Running large dataset causes timeout - apache-spark

I am building a Spark application that is relatively simple. Generally, the logic looks like this:
val file1 = sc.textFile("s3://file1/*")
val file2 = sc.textFile("s3://file2/*")
// map over files
val file1Map = => (word, "val1"))
val file2Map = => (differentword, "val2"))
val unionRdd = file1Map.union(file2Map)
val groupedUnion = unionRdd.groupByKey()
val output = => {
// do something that requires all the values, return new object
if(oneThingIsTrue) tuple._1 else "null"
}).filter(line => line != "null")
The question has to do with this not working when I run it with larger datasets. I can run it without errors when the Dataset is around 700GB. When I double it to 1.6TB, the job will get halfway before timing out. Here is the Err log:
INFO MapOutputTrackerWorker: Don't have map outputs for shuffle 0, fetching them
INFO MapOutputTrackerWorker: Doing the fetch; tracker endpoint = NettyRpcEndpointRef(spark://MapOutputTracker#
ERROR MapOutputTrackerWorker: Error communicating with MapOutputTracker
org.apache.spark.rpc.RpcTimeoutException: Futures timed out after [800 seconds]. This timeout is controlled by
I have tried increasing the network timeout to both 800 seconds and 1600 seconds but all this does is delay the error for longer. I am running the code on 10r4.2xl which have 8 cores each and 62gb RAM. I have EBS setup to have 3TB storage. I am running this code via Zeppelin in Amazon EMR.
Can anyone help me debug this? The CPU usage of the cluster will be close to 90% the whole time until it gets halfway and it drops back to 0 completely. The other interesting thing is that it looks like it fails in the second stage when it is shuffling. As you can see from the trace, it is doing the fetch and never gets it.
Here is a photo from Ganglia.

I'm still not sure what caused this but I was able to get around it by coalescing the unionRdd and then grouping that result. Changing the above code to:
// union rdd is 30k partitions, coalesce into 8k
val unionRdd = file1Map.union(file2Map)
val col = unionRdd.coalesce(8000)
val groupedUnion = col.groupByKey()
It might not be efficient, but it works.

replace groupbykey with reduceByKey or aggregateByKey or combineByKey.
groupByKey must bring all like keys onto the same worker and this can cause an out of memory error. Not sure why there isn't a warning on using this function


Spark converting dataframe to RDD takes a huge amount of time, lazy execution or real issue?

In my spark application, I am loading data from Solr into a dataframe, running an SQL query on it, and then writing the resulting dataframe to MongoDB.
I am using spark-solr library to read data from Solr and mongo-spark-connector to write results to MongoDB.
The problem is that it is very slow, for datasets as small as 90 rows in an RDD, the spark job takes around 6 minutes to complete (4 nodes, 96gb RAM, 32 cores each).
I am sure that reading from Solr and writing to MongoDB is not slow because outside Spark they perform very fast.
When I inspect running jobs/stages/tasks on application master UI, it always shows a specific line in this function as taking 99% of the time:
override def exportData(spark: SparkSession, result: DataFrame): Unit = {
try {
val mongoWriteConfig = configureWriteConfig"resultOrder", monotonically_increasing_id())
.map(row => {
implicit val formats: DefaultFormats.type = org.json4s.DefaultFormats
val rMap = Map(row.getValuesMap(row.schema.fieldNames.filterNot(_.equals("resultOrder"))).toSeq: _*)
val m = Map[String, Any](
"queryId" -> queryId,
"queryIndex" -> opIndex,
"resultOrder" -> row.getAs[Long]("resultOrder"),
"result" -> rMap
}), mongoWriteConfig);
} catch {
case e: SparkException => handleMongoException(e)
The line .rdd is shown to take most of the time to execute. Other stages take a few seconds or less.
I know that converting a dataframe to an rdd is not an inexpensive call but for 90 rows it should not take this long. My local standalone spark instance can do it in a few seconds.
I understand that Spark executes transformations lazily. Does it mean that operations before .rdd call is taking a long time and it's just a display issue on application master UI? Or is it really the dataframe to rdd conversion taking too long? What can cause this?
By the way, SQL queries run on the dataframe are pretty simple ones, just a single group by etc.

Spark mapPartitions Issue

I am using spark mapPartition on my DF and the use case i should submit one Job (either calling lambda or sending a SQS Message) for each Partition.
I am partitioning on a custom formatted date column and logging the no.of partitions before and after and it is working as expected.
How ever when i see the total no.of jobs it is more than the no.of partitions. For Some of the partitions there are two or three jobs !!
Here is the Code i am using
val yearMonthQueryRDD = yearMonthQueryDF.rdd.mapPartitions(
partition => {
val partitionObjectList = new java.util.ArrayList[String]()"partitionIndex = {}",TaskContext.getPartitionId());
val partitionCounter:AtomicLong = new AtomicLong(0)
val partitionSize:AtomicLong = new AtomicLong(0)
val paritionColumnName:AtomicReference[String] = new AtomicReference[String]();
// Iterate the Objects in a given parittion
val updatedPartition = record => {
import yearMonthQueryDF.sparkSession.implicits._
val recordSizeInt = Integer.parseInt(record.getAs("object_size"))
val recordSize:Long = recordSizeInt.toLong
).toList"No.of Elements in Partition ["+paritionColumnName.get()+"] are =["+partitionCounter.get()+"] Total Size=["+partitionSize.get()+"]")
// Submit a Job for the parition
// jobUtil.submitJob(paritionColumnName.get(),partitionObjectList,partitionSize.get())
Another thing that is making the debugging harder is the logging statements inside the mapPartitions() method are not found in the container error logs (since they are executed on each worker node not on master node i expected them to find them in container logs rather than in master node logs. Need to figure why i am only seeing stderr logs but not stdout logs on the containers though).

Optimization Spark job - Spark 2.1

my spark job currently runs in 59 mins. I want to optimize it so that I it takes less time. I have noticed that the last step of the job takes a lot of time (55 mins) (see the screenshots of the spark job in Spark UI below).
I need to join a big dataset with a smaller one, apply transformations on this joined dataset (creating a new column).
At the end, I should have a dataset repartitioned based on the column PSP (see snippet of the code below). I also perform a sort at the end (sort each partition based on 3 columns).
All the details (infrastructure, configuration, code) can be found below.
Snippet of my code :
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", 4158)
val uh = uh_months
.withColumn("UHDIN", datediff(to_date(unix_timestamp(col("UHDIN_YYYYMMDD"), "yyyyMMdd").cast(TimestampType)),
to_date(unix_timestamp(col("january"), "yyyy-MM-dd").cast(TimestampType))))
.withColumn("DVA_1", date_format(col("DVA"), "dd/MM/yyyy"))
val uh_flag_comment = new TransactionType().transform(uh)
val uh_joined = uh_flag_comment.join(broadcast(smallDF), "NO_NUM")
.withColumnRenamed("DVA_1", "DVA")
val uh_to_be_sorted = uh_joined.repartition(4158, col("PSP"))
val uh_final = uh_joined.sortWithinPartitions(col("NO_NUM"), col("UHDIN"), col("HOURMV"))
EDITED - Repartition logic
val sqlContext = spark.sqlContext
sqlContext.udf.register("randomUDF", (partitionCount: Int) => {
val r = new scala.util.Random
// Also tried with r.nextInt(partitionCount) + col("PSP")
val uh_to_be_sorted = uh_joined
.withColumn("tmp", callUDF("RandomUDF", lit("4158"))
.repartition(4158, col("tmp"))
val uh_final = uh_to_be_sorted.sortWithinPartitions(col("NO_NUM"), col("UHDIN"), col("HOURMV"))
smallDF is a small dataset (535MB) that I broadcast.
TransactionType is a class where I add a new column of string elements to my uh dataframe based on the value of 3 columns (MMED, DEBCRED, NMTGP), checking the values of those columns using regex.
I previously faced a lot of issues (job failing) because of shuffle blocks that were not found. I discovered that I was spilling to disk and had a lot of GC memory issues so I increased the "spark.sql.shuffle.partitions" to 4158.
WHY 4158 ?
Partition_count = (stage input data) / (target size of your partition)
so Shuffle partition_count = (shuffle stage input data) / 200 MB = 860000/200=4300
I have 16*24 - 6 =378 cores availaible. So if I want to run every tasks in one go, I should divide 4300 by 378 which is approximately 11. Then 11*378=4158
Spark Version: 2.1
Cluster configuration:
24 compute nodes (workers)
16 vcores each
90 GB RAM per node
6 cores are already being used by other processes/jobs
Current Spark configuration:
-master: yarn
-executor-memory: 26G
-executor-cores: 5
-driver memory: 70G
-num-executors: 70
How is the job executed:
We build an artifact (jar) with IntelliJ and then send it to a server. Then a bash script is executed. This script:
export some environment variables (SPARK_HOME, HADOOP_CONF_DIR, PATH and SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS)
launch the spark-submit command with all the parameters defined in the spark configuration above
retrieves the yarn logs of the application
Spark UI screenshots
From the Summary Metrics we can say that your data is Skewed ( Max Duration : 49 min and Max Shuffle Read Size/Records : 2.5 GB/ 23,947,440 where as on an average it's taking about 4-5 mins and processing less than 200 MB/1.2 MM rows)
Now that we know the problem might be skew of data in few partition(s) , I think we can fix this by changing repartition logic val uh_to_be_sorted = uh_joined.repartition(4158, col("PSP")) by chosing something (like some other column or adding any other column to PSP)
few links to refer on data skew and fix
Hope this helps

