Can't understand a simple Haskell function? - haskell

Can someone explain to me step by step what this function means?
select :: (a->a->Bool) -> a -> a -> a

As the comments pointed out, this is not a function definition, but just a type signature. It says, for any type a which you are free to choose, this function expects:
A function that takes two values of type a and gives a Bool
Two values of type a
and it returns another value of type a. So for example, we could call:
select (<) 1 2
where a is Int, since (<) is a function that takes two Ints and returns a Bool. We could not call:
select isPrefixOf 1 2
because isPrefixOf :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool -- i.e. it takes two lists (provided that the element type supports Equality), but numbers are not lists.
Signatures can tell us quite a lot, however, due to parametericity (aka free theorems). The details are quite techincal, but we can intuit that select must return one of its two arguments, because it has no other way to construct values of type a about which it knows nothing (and this can be proven).
But beyond that we can't really tell. Often you can tell almost certainly what a function does by its signature. But as I explored this signature, I found that there were actually quite a few functions it could be, from the most obvious:
select f x y = if f x y then x else y
to some rather exotic
select f x y = if f x x && f y y then x else y
And the name select doesn't help much -- it seems to tell us that it will return one of the two arguments, but the signature already told us that.


A Haskell function is higher order if and only if its type has more than one arrow?

A professor teaching a class I am attending claimed the following.
A higher-order function could have only one arrow when checking its type.
I don't agree with this statement I tried to prove it is wrong. I tried to set up some function but then I found that my functions probably aren't higher-order functions. Here is what I have:
f x y z = x + y + z
f :: a -> a-> a -> a
g = f 3
g :: a -> a -> a
h = g 5
h :: a -> a
At the end of the day, I think my proof was wrong, but I am still not convinced that higher-order functions can only have more than one arrow when checking the type.
So, is there any resource or perhaps someone could prove that higher-order function may have only one arrow?
Strictly speaking, the statement is correct. This is because the usual definition of the term "higher-order function", taken here from Wikipedia, is a function that does one or both of the following:
takes a function as an argument, or
returns a function as its result
It is clear then that no function with a single arrow in its type signature can be a higher-order function, because in a signature a -> b, there is no "room" to create something of the form x -> y on either side of an arrow - there simply aren't enough arrows.
(This argument actually has a significant flaw, which you may have spotted, and which I'll address below. But it's probably true "in spirit" for what your professor meant.)
The converse is also, strictly speaking, true in Haskell - although not in most other languages. The distinguishing feature of Haskell here is that functions are curried. For example, a function like (+), whose signature is:
a -> a -> a
(with a Num a constraint that I'll ignore because it could just confuse the issue if we're supposed to be counting "arrows"), is usually thought of as being a function of two arguments: it takes 2 as and produces another a. In most languages, which all of course have an analagous function/operator, this would never be described as a higher-order function. But in Haskell, because functions are curried, the above signature is really just a shorthand for the parenthesised version:
a -> (a -> a)
which clearly is a higher-order function. It takes an a and produces a function of type a -> a. (Recall, from above, that returning a function is one of the things that characterises a HOF.) In Haskell, as I said, these two signatures are one and the same thing. (+) really is a higher-order function - we just often don't notice that because we intend to feed it two arguments, by which we really mean to feed it one argument, result in a function, then feed that function the second argument. Thanks to Haskell's convenient, parenthesis-free, syntax for applying functions to arguments, there isn't really any distinction. (This again contrasts from non-functional languages: the addition "function" there always takes exactly 2 arguments, and only giving it one will usually be an error. If the language has first-class functions, you can indeed define the curried form, for example this in Python:
def curried_add(x):
return lambda y: x + y
but this is clearly a different function from the straightforward function of two arguments that you would normally use, and usually less convenient to apply because you need to call it as curried_add(x)(y) rather than just say add(x,y).
So, if we take currying into account, the statement of your professor is strictly true.
Well, with the following exception, which I alluded to above. I've been assuming that something with a signature of the form
a -> b
is not a HOF*. That of course doesn't apply if a or b is a function. Often, that function's type will include an arrow, and we're tacitly assuming here that neither a or b contains arrows. Well, Haskell has type synonyms, so we could easily define, say:
type MyFunctionType = Int -> Int
and then a function with signature MyFunctionType -> a or a -> MyFunctionType is most certainly a HOF, even though it doesn't "look like one" from just a glance at the signature.
*To be clear here,a and b refer to specific types which are as yet unspecified - I am not referring to an actual signature a -> b which would mean a polymorphic function that applies to any types a and b, which would not necessarily be functions.
Your functions are higher order. Indeed, take for example your function:
f :: a -> a -> a -> a
f x y z = x + y + z
This is a less verbose form of:
f :: a -> (a -> (a -> a))
So it is a function that takes an a and returns a function. A higher order function is a function that (a) takes a function as parameter, or (b) returns a function. Both can be true at the same time. Here your function f returns a function.
A function thus always has type a -> b with a the input type, and b the return type. In case a has an arrow (like (c -> d) -> b), then it is a higher order function, since it takes a function as parameter.
If b has an arrow, like a -> (c -> d), then this is a higher order function as well, since it returns a function.
Yes, as Haskell functions are curried always, I can come up with minimal examples of higher order functions and examples:
1) Functions that takes a function at least as parameter, such as:
apply :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
apply f x = f x
2) at least 3 arguments:
sum3 :: Int -> Int -> Int
sum3 a b c = a + b + c
so that can be read as:
sum3 :: Int -> (Int -> Int)

Type variables in function signature

If I do the following
functionS (x,y) = y
:t functionS
functionS :: (a, b) -> b
Now with this function:
functionC x y = if (x > y) then True else False
:t function
I would expect to get:
functionC :: (Ord a, Ord b) => a -> b -> Bool
But I get:
functionC :: Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
GHCI seems to be ok with the 2 previous results, but why does it give me the second? Why the type variable a AND b aren't defined?
I think you might be misreading type signatures. Through no fault of your own––the examples you using to inform your thinking are kind of confusing. In particular, in your tuple example
functionS :: (a,b) -> b
functionS (x,y) = y
The notation (_,_) means two different things. In the first line, (a,b) refers to a type, the type of pairs whose first element has type a and second has type b. In the second line, (x,y) refers to a specfiic pair, where x has type a and y has type b. While this "pun" provides a useful mnemonic, it can be confusing as you are first getting the hang of it. I would rather that the type of pairs be a regular type constructor:
functionS :: Pair a b -> b
functionS (x,y) = y
So, moving on to your question. In the signature you are given
functionC :: Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
a is a type. Ord a says that elements of the type a are orderable with respect to each other. The function takes two arguments of the same type. Some types that are orderable are Integer (numerically), String (lexicographically), and a bunch of others. That means that you can tell which of two Integers is the smaller, or which of two Strings are the smaller. However we don't necessarily know how to tell whether an Integer is smaller than a String (and this is good! Have you seen what kinds of shenanigans javascript has to do to support untyped equality? Haskell doesn't have to solve this problem at all!). So that's what this signature is saying –– there is only one single orderable type, a, and the function takes two elements of this same type.
You might still be wondering why functionS's signature has two different type variables. It's because there is no constraint confining them to be the same, such as having to order them against each other. functionS works equally well with a pair where both components are integers as when one is an integer and the other is a string. It doesn't matter. And Haskell always picks the most general type that works. So if they are not forced to be the same, they will be different.
There are more technical ways to explain all this, but I felt an intuitive explanation was in order. I hope it's helpful!

Haskell recursive function example with foldr

I've taken up learning Haskell again, after a short hiatus and I am currently trying to get a better understanding of how recursion and lambda expressions work in Haskell.
In this: YouTube video, there is a function example that puzzles me far more than it probably should, in terms of how it actually works:
firstThat :: (a -> Bool) -> a -> [a] -> a
firstThat f = foldr (\x acc -> if f x then x else acc)
For the sake of clarity and since it wasn't immediately obvious to me, I'll give an example of applying this function to some arguments:
firstThat (>10) 2000 [10,20,30,40] --returns 20, but would return 2000, if none of the values in the list were greater than 10
Please correct me, if my assumptions are wrong.
It seems firstThat takes three arguments:
a function that takes one arguments and returns a Boolean value. Since the > operator is actually an infix function, the first argument in the example above seems the result of a partial application to the > function – is this correct?
an unspecified value of the same type expected as the missing argument to the function provided as the first argument
a list of values of the aforementioned type
But the actual function firstThat seems to be defined differently from its type declaration, with just one argument. Since foldr normally takes three arguments I gathered there is some kind of partial application happening. The lambda expression provided as an argument to foldr seem to be missing its arguments too.
So, how exactly does this function work? I apologize if I am being too dense or fail to see the forest for the trees, but I just cannot wrap my head around it, which is frustrating.
Any helpful explanation or example(s) would be greatly appreciated.
But the actual function firstThat seems to be defined differently from its type declaration, with just one argument. Since foldr normally takes three arguments I gathered there is some kind of partial application happening.
You are right. However, there is a nicer way of putting it than talking about "missing arguments" -- one that doesn't lead you into asking where they have gone. Here are two ways in which the arguments are not missing.
Firstly, consider this function:
add :: Num a => a -> a -> a
add x y = x + y
As you may know, we can also define it like this:
add :: Num a => a -> a -> a
add = (+)
That works because Haskell functions are values like any other. We can simply define a value, add, as being equal to another value, (+), which just happens to be a function. There is no special syntax required to declare a function. The upshot is that writing arguments explicitly is (almost) never necessary; the main reason why we do so because it often makes code more readable (for instance, I could define firstThat without writing the f parameter explicitly, but I won't do so because the result is rather hideous).
Secondly, whenever you see a function type with three arguments...
firstThat :: (a -> Bool) -> a -> [a] -> a
... you can also read it like this...
firstThat :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> [a] -> a)
... that is, a function of one argument that produces a function of two arguments. That works for all functions of more than one argument. The key takeaway is that, at heart, all Haskell functions take just one argument. That is why partial application works. So on seeing...
firstThat :: (a -> Bool) -> a -> [a] -> a
firstThat f = foldr (\x acc -> if f x then x else acc)
... you can accurately say that you have written explicitly all parameters that firstThat takes -- that is, only one :)
The lambda expression provided as an argument to foldr seem to be missing its arguments too.
Not really. foldr (when restricted to lists) is...
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
... and so the function passed to it takes two arguments (feel free to add air quotes around "two", given the discussion above). The lambda was written as...
\x acc -> if f x then x else acc
... with two explicit arguments, x and acc.
a function that takes one arguments and returns a Boolean value. Since the > operator is actually an infix function, the first argument in the example above seems the result of a partial application to the > function – is this correct?
yes: (>10) is short for \x -> x > 10, just as (10>) would be short for \x -> 10 > x.
an unspecified value of the same type expected as the missing argument to the function provided as the first argument
first of all, it's not a missing argument: by omitting an argument, you obtain a function value. however, the type of the 2nd argument does indeed match the argument of the function >10, just as it matches the type of the elements of the list [10,20,30,40] (which is better reasoning).
a list of values of the aforementioned type
But the actual function firstThat seems to be defined differently from its type declaration, with just one argument. Since foldr normally takes three arguments I gathered there is some kind of partial application happening. The lambda expression provided as an argument to foldr seem to be missing its arguments too.
that's because given e.g. foo x y z = x * y * z, these 2 lines are equivalent:
bar x = foo x
bar x y z = foo x y z
— that's because of a concept called currying. Currying is also the reason why function type signatures are not (a, b) -> c but instead a -> b -> c, which in turn is equivalent to a -> (b -> c) because of the right associativity of the -> type operator.
Therefore, these two lines are equivalent:
firstThat f = foldr (\x acc -> if f x then x else acc)
firstThat f x y = foldr (\x acc -> if f x then x else acc) x y
Note: that you can also use Data.List.find combined with Data.Maybe.fromMaybe:
λ> fromMaybe 2000 $ find (>10) [10, 20, 30]
λ> fromMaybe 2000 $ find (>10) [1, 2, 3]
See also:

Usefulness of "function arrows associate to the right"?

