Best practices for multiple inheritance in this Python code - python-3.x

I'm having some doubts with the design of mutiple inheritance in some Python classes.
The thing is that I wanted to extend the ttk button. This was my initial proposal (I'm omitting all the source code in methods for shortening, except init methods):
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk
class ImgButton(ttk.Button):
This has all the behaviour for a button which has an image
def __init__(self, master=None, **kw):
super().__init__(master, **kw)
self._img = kw.get('image')
def change_color(self, __=None):
Changes the color of this widget randomly
:param __: the event, which is no needed
def get_style_name(self):
Returns the specific style name applied for this widget
:return: the style name as a string
def set_background_color(self, color):
Sets this widget's background color to that received as parameter
:param color: the color to be set
def get_background_color(self):
Returns a string representing the background color of the widget
:return: the color of the widget
def change_highlight_style(self, __=None):
Applies the highlight style for a color
:param __: the event, which is no needed
But I realized later that I wanted also a subclass of this ImgButton as follows:
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk
class MyButton(ImgButton):
ImgButton with specifical purpose
IMG_NAME = 'filename{}.jpg'
IMAGES_DIR = os.path.sep + os.path.sep.join(['home', 'user', 'myProjects', 'myProject', 'resources', 'images'])
UNKNOWN_IMG = os.path.sep.join([IMAGES_DIR, IMG_NAME.format(0)])
IMAGES = (lambda IMAGES_DIR=IMAGES_DIR, IMG_NAME=IMG_NAME: [os.path.sep.join([IMAGES_DIR, IMG_NAME.format(face)]) for face in [1,2,3,4,5] ])()
def change_image(self, __=None):
Changes randomly the image in this MyButton
:param __: the event, which is no needed
def __init__(self, master=None, value=None, **kw):
# Default image when hidden or without value
current_img = PhotoImage(file=MyButton.UNKNOWN_IMG)
super().__init__(master, image=current_img, **kw)
if not value:
elif not isinstance(value, (int, Die)):
elif isinstance(value, MyValue):
self.myValue = value
elif isinstance(value, int):
self.myValue = MyValue(value)
raise ValueError()
self.bind('<Button-1>', self.change_image, add=True)
def select(self):
Highlights this button as selected and changes its internal state
def toggleImage(self):
Changes the image in this specific button for the next allowed for MyButton
The inheritance feels natural right to his point. The problem came when I noticed as well that most methods in ImgButton would be reusable for any Widget I may create in the future.
So I'm thinking about making a:
class MyWidget(ttk.Widget):
for putting in it all methods which help with color for widgets and then I need ImgButton to inherit both from MyWidget and ttk.Button:
class ImgButton(ttk.Button, MyWidget): ???
class ImgButton(MyWidget, ttk.Button): ???
Edited: Also I want my objects to be loggable, so I did this class:
class Loggable(object):
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.__logger = None
self.__logger = self.get_logger()
self.debug = self.get_logger().debug
self.error = self.get_logger().error
self.critical = self.get_logger().critical = self.get_logger().info
self.warn = self.get_logger().warning
def get_logger(self):
if not self.__logger:
self.__logger = logging.getLogger(self.get_class())
return self.__logger
def get_class(self):
return self.__class__.__name__
So now:
class ImgButton(Loggable, ttk.Button, MyWidget): ???
class ImgButton(Loggable, MyWidget, ttk.Button): ???
class ImgButton(MyWidget, Loggable, ttk.Button): ???
# ... this could go on ...
I come from Java and I don't know best practices for multiple inheritance. I don't know how I should sort the parents in the best order or any other thing useful for designing this multiple inheritance.
I have searched about the topic and found a lot of resources explaining the MRO but nothing about how to correctly design a multiple inheritance. I don't know if even my design is wrongly made, but I thought it was feeling pretty natural.
I would be grateful for some advice, and for some links or resources on this topic as well.
Thank you very much.

I've been reading about multiple inheritance these days and I've learnt quite a lot of things. I have linked my sources, resources and references at the end.
My main and most detailed source has been the book "Fluent python", which I found available for free reading online.
This describes the method resolution order and design sceneries with multiple inheritance and the steps for doing it ok:
Identify and separate code for interfaces. The classes that define methods but not necessarily with implementations (these ones should be overriden). These are usually ABCs (Abstract Base Class). They define a type for the child class creating an "IS-A" relationship
Identify and separate code for mixins. A mixin is a class that should bring a bundle of related new method implementations to use in the child but does not define a proper type. An ABC could be a mixin by this definition, but not the reverse. The mixin doesn't define nor an interface, neither a type
When coming to use the ABCs or classes and the mixins inheriting, you should inherit from only one concrete superclass, and several ABCs or mixins:
class MyClass(MySuperClass, MyABC, MyMixin1, MyMixin2):
In my case:
class ImgButton(ttk.Button, MyWidget):
If some combination of classes is particularly useful or frequent, you should join them under a class definition with a descriptive name:
class Widget(BaseWidget, Pack, Grid, Place):
I think Loggable would be a Mixin, because it gathers convenient implementations for a functionality, but does not define a real type. So:
class MyWidget(ttk.Widget, Loggable): # May be renamed to LoggableMixin
Favor object composition over inheritance: If you can think of any way of using a class by holding it in an attribute instead of extending it or inheriting from it, you should avoid inheritance.
"Fluent python" - (Chapter 12) in Google books
Super is super
Super is harmful
Other problems with super
Weird super behaviour

In principle, use of multiple inheritance increases complexity, so unless I am certain of its need, I would avoid it. From your post you already look aware of the use of super() and the MRO.
A common recommendation is to use composition instead of multiple inheritance, when possible.
Another one is to subclass from only one instantiable parent class, using abstract classes as the other parents. That is, they add methods to this subclass, but never get instantiated themselves. Just like the use of interfaces in Java. Those abstract classes are also called mixins, but their use (or abuse) is also debatable. See Mixins considered harmful.
As for your tkinter code, besides logger code indentation, I don't see a problem. Maybe widgets can have a logger instead of inheriting from it. I think with tkinter the danger is the unwanted override by mistake of one of the hundreds of available methods.


Python pro way to make an abstract class allowing each child class to define its own attributes, Python3

I have to model several cases, each case is realised by a class. I want to make sure that each class must have 2 methods get_input() and run(). So in my opinion, I can write a CaseBase class where these 2 methods are decorated as #abstractmethod. Therefore, any child class has to implement these 2 methods. And this is exactly my goal.
However, due to the nature of my work, each case is for distinct subject, and it is not easy to define a fixed group of attributes. The attributes should be defined in the __init__ method of a class. That means I don't know what exactly attributes to write in the CaseBase class. All I know is that all children cases must have some common attributes, like self._common_1 and self._common_2.
Therefore, my idea is that I also decorate the __init__ method of CaseBase class by #abstractmethod. See my code below.
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Dict, List
class CaseBase(ABC):
def __init__(self):
self._common_1: Dict[str, float] = {}
self._common_2: List[float] = []
def get_input(self, input_data: dict):
def run(self):
class CaseA(CaseBase):
def __init__(self):
self._common_1: Dict[str, float] = {}
self._common_2: List[float] = []
self._a1: int = 0
self._a2: str = ''
def get_input(self, input_data: dict):
self._common_1 = input_data['common_1']
self._common_2 = input_data['common_2']
self._a1 = input_data['a1']
self._a2 = input_data['a2']
def run(self):
def main():
case_a = CaseA()
case_a.get_input(input_data={'common_1': {'c1': 1.1}, 'common_2': [1.1, 2.2], 'a1': 2, 'a2': 'good'})
if __name__ == '__main__':
My question: Is my way a good Python style?
I followed many Python tutorials about how to make Abstract class and child class. They all give examples where a fixed group of attributes are defined in the __init__ method of the base class. I also see some approach to use super().__init__ code in the child class to change the attributes defined in the base class or to add new attributes. But I am not sure if it is better (more pro) than my way.
You mostly used the abc module in python 3.10 correctly. but it doesn't make sense to decorate the constructor with #abstractmethod. It's unnecessary. Each class, derived or not, can and will have its own constructor. You can call super().__init__(args) within the child class to call the constructor of its immediate parent if you didn't want to duplicate its code but wanted to do further initialization in the child class constructor.

