Compile mapsforge jar files download from github - Android Studio - android-studio

I've started a new project in android Studio because for me it seemed the most obvious thing to do, compile mapsforge so I can use it in my next project create an App .
My first steps :
Via Android Studio : File > New > Project from version control
Download mapsforge from Github :
After above steps this is my result
Opened and take look at the existing build.gradle file... aaaaargh
Ignore the whole gradle stuff, just goto : Build > Make Project Ctrl + F9 ... executing taks and gradle build finished, no errors , Nice !
Where is the path where the jar files are generated / copied to? How to configure it? In AndroidStudio OR ignore this and just focus on the script?
It's not about programming or developing its about environment configuration.
So I really struggle with gradle, never used it before, started watching tutorials/demos, read stuff about it, ! I know rtfm ! Im missing out on some helpfull documentation.
I just want to compile and generate the jars (one time only) and use them in my App, thats it...


Android Studio “cannot resolve symbol R” but project compiles and runs

Android Studio displays in all java files in red : “cannot resolve symbol R” but the project compiles and runs.
I have tried every solution here:
Android Studio "cannot resolve symbol" but project compiles and works, but with no luck.
I tried to :
invalidate caches and restart android studio
delete .gradle and .idea folders
clean and rebuild the project
install a new version of android studio
mess up with gradle file then undo changes and sync project
One thing that I want to try, but I don't know how to achieve, is to reopen the project from scratch as I was opening it for the first time, but I don't know how to do this.
I also tried answers from here:
Android Studio says "cannot resolve symbol" but project compiles,
but again with no luck.
Android studio version = 3.2.1
dependency versions in gradle project file:
classpath ''
classpath ''
For some reason that i do not understand ,
this combination of build versions made the issue :
grade version = 4.10.1
classpath ''
when i switched to these build versions :
grade version = 4.6
classpath ''
The issue was solved !
File -> Close project
Open an existing Android Studio Project
Open you project
Hope it will work.
sometimes, R file is not generated because of package name on android manifest is not match with package module that you have.
Is any wrong syntax or spelling in your xml?
Check your layout or any xml file.
Android Studio seems to have a caching issue with occasionally. I rarely have a problem with this, but when I do, I actually open (double press shift and type "") or navigate to under "app/build/generated/source" directory, opening the file and checking if the relevant XML id has been created. If it has, it forces Android Studio to now recognise the id's that are not being resolved. It's quick to try, and doesn't require clean and rebuild.
From your programs menu, open android studio. instead of opening your project from the recent files, select to open a project from your computer and then locate the path to your project. When all else fails, sometimes this works.
Also, try commenting out the support libraries from your gradle implementation, sync your project, and after sync fails comment them back in and sync again. (not sure if that's what you tried already when you said you messed with the gradle file)
In my case,
I am using
- Android Studio version 3.3.1 at home
- Android Studio version 3.2.1 at office
When i pulled projects to my office computer that are firstly created at my home computer ,
Android Studio can not resolved R file but runs application with no error. Because projects gradle and Android Studio version are incompatible.
Only thing that you sholud do, change the gradle version in project level gradle file
classpath ''
classpath ''
I was facing same issue,
first thought the issue might because of some xml file or naming of drawable resources incorrectly. After analysing, this case wasn't applicable to me.
Updating Android studio from older version 3.2 to newer version 3.3.2 along with new build tool version from SDK manager resolved this issue
for me.
I've tried invalidate cache and Restart AS with clean rebuild all the options but didn't work for me.
It says cannot resolve symbol, but it can run.
In my case, I just reload the needed *.jar files to the libs folder.
File >> invalidate caches/restart
Rebuild Project
Works for me!
It looks like the library did not load my "imports" properly the first time.
That's why the import methods cannot be seen in my main_activity.xml.
This happened to me when I was going back and forth between different SDK versions.
Apparently SDK manager copied all the source files but it didn't finish cleanly. As a result I could compile and run my project just fine but IDE didn't recognize the SDK and reported all java symbols unresolved.
None of the above and other solutions in SO didn't work for me, but just uninstalling/reinstalling the specific SDK version did a job.
If you renamed your package (inside java folder), make sure you change your Manifest package name to the same
The only thing that worked for me was,
import package_name.R
import package_name.*
simply go to project settings : settings.gradel and change the to your current name = "write the project name here"

Error:This project does not use the Gradle build system, even though it was build in gradle system before

My project was build initally with bradle build system in android studio after I switching branches in git I got the following error.
This project does not use the Gradle build system. We recommend that you migrate to using the Gradle build system.
When i try exetuting gradle task I get error :
Error:Android Source Generator: [project-name] AndroidManifest.xml file not found , Even though I have the file in proper place.
I have been trying to fix this from several days. I have tried re-importing the project, clone the project again. Any help is gladly welcome.

