Blockly code for translate numbers roman - blockly

I need to do a progam in blockly code for translate numbers from arabigos to roman up to 4000,but I don't know what I am doing wrong .
I only can use functions ,variables ,maths and logic (attached html code ).
who can help me with this please ,I'll be thankful ;))

Let me see if I can think of something :)
Perhaps an example can help me: n = 1234 I can start by dividing by 1000 and take the integer part:
M = Math.floor(n/1000)
now M is 1 Now I can remove 1000*M from n and continue:
n = n-1000*M -> so now n is only 234.
After that:
D = Math.floor(n/500)
n = n-500*D
so D is 0 and n is still 234, because 234 does not contain any 500-eds.
And so no:
C = Math.floor(n/100)
n = n-100*C
which gives that C is 2 and n is 34.
And so on:
L = Math.floor(n/50)
n = n-50*L
which gives that L is 0 and n is 34.
X = Math.floor(n/10)
n = n-10*X
which gives that X is 3 and n is 4.
And finally
I = n
So now:
so you just have to make a clever enough function that prints it like:
and you are done ;)
PS I hope this was not homework :D


How do i convert all the variables into an int straightaway

a,b,c = input(a,b,c).split()
would need a way to immediately convert a,b,c into int without having to do something like
a = int(a)
b = int(b)
c = int(c)
please help :)
l = input().split(',')
l = [ int(i) for i in l ]
a, b, c = *l
Run the code and enter 3 integers separated by ',' then a b and c will contain the 3 integers

ACSL Bit String Flicking

I need help with an ACSL Problem. The contest was done in 2014-2015. It is just practice and I want to see if I did the problem correctly.
Bit-String Flicking:
Solve for x (5 bits) in the following equation. How many unique solutions are there?
(RCIRC-2(LSHIFT-1 (NOT X)))=00101
After solving I got 16 unique solutions although I can't find the answer anywhere and need the help of you smart and creative people!
Here's the idea to solve this problem:
transfer RCIRC, LSHIFT and NOT to the other side like this:
RCIRC-2(LSHIFT-1(NOT X))=00101 -> LSHIFT-1(NOT X) = LCIRC-2(00101)
LSHIFT-1(NOT X) = LCIRC-2(00101) -> NOT X = RSHIFT-1(LCIRC-2(00101))
NOT X = RSHIFT-1(LCIRC-2(00101)) -> X = NOT(RSHIFT-1(LCIRC-2(00101)))
X = NOT(RSHIFT-1(LCIRC-2(00101)))
solve it:
X = NOT(RSHIFT-1(LCIRC-2(00101)))
X = NOT(RSHIFT-1(10100))
X = NOT(01010)
X = 10101
And that would be it. The point is that when you transfer from one side to another you convert left to right and right to left.
So it's only one correct solution!
Represent each bit as letters A-E
(RCIRC-2(LSHIFT-1(NOT ABCDE))) = 00101
(RCIRC-2(LSHIFT-1(abcde))) = 00101
(RCIRC-2(bcde0)) = 00101
e0bcd = 00101
E0BCD = 10010
B = 0, C = 1, D = 0, E = 1
X = *0101

Error in Haskell code containing tuples

I have been trying to create a function in Haskell that will take a non-negative value which corresponds to minutes and return it in the format (days,hours,minutes) e.g. 4000 minutes will give (2, 18, 39).
My code keeps returning the error "file:.\prac0.hs:27 - Syntax error in input (unexpected `|')" on load.
Here is my code:
dayshoursmins :: Int->(Int,Int,Int)
dayshoursmins n = (x,y,z)
| n==0 = 0
| n`div`1440 =>1 = x && dayshoursmins(n`mod`1440)
| n`div`60 < 24 = y && dayshoursmins(n`mod`60)
| n < 60 = z
The pipe (|) is used as a guard, what you need is a where clause I think:
dayshoursmins :: Int->(Int,Int,Int)
dayshoursmins n = (d,h,m)
where d = div n 1440
dm = mod n 1440
h = div dm 60
m = mod dm 60
Running this with ghci gives:
*Main> dayshoursmins 2016
I don't really understand your code: it does seem to mix all kinds of concepts. After the = operator, you cannot put guards anymore.