Spark Dataframe leftanti Join Fails

We are trying to publish deltas from a Hive table to Kafka. The table in question is a single partition, single block file of 244 MB. Our cluster is configured for a 256M block size, so we're just about at the max for a single file in this case.
Each time that table is updated, a copy is archived, then we run our delta process.
In the function below, we have isolated the different joins and have confirmed that the inner join performs acceptably (about 3 minutes), but the two antijoin dataframes will not complete -- we keep throwing more resources at the Spark job, but are continuing to see the errors below.
Is there a practical limit on dataframe sizes for this kind of join?
private class DeltaColumnPublisher(spark: SparkSession, sink: KafkaSink, source: RegisteredDataset)
extends BasePublisher(spark, sink, source) with Serializable {
val deltaColumn = "hadoop_update_ts" // TODO: move to the dataset object
def publishDeltaRun(dataLocation: String, archiveLocation: String): (Long, Long) = {
val current =
val previous =
val inserts = current.join(previous, keys, "leftanti")
val updates = current.join(previous, keys).where(current.col(deltaColumn) =!= previous.col(deltaColumn))
val deletes = previous.join(current, keys, "leftanti")
val upsertCounter = spark.sparkContext.longAccumulator("upserts")
val deleteCounter = spark.sparkContext.longAccumulator("deletes")
logInfo("sending inserts to kafka")
sink.sendDeltasToKafka(inserts, "U", upsertCounter)
logInfo("sending updates to kafka")
sink.sendDeltasToKafka(updates, "U", upsertCounter)
logInfo("sending deletes to kafka")
sink.sendDeltasToKafka(deletes, "D", deleteCounter)
(upsertCounter.value, deleteCounter.value)
The errors we're seeing seems to indicate that the driver is losing contact with the executors. We have increased the executor memory up to 24G and the network timeout as high as 900s and the heartbeat interval as high as 120s.
17/11/27 20:36:18 WARN netty.NettyRpcEndpointRef: Error sending message [message = Heartbeat(1,[Lscala.Tuple2;#596e3aa6,BlockManagerId(1, server, 46292, None))] in 2 attempts
org.apache.spark.rpc.RpcTimeoutException: Futures timed out after [120 seconds]. This timeout is controlled by spark.executor.heartbeatInterval
at ...
Caused by: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Futures timed out after [120 seconds]
at ...
Later in the logs:
17/11/27 20:42:37 WARN netty.NettyRpcEndpointRef: Error sending message [message = Heartbeat(1,[Lscala.Tuple2;#25d1bd5f,BlockManagerId(1, server, 46292, None))] in 3 attempts
org.apache.spark.SparkException: Exception thrown in awaitResult
at ...
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.spark.SparkException: Could not find HeartbeatReceiver.
The config switches we have been manipulating (without success) are --executor-memory 24G --conf --conf spark.executor.heartbeatInterval=120s
The option I failed to consider is to increase my driver resources. I added --driver-memory 4G and --driver-cores 2 and saw my job complete in about 9 minutes.
It appears that an inner join of these two files (or using the built-in except() method) puts memory pressure on the executors. Partitioning on one of the key columns seems to help ease that memory pressure, but increases overall time because there is more shuffling involved.
Doing the left-anti join between these two files requires that we have more driver resources. Didn’t expect that.

