Foswiki Installation on Win Server 2012 and IIS? - iis

Has anyone had experience installing Foswiki on windows in the past couple of years? It unfortunately seems that all the guides are extremely old and vague.
The setup on my target machine is Windows Server 2012, Activestate Perl, and IIS 10. The machine is a company server, so I cannot change the setup or install another web server like Apache.

Sorry, I don't think that these are suitable preconditions: there are too many gotchas, too few people that ever went that route, it will cost you lots of efforts and the result will be inferior. There are two alternatives: (1) convert the machine to a Linux server or (2) grab the VM from with a pre-installed Foswiki ready to go.


Differences between Win7 IIS and Win2008 R2 IIS?

I am specing out new development workstations for my team and I am running into a conflict. I am a developer and I want Windows Server 2008 R2 because that is what our production servers are running. The IT guys want to give us Windows 7 because that is where they have tested all their infrastructure.
My question is this: is there enough of a difference between the two to push for 2008 R2? I know MSFT has crippled IIS in previous versions of Windows unless it was the server edition so I am skeptical about Win7 giving me what we need.
You can use Windows 7 for your development machines and have one Windows Server 2008 R2 for UAT deployments. This way you can have the best of both worlds. IT will be happy that you are all running Windows 7 and you will be happy that you're able to test your application in windows server 2008.
This question answer might be helpful.
Differences between Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2
Your IT guys are correct aside from licensing issues such cost as Office without workstation on OpenValue, OpenSelect etc.. (remember they are packaged together) etc.. there are hardware issues and compatibility with future software.
There is no way you need 2008 R2 Server, do you want to work in the data center too? or have a full copy of the live database? You should have a CI server though that represents the live environment , the IT guys should provide this for you - probably as a VM.

How to setup IIS?

i want to setup IIS(internet information service) on my laptop. what is the setup formality or setup.
Installing IIS
This question should be moved to Server Fault however. Also, once posted there, you should provide a lot more information about what version of Windows, what version of IIS, and so forth.
Also, if you're just doing development, Visual Studio comes with a small development server, so IIS installations aren't usually needed for development.

Is there a way to install and run a local server on my Windows XP Home laptop?

I'm looking to set up a local server on my laptop which is running Windows XP Home Edition. I've noticed that it is impossible to install IIS on the Home Edition, but is there a way around this? Is there other software that I can install to run a server?
the purpose behind this is to mess around and play with ASP to create dynamic websites and my only computer I own has Home Edition.
Also, would running a server on my 5 year old laptop with 2GB of RAM be a good idea?
Windows XP Home Edition does not come with IIS (only Professional). There are workarounds available, but Home Edition was not designed for this. Visual Studio (full and express) come with Cassini, which is a version of IIS you can use for testing/development.
What is your desired result?
You can always install Apache. It should work fine on your HW.
This is what I use:
The X1 version is totally free and works great. You can then add PHP as needed (or not)
Yes there are ways like
If you are developing using Visual Studio 2005, 8 , 10 you don't need IIS.
The hardware should be fine as you will be the only user accessing the website :)
Download Ultidev Cassini and be happy...Ez to configure and use in both localhost and local network.

From PHP (LAMP) to Classic ASP, how to setup a dev environment

I'm jumping into updating a Classic ASP web app coming from a PHP background and am trying to get my bearings. I'm used to just installing something like MAMP, messing the httpd.conf a bit and getting on my way.
Ideally, I would like to be able to edit this app completely locally on my Macbook Pro running OS X Leopard so that I'm not messing with my client's server too much. Now, if I need to I'm willing to install Windows 7 via Boot Camp or running it as a virtual machine. Of course my preference is to stay completely in OS X, but I have my doubts about that possibility. So, how should I go about this?
One thing to note is that once I'm done updating this ASP web app I will have to make changes to a VB(.NET) application as well, so I'd like to have to change my virtual workspace as little as possible when that time comes around.
As you say, you will need to install Windows via Boot Camp or VM (your choice).
Once in Windows, you can install Visual Studio 2010 (Express free), where you can edit your ASP Classic files, and you will have it already installed when you need to do
Do not forget to install IIS when you install Windows (you will need it to run ASP Classic)

Setting up a sandbox dev environment for Sharepoint

I am planning to get Sharepoint (MOSS) setup on my home development workstation and one of the things I read about using virtualisation (I currently have Vista, need Windows Server) is that you can install VMs with different OS's (eg Vista, Server) or you can run one OS with the ability to do development on Sharepoint/MS CRM etc which is sandboxed (Can't effect the OS).
My pc specs: Intel Quad Core 2.4ghz, 4GB RAM, Vista 32-bit (so I can't see/use all 4gbs).
How is this usually setup?
This article has everything you need. It covers essential post-installation tasks such as server configuration.
How to Create a MOSS 2007 VPC Image: The Whole 9 Yards
Just want to point out that there are more problems with 32-bit SharePoint than the fact that you can’t use all your memory. Read this blog post for more info. I guess you are talking about SharePoint 2007, but 2010 is around the corner and its 64-bit only (probably due to the problems described in that blog post). So I'd recommend you to do it properly and set up an x64 environment from the beginning.
Download a virtualization software. Virtual PC, Virtual Server, VMWare Server are popular and free
Install according to the instructions.
Create a virtual machine (it is usually a wizard)
Install a OS and configure manually, or you can download a use an existing virtual hard drive.
Microsoft Offers one you can use.
One option could be to copy an existing virtual image from the company network and run that image at home.
If you don't have any existing images at the company you can create one using the "physical to VM" option in VMware workstation / Virtual server and then clone an existing server.
Remember that you might need to create a library of images if you have to test code on an box with SP1, SP2, June Cumulative and so on.
this post on ServerFault is a nice guide to max the performance of the image.
I would just like to add the following to other great answers:
Use Windows 2008 Hyper-V as your host operating system. In my case it had much better performance than Vista on same machine
In case you plan to develop for SharePoint+CRM there is MS prepared virtual machine with both. Unfortunately it is available on to MBS partners. SharePoint only machine is publicly available. Both machines will expire after 30 days, but just apply your product key and you will prolong it's life for additional year.
I have installed Windows Server 2008 directly on my laptop, so no need for VMs. It's an x64 machine as well. I use SQL server 2008 as well. It's just easier than running VMs and believe me, you need the full 4 GB if you are running Vista. Just install the x64 version of Win2008 on your machine (Standard edition will do. Just use this Google query on how to set up Win 2008 just like Vista and make it the ultimate workstation!
Google Query
