Software watchdog causing system reboot if started at bootup - linux

In my device I enabled software watchdog to monitor a file which is updated every 5 second by a application. I have configured software watchdog as below
file = /data/file_name_to_watch
change = 10
Watchdog is getting started at bootup using below command during bootup:
/usr/sbin/ -f -v -c watchdog.conf
Application which is responsible to update the file(file_name_to_watch) is started after watchdog deamon during bootup. File being monitored by watchdog is updated every 5 seconds by the application.
Problem is that watchdog is rebooting the system if it is started at bootup and this same problem doesn't exist when watchdog is not started at bootup but started manually after application is launched.
dmesg shows "Watchdog did not stop"
Also, changing the watchdog configuration file to below didn't help.
file = /data/file_name_to_watch
change = 20
I have checked that the file is getting updated before 10 seconds elapsed after watchdog is launched during bootup.
Any pointers to debug this problem will be appreciated.
Code which I am using for watchdog:

Debugged and found the problem to be time(NULL) returning a huge number in src/file_stat.c
This was happening due to date being not set very early during bootup.


RIAK Node does not Start after changing IP

I am in the process of setting up a Riak Cluster on Raspberry Pis.
Unfortunately I get the following error message after changing the IP address.
Versions I used:
Debian Jessie (Raspberry PI)
riak (Github Clone Mar2017)
Using this guide I tried to change the IP addresses in the various .conf files.
Works on
$ ~/riak/rel/riak/bin/riak-admin test
Successfully completed 1 read/write cycle to 'riak#'
Error Message (after changing IP:
sudo ./riak console
config is OK
-config /home/pi/neu/riak/rel/riak/data/generated.configs/app.2020. -args_file /home/pi/neu/riak/rel/riak/data/generated.configs/vm.2020. -vm_args /home/pi/neu/riak/rel/riak/data/generated.configs/vm.2020.
Exec: /home/pi/neu/riak/rel/riak/bin/../erts-5.10.3/bin/erlexec -boot /home/pi/neu/riak/rel/riak/bin/../releases/2.2.3/riak -config /home/pi/neu/riak/rel/riak/data/generated.configs/app.2020. -args_file /home/pi/neu/riak/rel/riak/data/generated.configs/vm.2020. -vm_args /home/pi/neu/riak/rel/riak/data/generated.configs/vm.2020. -pa /home/pi/neu/riak/rel/riak/bin/../lib/basho-patches -- console
Root: /home/pi/neu/riak/rel/riak/bin/..
Erlang R16B02_basho10 (erts-5.10.3) [source] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:64] [hipe] [kernel-poll:true] [frame-pointer]
[os_mon] memory supervisor port (memsup): Erlang has closed
[os_mon] cpu supervisor port (cpu_sup): Erlang has closed
{"Kernel pid terminated",application_controller,"{application_start_failure,riak_core,{bad_return,{{riak_core_app,start,[normal,[]]},{'EXIT',{{function_clause,[{orddict,fetch,['riak#',[]],[{file,\"orddict.erl\"},{line,72}]},{riak_core_capability,renegotiate_capabilities,1,[{file,\"src/riak_core_capability.erl\"},{line,441}]},{riak_core_capability,handle_call,3,[{file,\"src/riak_core_capability.erl\"},{line,213}]},{gen_server,handle_msg,5,[{file,\"gen_server.erl\"},{line,585}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,\"proc_lib.erl\"},{line,239}]}]},{gen_server,call,[riak_core_capability,{register,{riak_core,vnode_routing},{capability,[proxy,legacy],legacy,{riak_core,legacy_vnode_routing,[{true,legacy},{false,proxy}]}}},infinity]}}}}}}"}
Crash dump was written to: ./log/erl_crash.dump
Kernel pid terminated (application_controller) ({application_start_failure,riak_core,{bad_return,{{riak_core_app,start,[normal,[]]},{'EXIT',{{function_clause,[{orddict,fetch,['riak#',[
martinsumner commented 3 days ago:
I might expect to see this if you hadn't done the step of either renaming (or deleting the contents of) the ring directory. Did you do this?
Also can you confirm if you're in the single-node or multi-node renaming scenario?
Ei3rb0mb3r commented 1 minute ago:
Many thanks for the quick feedback!
The error has been solved after I deleted the ring directory files.
../riak/rel/riak/data/ring/ rm -rf *