Python: why do I need super().__init__() call in metaclasses?

I have got one question: why do I need to call super().--init--() in metaclasses? Because metaclass is factory of classes, I think we don`t need to call initialization for making objects of class Shop. Or with using super().--init-- we initializing the class? (Because my IDE says, that I should call it. But without super().--init-- nothing happens, my class working without mistakes).
Can you explane me, why?
Thanks in advance!
class Descriptor:
_counter = 0
def __init__(self):
self.attr_name = f'Descriptor attr#{Descriptor._counter}'
Descriptor._counter += 1
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
return self if instance is None else instance.__dict__[self.attr_name]
def __set__(self, instance, value):
if value > 0:
instance.__dict__[self.attr_name] = value
msg = 'Value must be > 0!'
raise AttributeError(msg)
class Shop():
weight = Descriptor()
price = Descriptor()
def __init__(self, name, price, weight): = name
self.price = price
self.weight = weight
def __repr__(self):
return f'{}: price - {self.price} weight - {self.weight}'
def buy(self):
return self.price * self.weight
class Meta(type):
def __init__(cls, name, bases, attr_dict):
super().__init__(name, bases, attr_dict) # <- this is that func. call
for key, value in attr_dict.items():
if isinstance(value, Descriptor): # Here I rename attributes name of descriptor`s object.
value.attr_name = key
def __prepare__(metacls, name, bases):
return OrderedDict()
You don't "need" to - and if your code use no other custom metaclasses, not calling the metaclass'__init__.super() will work just the same.
But if one needs to combine your metaclass with another, through inheritance, without the super() call, it won't work "out of the box": the super() call is the way to ensure all methods in the inheritance chain are called.
And if at first it looks like that a metaclass is extremely rare, and combining metaclasses would likely never take place: a few libraries or frameworks have their own metaclasses, including Python's "abc"s (abstract base classes), PyQT, ORM frameworks, and so on. If any metaclass under your control is well behaved with proper super() calls on the __new__, __init__ and __call__ methods, (if you override those), what you need to do to combine both superclasses and have a working metaclass can be done in a single line:
CompatibleMeta = type("CompatibleMeta", (meta, type(OtherClassBase)), {})
This way, for example, if you want to use the mechanisms in your metaclass in a class using the ABCMeta functionalities in Python, you just do it. The __init__ method in your Meta will call the other metaclass __init__. Otherwise it would not run, and some subtle unexpectd thing would not be initialized in your classes, and this could be a very hard to find bug.
On a side note: there is no need to declare __prepare__ in a metaclass if all it does is creating an OrderedDict on a Python newer than 3.6: Since that version, dicitionaries used as the "locals()" while executing class bodies are ordered by default. Also, if another metaclass you are combining with also have a __prepare__, there is no way to make that work automatically by using "super()" - you have to check the code and verify which of the two __prepare__s should be used, or create a new mapping type with features to attend both metaclasses.

To put objects from a class into another class's attribute which is a class itself in Python

I have a class named Geometricalobjects of which many classes inherit from : Triangle, Circle, Rectangle, Square,Parallelepiped...
I also have a Drawmpaper class which has exactly two attributes : its name and a list of geometrical objects. The idea here is to put geometrical objects on a draw paper. (For example, if d=Drawpaper("one") and s=Square(0,1,3) and we do d.addgeometricalobjet(s) it'll add the square whose center is (0,1) and side=3 in a list).
And I want to use a class Display which will inherit from Canvas' class of Tkinter's module in order to take a Drawpaper and display which geometrical objets it's made of.
The problem is that I don't know how to add objects from a class in a class's attribute which itself is a class.
I tried this :
class Display(Canvas):
def __init__(self,parent, w, h, bg, draw):
Canvas.__init__(self, width = w, height = h, bg = bg)
self.__drawings=drawpaper #drawpaper is actually an object of Drawpaper class
I don't know if this code is correct or it's what's going to resolve my problem.
I hope you can help me to understand those difficult concepts.
Thank you by advance.
First of all, have a look at this page explaining the concept of class inheritance and the super() in Python. This can be quite useful and can already be applied in your code snippet
Regarding your question:
The problem is that I don't know how to add objects from a class in a class's attribute which itself is a class.
I'm not sure I fully understand your problem, but I can clear some points around:
Once you define a class, this is the blueprint of the Python object. When you call that blueprint with the __init__ method (e.g. a = Square(0,1,3)) you are now dealing with an instance of that class, that is stored in the variable a
Each class can have as many methods and attribute as you want, and will inherit them from the Superclass as well. Those are stored within the assigned variable and can be called from anywhere. The link I gave you has some nice examples, but let's say that:
class Square():
def __init__(self, center_x, center_y, width): = (center_x, center_y)
self.width = width
self.length = width
a = Square(0,1,3) #will return (0,1)
a.width #will return 3
in your code snippet, if draw is an instance of Drawpaper, and this class has the attribute Drawpaper.__list_of_geometricalobjects, you can access that attribute of the instance by doing draw.__list_of_geometricalobjects. However, it is good practise to check whether this is the case by using the isinstance() method, or better the hasattr() to check for the attribute directly.
Another thing I notice in your code snippet is that drawpaper is not defined within the scope of that class. In other words, should this be included in the __init__ call as an argument? is this a typo?

Adding Parameters to init function of inherited class

i am quite new to inheritance and overriding methods and i am not quite sure how to override the __init__ method of a class, more specifically, adding another parameter to it.
Basically i want to override the __init__ method of the tkinter class simpledialog.Dialog.
From the documentation the init method of simpledialog.Dialog has the Parameters __init__(self,parent,title=None) and i want it to be __init__(self,parent,labeltitle,title=None)
Ok guys, so for context i also changed some of the other methods of the class, i will give you the code so that people know why i want labeltitle in the init method. I found a solution on how to solve my problem, if anyone has an idea or sees a problem with this let me know.
import tkinter
from tkinter import simpledialog
class MyDialog(simpledialog.Dialog):
def __init__(self,parent,labeltitle,title):
def body(self, master):
tkinter.Label(master, text=self.labeltitle).grid(row=0)
self.e1 = tkinter.Entry(master)
self.e1.grid(row=0, column=1,pady=30)
return self.e1 # initial focus
def apply(self):
first = self.e1.get()
self.result = first
so now when i create an Object of MyDialog like this:
asd = MyDialog(root,"title_of_the_label","title_of_the_Dialogwindow")
i get the Dialogwindow with these titles. Now i can create multiple objects with different windowtitles and labeltitles, since the simpledialog.Dialog class only allowed to change the title of the Dialogwindow, not the labeltitle.

Overwriting parent function in multiple children

I have a couple of child classes that I want to use but they both inherit a method from their parent that doesn't quite behave the way I need it to.
class ParentClass():
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def annoying_funct(self):
print("I don't do quite what's needed and print {0}".format(self.value + 1))
def other_parent(self):
print("I do other useful things my children inherit")
class Child1(ParentClass):
def __init__(self, value, new_value1):
super(Child1, self).__init__(value)
self.new_value1 = new_value1
def other_child1(self):
print("I do useful child things")
class Child2(ParentClass):
def __init__(self, value, new_value2):
super(Child2, self).__init__(value)
self.new_value2 = new_value2
def other_child2(self):
print("I do other useful child things")
I want to overwrite annoying_funct() as something like this:
def annoying_funct():
print("I behave the way I am needed to and print {0}".format(self.value))
ParentClass, Child1 and Child2 are from a very complex library (scikit-learn), so I want to keep all of my wrappers as thin as possible. What would be the cleanest/most pythonic way of getting the functionality of my two child classes while altering the parent class as needed?
My thoughts so far:
Create a new class that inherits from the parent which overwrites the function I don't like and then make wrapper classes for the children that inherit from the new class and the child classes.
class NewParentClass(ParentClass):
def annoying_funct(self):
print("I behave the way I am needed to and print {0}".format(self.value))
class NewChild1(NewParentClass, Child1):
class NewChild2(NewParentClass, Child2):
My areas of confusion:
Is this the correct approach? It seems a little weird and klugy. Is there a cleaner way of doing this?
Is the syntax used for the two child classes correct? It runs for me, but it seems a little weird having them do nothing but inherit and pass.
Is having my new parent inherit from the previous parent the correct way of doing this? The code runs for the children without the inheritance between parentClass and newParentClass (eg. def newParentClass():), but if someone tried to make an instance of newParentClass() the function wouldn't work because it uses attributes not present in that class (value). Is that ok if I assume the class will never be used?
There are a couple of ways to do what you ask.
Create a new class inheriting from the parent class, then use it as new parent class.
The only drawback for this solution is that the when you provide the new parent or child class to functions requiring the original Parent class might not work since they might use annoying_funct and rely on an annoying behavior.
class NewParentClass:
def annoying_funct(self):
print("I behave the way I am needed to and print {0}".format(self.value))
class NewChild1(NewParentClass):
class NewChild2(NewParentClass):
Manipulate the existing Parent class
This is the solution I would like to use since it destroys the annoying_funct completely by replacing it with a well behaving one, buy again, other methods and functions requiring the former annoying_funct might fail. The good side is, you don't need to create another parent class and children, so your code will be much more elegant.
class ParentClass():
def annoying_funct(self):
print("I don't do quite what's needed and print {0}".format(self.value + 1))
def well_behaving_func(s):
# Dynamically change the class method
ParentClass.annoying_func = well_behaving_func
class Child1(Parent):
class Child2(Parent):
c = Child1()
c.annoying_funct() # prints 'Good'
Add a well behaving new method to parent class before inheriting from it.
If you want to maintain the current behavior and don't want your existing code or packages dependent on the parent class break, you certainly should not overwrite the annoying_funct in the parent class. So you should define a well behaving function and use it in child classes.
class ParentClass():
def annoying_funct(self):
print("I don't do quite what's needed and print {0}".format(self.value + 1))
def well_behaving_func(s):
# Dynamically change the class method
ParentClass.well_behaving_func = well_behaving_func
class Child1(Parent):
class Child2(Parent):
c = Child1()
# use 'well_behaving_func', not the annoying one
c.well_behaving_func() # prints 'Good'
What I ended up doing was using the concept of a mixin to add my new functionality to the child classes. The resulting code was as follows:
class AnnoyMixin:
def well_behaving_func(self):
print("I behave the way I am needed to and print {0}".format(self.value))
class NewChild1(AnnoyMixin, Child1):
def annoying_funct(self):
return well_behaving_func(self)
class NewChild2(AnnoyMixin, Child2):
def annoying_funct(self):
return well_behaving_func(self)
Functionally, this mostly behaves the same as the code I had proposed in my question, but the modifications help with readability. First, by naming the new parent as a "Mixin" it makes it clear that this class is not designed to stand on its own, but rather is intended to add functionality to another class. Because of this, AnnoyMixin doesn't need to inherit from ParentClass, simplifying inheritance for the NewChild classes.
Second, rather than overwriting annoying_funct in AnnoyMixin, we create the new function well_behaving_func. It is then the NewChild classes job to overwrite annoying_funct by calling well_behaving_func. Functionally, this works more or less the same as if the AnnoyMixin had over written annoying_funct, but this way, it is clearer to those reading the code that annoying_funct is being overwritten in the NewChild classes.
