Connect to two servers and get the data - linux

I am writing a script to connect to server machine and get some data from that. My sequence of commands are as follows
ssh -tt user#server1 ssh -tt user#server2
cd dir1/dir2
ls -1t name* | head 1
the result from the last command should be printed after exit from the server

To run a command on the other sever, you need to use it as a parameter to ssh.
man ssh (abriviated with [...]):
ssh [...] destination [command]
If command is specified, it is executed on the remote host instead of a login shell.
To illustrate In the first step only the second command is converted to this form.
ssh -tt user#server1
ssh -tt user#server2 'cd dir1/dir2; ls -1t name* | head 1'
now the second one has to be quoted as well and used as parameter to the first login:
ssh -tt user#server1 "ssh -tt user#server2 'cd dir1/dir2; ls -1t name* | head 1'"
make sure to escape characters that are spacial in double quotes e.g. "\$"


SSH to remote machine, grep output, close connection

I am trying to execute a command on a remote machine, grep the output, put it in a file and then close the connection.
This is what I have:
sshpass -p ***** ssh user#remotemachine | grep 'TEXT' > output.txt
The script is stops and there is no output in output.txt
Any ideas how I can script this?
try this.
sshpass -p ***** ssh user#remotemachine " grep 'TEXT' > output.txt"
in your shell script,you just use ssh login in your remove server,and after executing ssh command,then run grep in you local machine,so ,you get nothing

Bash for loops on a remote server

I am attempting to run multiple commands via a bash script on a remote server. specifically, the for loop to be run on the remote server is giving me issues. I suspect it is because I don't know how to properly escape characters or use $().
Below is the code.
ssh (user)#(server) <<EOF
sudo su - (username)
'for e in $(`ls -lrt /usr/jboss/jbosseap | awk '{print $9}' | grep multichannel`);
echo "$e";
Removing user and server names for obvious reasons. Just concentrate on the for loop. when I run that for loop command line (without the $()) its works fine. Just not sure how to nest it in a remote call.
Thanks very much for any and all help!
If you've got a complex script that you're trying to run over ssh you're going to be better off putting that script in a file and piping that file into ssh like:
cat | ssh user#host
cat | ssh user#host sudo -u username
And now you don't have to worry about N levels of escaping.
You can run it as below .
here file "list " includes your list of nodes and script should be present in all nodes
for i in $(cat list ) ;do ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $i "/path/your_script" ;done

shell script for remote connection to other system and execute bunch of command in it

I need a shell script that can take remote login in to a system and i can execute a bunch of commands in that system.
I made a script and actually it's working:
ssh -l ${USERNAME} ${IP} "pwd "
ssh -l ${USERNAME} ${IP} "ls -la"
ssh -l ${USERNAME} ${IP} ./a.out
I have problem that if suppose i made script
ssh -l ${USERNAME} ${IP} "pwd " # this execute in remote system
ls -la # this execute in current system.
so every time i need ssh command to execute file on remote system.
Is there any way that i can run bunch of code in remote system with one time login.
You can send as much commands to ssh as you want, provided that you separate them with ; or linebreaks. So this should work:
ssh -l ${USERNAME} ${IP} "pwd; ls -la"
#Joao's suggestion works fine however its impractical when writing many lines.
If this is the case you can do
ssh -1 ${USERNAME} ${IP} bash << 'EOF'
cd /some/directory
who am i
for i in `seq 1 10`
echo $i
Anything between 'EOF' and the final EOF will be executed in the server side.
You can also replace bash with csh or python and write code for that interpreter instead
If you want the output of the ssh session be stored in a file (say session.log) then replace
ssh -1 ${USERNAME} ${IP} bash << 'EOF'
ssh -1 ${USERNAME} ${IP} bash << 'EOF' > 'session.log'
rest remains unchanged

Shell script to compare remote directories

I have a shell script that I am using to compare directory contents. The script has to ssh to different servers to get a directory listing. When I run the script below, I am getting the contents of the server that I am logged into's /tmp directory listing and not that of the servers I am trying to ssh to. Could you please tell me what I am doing wrong?
The config file used in the script is as follows (called config.txt):
The script is as follows
while read a b c
`ssh user#$SERVER1 'ls -l $COMPDIR'`| sed -n '1!p' >> server1.txt
`ssh user#$SERVER2 'ls -l $COMPDIR'`| sed -n '1!p' >> server2.txt
When I look at the outputs of server1.txt and server2.txt, they are both exactly the same - having the contents of /tmp of the server the script is running on (not server1 or 2). Doing the ssh +dir listing on command line works just fine. I am also getting the error "Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal". Adding the -t -t to the ssh command isnt helping either
Thank you
I have the back ticks in order to execute the command.
Backticks are not needed to execute a command - they are used to expand the standard output of the command into the command line. Certainly you don't want the output of your ssh commands to be interpreted as commands. Thus, it should work fine without the backticks:
ssh user#$SERVER1 "ls -l $COMPDIR" | sed -n '1!p' >>server1.txt
ssh user#$SERVER2 "ls -l $COMPDIR" | sed -n '1!p' >>server2.txt
(provided that double quotes to allow expansion of $COMPDIR are used).
first you need to generate keys to login to remote without keys
ssh-keygen -t rsa
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ remote-host
then try to ssh without pass
ssh remote-host
then try to invoke in your script but first make sanity check
var1=$(ssh remote-host) die "Cannot connect to remote host" unless $var1;

find files on remote machine

Hi i am trying to execute the following command on a remote machine how do i do this
ssh find /nfs/repo/ -name ".user_repo.log" | \
xargs cat | awk '{$NF=""; print $0}' | \
sed "1i Owner RepoName CreatedDate" | column -t
I get the following error message
cat: /nfs/repo/new1/info/.user_repo.log: No such file or directory
cat: /nfs/repo/new2/info/.user_repo.log: No such file or directory
cat command is trying to find file on the local system while these files are present on the remote machine.How do i handle this
If you do:
ssh host command1 | command2
Then the shell will break at the pipe, so you'll get "ssh host command1" run as one command (i.e. remotely), and then "command2" run as another command (i.e., locally.) You can force all the commands to run remotely by enclosing in quotes:
ssh host "command1 | command2"
Note, since you already have quotes in the command, you might have to get creative with escaping.
Or, you might put all those commands in a short shell script and then just run the script:
ssh host
