Select the majority value - excel

I have the following Excel spreadsheet:
1 Sales Price Sales Price Sales Price
2 January February March
3 Year 01 50 70 90
4 Year 02 50 60 40
5 Year 03 60 70 30
6 Year 04 40 60 50
7 Year 05 50 40 25
9 Majority Sales Price: 50 70 90
In Rows 3-7 you see the sales price of a product from the months January-March in 5 years (Year 01 - Year 05).
In Row 9 I want to select the sales price which has the majority within each month.
For example in January the sales price of 50 has the majority because it appears both in Year 01 and Year 02.
Please keep in mind the following criterias:
a) If there is no majority of a sales price the highest sales price should be picked. (Cell D9)
b) If two or more sales prices have the same majority the higher one should be picked. (Cell C9)
What formula do I need to get my desired result?

In cell B9 enter the following formula as an array, i.e. Ctrl+Shift+Enter:
This uses MODE.MULT to find the modal value(s), which returns the result as an array. If there is more than one modal value, MAX returns the highest out of that array. If there is no modal value, MODE.MULT throws an error, hence the IFERROR statement which is used to find the max value in the error case.


Find a customer usage for a given period of time

I have to bill a customer based on monthly usage however I'm only provided with a date range and total usage. I need to calculate the average daily usage, then calculate the number of days in each for the bill period, then multiply the days in month by the average to get the number of 'x' to bill the customer.
For example. I have two customers below and each has a different bill period and usage.
I'm given the data in Excel below. I'm struggling to build a formula that will give me A) the number of days in each month, B) the average use per day, C) the total amount used in each month. See the example below with how I calculate by hand.
Cell A1 Cell A2 Cell A3
9/5/2017 10/4/2017 83
Billing Period
Cust #1: 9/4/2017-10/4/2017 and usage is 85
Cust #2: 9/11/2017-10/11/2017 and usage is 1065
Cust #1
Sept Days is 27
Oct Days is 4
total days is 31
Ave use per day 2.7 (85 divided by 31)
**Sept Usage is 74 Oct Usage is 11**
Cust #1
Sept Days is 20
Oct Days is 11
total days is 31
Ave use per day 34.35 (1065 divided by 31)
**Sept Usage is 687 Oct Usage is 378**

Display the 3rd highest value of each week

I have Data with a Price Column and a Week Column and I want to display the 3rd lowest price for each of those weeks. I know about the Large function and am assuming that there is a way to combine array formulas with that to receive the wanted results but am stuck on that thought.
Week| Price
01 100
01 300
01 200
02 500
02 300
02 600
I want to automatically have the 3rd best price for each of those weeks available so Week 1 : 100 and Week 2: 300, keep in mind that each week has way more pricepoints than 3.
If anything is unclear feel free to ask.
Let's suppose your data would fill a table A1:B6.
In column C write the following formula:
This will rank all the values in column B based on the same value of column A. You will end up with the following table:
1 100 3
1 300 1
1 200 2
2 500 2
2 300 3
2 600 1
All you have to do is to take the rank=3.

How to calculate no of days spent per month from the data in MS Excel?

I have a data which has a hotel check in date and check out date. I would be calculating the number of days spent at the hotel, I would simply subtract both of them and I have the days difference.
I now have to pick up the customers who stayed for more than 31 days and find out how many days they had spent per month. For example, some one checking in on 18th July 2015 and checked out on 18th September 2015, there should be multiple columns, corresponding to that cust which reads 13 31 18, for days spent per month. (July, Aug, Sept)
Example data and sample output :
Client Check In Check Out
Majestica Inn 22-May-15 22-Jun-15 31 9 22
Twin Tree 29-May-15 30-Jun-15 32 2 31
Connaught Mews 1-Jun-15 31-Jul-15 60 29 31
Majestica Inn 18-Jul-15 18-Sep-15 62 13 31 18
Majestica Inn 18-Jul-15 18-Sep-15 62 13 31 18
I am new to Excel, please help.
if you can be flexible about the number of columns then you can use the below formulas to get the desired output.
Formula To Get The Days:
Remark: paste this formula in cell e2 and then drag & copy.
Formula For Concatenating:
And If You Don't Want To Add any Columns Then Try This One......
Paste in Cell D2......
Good Luck .............

Set a SUM condition based on DATE calculation in Excel

I have a table in Excel with a date range and quantities. I need to sum the quantities based date range from today and older then 30, 60, 90, etc days.
If the product was created within 30 days SUM qty.
If the product was created between 30 days and 60days, SUM qty.
If the product was created between 60 days and 90days, SUM qty.
Expected Results
Qty would equal to 24 (24)
Qty would equal to 32 (12+11+9)
Qty would equal to 26 (10+1+10+5)
01/02/2016 10
01/02/2016 1
03/02/2016 10
05/02/2016 5
01/03/2016 12
02/03/2016 11
06/03/2016 9
12/03/2016 24
=SUMIFS(B:B,A:A,"<=" & Today() + 1,A:A,">=" & Today() - 30)
Change the + 1 to -30 and the - 30 to - 60 and so forth.
Or you can set up a small table where you have the end dates listed in a column then you can simply use something like this:
=SUMIFS(B:B,A:A,"<=" & TODAY() - D2 + 31,A:A,">=" & TODAY() - D2)

Dynamic Chart in Excel

Country January February March April May June July
USA 34 34 45 34 23
China 45 56 34 23 12
Japan 34 54 23 23 24
How can I show the last 3 months in the chart every time I update the data. Considering that column "Country" is fixed. Any workaround or easy formula to use in my "data selection" when creating a chart.
This should work perfectly.
1. Re-arramge the data
Country USA China Japan
January 34 45 34
February 34 56 54
March 45 34 23
April 34 23 23
May 23 12 24
Like so, it will be easier to work with. Here we assume the data starts at cell A1.
2. Create names in Name Manager (ctr+F3 to open)
name: refers to:
months =OFFSET(Sheet1!$A$1,COUNTA(Sheet1!$A:$A)-1,0,-MIN(length,COUNTA(Sheet1!$A:$A)-1),1)
length 3
usa =OFFSET(months,0,1)
china =OFFSET(months,0,2)
japan =OFFSET(months,0,3)
In length, you note the desired time-period you wish to show (in your case 3 months); this can also be done with a cell reference and a COUNTA if you wish to make it dynamic and account for all the new data.
3. Create the chart
Click on blank cell and open the desired chart (I have done it with a
2-D Clustered Column). //Note that the chart should be blank.
Right-click on Select Data and click Add for Legend Entries
(Series). Here for Series Name, select whatever is desired (in your case USA China Japan). For Series Value add =Sheet1!usa
Do this two more times for =Sheet1!china & =Sheet1!japan
Finally for the Axis Label add =Sheet1!months
Click though OK and you should be all set!
Make sure you check out how the offset function works here:
