How can I get my bot to post a message to a Microsoft Teams channel? - node.js

I have a bot that is identical to the one demonstrated in the docs quickstart. It repeats back whatever the user says (for now).
It is currently running locally and exposed with ngrok. I've registered the bot with the Microsoft Bot Framework.
I have configured the Microsoft Teams channel in the Microsoft Bot Framework, and I've sideloaded my bot into Teams. My bot can receive messages from Teams users.
At present, the bot just repeats whatever it receives back to the user, but what I want it to do is post to a Microsoft Teams channel. I want it to post to a Teams channel - not a user - without being prompted first by a user. So for example given a certain condition (eg. triggered by some event such as time of day, a pull request, etc.) it posts a message in a channel.
I've read the documentation about sending proactive messages, and I gather that in order to send a message to a teams channel, the bot needs to know the "address" of the user. This information is stored in the session.message.address object, and it gets this from the current conversation. However, in my case I don't have a 'current conservation', because I don't want to just respond to a user, I want to post in a channel proactively.
So, how do I permanently set the necessary credentials/address/session-data for the Teams channel?
Things I've looked into:
Webhooks. I've configured a webhook in my Teams channel, and I can send it a message easily enough (using the webhook url) using curl. So I can send the Teams channel a simple message with just a url (no authentication required), but I'm not sure how I'd get this url into my bot.
How do we maintain different session for different users in Microsoft Bot Framework? I'm not sure that the answer here answers my question. My problem is that the bot is initiating the 'conversation', not a Teams user, so I need to be able to set the session data myself so the bot knows where to go.
var restify = require('restify');
var builder = require('botbuilder');
// Setup Restify Server
var server = restify.createServer();
server.listen(process.env.port || process.env.PORT || 3978, function () {
console.log('%s listening to %s',, server.url);
// Create chat connector for communicating with the Bot Framework Service
var connector = new builder.ChatConnector({
appId: process.env.MICROSOFT_APP_ID,
appPassword: process.env.MICROSOFT_APP_PASSWORD
// Listen for messages from users'/api/messages', connector.listen());
// Receive messages from the user and respond by echoing each message back (prefixed with 'You said:')
var bot = new builder.UniversalBot(connector, function (session) {
session.send("You said: %s", session.message.text);

For anyone who is wondering about the same for c#, here is the solution that worked for me:
var channelData = context.Activity.GetChannelData<TeamsChannelData>();
var message = Activity.CreateMessageActivity();
message.Text = "Hello World";
var conversationParameters = new ConversationParameters
IsGroup = true,
ChannelData = new TeamsChannelData
Channel = new ChannelInfo(channelData.Channel.Id),
Activity = (Activity) message
var connectorClient = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(activity.ServiceUrl));
var response = await
Note: If you are calling this outside Bot's controller code then you need to call TrustServiceUrl on serviceUrl as shown here:
MicrosoftAppCredentials.TrustServiceUrl(serviceUrl, DateTime.MaxValue);
var connectorClient = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(serviceUrl));
Source of answer:

It is definitely possible. We call these proactive messages and it’s possible to proactively message both users and channels.
For the latter, see the sample at, specifically this file, ProactiveMsgToChannelDialog.ts.
To send proactive messages to channels, you need to use the Microsoft Teams SDK (as these samples do).
Last but not least, you need to add the bot to a team in order to send a message to one of the channels in the team, which requires a manifest.

