I'd like to find a way to import keyword search volume into Excel.
Currently, I'm using Grepwords API with this Excel function:
In the example above, it pulls all of Grepwords data for the keyword "taco bell" into a single cell in Excel.
Is there a way to perform the same task--albeit using the Adwords API instead of Grepwords?
If so, can someone provide an example of what that URL would look like?
Context: I am trying to calculate the distance between two places using either Bing Maps or Google Maps.
There is a spreadsheet here which demonstrates what I'm trying to do:
I want to return a response in a single cell from a function (that works in the same way as WEBSERVICE in Excel, but in Google Sheets instead) that calls a dev.virtualearth.net URL with a query, such as the following URL:
https://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/v1/Locations?countryRegion=New Zealand&adminDistrict=Wellington&locality=Johnsonville&postalCode=6037&addressLine=Bassett Rd&maxResults=1&o=xml&key=ArTkC_A3xj__NuzbJVV2Lq9oo8sftT1r9peJOlYpWVdvTJWDzn1HBq22A48Pn9W-0
I can see that there are functions such as IMPORTDATA, IMPORTXML, but these don't work in exactly the same way as the WEBSERVICE function in Excel.
I also need an equivalent function to FILTERXML.
As you can see, in the xml file, there is a link for a 'namespace' : xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/search/local/ws/rest/v1". You then will have to fetch data within [local-name() ='xxxxx']. As an example, put in C24
=transpose(IMPORTXML(C19,"//*[local-name() ='Point']"))
and you will get both Lat and Lon at the same time
You can also retrieve all informations by
See cells with yellow background https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1N4G_0WUQfBStCzbG3lkcAPhVAhL5EcYJbOTTIXwMswc/edit?usp=sharing
I would like to have some way of obtaining the data from NHL.com's stats page which I believe is a react table and has no tag. An example would be the following:
I have tried making an Excel query, but the table doesn't show up in Excel's web browser. I tried just manually copy-pasting from the webpage to Excel/Sheets, but all the data is pasted in the first column.
Any way of getting this information to a csv would be appreciated, especially some sort of automated way given a set of filters to pass into the URL.
I am using the google sheets APIs for node js
How can we access the datatype(number, decimal, string, date) of a column
in google spreadsheet using the above APIs?
There is no direct instruction from Sheets API aside from the Reading values in Spreadsheet guide. When you obtain the value of the cell assign it to a variable and make use of typeof Javascript function.
You may also try to make use of getNumberFormats but this time using Google Apps Script. Those are the possible ways I can think of.
I have never used Power Query before so I'm not sure if what I'm asking is even possible. I want to find out a way in excel to dynamically import data from a website based on the value given in another cell, something like importhtml in google sheets. For example, here's what I created using google sheets:
If you notice,
the first column is an NPI number which is what I'd provide (copy and paste to the column in excel).
the second column is the url from where the data to is to be downloaded. The url number value is referenced to column A.
importHTML then imports the data and puts them in the column following URL.
So, is it possible to do something like this using Excel Power Query?
Although I used the regular url to pull down the data in html table format, I prefer to use JSON if possible. The only reason I didn't use JSON in google sheets is because I don't know how to. The URL for NPI lookup API is https://npiregistry.cms.hhs.gov/api?number= where we can enter any NPI number to lookup.
Yes, Power Query's Web.Contents function has a parameter for the URL - this can be an expression or a literal, or a concatenation of both. You can get a jump start on the syntax by using the "From Web" button (in Excel 2016+, this is (sadly) a bit buried under Data / New Query / From Other Sources) - this will generate the code including the Web.Contents function with a literal URL. Power Query will also look at the contents returned and wrap the appropriate function around Web.Contents e.g. Json.Document.
You could start from your existing Google Sheets file (they are also easy to consume using Get Data / From Web), and use Add Custom Column to paste in your Web.Contents code. You can insert a column reference to make the URL dynamic - using & for string concatenation.
Is there a way to get a collection of all of the functions that are currently available to Excel, including user-defined functions?
I am trying to create an application add-in that uses function usage information, so I need to be able to parse out Excel function calls in formulas.
If you want to parse out function names from formulas see my blog post on how to do it:
If you want to find out information about built-in and XLL functions see this blog post
If you want to find out all available VBA UDF functions you could parse them out from the VBA if your code is allowed access to the VBA.
I don't know how to find available automation UDFs, they are not registered