How to effectively read millions of rows from Cassandra?

I have a hard task to read from a Cassandra table millions of rows. Actually this table contains like 40~50 millions of rows.
The data is actually internal URLs for our system and we need to fire all of them. To fire it, we are using Akka Streams and it have been working pretty good, doing some back pressure as needed. But we still have not found a way to read everything effectively.
What we have tried so far:
Reading the data as Stream using Akka Stream. We are using phantom-dsl that provides a publisher for a specific table. But it does not read everything, only a small portion. Actually it stops to read after the first 1 million.
Reading using Spark by a specific date. Our table is modeled like a time series table, with year, month, day, minutes... columns. Right now we are selecting by day, so Spark will not fetch a lot of things to be processed, but this is a pain to select all those days.
The code is the following:
val cassandraRdd =
.cassandraTable("keyspace", "my_table")
.select("id", "url")
.where("year = ? and month = ? and day = ?", date.getYear, date.getMonthOfYear, date.getDayOfMonth)
Unfortunately I can't iterate over the partitions to get less data, I have to use a collect because it complains the actor is not serializable.
val httpPool: Flow[(HttpRequest, String), (Try[HttpResponse], String), HostConnectionPool] = Http().cachedHostConnectionPool[String](host, port).async
val source =
.map(row => makeUrl(row.getString("id"), row.getString("url")))
.map(url => HttpRequest(uri = url) -> url)
val ref = Flow[(HttpRequest, String)]
.to(Sink.actorRef(httpHandlerActor, IsDone))
cassandraRdd.collect().foreach { row =>
ref ! row
I would like to know if any of you have such experience on reading millions of rows for doing anything different from aggregation and so on.
Also I have thought to read everything and send to a Kafka topic, where I would be receiving using Streaming(spark or Akka), but the problem would be the same, how to load all those data effectively ?
For now, I'm running on a cluster with a reasonable amount of memory 100GB and doing a collect and iterating over it.
Also, this is far different from getting bigdata with spark and analyze it using things like reduceByKey, aggregateByKey, etc, etc.
I need to fetch and send everything over HTTP =/
So far it is working the way I did, but I'm afraid this data get bigger and bigger to a point where fetching everything into memory makes no sense.
Streaming this data would be the best solution, fetching in chunks, but I haven't found a good approach yet for this.
At the end, I'm thinking of to use Spark to get all those data, generate a CSV file and use Akka Stream IO to process, this way I would evict to keep a lot of things in memory since it takes hours to process every million.
Well, after spending sometime reading, talking with other guys and doing tests the result could be achieve by the following code sample:
val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf)
val cassandraRdd = sc.cassandraTable(config.getString("myKeyspace"), "myTable")
.select("key", "value")
.as((key: String, value: String) => (key, value))
.partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(2 * sc.defaultParallelism))
.foreachPartition { partition =>
partition.foreach { row =>
implicit val system = ActorSystem()
implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
val myActor = system.actorOf(Props(new MyActor(system)), name = "my-actor")
val source = Source.fromIterator { () => row._2.toIterator }
.map { str =>
myActor ! Count
.to(Sink.actorRef(myActor, Finish))
class MyActor(system: ActorSystem) extends Actor {
var count = 0
def receive = {
case Count =>
count = count + 1
case Finish =>
println(s"total: $count")
case object Count
case object Finish
What I'm doing is the following:
Try to achieve a good number of Partitions and a Partitioner using the partitionBy and groupBy methods
Use Cache to prevent Data Shuffle, making your Spark move large data across nodes, using high IO etc.
Create the whole actor system with it's dependencies as well as the Stream inside the foreachPartition method. Here is a trade off, you can have only one ActorSystem but you will have to make a bad use of .collect as I wrote in the question. However creating everything inside, you still have the ability to run things inside spark distributed across your cluster.
Finish each actor system at the end of the iterator using the Sink.actorRef with a message to kill(Finish)
Perhaps this code could be even more improved, but so far I'm happy to do not make the use of .collect anymore and working only inside Spark.