Hope this works for you.. below code proactively sends the message to session before initiating the chat.
bot.on('conversationUpdate', function (message) {
if (message.membersAdded[0].id === {
var reply = new builder.Message()


BotFramework-DirectLine JS - Initial Message Missing

I have a Bot I have built with MS BotFramework, hosted on Azure. The Bot is built to start the convo with a Welcome Message. When I test the bot through emulator, or on Azure test webchat, the bot will initiate the conversation as expected with the welcome message.
However, in my chat client using BotFramework-DirectLineJS, it isn't until I send a message that the bot will respond with the Welcome message (along with a response to the message the user just sent).
My expectation is that when I create a new instance of DirectLine and subscribe to its activities, this Welcome message would come through. However, that doesn't seem to be happening.
Am I missing something to get this functionality working?
Given this is working for you on "Test in Webchat", I'm assuming your if condition isn't the issue, but check if it is if ( === { (instead of !==). The default on the template is !== but that doesn't work for me outside of emulator. With === it works both in emulator and other deployed channels.
However, depending on your use cases you may want to have a completely different welcome message for Directline sessions. This is what I do. In my onMembersAdded handler I actually get channelId from the activity via const { channelId, membersAdded } = context.activity;. Then I check that channelId != 'directline' before proceeding.
Instead, I use the onEvent handler to look for and respond to the 'webchat/join' event from Directline. That leaves for no ambiguity in the welcome response. For a very simple example, it would look something like this:
this.onEvent(async (context, next) => {
if ( && === 'webchat/join') {
await context.sendActivity('Welcome to the Directline channel bot!');
await this.userState.saveChanges(context);
await this.conversationState.saveChanges(context);
You'll still want to have something in your onMembersAdded for non-directline channel welcome messages if you use this approach.

How To Send A Discord.JS Startup Message To All Servers

I wanted to inquire on something I’ve been trying to do recently. I have a Discord.JS bot, and it’s pretty public (130+ servers), and I want it to send a message to any channel in every single server it’s in, when the bot starts up, the purpose is to create a “New Update” notification in one of the channels.
Please do not plan on doing this, as this will get you rate limited really quickly.
This is kind of possible. There is a problem, there is no default guild channel, so you cannot get their "main" channel just by their guild object. If you would want to do that you, would need them to select their channel and store that ID somewhere.
This is a simple solution, where you loop through every guild of your Discord client, and send some channel a message. You don't know what channel with this solution specifically, but you will send some channel a message if it is not a voice channel.
const Discord = require("discord.js");
// Creating our Client
const client = new Discord.Client();
// Event listener: when the bot is ready
client.on("ready", () => {
// Looping through every guild the bot is in
client.guilds.cache.forEach((guild) => {
// Getting one of their channels
let channel = guild.channels.cache.array()[2];
// Sending the channel a message

Is the Bot Framework Emulator handling new members differently from Bot Framework Webchat?

According to this official sample project ( I can identity new members and send them a welcome message using this (my code):
this.onMembersAdded(async (context) => {
const welcomeCardTemplate = require("../lib/data/resources/cards/welcomeCard.json");
const membersAdded = context.activity.membersAdded;
for (const member of membersAdded) {
if ( !== {
const welcomeCard = CardFactory.adaptiveCard(welcomeCardTemplate );
await context.sendActivity({ attachments: [welcomeCard] });
It works great when using the emulator. As soon as I connect to the chat I get my welcome message, but when using the Chat on Azure or the WebChat it's not triggered until I first enter some kind of text input to the chat.
One thing I noticed is that when I'm using the emulator two activities are sent to the bot as soon as I connect to the chat, one that contains the Id of the bot and one that contains the Id of the user but when using the other chat options (Azure Chat and WebChat) only one activity is being sent (where the memberId is the same as the recipientId) so it never goes past the if-statement.
What am I missing here, why is only one activity being sent from the Azure Chat and WebChat?
At this time, WebChat and DirectLine behaves differently from the emulator in certain scenarios like the one you describe. There is an open issue for this particular situation where you can find more information.
As stated in the issue, there is a workaround to force the ConversationUpdate event which you can try and test if it suits your needs (I haven't tried myself).