How do I convert a 4 digit number into individual digits?

I need to write logic to break down a 4 digit number into individual digits.
On a reply here at SO to a question regarding 3 digits, someone gave the math below:
int first = 321/100;
int second = (321/10)-first*10;
int third = (321/1)-first*100-second*10;
Can someone help me?
Thank you in advance!
Well, using the sample you found, we can quite easily infer a code for you.
The first line says int first = 321/100;, which returns 3 (integer division is the euclidian one). 3 is indeed the first integer in 321 so that's a good thing. However, we have a 4 digit number, let's try replacing 100 with 1000:
int first = 4321/1000;
This does return 4 !
Let's try adapting the rest of your code (plus I put your four digit number in the variable entry).
int entry = 4321;
int first = entry/1000;
int second = entry/100 - first*10;
int third = entry/10 - first*100 - second*10;
int fourth = entry - first*1000 - second*100 - third*10;
second will be entry/100 (43) minus first*10 (40), so we're okay.
third is then 432 - 400 - 30 which turns to 2. This also works till fourth.
For more-than-four digits, you may want to use a for-loop and maybe some modulos though.
This snip of code counts the number of digits input from the user
then breaks down the digits one by one:
PRINT "Enter value";
X# = V#
IF V# < 1 THEN
D = D + 1
V# = INT(V#) / 10
PRINT "Digits:"; D
FOR L = D - 1 TO 0 STEP -1
M = INT(X# / 10 ^ L)
X# = X# - M * 10 ^ L

