Deploy and schedule console application in Azure - azure

I got a web scraping tool developed using C# console application and Selenium Chrome driver.
Is there an option to deploy and schedule to run daily in Azure platform?

Is there an option to deploy and schedule to run daily in Azure
Yes. You can deploy your console application project to a web App service as an Azure Webjob.If you're unfamiliar with Azure Webjob, you can see details in this wiki. But I'm not sure whether your application can still work well, because it depends on your application itself and running environment sometimes.
You can use Visual Studio to deploy it. You can follow this tutorial to achieve that.
If you have already created a Webjob and want deploy it to Azure, you can refer to this blog.
Schedule the Webjob:
When you deploy the Webjob, you can use CRON to schedule your Webjob.


How to deploy a C# Console app to Azure App Service using Github Actions

I am trying to deploy a C# Console app. (which inserts data from a third party API to Azure SQL) using Github Actions (push to Azure App Service), and I need some guidance for an option.
I pushed my C# code into Github from my Visual Studio solution in my laptop.
I chose this option ("Deploy .Net Core app to an Azure Web App") at Github Actions:
This is result that I got:
Did I choose wrong option here?
Do I need to create a Web App?
We can deploy the console application into Azure app service using an Azure WebJob. To get complete idea on WebJob. But the performance of the application is not guaranteed. To deploy using Visual Studio. To deploy the application when the WebJob is already created use the link.
To schedule a WebJob
To schedule the WebJob refer the link.

Azure function app deploy and release pipeline error

I pushed my .net core function application using visual studio and now setting up release pipeline. I can publish and execute the application just fine and it works great on the Azure portal. However when I see the builds for releases in azure-devOps that slot fails with the following error.
2019-06-19T23:21:33.3543380Z ##[error]Error: Deployment of msBuild generated package is not supported. Change package format or use Azure App Service Deploy task. D:\a\r1\a\
I am not sure where I need to check in my setup to even start diagnosing the issue.
Here are the pipeline steps.
I create a new stage and then select a template of type (Azure app service deployment)
Under tasks
App type is Function App on Windows
Give the app name, resource group , give the slot and
package folder as
Everything else on this is left as default.
Azure function app deploy and release pipeline error
According to the error message:
Deployment of msBuild generated package is not supported. Change
package format or use Azure App Service Deploy task.
It seems you are not using the correct task to publish the generated package. Since the generated package is .zip, you can try the suggestion as error message said use Azure App Service Deploy task.
Azure App Service Deploy task:
Use this task in a build or release pipeline to deploy to a range of
App Services on Azure. The task works on cross-platform agents running
Windows, Linux, or Mac and uses several different underlying
deployment technologies.
The task works for ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core, PHP, Java, Python, Go, and
Node.js based web applications.
The task can be used to deploy to a range of Azure App Services such
Web Apps on both Windows and Linux
Web Apps for Containers Function
Apps on both Windows and Linux
Function Apps for Containers
Apps configured under Azure App Service Environments
Check this blog Visual Studio 2017 Tools for Azure Functions and Continuous Integration with VSTS for some more details.
Hope this helps.
I get predefined pipeline from VS integration. So for those you have the same case:
In GUI/Classic mode Release page -> edit pipeline
Edit task in stage section (this is responsible for deploying)
Replace Azure Web App task with Azure App Service deploy
I have more than one project (web api + azure function) in my solution. For the web app I used the zip file, but for the azure function to work I needed to publish the whole folder.
Azure Function
Package or folder:
Web Api
Package or folder:

How to deploy a webjob through CI in VSO with vNext

I'm trying to deploy a scheduled webjob through CI and vNext tasks in VSO.
I followed the steps in the following tutorial to deploy a webjob along with a web app ("Enable automatic deployment with a web project"):
I succeeded partially: the webjob gets deployed along with the web application. However, it is marked as On Demand instead of Scheduled (or whatever the proper status is). I can run the webjob manually and it runs just fine. I checked the files webjob-publish-settings.json (in the webjob) and webjobs-list.json (in the web app) and they seem to be alright, judging from the tutorial.
Am I missing anything? Thank you.
You can use the cron expression to create the webjob scheduler if your app is running in Basic or High mode. Refer to this link for details: Create a scheduled WebJob using a CRON expression
Otherwise, you need to enable continues delivery of Azure Webjobs.
More reference: Deploy your WebJobs projects with your Azure website using continuous delivery

Release Management Azure Website

How can I publish to an Azure Website (NO VM!) using Microsoft Release Management.
At the moment, ms release management only seems to support deploying to Azure VM's. I like MS Release Management system as it lets me control my deployment variables across multiple deployment stages.
Basically, this is not a supported scenario out of the box.
Your best bet here is to use an agent-based release template with a "springboard" server to manage the release, and custom PowerShell scripts that use the Azure SDK to interact with Azure. One of my colleagues did the leg work to figure it out a few months ago, and has a few comprehensive blog posts describing how he accomplished deploying an Azure Web Application via RM.
Visual Studio Release Management now offers built-in steps to manage Azure App Services. In a Release Management process add the Azure App Service Deploy step, and configure for your website. Note that this step requires your site to be published as a .zip file.
In addition to the deploy step, it is best practice to deploy to an inactive slot, or stop / start the site using the Azure App Service Manage steps in Release Management.
For now, you should take a look at the new build system, it has an out of box task to deploy a package to azure web app.

How to deploy azure webjob using Octopus

How to deploy azure webjob using Octopus deployment?
For me, octopus says it is deployed to azure but not able to see my webjob under the website.
Can anyone help how to achieve this?
There is a documentation on how to deploy a web job from octopus Azure Web Apps.
I was using Octopus Deploy 3.0 and in my case, I only wanted to deploy a webjob without a web app:
I've chosen Azure Web App Deployment Target:
And in the deployment section, specify the physical path.
For continuous job you can specify a path like that:
For triggered job you can specify a path like that:
have you try to publish your web jobs to your website using Visual Studio?
One way to verify whether your web jobs has been deployed to your website/web app is to access to the Kudu site of your website.
Go to Debug Console (CMD), try to access D:\home\site\wwwroot\App_Data\jobs
and see if there is any web jobs underneath it
You can try using the nuspec to package your artifacts.
Put you web jobs under App_Data\jobs\trigger{webjob} or App_Data\jobs\continuous{webjob} based on your job type.
And then deploy using Octopus, Azure will be able to recognize it.
This might help:
Good luck