Reading it states
In particular, note that function arrows associate to the right, that
is, W -> X -> Y -> Z is equivalent to W -> (X -> (Y -> Z)). We can
always add or remove parentheses around the rightmost top-level arrow
in a type.
Function arrows associate to the right but as function application associates to the left then what is usefulness of this information ? I feel I'm not understanding something as to me it is a meaningless point that function arrows associate to the right. As function application always associates to the left then this the only associativity I should be concerned with ?
Function arrows associate to the right but [...] what is usefulness of this information?
If you see a type signature like, for example, f : String -> Int -> Bool you need to know the associativity of the function arrow to understand what the type of f really is:
if the arrow associates to the left, then the type means (String -> Int) -> Bool, that is, f takes a function as argument and returns a boolean.
if the arrow associates to the right, then the type means String -> (Int -> Bool), that is, f takes a string as argument and returns a function.
That's a big difference, and if you want to use f, you need to know which one it is. Since the function arrow associates to the right, you know that it has to be the second option: f takes a string and returns a function.
Function arrows associate to the right [...] function application associates to the left
These two choices work well together. For example, we can call the f from above as f "answer" 42 which really means (f "answer") 42. So we are passing the string "answer" to f which returns a function. And then we're passing the number 42 to that function, which returns a boolean. In effect, we're almost using f as a function with two arguments.
This is the standard way of writing functions with two (or more) arguments in Haskell, so it is a very common use case. Because of the associativity of function application and of the function arrow, we can write this common use case without parentheses.
When defining a two-argument curried function, we usually write something like this:
f :: a -> b -> c
f x y = ...
If the arrow did not associate to the right, the above type would instead have to be spelled out as a -> (b -> c). So the usefulness of ->'s associativity is that it saves us from writing too many parentheses when declaring function types.
If an operator # is 'right associative', it means this:
a # b # c # d = a # (b # (c # d))
... for any number of arguments. It behaves like foldr
This means that:
a -> b -> c -> d = a -> (b -> (c -> d))
Note: a -> (b -> (c -> d)) =/= ((a -> b) -> c) -> d ! This is very important.
What this tells us is that, say, foldr:
λ> :t foldr
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
Takes a function of type (a -> b -> b), and then returns... a function that takes a b, and then returns... a function that takes a [a], and then returns... a b. This means that we can apply functions like this
f a b c
f a b c = ((f a) b) c
and f will return two functions each time an argument is given.
Essentially, this isn't very useful as such, but is important information for when we want to interpret and call function types.
However, in functions like (++), associativity matters. If (++) were left associative, it would be very slow, so it's right associative.
Early functional language Lisp suffered from excessively nested parenthesis (which make code (or even text (if you do not mind to consider a broader context)) difficult to read. With time functional language designers opted to make functional code easy to read and write for pros even at cost of confusing rookies with less uniform rules.
In functional code,
function type declaration like (String -> Int) -> Bool are much more rare than functions like String -> (Int -> Bool), because functions that return functions are trade mark of functional style. Thus associating arrows to right helps reduce parentheses number (on overage, you might need to map a function to a primitive type). For function applications it is vise-versa.
The main purposes is convenience, because partial function application goes from left to right.
Every time you partially apply a function to a set of values, the remaining type has to be valid.
You can think of arrow types as a queue of types, where the queue itself is a type. During partial function application, you dequeue as many types from the queue as the number of arguments, yielding whatever remains of the queue. The resulting queue is still a valid type.
This is why types associate to the right. If types associate to the left, it will behave like a stack, and you won't be able to partially apply it the same way without leaving "holes" or undefined domains. For instance, say you have the following function:
foo :: a -> b -> c -> d
If Haskell types were left-associative, then passing a single parameter to foo would yield the following invalid type:
((? -> b) -> c) -> d
You will then be forced to circumvent it by adding parentheses, which could hamper readability.

Haskell type dessignation

I have to dessignate types of 2 functions(without using compiler :t) i just dont know how soudl i read these functions to make correct steps.
f x = map -1 x
f x = map (-1) x
Well i'm a bit confuse how it will be parsed
Function application, or "the empty space operator" has higher precedence than any operator symbol, so the first line parses as f x = map - (1 x), which will most likely1 be a type error.
The other example is parenthesized the way it looks, but note that (-1) desugars as negate 1. This is an exception from the normal rule, where operator sections like (+1) desugar as (\x -> x + 1), so this will also likely1 be a type error since map expects a function, not a number, as its first argument.
1 I say likely because it is technically possible to provide Num instances for functions which may allow this to type check.
For questions like this, the definitive answer is to check the Haskell Report. The relevant syntax hasn't changed from Haskell 98.
In particular, check the section on "Expressions". That should explain how expressions are parsed, operator precedence, and the like.
These functions do not have types, because they do not type check (you will get ridiculous type class constraints). To figure out why, you need to know that (-1) has type Num n => n, and you need to read up on how a - is interpreted with or without parens before it.
The following function is the "correct" version of your function:
f x = map (subtract 1) x
You should be able to figure out the type of this function, if I say that:
subtract 1 :: Num n => n -> n
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
well i did it by my self :P
(map) - (1 x)
(-)::Num a => a->a->->a
1::Num b=> b
(1 x)::a
f::(Num ((c->d)->[c]->[d]),Num (e->(c->d)->[c]->[d])) => e->(c->d)->[c]->[d]