Raspberry Pi: IR LED works, but irsend does not transmit any IR code

I installed the current lirc package (0.9.0~pre1-1.2) on a Raspian jessie (no pixel) (everything updated and upgraded) and connected to the (lirc default) GPIO ports:
to gpio port 17 - an IR LED via transistor etc
to gpio port 18 - an IR receiver nodule
The receiver part works perfectly:
mode2 command receiving raw data from transmitter
the IR code recognition of previously recorded keys works
However, the IR LED only works only while lirc is not involved:
a shell script can switch the IR LED on and off with no problem
The only thing that doesn't work:
irsend does not make the IR transmitter emit anything, however no error message is shown
So the hardware, especially the IR LED is definitely working, while lirc cannot make the LED emit any configured IR code.
Please note that this seems to be a duplicate of
stackoverflow: irsend is not giving errors, but does not send signal on Raspbian
Unfortunately it is not. The "solution" provided there was placing the data for /etc/modules into the file /etc/modules-load.d/lirc_rpi.conf. I tried that as well, but it makes no difference.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Configuration data follows - if any other data is required, I'd be happy to add it! TIA!
System and lirc Configuration
Extract fom: /boot/config.txt
Extract of: /etc/modules
lirc_rpi gpio_in_pin=18 gpio_out_pin=17
(not sure if that is necessary at all, does not make a difference if this is not configured!? Any hint apppreciated)
All active entries in: /etc/lirc/hardware.conf
Some system output
1) The driver is loaded, output of following command right after boot, output of: dmesg | grep lirc
lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, major 245
lirc_rpi: module is from the staging directory, the quality is unknown, you have been warned.
lirc_rpi: to_irq 178
lirc_rpi: auto-detected active low receiver on GPIO pin 18
lirc_rpi lirc_rpi: lirc_dev: driver lirc_rpi registered at minor = 0
lirc_rpi: driver registered!
input: lircd as /devices/virtual/input/input0
lirc_rpi: Interrupt 178 obtained
2) the service is started and running, output of: systemctl status lirc
? lirc.service - LSB: Starts LIRC daemon.
Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/lirc)
Active: active (running) since Mo 2017-06-12 20:04:03 CEST; 2h 58min ago
Process: 377 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/lirc start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
CGroup: /system.slice/lirc.service
+-437 /usr/sbin/lircd --driver=default --device=/dev/lirc0 --uinput
3) the modules are loaded, output of: lsmod | grep Module;lsmod | grep lirc
Module Size Used by
lirc_rpi 8453 3
lirc_dev 10211 1 lirc_rpi
rc_core 23776 1 lirc_dev
I followed the troubleshooting steps in the (outdated) manual at
to get some more information.
Output of: cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio
gpiochip0: GPIOs 0-53, parent: platform/20200000.gpio, pinctrl-bcm2835:
gpio-35 ( |? ) in hi
gpio-47 ( |? ) out lo
I have seen that output also in this case:
raspberrypi.stcakexchange: LIRC won't transmit (irsend: hardware does not support sending)
This user is as irritated by that output as I am - can somebody please tell why gpio-35 and gpio-47 are listed here? shouldn't it be gpio-17 and gpio-18?
Output of: cat /proc/interrupts | grep lirc
178: 875 pinctrl-bcm2835 18 Edge lirc_rpi
This matches the dmesg output on having obtained interrupt 178
Any other dmesg output of lircd, no matter what action, is repeatedly (most likely due to the debug option set) only
lirc_rpi: in init_timing_params, freq=38000 pulse=13157, space=13158
lirc_rpi: in init_timing_params, freq=38000 pulse=13157, space=13158
Having restarted testing again after some time for to build up a test copy of the circuit, the problem occurred again. And now, after some more month of much testing, having asked lots of people for help (no one could help), even having purchased and built up a cheap mini USB oscilloscope kit for to examine the hardware further, I finally found the solution.
Long story short: everything in the configuration was correct, and all of the attached hardware was fine. The problem was the testing script - see my remark on
"a shell script can switch the IR LED on and off with no problem"
and as I did not put it in the above description, nobody could have found the solution myself....
The script uses the pseudo files in /sys/class/gpio, see an example here: IO pin control from the command line
At the end of the script a command writes to /sys/class/gpio/unexport for cleanup purposes, and this step seems to reset a GPIO port to always end up in the state of being configured for input. As a result LIRC is not longer able to control this GPIO port, since it seems to configure the GPIO port for output only during system boot, and after that always expecting the port to be in that state.
I tracked the problem down to this point by using the gpio utility from the wirinpi package (install with sudo apt-get wiringpi), executing gpio readall and checking for differences.
The time when everything suddenly worked again, I simply may have fogotten about to run my testscript before testing LIRC, which I otherwise always did...
Luckily the problem with the port configuration can easily be fixed without having to reboot the system. Again I use the gpio utility to reset reset the used port for output, where in the below example
the default output port 17 for LIRC is used and
the parameter -g lets the utility use the ordinary GPIO port numbering and not that very different one of the wiringpi package and library
Here is the command, after having executed this last in my test script, LIRC can properly send IR codes again:
gpio -g mode 17 out