Error running android: Gradle project sync failed. Please fix your project and try again

Android Studio (1.2 RC0) keeps telling me
Error running android: Gradle project sync failed. Please fix your project and try again.
How can I find out what the problem is? Unfortunately the solutions from this SO thread did not help.
Goto File -> Invalidate caches / Restart
Shutdown Android Studio
Rename/remove .gradle folder in the user home directory
Restart Android Studio (It will download gradle metadata and data)
Gradle build succeed
Rebuild project. Done.
Solution is
Connect your computer to the internet
Sync project with Gradle files
On toolbar
It will automatically sync the gradle.
Just ignore the error and try running the project anyway.
It will fail, but this time you will get a link in the error description. Clicking the link will trigger the automatic update/download of the outdated/missing component.
In my scenario, the project failed to launch two times, each time another API/SDK component being the culprit.
In my case I was just trying to launch a sample project I downloaded, having no clue what API level was being targeted or where to look for this information.
Download the latest Gradle package distribution for example (
Extract this zip file in a folder as for example (D://Gradle)
Load your project in Android Studio and go to File->Settings->Gradle. Click on Use local Gradle distribution and point it to the folder where you unzipped the latest Gradle project.
Restart your project
It is a very common issue and the solution is very easy...
Just update the SDK in SDK manager(see full instructions below)
Open Android Studio and go to your SDK Manager(File>Settings>SDK
Check for (-) icon in front of any package and click on it.
Click OK to start updating the SDK.
Thanks for asking that question :)
Delete "build" folder from project's root folder. Then do "invalidate cache and restart". This will restart your Android Studio and then build the app again, will solve the issue.
Go to
(and set gradle home path from your directory)
If no error messages are shown: sometimes the command-line gradle shows them. Just go the the command-line, change to the app directory and type
gradle installDebug
or, if the details are missing
gradle --info installDebug
This can provide additional information how to debug the problem.
I had the same issue yesterday. After opening the "Android SDK Manager", updating all packages and restarting Android Studio, the project compiled again.
For me, the problem was the SDK Tools License had not been accepted. Clicking on the "Build" tab at the bottom uncovered the issue.
From there, I went into the AVD, uninstalled the tools and then reinstalled them, which prompted to accept the license.
All of these have not worked for me, what did is reading the very bottom of the log file located around here
and it said the following
So i fixed the problem by going into Tools > SDK Manager and installing the required SDK version
it looks different from one situation to another.
for me i did an installation and update a lot of things that the sdk manager said to then i had this problem.
all i did was:
from file -> Invalidate caches/Restart
(a dialog will pop-up) choose Invalidate and restart.
after the restart is done. everything was fixed but i needed to create a new emulator and delete the old one.
(android studio 1.3.1)
(one professional must edit this to be more understandable)
Here everything was fine, but your machines also needs restart because some system files are changed, to sync them we have to restart the system.
This could be due to Android Studio version conflict of v3 and v4 especially when you import a project in android stdio v4 which was previously built in v3.
Here are the few things you need to do:
remove the .gradle and .idea folders from the main Application folder.
import the project in the android studio.
after the sync finished, it will ask you to update the android studio supported version.
click update.
I had the exact same error message
Error running android: Gradle project sync failed. Please fix your project and try again
Steps to solve:
Close Android Studio.
Remove the .gradle and .idea folders from the Application folder.
Open Android studio with your project.
After these steps android studio gradle will sync and download the required files to run the project (don't forget to disable offline mode).
I got this error going from Gradle 3.5.3 to 5.4.1 (Android Studio prompted and I clicked "Upgrade".)
Gradle proceeded to upgrade but yielded some errors such as:
ERROR: The Android Gradle plugin supports only Crashlytics Gradle plugin version 1.25.4 and higher.
The following dependencies do not satisfy the required version:
root project 'Android%20App' ->
Update plugins
Affected Modules: app
INFO: API 'variant.getExternalNativeBuildTasks()' is obsolete and has been replaced with 'variant.getExternalNativeBuildProviders()'.
It will be removed at the end of 2019.
For more information, see
To determine what is calling variant.getExternalNativeBuildTasks(), use -Pandroid.debug.obsoleteApi=true on the command line to display more information.
Affected Modules: app
INFO: The specified Android SDK Build Tools version (27.0.3) is ignored, as it is below the minimum supported version (28.0.3) for Android Gradle Plugin 3.5.3.
Android SDK Build Tools 28.0.3 will be used.
To suppress this warning, remove "buildToolsVersion '27.0.3'" from your build.gradle file, as each version of the Android Gradle Plugin now has a default version of the build tools.
