Copy Excel tables to Outlook email with Python - python-3.x

I'm using pywin32 with python3 and I'm trying to copy some pivot tables into a formatted email in Outlook. I have the Excel side done, but not sure on the Outlook side. I can paste tables into the email, but I'd like to have formatted text before and after them. I was thinking of possibly storing a template-type thing in a Word document, but not sure what to do
I have something like
from win32com.client import Dispatch
xl = Dispatch('Excel.Application')
xlsx = xl.Workbooks.Open('doc.xlsx')
xlsx.Sheets.Item('Some Sheet').PivotTables('PivotTable 1').TableRange2.Copy()
word = Dispatch('Word.Application')
docx = word.Documents.Open('doc.docx')
docx.Bookmarks('PivotTable1').Range.PasteExcelTable(False, False, False)
outlook = Dispatch('Outlook.Application')
mail = outlook.CreateItem(0)
mail.BodyFormat = 3
we = mail.GetInspector.WordEditor
Edit: Figured out a way to get it to work using an intermediary Word document as a template with Bookmarks as locations to insert things. Open to suggestions of better ways to do this, though.


How can i insert some data to a cell of excel from nodejs

I would like to insert a data to a cell in excel using nodejs. Can someone help me do the same nodejs. I have to read an excel file from my nodejs code and insert data to aparticular cell of my excel sheet.
I tried a code in which the below code gives the output as shown after that how can I acess that data in v ie, john
code snippet
fullcode - itried to insert a data to a cell of excel
const XLS
X = require('xlsx');
let workbook = XLSX.readFile('test1.xlsx');
let sheetName = workbook.SheetNames[0];
console.log(sheetName+' sheetName')
let worksheet = workbook.Sheets[sheetName];
console.log(worksheet['A2']+' worksheet a2')
worksheet['A2'].value = 'test';
var cell = worksheet.getCell('A2');
//cell.value = 'test';
sheetName.getCell("A2").value = "test"
If you're familiar with how Pandas DataFrames are structured (basically an array of key-value pairs, with the keys being the column names), then convert-excel-to-json is probably a good bet for what you're looking for. It's fairly straightforward to set-up, and should let you traverse the converted sheet and edit it, as a JSON object. Post this, you can go back to the excel file-format, using something like json2xls.
const result = excelToJson({
sourceFile: 'SOME-EXCEL-FILE.xlsx'
result.sheet1[0]["Col_Name"] = "Foo"
However, this may not be feasible for extremely large excel sheets, especially if it becomes inconvenient to hold the entire contents in memory. If this is the case, then copying the sheet data over line-by-line, and modifying the required row would probably be the way to go. I'm going to draw this answer to a close here because I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for, but if it is, I'd be glad to help out with that :)

How to use matlab to send email through Outlook and with some excel tables shown in the body of email

I want to use matlab to automatically send the email (through outlook) to others while I want the table is to be shown in the body of email, not as the attachment.
Suppose i have a spreadsheet named ABC.xlsx, if I want to extract one sheet and put it in the body of email, what should I do?
I use the following code,
h = actxserver('outlook.Application');
mail = h.CreateItem('olMail');
mail.Subject = 'test';
mail.To = ['***#****.com'];
mail.BodyFormat = 'olFormatHTML';
mail.HTMLBody = 'This is a test for email sending!';
I recommend you take a look at function xlsread, documented here. After reading the desired contents of the xlsx page, you can format them as an html table and put it in mail.HTMLBody.

Copying Tables from Outlook Email to Excel File - VBA

I am currently working on a Outlook 2010 VBA macro to pull information from a email messages and place it into an Excel file. The idea is that each email has the same fields in tables embedded in the email message every time (name, order number, date, etc.) and that data is put into a spreadsheet. To do this, I have currently used the following code to get the table and move it into Excel:
'This code is inside a for each loop for each message
Set excelWorksheet2 = excelWorkbook.Worksheets.item(2)
Set excelWorksheet3 = excelWorkbook.Worksheets.item(3)
Set excelWorksheet4 = excelWorkbook.Worksheets.Add(After:=excelWorkbook.Sheets(excelWorkbook.Sheets.count))
Dim mailObj As Outlook.MailItem
Dim doc As Word.Document
Set doc = mailObj.GetInspector.WordEditor
Dim table1, table2, table3 As Object
Set table3 = doc.Tables(4).Range
Set table2 = doc.Tables(3).Range
Set table1 = doc.Tables(2).Range
Set table1 = Nothing
Set table2 = Nothing
Set table3 = Nothing
'I do much more of this to get the data from each table and put it into a master worksheet...
excelWorksheet.Cells(rows, cols + 1).Value = excelWorksheet2.Cells(4, 2).Value 'Contract Number
excelWorksheet.Cells(rows, cols + 2).Value = excelWorksheet2.Cells(4, 4).Value 'Contractor Name
Set doc = Nothing
Set excelWorksheet2 = Nothing
Set excelWorksheet3 = Nothing
Set excelWorksheet4 = Nothing
I get the following errors every so often, but it doesn't occur on the same data, it is sort of random and seems to occur on the Outlook/email side only:
"The requested member of the collection does not exist." (Error code
5941) at the .Range line
"Method 'Copy' of object 'Range' failed" at the .Copy
Sometimes both of these errors occur if I step through, if the copy fails, the macro will crash.
I have tried:
Putting in 2 second delays
Go through fewer emails (this code usually fails when I select > 10
emails to process)
Clearing the clipboard after every email
Close/deallocate objects through Nothing (not sure if
this is the best practice as I'm more of a C/C++/C#/Java guy)
None of these seemed to remotely fix this issue as both errors pop up frequently, but intermittently.
I'm truly at a loss as to what the next step would be in debugging this issue, any help would be much appreciated!
Based on research I have been doing on the issue of the WordEditor tables, it seems as the amount of copy/paste operations and the searching HTML tables just simply do not allow for reliable behavior. One possible solution to this could be to copy the entire email into Excel and parse the tables that way (this still requires copy/paste).
What I did to solve this problem (indirectly) is to save all the emails as HTML files (through Outlook.Application running in Excel: email.SaveAs folderPath + fileName + ".html", olHTML) in a temporary directory and have Excel open the HTML files in a workbook and work with the data that way. This has been much more reliable (added overhead though) and allows for large volumes of emails to be exported to Excel properly.
If anyone wants the exact code to my problem, message me (vindansam at, it's a tad long and has some proprietary information in it).
It's too bad that the WordEditor seems to not handle the information well, maybe Microsoft will beef things up in the next version of Office.

Unexpected null members when reading XLSX with Excel Data Reader (.Net)

I'm reading an XLSX (Microsoft Excel XML file) using the Excel Data Reader from and am having a problem with missing data. Data which is in the source Excel spreadsheet is missing from the data set returned by the library.
Here's a bit more detail of what I'm doing:
Created a simple test spreadsheet in Excel with one sheet, a header row and two data rows. Save and close Excel.
Open the file and pass the stream into the CreateOpenXmlReader() method and get back an IExcelDataReader.
Call the AsDataSet() method on the IExcelDataReader and get back a DataSet.
Get the ItemArray from row 1 of table 0.
Loop through the ItemArray. Discovered there is data missing (i.e. there are System.DBNull members where I expected System.string members).
Here's a bit more analysis...
I debugged the code and looked inside the ExcelDataReader object model. Found a non-public string array called "SST" which appears to contain the data from the spreadsheet as a single linear (one-dimensional) array.
On closer inspection, I found that the data I was looking for was also missing from this array. In this raw data, the member does not exist at all.
My guess is that for some reason the parser is not picking up the data from the OOXML and concluding that the cell is empty. Looking at the OOXML itself, the data seems to be split across the sharedStrings.xml and sheet1.xml files, so perhaps the parser is having a tough time putting all this together.
Saving the file in binary format (Excel 97 to 2003) and reading that in solves the problem so on the surface that seems to confirm my suspicion is with reading the OOXML format.
As a stop gap I'm converting all files to binary format, but that seems like a kludge. Is there some way to get my OOXML formatted Excel files to read in properly with Excel Data Reader?
To retrieve an Excel spreadsheet (.xlsx) and load it into a DataSet, you don't need to mess with XML readers or a separate library like Excel Data Reader. The code for reading an entire spreadsheet into a DataSet is pretty simple when using the normal OleDb functions in .NET:
Sub readInMyExcelFile
Dim xlsFile as string = "myexcelfile"
Dim conStr As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & xlsFile & ";Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES"""
Dim dtSheets As New DataTable
Dim tmp As String
Dim sqlText as Sting
Using cn As New OleDbConnection(conStr)
dtSheets = cn.GetSchema("Tables")
End Using
//Dataset for the spreadsheet
Dim ds as New DataSet
/Loop through the names of all the worksheets in the file.
For Each rw as DataRow in dtSheets.Rows
tmp = rw("TABLE_NAME")
tmp = "[" & tmp & "]"
Dim dt as New DataTable
Using cn as New OleDbConnection(conStr)
/Retrieve all the records from the worksheet.
sqlText = "SELECT * FROM " & tblName
Dim adp As New OleDbDataAdapter(sqlText, cn)
/Fill the data table with the all the data.
End Using
End Sub
It seems there is a bug in Excel Data Reader (it is first time I have heard about it). Do you have to use it? If not, EPPlus would be a better choice.
excel datareader from codeplex is used for reading data from the excel file directly on web application without any sort of caching on the server.the above code only stands when we can store the excel file somewhere.I have faced similar problems with exceldatareader where some of the data are missing.Most importanly i coludnt find any specific trend.All i cud see that if all the rows have values then there is no problem. Best chance is to convert xlsx to xls.

Can I import INTO excel from a data source without iteration?

Currently I have an application that takes information from a SQLite database and puts it to Excel. However, I'm having to take each DataRow, iterate through each item, and put each value into it's own cell and determine highlighting. What this is causing is 20 minutes to export a 9000 record file into Excel. I'm sure it can be done quicker than that. My thoughts are that I could use a data source to fill the Excel Range and then use the column headers and row numbers to format only those rows that need to be formatted. However, when I look online, no matter what I seem to type, it always shows examples of using Excel as a database, nothing about importing into excel. Unless I'm forgetting a key word or to. Now, this function has to be done in code as it's part of a bigger application. Otherwise I would just have Excel connect to the DB and pull the information itself. Unfortunately that's not the case. Any information that could assist me in quick loading an excel sheet would be appreciated. Thanks.Additional Information:Another reason why the pulling of the information from the DB has to be done in code is that not every computer this is loaded on will have Excel on it. The person using the application may simply be told to export the data and email it to their supervisor. The setup app includes the needed dlls for the application to make the proper format.Example Code (Current):
For Each strTemp In strColumns
excelRange = worksheet.Cells(1, nCounter)
excelRange.Value2 = strTemp
excelRange.Interior.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Gray.ToArgb()
excelRange.BorderAround(Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous, Excel.XlBorderWeight.xlThin, Excel.XlColorIndex.xlColorIndexAutomatic, Type.Missing)
nCounter += 1
Now, this is only example code in terms of the iteration I'm doing. Where I'm really processing the information from the database I'm iterating through a dataTable's Rows, then iterating through the items in the dataRow and doing essentially the same as above; value by value, selecting the range and putting the value in the cell, formatting the cell if it's part of a report (not always gray), and moving onto the next set of data. What I'd like to do is put all of the data in the excel sheet (A2:??, not a row, but multiple rows) then iterate through the reports and format each row then. That way, the only time I iterate through all of the records is when every record is part of a report.
Ideal Code
excelRange = worksheet.Cells("A2", "P9000")
excelRange.DataSource = ds 'ds would be a queried dataSet, and I know there is no excelRange.DataSource.
'Iteration code to format cells
I know my examples were in VB, but it's because I was also trying to write a VB version of the application since my boss prefers VB. However, here's my final code using a Recordset. The ConvertToRecordset function was obtained from here.
private void CreatePartSheet(Excel.Worksheet excelWorksheet)
excelWorksheet.Name = "Part Sheet";
string[] strColumns = Constants.strExcelPartHeaders;
CreateSheetHeader(excelWorksheet, strColumns);
System.Drawing.Color clrPink = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(203, 192, 255);
System.Drawing.Color clrGreen = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(100, 225, 137);
string[] strValuesAndTitles = {/*...Column Names...*/};
List<string> lstColumns = strValuesAndTitles.ToList<string>();
System.Data.DataSet ds = _dataFactory.GetDataSet(Queries.strExport);
ADODB.Recordset rs = ConvertToRecordset(ds.Tables[0]);
excelRange = excelWorksheet.get_Range("A2", "ZZ" + rs.RecordCount.ToString());
excelRange.Cells.CopyFromRecordset(rs, rs.RecordCount, rs.Fields.Count);
int nFieldCount = rs.Fields.Count;
for (int nCounter = 0; nCounter < rs.RecordCount; nCounter++)
int nRowCounter = nCounter + 2;
List<ReportRecord> rrPartReports = _lstReports.FindAll(rr => rr.PartID == nCounter).ToList<ReportRecord>();
excelRange = (Excel.Range)excelWorksheet.get_Range("A" + nRowCounter.ToString(), "K" + nRowCounter.ToString());
excelRange.NumberFormat = "#";
if (rrPartReports.Count > 0)
excelRange.Interior.Color = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(230, 216, 173).ToArgb(); //Light Blue
foreach (ReportRecord rr in rrPartReports)
if (lstColumns.Contains(rr.Title))
excelRange = (Excel.Range)excelWorksheet.Cells[nRowCounter, lstColumns.IndexOf(rr.Title) + 1];
excelRange.Interior.Color = rr.Description.ToUpper().Contains("TAG") ? clrGreen.ToArgb() : clrPink.ToArgb();
if (rr.Description.ToUpper().Contains("TAG"))
rs.Find("PART_ID=" + (nCounter + 1).ToString(), 0, ADODB.SearchDirectionEnum.adSearchForward, "");
excelRange.AddComment(Environment.UserName + ": " + _dataFactory.GetTaggedPartPrevValue(rs.Fields["POSITION"].Value.ToString(), rr.Title));
if (nRowCounter++ % 500 == 0)
progress.ProgressComplete = ((double)nRowCounter / (double)rs.RecordCount) * (double)100;
progress.Message = "Done Exporting to Excel";
Can you use ODBC?
dbName = "c:\docs\test"
scn = "DRIVER=SQLite3 ODBC Driver;Database=" & dbName _
& ";LongNames=0;Timeout=1000;NoTXN=0;SyncPragma=NORMAL;StepAPI=0;"
Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cn.Open scn
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Open "select * from test", cn
Worksheets("Sheet3").Cells(2, 1).CopyFromRecordset rs
BTW, Excel is quite happy with HTML and internal style sheets.
I have used the Excel XML file format in the past to write directly to an output file or stream. It may not be appropriate for your application, but writing XML is much faster and bypasses the overhead of interacting with the Excel Application. Check out this Introduction to Excel XML post.
There are also a number of libraries (free and commercial) which can make creating excel document easier for example excellibrary which doesn't support the new format yet. There are others mentioned in the answers to Create Excel (.XLS and .XLSX) file from C#
Excel has the facility to write all the data from a ADO or DAO recordset in a single operation using the CopyFromRecordset method.
Code snippet:
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").CopyFromRecordset rst
I'd normally recommend using Excel to pull in the data from SQLite. Use Excel's "Other Data Sources". You could then choose your OLE DB provider, use a connection string, what-have-you.
It sounds, however, that the real value of your code is the formatting of the cells, rather than the transfer of data.
Perhaps refactor the process to:
have Excel import the data
use your code to open the Excel spreadsheet, and apply formatting
I'm not sure if that is an appropriate set of processes for you, but perhaps something to consider?
Try this out:
Perhaps post some code, and we might be able to track down any issues.
I'd consider this chain of events:
query the SQLite database for your dataset.
move the data out of ADO.NET objects, and into POCO objects. Stop using DataTables/Rows.
use For Each to insert into Excel.