abrtd: Node Process was killed by signal 6 (SIGABRT)

I am running a Node program that does a long running data migration job. After an hour is process, Node process terminates by Abrt daemon and creates core dump.
Looking into the reason I see this:
node process was killed by signal 6 (SIGABRT)
Any ideas why Node process is killed and how to deal with it?
It turned out to be MemoryLeak issue in Strong-Oracle module I am using. I have increased Nodejs process memory to run with 4G memory. Working fine now.

gpsd stop when other process read gps device file

I have a Ubuntu computer with GPS device attachted at /dev/ttyUSB3 and gpsd is running fine. When i try to read /dev/ttyUSB3 from other process (e.g. cat /dev/ttyUSB3), gpsd does not work anymore. I have been try to start gpsd width debug option and got following error messages:
gpsd: INFO: closing GPS=/dev/ttyUSB3 (6)
gpsd: ERROR: select: Bad file descriptor
My gpsd version is: 3.11~dev
Can anyone tell me, why?
Thanks in advance.
When there are two processes read from the same tty device, they can interfere each other. (

ZTE Open don't boot after flash to Firefox OS 1.2

I have ZTE Open with custom ROM Boot2Gecko (Git 2013-10-19 22:09:07 d544afff51)
I'm building B2G v.1.2.
BRANCH=v1.2 ./ inari
Build finishes successful.
I'm flashing and see next:
< waiting for device >
erasing 'cache'...
OKAY [ 0.530s]
finished. total time: 0.530s
erasing 'userdata'...
OKAY [ 1.405s]
finished. total time: 1.405s
sending 'userdata' (55044 KB)...
OKAY [ 5.074s]
writing 'userdata'...
OKAY [ 10.051s]
finished. total time: 15.125s
sending 'system' (81724 KB)...
OKAY [ 7.507s]
writing 'system'...
OKAY [ 14.973s]
finished. total time: 22.479s
finished. total time: 0.001s
Attempting to set the time on the device
time 1384896807 -> 1384896807.0
But my phone is frizzed on logoscreen
adb shell dmesg returns next:
I'm building on MacosX 10.9
Strange, why build says that everything ok, but not ok
You used the adapted boot.img? Without this you will not be able to get a working system, just by using the build instructions on MDN. Here are some blogs that describe the build process:
Odd. Try reseting the cache from the system recovery.
ie : reboot, hold the power+volume up while it's restarting and you should get to the system recovery. move down to "wipe cache partition" w/ the volume down button and hit power button to confirm. Then reboot the device again and see if it starts up.