Install Build Tools 28.0.3, update version in build file and sync project
Affected Modules: app
The thing that fixed it was opening Settings --> Appearance & Behavior --> System Settings --> Android SDK and I then selected some recent versions of Android SDK like 8, 9, and 10. (I had only had 5.1, 6.0, and Android N Preview installed.)
Once that's installed, I had to modify my build.gradle file for my Module: app
Removed buildToolsVersion '27.0.3'
Then I clicked the "Sync Project with Gradle Files" button on the toolbar. The Sync output window offered an option to "Update Plugins" and once I clicked through that everything seemed to work. For good measure I again clicked "Sync Project with Gradle Files" followed by Build --> Clean Project, and finally I was able to run my project again.
Resolution is simple. Open the "Android SDK Manager", update all packages and then restart your Android Studio. After that you project should compile without any issues.
It took me some time to resolve this.
Updated SDK Build-Tool [Didn't help]
Updated CMake [Didn't help]
Updated Android SDK Platform-Tools [Didn't help]
Updated Android SDK Tools [Didn't help]
Updated NDK [Problem solved]
There was a reason, I didn't want to update NDK. When all else failed, I updated NDK and that did the trick.
If your got timeout, Check Gradle Scripts -> in Android Studio, I found that I do have set a socket proxy in Android Studio settings, but in this file, my proxy became to http, so I just removed this http proxy setting lines, and finally works.
I got this problem on Android studio, there in either sync or build square were this link like blue text about this issue, press that button and it download something that fix this problem
I ran into the same issue, but then did the following, and my issue was resolved:
updated Gradle
installed the latest version of Android studio (mine was out of date)
And that solved my problem.
Note: It also helped me to click on the event log, because it has more detailed info about errors. also has great info.
I've installed Android SDK Command-Line Tools from SDK Manager and after, juste Sync again and all is worked well.
it was hard to solve but i did it
look go to
C:\Users(user name)
delete .gradle file
its you didn't see it it may be in hidden files so if you use windows 7
right click then click on properties and click on hidden to be not checked
then the file will appear then delete it
i hope this works
It could be that you are using gradle in offline mode.
To uncheck it go to File > Settings > Gradle, uncheck the Offline Work checkbox, and click Apply
Make sure you have internet connection and sync the project again.
Its because the gradle is not synced because of many reasons.
Go to project folder and remove .gradle folder and start sync. It will work
Apparently, some platforms could be missing. This is how I solved the problem:
Do you see an error message that is shown at the bottom of your Android Studio window? It could be a smaller window on the bottom right also.., which looks like:
Now, Click on that blue link, do as the dialog boxes say (if any)...
That solved the problem. Hope it helps...
Download grade files from this url and extract all in a folder:
Open file -> Setting in windows OS or Preferences in mac OS and in "Build, Execution, Deployment"
Click on "Gradle"
Check “Use local cradle distribution” and give that extracted folder path.
Run gradle.bat for Windows OS and gradle file for mac OS in that folder.
Then check “Offline work”.
"your extracted folder path"/gradle-4.10.2/bin/.gradle (for version 4.1.2 you can set your version)
Press OK and enjoy it.
I had the exact same error message
Error running android: Gradle project sync failed. Please fix your project and try again
, but if none of the above fixes your error, then I would highly suggest for you to check your syntax inside the AndroidManifest.xml file.
That fixed if for me. I don't understand why the error-message is so misleading, since it had nothing to do with the build gradle directly.
Please also see this SO-answer here, which has lead many of us in the right direction.
It was yelling at me about a line in my xml file (which was perfectly valid and never had problems the entire time I've worked on the project). I deleted the line and even after running again and cleaning and rebuilding it kept yelling at me about the completely blank line. I restarted android studio and removed the .gradle folder and it finally worked. Hopefully someone in my shoes that had all of the other answers in this thread fail them will see this answer and save a few hours.
I had this problem (clicked a prompt to "sync with gradle" on my perfectly valid and working project and it killed everything) and I researched for hours trying to figure out how to fix this, including this thread among many others. I finally found my solution, so hopefully, it'll help somebody (and hopefully they fix this terrible system)
I encountered this in a unique situation: had refactored the word "time" to "distance" for one of my variables. And when I did the refactor, accidentally had it change the name of one of my gradle dependencies / implementations.
This is a rare cause of the error, but a possibility. So make sure all your dependencies are properly implemented in build.gradle
Delete .gradle folder(root directory) and build folder(project directory) and then invalidate caches/restart android studio, run your project again hopefully it will work. It might take some time for the background tasks. In some countries, you may need to turn on the VPN to download.

