where the filter options located in broadleaf-SITE - broadleaf-commerce

Hi i Want to know the Filter options Template is loaded in Broadleaf-Site
Please Help me to Solve the Problem
Thanks in Advance


(SIMPLE) SAS Change export to another path and not replace the document

I need to change the path to be BR_Historical and instead of it replacing the data I want it to add a row and I cant figure it out
should be a somewhat simple fix but I can't get it to work.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions thank you!

Duplicate query in webi

How to duplicate a query in webi, in query panel if the query is not duplicated then what is the reason and how to resolve this issue suggestions please
Thanks in advance
Be sure you have "HTML" selected under both View and Modify within your BI Launchpad Preferences...
like this...

Creating a multi-select in Jade/Pug

thanks in advance for any help / thoughts you can provide.
How can I create a multi-select dropdown in Jade/Pug?
Here's what I've tried:
span Skills
select.chosen-select(data-placeholder='Choose tags ...' name='tags[]' multiple='')
each skill in Skills
This allows me to create a menu of items, but none can be clicked or selected.
I've been using this code as my guide, as this is exactly what I want to create. It uses chosen, which I've tried downloading and linking to in the script, but also cannot seem to get working.
Any help is very much appreciated - even if it's a much simpler way to accomplish this same goal, without using chosen.

Can we set the Application insights filter property values through c# code?

Can we set filter property values through C# code?
Please find attached image.
I guess this will help full
I hope u people understand
Any help is appreciated

How to start with skinr module in drupal

I am now working with skinr module in drupal. As i am a newbie i can't able to get how it works and what is the starting point of skinr.
I have read the documentation. But i need to some more thing which is very easy to understand. For example i need something like step by step guide example.
I googled. But i didn't find my requirement.
Any help will be thankful and grateful.
Thanks in advance.
Here are a few links to take a look at and get you started:
