Is there an owned version of String::chars? - string

The following code does not compile:
use std::str::Chars;
struct Chunks {
remaining: Chars,
impl Chunks {
fn new(s: String) -> Self {
Chunks {
remaining: s.chars(),
The error is:
error[E0106]: missing lifetime specifier
--> src/
4 | remaining: Chars,
| ^^^^^ expected lifetime parameter
Chars doesn't own the characters it iterates over and it can't outlive the &str or String it was created from.
Is there an owned version of Chars that does not need a lifetime parameter or do I have to keep a Vec<char> and an index myself?

std::vec::IntoIter is an owned version of every iterator, in a sense.
use std::vec::IntoIter;
struct Chunks {
remaining: IntoIter<char>,
impl Chunks {
fn new(s: String) -> Self {
Chunks {
remaining: s.chars().collect::<Vec<_>>().into_iter(),
Playground link
Downside is additional allocation and a space overhead, but I am not aware of the iterator for your specific case.

You can use the ouroboros crate to create a self-referential struct containing the String and a Chars iterator:
use ouroboros::self_referencing; // 0.4.1
use std::str::Chars;
pub struct IntoChars {
string: String,
chars: Chars<'this>,
// All these implementations are based on what `Chars` implements itself
impl Iterator for IntoChars {
type Item = char;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
fn count(mut self) -> usize {
self.with_mut(|me| me.chars.count())
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
self.with(|me| me.chars.size_hint())
fn last(mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
self.with_mut(|me| me.chars.last())
impl DoubleEndedIterator for IntoChars {
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
self.with_mut(|me| me.chars.next_back())
impl std::iter::FusedIterator for IntoChars {}
// And an extension trait for convenience
trait IntoCharsExt {
fn into_chars(self) -> IntoChars;
impl IntoCharsExt for String {
fn into_chars(self) -> IntoChars {
IntoCharsBuilder {
string: self,
chars_builder: |s| s.chars(),
See also:
How can I store a Chars iterator in the same struct as the String it is iterating on?
You can use the rental crate to create a self-referential struct containing the String and a Chars iterator:
extern crate rental;
rental! {
mod into_chars {
pub use std::str::Chars;
pub struct IntoChars {
string: String,
chars: Chars<'string>,
use into_chars::IntoChars;
// All these implementations are based on what `Chars` implements itself
impl Iterator for IntoChars {
type Item = char;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
fn count(mut self) -> usize {
self.rent_mut(|chars| chars.count())
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {|chars| chars.size_hint())
fn last(mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
self.rent_mut(|chars| chars.last())
impl DoubleEndedIterator for IntoChars {
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
self.rent_mut(|chars| chars.next_back())
impl std::iter::FusedIterator for IntoChars {}
// And an extension trait for convenience
trait IntoCharsExt {
fn into_chars(self) -> IntoChars;
impl IntoCharsExt for String {
fn into_chars(self) -> IntoChars {
IntoChars::new(self, |s| s.chars())
See also:
How can I store a Chars iterator in the same struct as the String it is iterating on?

There's also the owned-chars crate, which
provides an extension trait for String with two methods, into_chars and into_char_indices. These methods parallel String::chars and String::char_indices, but the iterators they create consume the String instead of borrowing it.

You could implement your own iterator, or wrap Chars like this (with just one small unsafe block):
// deriving Clone would be buggy. With Rc<>/Arc<> instead of Box<> it would work though.
struct OwnedChars {
// struct fields are dropped in order they are declared,
// see
// with `Chars` it probably doesn't matter, but for good style `inner`
// should be dropped before `storage`.
// 'static lifetime must not "escape" lifetime of the struct
inner: ::std::str::Chars<'static>,
// we need to box anyway to be sure the inner reference doesn't move when
// moving the storage, so we can erase the type as well.
// struct OwnedChar<S: AsRef<str>> { ..., storage: Box<S> } should work too
storage: Box<AsRef<str>>,
impl OwnedChars {
pub fn new<S: AsRef<str>+'static>(s: S) -> Self {
let storage = Box::new(s) as Box<AsRef<str>>;
let raw_ptr : *const str = storage.as_ref().as_ref();
let ptr : &'static str = unsafe { &*raw_ptr };
storage: storage,
inner: ptr.chars(),
pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
impl Iterator for OwnedChars {
// just `char` of course
type Item = <::std::str::Chars<'static> as Iterator>::Item;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
impl DoubleEndedIterator for OwnedChars {
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
impl Clone for OwnedChars {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
// need a new allocation anyway, so simply go for String, and just
// clone the remaining string
impl ::std::fmt::Debug for OwnedChars {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter) -> ::std::fmt::Result {
let storage : &str =;
.field("storage", &storage)
.field("inner", &self.inner)
// easy access
trait StringExt {
fn owned_chars(self) -> OwnedChars;
impl<S: AsRef<str>+'static> StringExt for S {
fn owned_chars(self) -> OwnedChars {
See playground

As copied from How can I store a Chars iterator in the same struct as the String it is iterating on?:
use std::mem;
use std::str::Chars;
/// I believe this struct to be safe because the String is
/// heap-allocated (stable address) and will never be modified
/// (stable address). `chars` will not outlive the struct, so
/// lying about the lifetime should be fine.
/// TODO: What about during destruction?
/// `Chars` shouldn't have a destructor...
struct OwningChars {
_s: String,
chars: Chars<'static>,
impl OwningChars {
fn new(s: String) -> Self {
let chars = unsafe { mem::transmute(s.chars()) };
OwningChars { _s: s, chars }
impl Iterator for OwningChars {
type Item = char;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {

Here is a solution without unsafe.
It provides the same effect as s.chars().collect::<Vec<_>>().into_iter(), but without the allocation overhead.
struct OwnedChars {
s: String,
index: usize,
impl OwnedChars {
pub fn new(s: String) -> Self {
Self { s, index: 0 }
impl Iterator for OwnedChars {
type Item = char;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
// Slice of leftover characters
let slice = &self.s[self.index..];
// Iterator over leftover characters
let mut chars = slice.chars();
// Query the next char
let next_char =;
// Compute the new index by looking at how many bytes are left
// after querying the next char
self.index = self.s.len() - chars.as_str().len();
// Return next char
Together with a little bit of trait magic:
trait StringExt {
fn into_chars(self) -> OwnedChars;
impl StringExt for String {
fn into_chars(self) -> OwnedChars {
You can do:
struct Chunks {
remaining: OwnedChars,
impl Chunks {
fn new(s: String) -> Self {
Chunks {
remaining: s.into_chars(),


In Rust, is it OK for an (non-moving) iter to return owned values rather than references?

For example, this works:
pub struct SquareVecIter<'a> {
current: f64,
iter: core::slice::Iter<'a, f64>,
pub fn square_iter<'a>(vec: &'a Vec<f64>) -> SquareVecIter<'a> {
SquareVecIter {
current: 0.0,
iter: vec.iter(),
impl<'a> Iterator for SquareVecIter<'a> {
type Item = f64;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if let Some(next) = {
self.current = next * next;
} else {
// switch to test module
mod tests_2 {
use super::*;
fn test_square_vec() {
let vec = vec![1.0, 2.0];
let mut iter = square_iter(&vec);
assert_eq!(, Some(1.0));
assert_eq!(, Some(4.0));
assert_eq!(, None);
But if I have to return references to self.current then I can't get the lifetimes to work.
An Iterator cannot yield elements that reference itself simply due to how the trait is designed (search "lending iterator" for more info). So even if you wanted to return Some(&self.current) and deal with the implications therein, you could not.
Returning an f64 (non-reference) is perfectly acceptable and would be expected because this is a kind of generative iterator. And you wouldn't need to store current at all:
pub struct SquareVecIter<'a> {
iter: core::slice::Iter<'a, f64>,
pub fn square_iter<'a>(vec: &'a Vec<f64>) -> SquareVecIter<'a> {
SquareVecIter {
iter: vec.iter(),
impl<'a> Iterator for SquareVecIter<'a> {
type Item = f64;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if let Some(next) = {
Some(next * next)
} else {
For an example of this in the standard library, look at the Chars iterator for getting characters of a string. It keeps a reference to the original str, but it yields owned chars and not references.
What #kmdreko says, of course.
I just wanted to add a couple of nitpicks:
The pattern of the if let Some(...) = ... {Some} else {None} is so common that it made its way into the standard library as the .map function.
Taking a &Vec<f64> is an antipattern. Use &[f64] instead. It is more general without any drawbacks.
All of your lifetime annotations (except of the one in the struct definition) can be derived automatically, so you can simply omit them.
pub struct SquareVecIter<'a> {
iter: core::slice::Iter<'a, f64>,
pub fn square_iter(vec: &[f64]) -> SquareVecIter {
SquareVecIter { iter: vec.iter() }
impl Iterator for SquareVecIter<'_> {
type Item = f64;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {|next| next * next)

how to solve cyclic-dependency & Iterator lifetime problem?

