I am using the keras R package in RStudio.
I want to fit a model that uses a customized loss function; specifically, (-1)* log-likelihood for a Poisson model. I am smoothing the logarithm as ln(0.0001 + x^2)/2. Following the example in this article I write
K <- backend()
poisson <- function(y_true, y_pred){
K$sum(y_pred - y_true * K$log(y_pred^2 + 1e-4)/2 + lgamma(y_true+1))
Here I am mixing functions used by Keras from the "backend" source, such as K$log, and R function, such as lgamma, which I used because K$lgamma threw an error.
The rest of the commands in the example did run and produced some output.
1) Can one mix and match functions in keras running in RStudio?
2) How can I test what the function is doing? I tried
And I get the error
Error in py_call_impl(callable, dots$args, dots$keywords) :
TypeError: Input 'y' of 'Mul' Op has type float32 that does not match type int32 of argument 'x'.
I guess it’s a bad idea mix both R and Keras function in custom loss function and here why: y_true, y_pred it’s not R vectors, but Keras tensors and this is source of your error.
I'm writing a custom loss function for a (sort of) semantic segmentation task where I compute binary crossentropy (using keras backend) for the target (2-d array) and predictions. The overall loss is a sum of 4 different loss functions.
In two of those functions I need to make a customized target array and compute binary crossentropy with these targets and the predictions. Here I would like to ignore and not calculate the loss where label is 1 (foreground) in the target array.
In pytorch's nll_loss() there is a parameter 'ignore_index' which is similar to what I'm trying to do.
I'm trying to achieve something like:
def binary_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred, ignore_label=1):
if ignore_label == 1:
return -(1-y_true)*log(1-y_pred)
if ignore_label == 0:
return -y_true*log(y_pred)
return -(y_true*log(y_pred) + (1-y_true)*log(1-y_pred))
But for a keras custom loss function.
I have a pytorch tensor k x (n+k-1) tensor w with requires_grad=True. I want to transform it into a kxn tensor p also with as such: p[i] = w[i][i:i+n]. How do I do this, such that by calling backward() on a loss function of p in the end, I will learn w?
Any sort of indexing operation would do, with the backward function being <CopySlices>
A naive way of doing this would be using simple python indexing:
w_unrolled = torch.zeros(p.size())
for i in range(w.shape[0]):
w_unrolled[i] = w[i][i:i+n]
loss = criterion(w_unrolled, p)
You can then reduce your loss via mean/sum on whichever axis. Note that while this will work, it is inefficient; the optimal way would be to use a native indexing function to speed things up.
I am doing one project by using Keras with tensorflow back-end. For business reason, I need to give high weight to some kind of errors, so I implement one customized loss function. For example:
error = np.abs(y_true - predict)
if error > low_limit:
error = error * 10
I found that this customized loss function really changed the error value displayed during the training. What I am wondering is whether this new loss function really can change the behavior of backpropagation during the training? Because I did not see too much difference from the weights of my model.
Short answer: yes, this loss function does change the behavior of BP, but I quite surprise that this loss function works...
Anyway, I feel the following loss function makes more sense
def my_mae( y_true, y_pred, low_bound=1e-3, coef=10. ) :
raw_mae = keras.losses.mae( y_true, y_pred )
mask = K.cast( raw_mae <= low_bound, dtype='float32' )
#new_mae = mask * raw_mae * coef + (1-mask) * raw_mae
new_mae = (1 + mask * (coef-1)) *raw_mae
return new_mae
which gives extra loss when a sample loss is too low.
I'm new to Pytorch and neural network programming but I've an issue I encountered and I'm not able to solve it on my own. My data are numpy arrays of 1 and 0. But when I try to train my net, I get this error :
RuntimeError: Expected object of type torch.ByteTensor but found type torch.FloatTensor for argument #2 'mat2'
the line where the error comes from is in the forward method of my net
x = self.fc1(x)
I've tried these to convert my tensors but I still get the error :
x = x.type('torch.ByteTensor')
x.byte() returns what you need, but it's not an "inplace" method. Try doing:
x = x.byte()
I've been trying to implement a custom objective function in Keras (the negative log likelihood of the normal distribution)
Keras expects one argument for the ground truth tensor, and one for the predictions tensor; for y_pred,I'm passing a tensor that should represent a nx2 matrix where the first column is the mean of the distribution, and the second the precision.
My problem is that I haven't been able to get a clear idea how I properly slice y_pred before passing it into the likelihood function without yielding the error
'Expected an array-like object, but found a Variable: maybe you are trying to call a function on a (possibly shared) variable instead of a numeric array?'
While I understand that I'm feeding l_func arguments of the variable type when it expects an array,I don't seem to be able to grok how to properly split the input y_pred variable into its mean and precision components to plug into the likelihood function. Here are some attempts; if someone could enlighten me about how to proceed, I would greatly appreciate it.
def log_likelihood(y_true,y_pred):
mu = T.vector('mu')
beta = T.vector('beta')
likelihood = .5*(beta*(x-mu)**2)-T.log(beta/(2*np.pi))
l_func = function([mu,beta,x], likelihood)
def log_likelihood(y_true,y_pred):
likelihood = .5*(y_pred[:,1]*(y_true-y_pred[:,0])**2)-T.log(y_pred[:,1]/(2*np.pi))
l_func = function([y_true,y_pred], likelihood)
def log_likelihood(y_true,y_pred):
likelihood = .5*(beta_function(y_pred)*(id_function(y_true)-mu_function(y_pred))**2)-T.log(beta_function(y_pred)/(2*np.pi))
l_func = function([y_true,y_pred], likelihood)