high cost VMs. One possible way you can achieve this is create your cluster with a single instance of a smaller VM and create a a second node pool with the larger VMs. You can then create and destroy that second pool on demand.

Upgrading from A-series to D-series Azure virtual machine

We have SQL Sever setup on A-series virtual machines. We are wanting to upgrade to the D-series virtual machine. Is it as simple as just upgrading the VM in Azure and clicking save or are there any other things I need to watch out for? I have heard of people having issues upgrading due to the level not being available in the cluster that their Virtual Machines sit in.
The hardware infrastructure used for A series VM is not suitable for D series VM. It might be possible that the cluster where the VM is hosted, has the hardware configuration required for creating A series VM alone.
However if you would still want to change from A series to D series VM, you will have to export disks and create a new VM using the previously saved disks.
Going forward as a workaround: when you create your very first VM in your Cloud Service, be sure to specify one of the D-SERIES size even if you do not need it immediately. Doing this, your Cloud Service will be “tied” to a cluster that will support both A-SERIES (except A8/A9) and D-SERIES, then for all the future VMs contained in the same Cloud Service. Now, you can create additional A-SERIES VMs and mix together in the same Cloud Service. If you do not need the first D-SERIES VM, you can now safely delete it.
If the D-series machines are not available due to the cluster, you can always delete the vm (preserve the disks) and create a new VM of the D-series and attach the existing disks to that system.
When you create the new VM, choose the option to 'create from template' and the select your OS disk from the 'My Disks' section. Then attach all the data disks to the VM once it's provisioned.

how can I configure availability sets in azure?

I am not very familiar with this in azure.
I created one centos vm, I created an availability set, in order to enable auto scaling I need to create another VM in the same availability set.
so I will create another vm, with the same image.
So, these 2 vms will replicate each other? if I install something in one VM, will it be replicated automatically to the other vm?, should I use only one of the vms as the starter point to install and configure things?
or should I do everything manually on each VM? Example, if I open port 80 in one I should do it in another?, if I install magento in one, I should install it in the other?
Azure will not replicate your VMs automatically. There are some manual steps involved:
You need to prepare one VM as a starter point.
Then you manually clone VMs up to a maximum number that you will need.
Make sure all they are in the same availability set.
Set up auto scaling
Now Azure will scale automatically by turning some of your VMs on and off. When VM is turned off, you will only incur storage costs for it. And storage in Azure is almost free.
To answer your first question: How to configure availability set
I created a post covering this on How to guard your application from azure outages
Use the quick create to stand up a VM of your choice
Once the instance is running click on the configure tab and create a new availability set
Click save
Saving will force a shut down, reconfigure, startup process
Once the VM comes back online you can create a 2nd VM
Using the create from gallery option, click through all the create screens until you get to the configure virtual machine screen (screen 4 at the moment)
Select the cloud service that was created with your first VM (availability sets require the VM's to run in the same cloud service)
Then select the availability set you created for the first VM
Finish the creation of your second VM
You can now see the linked VM's in the same availability set by clicking on the configure tab for any VM in the availability set you created. It will list all VMs in a given availability set inside the details of the VM

Adding Azure Virtual machine to an existing availability set

I want to create two virtual machines in Azure which should not be connected to each other. I created first virtual machine and also created an availability set as part of its creation process.
Now when I create the second virtual machine then I don't get the availability set created as part of first virtual machine in the drop down list of availability sets.
However if I try to connect the second virtual machine as part of first one then I am able to see the availability set created as part of first virtual machine.
Is it mandatory for virtual machines to be connected to each other so that I can add them to the same availability set? Is this a limitation only from azure portal and there is a workaround using powershell?
If we connect two virtual machines then we can get the benefit of availability set. However, at the same time both virtual machine becomes part of same cloud service and hence are load balanced by azure which does not support sticky session.
My scenerio is that I have identical front-ends which needs to support sticky session. Therefore I don't want to connect them to each other. However, I want to get the benefits of availability sets as mentioned in the article on Availability sets.
So can I set availability set for two identical virtual machines not connected to each other?
The term "Availability Set" means that you want to bring one or more VM within one service group for maximize the availability during an event of downtime. So what you see on Azure Portal is correct behavior however you might have some misunderstanding with regard to Availability Set. You can read more on "Availability Set" here.
So when you try to connect second virtual machine as part of first, you do see the availability set, because this way you want your VM to use the settings from the first and add another VM to the same group to maximize the availability. This second VM becomes the part of first one.
When you create an independent VM (call is second or 3rd or any) you are actually creating a brand new VM which is going to run independent to any other VM you may or may not have and thats why you dont see "availability set" instead you can create a new "availability set" based on this new VM.
Set AvailabilitySet using Powershell
Get-AzureVM -ServiceName "savilltech101" -Name "WebSrv3" | Set-AzureAvailabilitySet -AvailabilitySetName "IIS" | Update-AzureVM