Rustaceans. when I start to write a BloomFilter example in rust. I found I have serveral problems have to solve. I struggle to solve them but no progress in a day. I need help, any suggestion will help me a lot, Thanks.
How to solve lifetime when pass a Iterator into another function?
// let bits = self.hash(value); // how to solve such lifetime error without use 'static storage?
// Below is a workaround code but need to computed in advanced.
let bits = Box::new(self.hash(value).collect::<Vec<u64>>().into_iter());
How to solve cyclic-dependency between struts without modify lower layer code, e.g: bloom_filter ?
// cyclic-dependency:
// RedisCache -> BloomFilter -> Storage
// | ^
// ------------<impl>------------
// v--- cache ownership has moved here
let filter = BloomFilter::by(Box::new(cache));
Since rust does not have null value, How can I solve the cyclic-dependency initialization without any stubs?
let mut cache = RedisCache(
// I found can use Weak::new() to solve it,but need to downgrade a Rc reference.
// v-- need a BloomFilter stub to create RedisCache
mod bloom_filter {
use std::{hash::Hash, marker::PhantomData};
pub type BitsIter = Box<dyn Iterator<Item = u64>>;
pub trait Storage {
fn set(&mut self, bits: BitsIter);
fn contains_all(&self, bits: BitsIter) -> bool;
pub struct BloomFilter<T: Hash>(Box<dyn Storage>, PhantomData<T>);
impl<T: Hash> BloomFilter<T> {
pub fn new() -> BloomFilter<T> {
return Self::by(Box::new(ArrayStorage([0; 5000])));
struct ArrayStorage<const N: usize>([u8; N]);
impl<const N: usize> Storage for ArrayStorage<N> {
fn set(&mut self, bits: BitsIter) {
let size = self.0.len() as u64;|bit| (bit % size) as usize)
.for_each(|index| self.0[index] = 1);
fn contains_all(&self, bits: BitsIter) -> bool {
let size = self.0.len() as u64;|bit| (bit % size) as usize)
.all(|index| self.0[index] == 1)
pub fn by(storage: Box<dyn Storage>) -> BloomFilter<T> {
BloomFilter(storage, PhantomData)
pub fn add(&mut self, value: T) {
// let bits = self.hash(value); // how to solve such lifetime error?
let bits = Box::new(self.hash(value).collect::<Vec<u64>>().into_iter());
pub fn contains(&self, value: T) -> bool {
// lifetime problem same as Self::add(T)
let bits = Box::new(self.hash(value).collect::<Vec<u64>>().into_iter());
fn hash<'a, H: Hash + 'a>(&self, _value: H) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = u64> + 'a> {
mod spi {
use super::bloom_filter::*;
use redis::{Client, Commands, RedisResult};
use std::{
rc::{Rc, Weak},
pub struct RedisCache<'a>(Client, RefCell<BloomFilter<&'a str>>);
impl<'a> RedisCache<'a> {
pub fn new() -> RedisCache<'a> {
let mut cache = RedisCache(
// v-- need a BloomFilter stub to create RedisCache
// v--- cache ownership has moved here
let filter = BloomFilter::by(Box::new(cache));
return cache;
pub fn get(&mut self, key: &str, load_value: fn() -> Option<String>) -> Option<String> {
let filter = self.1.borrow();
if filter.contains(key) {
if let Ok(value) = self.0.get::<&str, String>(key) {
return Some(value);
if let Some(actual_value) = load_value() {
let _: () = self.0.set(key, &actual_value).unwrap();
return Some(actual_value);
return None;
impl<'a> Storage for RedisCache<'a> {
fn set(&mut self, bits: BitsIter) {
fn contains_all(&self, bits: BitsIter) -> bool {
First, thanks #Colonel Thirty Two give me a lot of information that I haven't mastered and help me fixed the problem of the iterator lifetime.
The cyclic-dependency I have solved by break the responsibility of the Storage into another struct RedisStorage without modify the bloom_filter module, but make the example bloated. Below is their relationships:
RedisCache -> BloomFilter -> Storage <---------------
| |
|-------> redis::Client <- RedisStorage ---<impl>---
I realized the ownership & lifetime system is not only used by borrow checker, but also Rustaceans need a bigger front design to obey the rules than in a GC language, e.g: java. Am I right?
Final Code
mod bloom_filter {
use std::{
hash::{Hash, Hasher},
pub type BitsIter<'a> = Box<dyn Iterator<Item = u64> + 'a>;
pub trait Storage {
fn set(&mut self, bits: BitsIter);
fn contains_all(&self, bits: BitsIter) -> bool;
pub struct BloomFilter<T: Hash>(Box<dyn Storage>, PhantomData<T>);
impl<T: Hash> BloomFilter<T> {
pub fn new() -> BloomFilter<T> {
return Self::by(Box::new(ArrayStorage([0; 5000])));
struct ArrayStorage<const N: usize>([u8; N]);
impl<const N: usize> Storage for ArrayStorage<N> {
fn set(&mut self, bits: BitsIter) {
let size = self.0.len() as u64;|bit| (bit % size) as usize)
.for_each(|index| self.0[index] = 1);
fn contains_all(&self, bits: BitsIter) -> bool {
let size = self.0.len() as u64;|bit| (bit % size) as usize)
.all(|index| self.0[index] == 1)
pub fn by(storage: Box<dyn Storage>) -> BloomFilter<T> {
BloomFilter(storage, PhantomData)
pub fn add(&mut self, value: T) {
pub fn contains(&self, value: T) -> bool {
fn hash<'a, H: Hash + 'a>(&self, value: H) -> BitsIter<'a> {
[3, 11, 31, 71, 131]
.map(|salt| SimpleHasher(0, salt))
.map(move |mut hasher| hasher.hash(&value)),
struct SimpleHasher(u64, u64);
impl SimpleHasher {
fn hash<H: Hash>(&mut self, value: &H) -> u64 {
impl Hasher for SimpleHasher {
fn finish(&self) -> u64 {
fn write(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) {
self.0 += bytes.iter().fold(0u64, |acc, k| acc * self.1 + *k as u64)
mod spi {
use super::bloom_filter::*;
use redis::{Client, Commands};
use std::{cell::RefCell, rc::Rc};
pub struct RedisCache<'a>(Rc<RefCell<Client>>, BloomFilter<&'a str>);
impl<'a> RedisCache<'a> {
pub fn new(client: Rc<RefCell<Client>>, filter: BloomFilter<&'a str>) -> RedisCache<'a> {
RedisCache(client, filter)
pub fn get<'f>(
&mut self,
key: &str,
load_value: fn() -> Option<&'f str>,
) -> Option<String> {
if self.1.contains(key) {
let mut redis = self.0.as_ref().borrow_mut();
if let Ok(value) = redis.get::<&str, String>(key) {
return Some(value);
if let Some(actual_value) = load_value() {
let _: () = redis.set(key, &actual_value).unwrap();
return Some(actual_value.into());
return None;
struct RedisStorage(Rc<RefCell<Client>>);
const BLOOM_FILTER_KEY: &str = "bloom_filter";
impl Storage for RedisStorage {
fn set(&mut self, bits: BitsIter) {
bits.for_each(|slot| {
let _: bool = self
.setbit(BLOOM_FILTER_KEY, slot as usize, true)
fn contains_all(&self, mut bits: BitsIter) -> bool {
bits.all(|slot| {
.getbit(BLOOM_FILTER_KEY, slot as usize)
fn prevent_cache_penetration_by_bloom_filter() {
let client = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Client::open("redis://localhost").unwrap()));
redis::cmd("FLUSHDB").execute(&mut *client.as_ref().borrow_mut());
let mut filter: BloomFilter<&str> = BloomFilter::by(Box::new(RedisStorage(client.clone())));
let mut cache = RedisCache::new(client, filter);
cache.get("Rust", || Some("System Language")),
Some("System Language".to_string())
cache.get("Rust", || panic!("must never be called after cached")),
Some("System Language".to_string())
cache.get("Go", || panic!("reject to loading `Go` from external storage")),
pub type BitsIter = Box<dyn Iterator<Item = u64>>;
In this case, the object in the box must be valid for the 'static lifetime. This isn't the case for the iterator returned by hash - its limited to the lifetime of self.
Try replacing with:
pub type BitsIter<'a> = Box<dyn Iterator<Item = u64> + 'a>;
Or using generics instead of boxed trait objects.
So your RedisClient needs a BloomFilter, but the BloomFilter also needs the RedisClient?
Your BloomFilter should not use the RedisCache that itself uses the BloomFilter - that's a recipe for infinitely recursing calls (how do you know what calls to RedisCache::add should update the bloom filter and which calls are from the bloom filter?).
If you really have to, you need some form of shared ownership, like Rc or Arc. Your BloomFilter will also need to use a weak reference, or else the two objects will refer to each other and will never free.

How to define a Vec in Rust to support containing multiple types of structs that implement a same trait?

In c++, I can define a parent class, and the type in vector can just be the father class type. So how to implement that in Rust?
Like for this example:
I defined two types of Integer who both implement the trait Object, now I want to put them in a same vector, is there any way to achieve that?
pub trait Object<T: Object<T>+Clone> {
fn sub(&self, x: &T) -> T {
x.clone() //this is a useless implementation, just for structs don't need to implement this method.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Integer {
val: i32
impl Integer {
pub fn get(&self) -> i32 {
pub fn new(val: i32) -> Self {
Integer {
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Int {
val: i32
impl Int {
pub fn get(&self) -> i32 {
pub fn new(val: i32) -> Self {
Int {
impl Object<Int> for Int {
fn sub(&self, rhs: &Int) -> Int {
Int {
val: self.val - rhs.get()
impl Object<Integer> for Integer {
fn sub(&self, rhs: &Integer) -> Integer {
Integer {
val: self.val - rhs.get()
fn main() {
let mut v: Vec<Box<dyn Object>> = Vec::new();
Thanks a lot.
There are several aspects of your design that don't fit in Rust:
trait Object<T: Object<T>+Clone> doesn't help - Rust doesn't do CRTP, just use Self instead.
for Object to be object-safe (necessary to put it in a vector), it can't be parameterized by type. A type parameter means you get a completely separate trait for each type.
Object::sub() can't return the result by value, because the size of the value can differ for different implementations, so it wouldn't be object-safe. It must return Box<dyn Object> instead.
The code modified as indicated looks like this:
pub trait Object {
fn get(&self) -> i32;
fn sub(&self, x: &dyn Object) -> Box<dyn Object>;
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Integer {
val: i32,
impl Integer {
fn new(val: i32) -> Box<dyn Object> {
Box::new(Int { val })
impl Object for Integer {
fn get(&self) -> i32 {
fn sub(&self, rhs: &dyn Object) -> Box<dyn Object> {
Integer::new(self.val - rhs.get())
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Int {
val: i32,
impl Int {
fn new(val: i32) -> Box<dyn Object> {
Box::new(Int { val })
impl Object for Int {
fn get(&self) -> i32 {
fn sub(&self, rhs: &dyn Object) -> Box<dyn Object> {
Int::new(self.val - rhs.get())
fn main() {
let mut v: Vec<Box<dyn Object>> = vec![];
for o in &v {
println!("{}", o.get());
I think you can combine trait and provide a blank implementation, then use that in vector
trait TraitA {}
trait TraitB {}
trait CombinedTraitATraitB: TraitA + TraitB {}
impl<T> CombinedTraitATraitB for T where T: TraitA + TraitB {}
let vector: Vec<Box<dyn CombinedTraitATraitB>> = vec![];

Can I iterate over all the table items with FlatBuffers?

I have the following FlatBuffers schema (simplified):
table StringNode {
prefix: StringNode;
suffix: StringNode;
value: string (required);
table NodesData {
url1: StringNode (required);
url2: StringNode (required);
url3: StringNode (required);
root_type NodesData;
Is there a way to iterate all StringNodes without having separate urls: [StringNode] and adding them while encoding?
I don't see anything similar in generated Rust code.
PS. The Rust code can be generated using flatc --rust filename. here is what i have:
// automatically generated by the FlatBuffers compiler, do not modify
use std::mem;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
extern crate flatbuffers;
use self::flatbuffers::{EndianScalar, Follow};
#[allow(unused_imports, dead_code)]
pub mod com {
use std::mem;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
extern crate flatbuffers;
use self::flatbuffers::{EndianScalar, Follow};
#[allow(unused_imports, dead_code)]
pub mod company {
use std::mem;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
extern crate flatbuffers;
use self::flatbuffers::{EndianScalar, Follow};
#[allow(unused_imports, dead_code)]
pub mod project {
use std::mem;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
extern crate flatbuffers;
use self::flatbuffers::{EndianScalar, Follow};
#[allow(unused_imports, dead_code)]
pub mod fb {
use std::mem;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
extern crate flatbuffers;
use self::flatbuffers::{EndianScalar, Follow};
#[allow(unused_imports, dead_code)]
pub mod node {
use std::mem;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
extern crate flatbuffers;
use self::flatbuffers::{EndianScalar, Follow};
pub enum StringNodeOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct StringNode<'a> {
pub _tab: flatbuffers::Table<'a>,
impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for StringNode<'a> {
type Inner = StringNode<'a>;
fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
Self { _tab: flatbuffers::Table { buf, loc } }
impl<'a> StringNode<'a> {
pub fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
StringNode { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
_fbb: &'mut_bldr mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'bldr>,
args: &'args StringNodeArgs<'args>) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<StringNode<'bldr>> {
let mut builder = StringNodeBuilder::new(_fbb);
if let Some(x) = args.value { builder.add_value(x); }
if let Some(x) = args.suffix { builder.add_suffix(x); }
if let Some(x) = args.prefix { builder.add_prefix(x); }
pub const VT_PREFIX: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub const VT_SUFFIX: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 6;
pub const VT_VALUE: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 8;
pub fn prefix(&self) -> Option<StringNode<'a>> {
self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<StringNode>>(StringNode::VT_PREFIX, None)
pub fn suffix(&self) -> Option<StringNode<'a>> {
self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<StringNode>>(StringNode::VT_SUFFIX, None)
pub fn value(&self) -> &'a str {
self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>(StringNode::VT_VALUE, None).unwrap()
impl flatbuffers::Verifiable for StringNode<'_> {
fn run_verifier(
v: &mut flatbuffers::Verifier, pos: usize
) -> Result<(), flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {
use self::flatbuffers::Verifiable;
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<StringNode>>(&"prefix", Self::VT_PREFIX, false)?
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<StringNode>>(&"suffix", Self::VT_SUFFIX, false)?
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>(&"value", Self::VT_VALUE, true)?
pub struct StringNodeArgs<'a> {
pub prefix: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<StringNode<'a>>>,
pub suffix: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<StringNode<'a>>>,
pub value: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'a str>>,
impl<'a> Default for StringNodeArgs<'a> {
fn default() -> Self {
StringNodeArgs {
prefix: None,
suffix: None,
value: None, // required field
pub struct StringNodeBuilder<'a: 'b, 'b> {
fbb_: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,
start_: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::TableUnfinishedWIPOffset>,
impl<'a: 'b, 'b> StringNodeBuilder<'a, 'b> {
pub fn add_prefix(&mut self, prefix: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<StringNode<'b >>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<StringNode>>(StringNode::VT_PREFIX, prefix);
pub fn add_suffix(&mut self, suffix: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<StringNode<'b >>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<StringNode>>(StringNode::VT_SUFFIX, suffix);
pub fn add_value(&mut self, value: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'b str>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>(StringNode::VT_VALUE, value);
pub fn new(_fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>) -> StringNodeBuilder<'a, 'b> {
let start = _fbb.start_table();
StringNodeBuilder {
fbb_: _fbb,
start_: start,
pub fn finish(self) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<StringNode<'a>> {
let o = self.fbb_.end_table(self.start_);
self.fbb_.required(o, StringNode::VT_VALUE,"value");
impl std::fmt::Debug for StringNode<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
let mut ds = f.debug_struct("StringNode");
ds.field("prefix", &self.prefix());
ds.field("suffix", &self.suffix());
ds.field("value", &self.value());
pub enum NodesDataOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct NodesData<'a> {
pub _tab: flatbuffers::Table<'a>,
impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for NodesData<'a> {
type Inner = NodesData<'a>;
fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
Self { _tab: flatbuffers::Table { buf, loc } }
impl<'a> NodesData<'a> {
pub fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
NodesData { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
_fbb: &'mut_bldr mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'bldr>,
args: &'args NodesDataArgs<'args>) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<NodesData<'bldr>> {
let mut builder = NodesDataBuilder::new(_fbb);
if let Some(x) = args.url3 { builder.add_url3(x); }
if let Some(x) = args.url2 { builder.add_url2(x); }
if let Some(x) = args.url1 { builder.add_url1(x); }
pub const VT_URL1: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub const VT_URL2: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 6;
pub const VT_URL3: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 8;
pub fn url1(&self) -> StringNode<'a> {
self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<StringNode>>(NodesData::VT_URL1, None).unwrap()
pub fn url2(&self) -> StringNode<'a> {
self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<StringNode>>(NodesData::VT_URL2, None).unwrap()
pub fn url3(&self) -> StringNode<'a> {
self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<StringNode>>(NodesData::VT_URL3, None).unwrap()
impl flatbuffers::Verifiable for NodesData<'_> {
fn run_verifier(
v: &mut flatbuffers::Verifier, pos: usize
) -> Result<(), flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {
use self::flatbuffers::Verifiable;
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<StringNode>>(&"url1", Self::VT_URL1, true)?
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<StringNode>>(&"url2", Self::VT_URL2, true)?
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<StringNode>>(&"url3", Self::VT_URL3, true)?
pub struct NodesDataArgs<'a> {
pub url1: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<StringNode<'a>>>,
pub url2: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<StringNode<'a>>>,
pub url3: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<StringNode<'a>>>,
impl<'a> Default for NodesDataArgs<'a> {
fn default() -> Self {
NodesDataArgs {
url1: None, // required field
url2: None, // required field
url3: None, // required field
pub struct NodesDataBuilder<'a: 'b, 'b> {
fbb_: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,
start_: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::TableUnfinishedWIPOffset>,
impl<'a: 'b, 'b> NodesDataBuilder<'a, 'b> {
pub fn add_url1(&mut self, url1: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<StringNode<'b >>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<StringNode>>(NodesData::VT_URL1, url1);
pub fn add_url2(&mut self, url2: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<StringNode<'b >>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<StringNode>>(NodesData::VT_URL2, url2);
pub fn add_url3(&mut self, url3: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<StringNode<'b >>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<StringNode>>(NodesData::VT_URL3, url3);
pub fn new(_fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>) -> NodesDataBuilder<'a, 'b> {
let start = _fbb.start_table();
NodesDataBuilder {
fbb_: _fbb,
start_: start,
pub fn finish(self) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<NodesData<'a>> {
let o = self.fbb_.end_table(self.start_);
self.fbb_.required(o, NodesData::VT_URL1,"url1");
self.fbb_.required(o, NodesData::VT_URL2,"url2");
self.fbb_.required(o, NodesData::VT_URL3,"url3");
impl std::fmt::Debug for NodesData<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
let mut ds = f.debug_struct("NodesData");
ds.field("url1", &self.url1());
ds.field("url2", &self.url2());
ds.field("url3", &self.url3());
#[deprecated(since="2.0.0", note="Deprecated in favor of `root_as...` methods.")]
pub fn get_root_as_nodes_data<'a>(buf: &'a [u8]) -> NodesData<'a> {
unsafe { flatbuffers::root_unchecked::<NodesData<'a>>(buf) }
#[deprecated(since="2.0.0", note="Deprecated in favor of `root_as...` methods.")]
pub fn get_size_prefixed_root_as_nodes_data<'a>(buf: &'a [u8]) -> NodesData<'a> {
unsafe { flatbuffers::size_prefixed_root_unchecked::<NodesData<'a>>(buf) }
/// Verifies that a buffer of bytes contains a `NodesData`
/// and returns it.
/// Note that verification is still experimental and may not
/// catch every error, or be maximally performant. For the
/// previous, unchecked, behavior use
/// `root_as_nodes_data_unchecked`.
pub fn root_as_nodes_data(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<NodesData, flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {
/// Verifies that a buffer of bytes contains a size prefixed
/// `NodesData` and returns it.
/// Note that verification is still experimental and may not
/// catch every error, or be maximally performant. For the
/// previous, unchecked, behavior use
/// `size_prefixed_root_as_nodes_data_unchecked`.
pub fn size_prefixed_root_as_nodes_data(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<NodesData, flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {
/// Verifies, with the given options, that a buffer of bytes
/// contains a `NodesData` and returns it.
/// Note that verification is still experimental and may not
/// catch every error, or be maximally performant. For the
/// previous, unchecked, behavior use
/// `root_as_nodes_data_unchecked`.
pub fn root_as_nodes_data_with_opts<'b, 'o>(
opts: &'o flatbuffers::VerifierOptions,
buf: &'b [u8],
) -> Result<NodesData<'b>, flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {
flatbuffers::root_with_opts::<NodesData<'b>>(opts, buf)
/// Verifies, with the given verifier options, that a buffer of
/// bytes contains a size prefixed `NodesData` and returns
/// it. Note that verification is still experimental and may not
/// catch every error, or be maximally performant. For the
/// previous, unchecked, behavior use
/// `root_as_nodes_data_unchecked`.
pub fn size_prefixed_root_as_nodes_data_with_opts<'b, 'o>(
opts: &'o flatbuffers::VerifierOptions,
buf: &'b [u8],
) -> Result<NodesData<'b>, flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {
flatbuffers::size_prefixed_root_with_opts::<NodesData<'b>>(opts, buf)
/// Assumes, without verification, that a buffer of bytes contains a NodesData and returns it.
/// # Safety
/// Callers must trust the given bytes do indeed contain a valid `NodesData`.
pub unsafe fn root_as_nodes_data_unchecked(buf: &[u8]) -> NodesData {
/// Assumes, without verification, that a buffer of bytes contains a size prefixed NodesData and returns it.
/// # Safety
/// Callers must trust the given bytes do indeed contain a valid size prefixed `NodesData`.
pub unsafe fn size_prefixed_root_as_nodes_data_unchecked(buf: &[u8]) -> NodesData {
pub fn finish_nodes_data_buffer<'a, 'b>(
fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,
root: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<NodesData<'a>>) {
fbb.finish(root, None);
pub fn finish_size_prefixed_nodes_data_buffer<'a, 'b>(fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>, root: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<NodesData<'a>>) {
fbb.finish_size_prefixed(root, None);
} // pub mod node
} // pub mod fb
} // pub mod project
} // pub mod company
} // pub mod com
But the questions is "even if the getter code is not generated by flatc Rust plugin, is it doable in general?". If following db concept that should be doable.
PPS. flatc "2.0.0" is used, flatbuffers "2.0.0" crate is used.
No, you can't. FlatBuffer fields are not necessarily contiguous in memory, and they potentially all have different types, so there is no way to iterate them.
While that potentially could be implemented with sufficient trickery (visitors?) there isn't a lot of point, especially in a system that is efficiency oriented.
Like you already say so yourself, you really want to be using a [StringNode] in cases like this.

Returning a mutable reference to a value behind Arc and Mutex

pub struct ForesterViewModel {
m_tree_lines: Arc<Mutex<Vec<TreeLine>>>,
impl ForesterViewModel {
pub fn new() -> ForesterViewModel {
ForesterViewModel {
m_tree_lines: Arc::new(Mutex::new(vec![])),
pub fn get_the_forest(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<TreeLine> {
I need help writing the get_the_forest function. I've tried many various things but they all return compilation errors. I need to return a mutable reference to Vec<TreeLine> which is wrapped behind an Arc and a Mutex in self.m_tree_lines.
There is no way of doing this.
You create a concrete MutexGuard object that releases the mutex when it dropped when you call lock; you cannot move a reference out of the scope that contains the guard:
pub fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &Whatever {
let mut guard =;
drop(guard) // <--- implicitly added here, which would invalidate the ref
You also cannot return both the mutex guard and a reference, for more complex reasons (basically rust cannot express that), for the same reason it cannot have a reference and an object in a single structure; see the discussion on Why can't I store a value and a reference to that value in the same struct? basically your best bet is one of two things:
/// Return the mutex guard itself
pub fn get_the_forest(&mut self) -> Result<MutexGuard<Vec<TreeLine>>, TreeLockError> {
/// Pass a function in, which patches the mutable internal value
pub fn patch_forest(&mut self, patch: impl Fn(&mut Vec<TreeLine>)) -> Result<(), TreeLockError>{
let mut guard = self.m_tree_lines.lock()?;
patch(&mut guard); // <-- patch happens while guard is still alive
Full code:
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, MutexGuard};
use std::sync::PoisonError;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt;
use std::fmt::Formatter;
use std::ops::Deref;
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum TreeLockError {
impl Error for TreeLockError {}
impl fmt::Display for TreeLockError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{:?}", self)
impl<T> From<PoisonError<T>> for TreeLockError {
fn from(_: PoisonError<T>) -> Self {
// ---
pub struct TreeLine {
pub value: &'static str
pub struct ForesterViewModel {
m_tree_lines: Arc<Mutex<Vec<TreeLine>>>,
impl ForesterViewModel {
pub fn new() -> ForesterViewModel {
ForesterViewModel {
m_tree_lines: Arc::new(Mutex::new(vec![])),
pub fn get_the_forest(&mut self) -> Result<MutexGuard<Vec<TreeLine>>, TreeLockError> {
pub fn patch_forest(&mut self, patch: impl Fn(&mut Vec<TreeLine>)) -> Result<(), TreeLockError>{
let mut guard = self.m_tree_lines.lock()?;
patch(&mut guard);
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let mut vm = ForesterViewModel::new();
let mut trees = vm.get_the_forest()?;
trees.push(TreeLine{ value: "one"});
trees.push(TreeLine{ value: "two"});
} // <--- Drop the mutable reference here so you can get it again later
// Patch
vm.patch_forest(|trees| {
trees.push(TreeLine{ value: "three"});
// ...
let trees = vm.get_the_forest()?;
println!("{:?}", trees.deref());