String lexicographical permutation and inversion

Consider the following function on a string:
int F(string S)
int N = S.size();
int T = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < N; j++)
if (S[i] > S[j])
return T;
A string S0 of length N with all pairwise distinct characters has a total of N! unique permutations.
For example "bac" has the following 6 permutations:
Consider these N! strings in lexicographical order:
Now consider the application of F to each of these strings:
F("abc") = 0
F("acb") = 1
F("bac") = 1
F("bca") = 2
F("cab") = 2
F("cba") = 3
Given some string S1 of this set of permutations, we want to find the next string S2 in the set, that has the following relationship to S1:
F(S2) == F(S1) + 1
For example if S1 == "acb" (F = 1) than S2 == "bca" (F = 1 + 1 = 2)
One way to do this would be to start at one past S1 and iterate through the list of permutations looking for F(S) = F(S1)+1. This is unfortunately O(N!).
By what O(N) function on S1 can we calculate S2 directly?
Suppose length of S1 is n, biggest value for F(S1) is n(n-1)/2, if F(S1) = n(n-1)/2, means it's a last function and there isn't any next for it, but if F(S1) < n(n-1)/2, means there is at least one char x which is bigger than char y and x is next to y, find such a x with lowest index, and change x and y places. let see it by example:
S1 == "acb" (F = 1) , 1 < 3 so there is a char x which is bigger than another char y and its index is bigger than y, here smallest index x is c, and by first try you will replace it with a (which is smaller than x so algorithm finishes here)==> S2= "cab", F(S2) = 2.
Now let test it with S2, cab: x=b, y=a, ==> S3 = "cba".\
finding x is not hard, iterate the input, and have a variable name it min, while current visited character is smaller than min, set min as newly visited char, and visit next character, first time you visit a character which is bigger than min stop iteration, this is x:
This is pseudocode in c# (but I wasn't careful about boundaries e.g in input.Substring):
string NextString(string input)
var min = input[0];
int i=1;
while (i < input.Length && input[i] < min)
min = input[i];
if (i == input.Length) return "There isn't next item";
var x = input[i], y=input[i-1];
return input.Substring(0,i-2) + x + y + input.Substring(i,input.Length - 1 - i);
Here's the outline of an algorithm for a solution to your problem.
I'll assume that you have a function to directly return the n-th permutation (given n) and its inverse, ie a function to return n given a permutation. Let these be perm(n) and perm'(n) respectively.
If I've figured it correctly, when you have a 4-letter string to permute the function F goes like this:
F("abcd") = 0
F("abdc") = 1
F(perm(3)) = 1
F(...) = 2
F(...) = 2
F(...) = 3
F(perm(7)) = 1
F(...) = 2
F(...) = 2
F(...) = 3
F(...) = 3
F(...) = 4
F(perm(13)) = 2
F(...) = 3
F(...) = 3
F(...) = 4
F(...) = 4
F(...) = 5
F(perm(19)) = 3
F(...) = 4
F(...) = 4
F(...) = 5
F(...) = 5
F(perm(24)) = 6
In words, when you go from 3 letters to 4 you get 4 copies of the table of values of F, adding (0,1,2,3) to the (1st,2nd,3rd,4th) copy respectively. In the 2nd case, for example, you already have one derangement by putting the 2nd letter in the 1st place; this simply gets added to the other derangements in the same pattern as would be true for the original 3-letter strings.
From this outline it shouldn't be too difficult (but I haven't got time right now) to write the function F. Strictly speaking the inverse of F isn't a function as it would be multi-valued, but given n, and F(n) there are only a few cases for finding m st F(m)==F(n)+1. These cases are:
n == N! where N is the number of letters in the string, there is no next permutation;
F(n+1) < F(n), the sought-for solution is perm(n+(N-1)!), ;
F(n+1) == F(n), the solution is perm(n+2);
F(n+1) > F(n), the solution is perm(n+1).
I suspect that some of this might only work for 4 letter strings, that some of these terms will have to be adjusted for K-letter permutations.
This is not O(n), but it is at least O(n²) (where n is the number of elements in the permutation, in your example 3).
First, notice that whenever you place a character in your string, you already know how much of an increase in F that's going to mean -- it's however many characters smaller than that one that haven't been added to the string yet.
This gives us another algorithm to calculate F(n):
used = set()
def get_inversions(S1):
inv = 0
for index, ch in enumerate(S1):
character = ord(ch)-ord('a')
cnt = sum(1 for x in range(character) if x not in used)
inv += cnt
return inv
This is not much better than the original version, but it is useful when inverting F. You want to know the first string that is lexicographically smaller -- therefore, it makes sense to copy your original string and only change it whenever mandatory. When such changes are required, we should also change the string by the least amount possible.
To do so, let's use the information that the biggest value of F for a string with n letters is n(n-1)/2. Whenever the number of required inversions would be bigger than this amount if we didn't change the original string, this means we must swap a letter at that point. Code in Python:
used = set()
def get_inversions(S1):
inv = 0
for index, ch in enumerate(S1):
character = ord(ch)-ord('a')
cnt = sum(1 for x in range(character) if x not in used)
inv += cnt
return inv
def f_recursive(n, S1, inv, ign):
if n == 0: return ""
delta = inv - (n-1)*(n-2)/2
if ign:
cnt = 0
ch = 0
ch = ord(S1[len(S1)-n])-ord('a')
cnt = sum(1 for x in range(ch) if x not in used)
for letter in range(ch, len(S1)):
if letter not in used:
if cnt < delta:
cnt += 1
if letter != ch: ign = True
return chr(letter+ord('a'))+f_recursive(n-1, S1, inv-cnt, ign)
def F_inv(S1):
inv = get_inversions(S1)
return f_recursive(len(S1), S1, inv+1, False)
print F_inv("acb")
It can also be made to run in O(n log n) by replacing the innermost loop with a data structure such as a binary indexed tree.
Did you try to swap two neighbor characters in the string? It seems that it can help to solve the problem. If you swap S[i] and S[j], where i < j and S[i] < S[j], then F(S) increases by one, because all other pairs of indices are not affected by this permutation.
If I'm not mistaken, F calculates the number of inversions of the permutation.