Why does Android Studio download gradle each time a new gradle project is imported?

Why does Android Studio download gradle every time I try to import a new project?
Initially, I imported one gradle project for which Gradle 2.1 was auto-downloaded. Subsequently, for a second project import, it downloaded Gradle 1.10. Now again while importing a third project, it has downloaded Gradle 2.2.1.
What is happening?
Projects can declare which Gradle they require to run (see file in gradle directory in the root of the project).
Android Studio uses this information to download and run the right version (it's actually not Android Studio, it's the Gradle Wrapper running inside it). And it's a good thing.
What you can do?
Wait. Once you have the version downloaded in ~/.gradle directory, it will be used for any project declaring the same version. It's one-time cache.
Disable the usage of the wrapper when you import the project. I really recommend against it! You project might not build because of that.
Same happens to me.
The answer of JBaruch is allright.
1.- When you're opening a file on the option Gradle project: select the build.gradle that cames on your project
2.- Select the option "Use local grade distribution" and in Gradle home option; go and select in C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\gradle\gradle-2.2.1
It will not ask you to download it again (except if needs other version)
...well, here's what I normally do to speed up the initial build on opening a project (target):
1- open a project you already have working and open the file a copy the following line (your project most likely will have a different version):
2- paste it and replace the code on the same file on the target project
3- open the file build.gradle (project code) from a project you already have working and copy the following classpath, (again, your project most likely will have a different version)
dependencies {
classpath ''
// ...
4- paste it on the same file on the target project
This way you can speed up the build of the target project while avoiding the usual 100Mb or so Gradle download.
Basically it downloads the Gradle build files for your current project according to its version and this whole work is done by your gradle wrapper which actually looks towards the basic requirement for your project and downloads the files according to that so whenever you are going to use any another projects of same version or with same requirements then it will not download any additional file at that time.Its just a one time shot!!!!
It usually downloads the Gradle updated version & and external dependencies for each project rather than fetching it from the cache.
So follow these steps:-
Go to settings
Search for Gradle
Untick Download External Dependencies Option.

When exactly is .gradle folder created in the home directory in Linux?

Okay so when exactly does gradle begin downloading dependencies? And when exactly is .gradle folder created in the home directory.
Gradle downloads dependencies just-in-time when they are first used. ~/.gradle is used for many purposes, and may be created as soon as Gradle is first started.
When talking about dependencies in gradle, you can categorize them into 2 categories :
build script dependencies : the gradle-plugins required by your script (for instance the android-gradle-plugin when you are building an android project). Those dependencies are downloaded at the very first stage of the gradle process.
project dependencies : downloaded when they are required. (i.e. if you are building only part of your project: it is possible that some dependencies not required for this part aren't downloaded)
There is a third kind of download : when you use the gradle-wrapper : gradle it-self can be downloaded by the wrapper-script (and of course it is the very first download.)
Regarding the ~/.gradle : it is the GRADLE_USER_HOME (by default USER_HOME/.gradle) : it can be redefined in multiple ways (see here) and it is used as soon as a gradle process is started.
A gradle process is started as soon as you run a command starting with gradle <with args> in a directory where a build.gradle exists (note that if you use the wrapper : the command is gradlew <with args>) .
When using an IDE (like Android Studio or IntelliJ) : the IDE can start a gradle process for you. In Android-Studio (or IntelliJ) : there is a view named Gradle Console where you can see logs issued by any gradle process started by the IDE.
when we start the gradle it create the .gradle folder inside your home directory. It consist of native (information about your system) and caches. Caches further consist of plugins and all other jars dependencies.
When we build the project first time at that time it download dependencies and plugins and cheched them here. next time when we need them it, it get from here. even when we need them in eclipse to compile the code (=>gradle eclipse), its dependencies are added from cache