Discord.js and http listener with GET request

I have a windows application that receives http GET requests. for example, send a message to a user or send a message to a chat channel. But I can't create a voice or text channel on the server by means Discord.js. I turn to the forum from despair. Please help
So the system is implemented:
Windows App (for Users) <==> Windows Server for App <==> Discord Bot (Server) <==> MYSQL
For example, send a message:
if (req.params.type === 'sendMessage')
channelName =;
message = req.params.message;
channel = bot.channels.find('name', channelName);
The problem is solved. Maybe someone will help. Topic closed.'424511917596606464' ,nameChannel, "text", 0, 0); (snowflake server, nameChannel, voice or text or category, overwrites, reason)
const bot = new Discord.Client();

How to catch Facebook messaging_optins with Azure Bot Channels Registration + Botbuilder SDK?

I've got a chatbot up and running, built using Node.JS Microsoft Bot Framework, and deployed to an Azure server as a Web App, with a Bot Channels Registration resource as the frontend endpoint.
This Bot Channels Registration is connected to Facebook Messenger (via a FB App) - meaning, the webhook for the Facebook App points to<BOT_CHANNELS_REGISTRATION_RESOURCE_NAME>.
This all works well for normal chat functionality.
However, I'd now like to add an opt-in checkbox to a separate web page I have. This checkbox works by pinging FB, which then sends a very specific payload to the already configured bot webhook.
My question is this:
How does the Bot Channels Registration receive and handle the above payload? Will it just automatically forward it to the Messaging Endpoint I have configured in the Bot Channels Registration settings? Or will it get stuck, and never reach my actual bot Web App?
Finally, if it does reach my normal messages endpoint, how can I handle the specific payload with my botbuilder.ChatConnector() listener? Given that my web app code looks like (in essence)
var restify = require('restify');
var builder = require('botbuilder');
var dialogues = require('./dialogues');
var chatbot = function (config) {
var bot = {};
chatbot.listen = function () {
var stateStorage = new builder.MemoryBotStorage();
var connector = new builder.ChatConnector({
appId: process.env.APP_ID,
appPassword: process.env.APP_PASSWORD
bot = new builder.UniversalBot(connector, function (session) {
}).set('storage', stateStorage);
return connector.listen();
return chatbot;
var server = restify.createServer();
// Listen for messages from users'/api/messages', chatbot.listen());
server.listen(process.env.port, function () {
console.log('%s listening to %s',, server.url);
EDIT: I've figured out how to handle the above payload within my messaging endpoint - by adding a server.pre() handler to my server, e.g.
server.pre(function (req, res, next) {
if (req.body && req.body.optin_payload_specific_field){
// handle opt-in payload
} else {
return next();
However, via extra logging lines, it seems the opt-in payload isn't even making it to this endpoint. It seems to be stopped within the Bot Channels Registration. Currently looking for a way to resolve that major roadblock.
So, per #JJ_Wailes investigation, it seems like this is not a supported feature (in fact, it's a current feature request). See his comments on the original post for more details.
However, I did find a half-workaround to capture the user_ref identifier generated by the checkbox_plugin, for those interested:
1) From your external site, follow the steps from the documentation here for sending the initial user_ref to FB. FB will then make a callout to your bot, but per the above, that gets blocked by the Bot Channels Registration piece, so it's ignored.
2) From that same external site, use the user_ref to send a message to the user (just using the normal requests library). A successful send means that the user_ref was properly registered in FB by that step #1 call - a failure means you'll need to repeat step #1 (or use some other error handling flow).
3) After that, the next time the user responds to your bot in FB (as long as you don't send any other messages to them), the message your bot will receive will contain this as part of the payload:
{ ...
{ ...
{ source: 'checkbox_plugin',
identifier: <user_ref> }
So I've currently added a check within my bot.use(), where if that section is present in the incoming message payload (session.message.sourceEvent.prior_message) and the source is "checkbox_plugin", I store the corresponding user_ref in the session.userData, and can work from there.
I would love to see this feature added into the supported Azure bot stack, but in the meantime hopefully this helps anyone else encountering this (admittedly niche) hurdle.
