Do wildcards exist for Firebase Fuctions on Storage? - node.js

I've been using successfully Firebase Functions to perform operations on files I've been uploading to Firebase Storage.
What I currently want to do is access the folder into which I'm shoving data by using wildcards, with the same method of implementation as how it works for the Realtime Database + Firestore. However, whenever I try to access these parameters, they exclusively return null.
Is this not possible?
Here's an example of my code:
exports.generateThumbnail ='user-photos/{userId}/{publicOrPrivate}').onChange(event => {
const privateOrPublic = event.params.publicOrPrivate;
const isPrivate = (event.params.publicOrPrivate == "private");
const userId = event.params.userId;
console.log("user id and publicOrPrivate are", userId, privateOrPublic);
//"user id and publicOrPrivate are undefined undefined"

There is currently no wildcard support for Cloud Storage triggers. You have to check the path of the file that changed to figure out if you want to do anything with it.


How to upload a base64 image URL to Firebase and retrieve its access token?

In a MERN + Firebase project, I have an image data string that I want to upload and then get the access token of that file.
The image data string is of the following form:
This is the reference to where the file should be uploaded:
const imageRef: StorageReference = ref(
So far, I have attempted to use the 'put' function with the imageRef, and when I try using uploadBytes() of firebase, I have to upload it as a Buffer, and even then I cannot seem to find the access token in the metadata.
To upload a data URL to Firebase, you would use storageRef.putString(url, 'DATA_URL') (legacy) or uploadString(storageRef, url, 'DATA_URL') (modern) depending on the SDK you are using.
When you upload a file to a Cloud Storage bucket, it will not be issued an access token until a client calls its version of getDownloadURL(). So to fix your issue, you would call getDownloadURL() immediately after upload.
If Node is running on a client's machine, you would use:
// legacy syntax
import * as firebase from "firebase";
// reference to file
const imageStorageRef =
// perform the upload
await imageStorageRef.putString(dataUrl, 'DATA_URL');
// get the download URL
const imageStorageDownloadURL = await imageStorageRef.getDownloadURL();
// modern syntax
import { getStorage, getDownloadURL, ref, uploadString } from "firebase/storage";
// reference to file
const imageStorageRef = ref(
// perform the upload
await uploadString(imageStorageRef, dataUrl, 'DATA_URL');
// get the download URL
const imageStorageDownloadURL = await getDownloadURL(imageStorageRef);
If Node is running on a private server you control, you should opt to use the Firebase Admin SDK instead as it bypasses the rate limits and restrictions applied to the client SDKs.
As mentioned before, the download URLs aren't created automatically. Unfortunately for us, getDownloadURL is a feature of the client SDKs and the Admin SDK doesn't have it. So we can either let a client call getDownloadURL when it is needed or we can manually create the download URL if we want to insert it into a database.
Nico has an excellent write up on how Firebase Storage URLs work, where they collated information from the Firebase Extensions GitHub and this StackOverflow thread. In summary, to create (or recreate) a download URL once it has been uploaded, you can use the following function:
import { uuid } from "uuidv4";
// Original Credit: Nico (#nicomqh)
// "file" is an instance of the File class from the Cloud Storage SDK
// executing this function more than once will revoke all previous tokens
function createDownloadURL(file) {
const downloadToken = uuid();
await file.setMetadata({
metadata: {
firebaseStorageDownloadTokens: downloadToken
return `${}/o/${encodeURIComponent(}?alt=media&token=${downloadToken}`;
The allows us to change the client-side code above into the following so it can run using the Admin SDK:
// assuming firebase-admin is initialized already
import { getStorage } from "firebase-admin/storage";
// reference to file
const imageStorageFile = getStorage()
// perform the upload
// get the download URL
const imageStorageDownloadURL = await createDownloadURL(imageStorageFile);
In all of the above examples, a download URL is retrieved and saved to the imageStorageDownloadURL variable. You should store this value as-is in your database. However, if you instead want to store only the access token and reassemble the URL on an as-needed basis, you can extract the token from its ?token= parameter using:
const downloadToken = new URL(imageStorageDownloadURL).searchParams.get('token');

How to delete a user and their Firestore document in a callable cloud function

I'm creating a cloud function in firebase and need some help,I'm trying to delete a user form firebase and delete his document from firestore in one cloud function.
How can I make a batch job / transaction for both auth and firestore, lets say the user tries to delete his account but for some reason the user.delete() function doesn't work (lets say it's down on firebases side for that moment). The user would get en error message that we couldn't delete his account but when he tries to login again he would also get an error because his document doesn't exist.
I looked at the firebase extension to delete user data but it doesn't delete the user account and it seems to have the same problem.
Do I need to handle such edge case in the app/cloud-functions, is it something firebase should take care of or am I just getting something wrong?
Here is my code, if it would help:
const functions = require("firebase-functions");
const admin = require("firebase-admin");
exports.deleteUser = functions.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
try {
const uid = context.auth.uid;
const db = admin.firestore();
const collection = db.collection("users");
await collection.doc(uid).delete();
await admin.auth.deleteUser(uid); // what if this line fails?
return "success";
} catch (err) {
return "error";
This line isn't doing what you think it's doing:
const user = await admin.auth().currentUser;
user is going to be undefined, because admin.auth() doesn't have a property called currentUser (it's an Auth object). The concept of "current user" doesn't exist on backend SDKs. It's a frontend concept only. What you do have, however, is a string uid which is the UID of the authenticated user that invoked the function.
If you want to use the Firebase Admin SDK to delete the user identified by the uid string, then you just need to call deleteUser(uid):
await admin.auth().deleteUser(uid);
By the way, the Delete User Data extension doesn't have to delete the user, because it works by responding to the user deleting their own account using the client SDK. That should actually be enough to make this work.

Copy object from one node to another in Cloud Functions for Firebase

I'm using Cloud Functions for Firebase, and I'm stuck with what seems to be a very basic operation.
If someone adds a post, he writes to /posts/. I want a portion of that post to be saved under a different node, called public-posts or private-posts, using the same key as was used in the initial post.
My code looks like this
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
exports.copyPost = functions.database
.onWrite(event => {
const post =;
const smallPost = (({ name, descr }) => ({ name, descr }))(post);
if (post.isPublic) {
return functions.database.ref('/public-posts/' + event.params.pushId)
} else {
return functions.database.ref('/private-posts/' + event.params.pushId)
The error message I get is: functions.database.ref(...).set is not a function.
What am I doing wrong?
If you want to make changes to the database in a database trigger, you either have to use the Admin SDK, or find a reference to the relevant node using the reference you've been given in the event. (You can't use functions.database to find a reference - that's used for registering triggers).
The easiest thing is probably to use (doc) to find a reference to the location you want to write:
const root =
const pubPost = root.child('public-posts')

How to query firebase realtime database in cloud code

I am using Firebase cloud code and firebase realtime database.
My database structure is:
I want to query only the users who's field 'flag' is 'true' .
What I am doing currently is going over all the users and checking one by one. But this is not efficient, because we have a lot of users in the database and it takes more than 10 seconds for the function to run:
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require("firebase-admin");
exports.test1 = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
// Read Users from database
admin.database().ref('/users').once('value').then((snapshot) => {
var values = snapshot.val(),
res = {}; // Result string
numOfRelevantUsers = 0;
// Traverse through all users to check whether the user is eligible to get discount.
for (val in values)
current = values[val]; // Assign current user to avoid values[val] calls.
// Do something with the user
Is there a more efficient way to make this query and get only the relevant records? (and not getting all of them and checking one by one?)
You'd use a Firebase Database query for that:
.once('value').then((snapshot) => {
const numOfRelevantUsers = snapshot.numChildren();
When you need to loop over child nodes, don't treat the resulting snapshot as an ordinary JSON object please. While that may work here, it will give unexpected results when you order on a value with an actual range. Instead use the built-in Snapshot.forEach() method:
snapshot.forEach(function(userSnapshot) {
console.log(userSnapshot.key, userSnapshot.val());
Note that all of this is fairly standard Firebase Database usage, so I recommend spending some extra time in the documentation for both the Web SDK and the Admin SDK for that.

Using Firebase parameters with Google Cloud Storage under node.js

There is no node.js Firebase Storage client at the moment (too bad...), so I'm turning to gcloud-node with the parameters found in Firebase's console.
I'm trying :
var firebase = require('firebase');
var gcloud = require('gcloud')({
keyFilename: process.env.FB_JSON_PATH,
projectId: process.env.FB_PROJECT_ID
serviceAccount: process.env.FB_JSON_PATH,
databaseURL: process.env.FB_DATABASE_URL
var fb = firebase.database().ref();
var gcs =;
var bucket = gcs.bucket(process.env.FB_PROJECT_ID);
bucket.exists(function(err, exists) {
console.log('err', err);
console.log('exists', exists);
Where :
FB_JSON_PATH is the path to the JSON file generated in order to use the Firebase Server SDK
FB_DATABASE_URL is something like
FB_PROJECT_ID is the name of the firebase project in Google's console : "app-a36e5"
The id of the bucket is FB_PROJECT_ID (in Firebase's console the storage tab displays gs://
When I run this code I get :
err null
exists false
But no other errors.
I'm expecting exists true at least.
Some additional info : I can query the database (so I imagine the JSON file is correct), and I have set the storage rules as follow :
service {
match /b/ {
match /{allPaths=**} {
allow read: if true;
allow write: if request.auth != null;
So that everything on the storage is readable.
Any ideas how to get it to work ? Thank you.
The issue here is that you aren't naming your storage bucket correctly. The bucket initialization should be:
var bucket = gcs.bucket(''); // full name of the bucket includes the
I would assume that process.env.FB_PROJECT_ID is just the your-bucket part, and you'd need to get the full bucket name, not just the project id (though the bucket name may be process.env.FB_PROJECT_ID + '').
Also, sorry about not providing Storage integrated with Firebase--GCS has a high quality library that you've already found (gcloud-node), and we figured that this provides the best story for developers (Firebase for mobile, Google Cloud Platform for server side development), and didn't want to muddy the waters further.
